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3. A/an _______ is a portion of food or the like given to a needy person, as a beggar.
4. _______ is an official enumeration of the population, with details as to age, sex, occupation, etc.
5. _______ is the general appearance of a place; the aggregate of features that give character to a
6. _______ is skill or adroitness in using the hands or body; agility.
7. _______ is of or pertaining to a substance that is used in the treatment of mood disorders, as
characterized by various manic or depressive affects.
8. _______ is an expending or spending, as of money.
9. _______ is extensive mention in the news media or by word of mouth or other means of
10. A/an _______ is a change or transfer from one place, position, direction, person, etc., to
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Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the list given below.

decency assassin impetus turnout excursion

weariness combatant stamina pest epoch

1. A/an _______ is the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of anything.

2. A/an _______ is an insect or other small animal that harms or destroys garden plants, trees, etc.
3. _______ is physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain, etc.; fatigued; tired.
4. _______ is conformity to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc.
5. A/an _______ is a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the
intention of a prompt return.
6. _______ is strength of physical constitution; power to endure disease, fatigue, privation, etc.
7. _______ is the gathering of persons who come to an exhibition, party, spectacle, or the like.
8. _______ is the momentum of a moving body, especially with reference to the cause of motion.
9. A/an _______ is a murderer, especially one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical
or monetary reasons.
10. A/an _______ is a person or group that fights.


Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. UK After her month's sick leave, she was summoned to see the company's welfare officer.
A) talent B) upbeat C) fellow D) business

2. Monitoring stages of child development is one of most exhilarating experience for new moms
and dads.
Copyright 2015. CarminePublishing.

A) benefit B) stability C) progress D) inflow

3. Infection with HIV is a precursor to AIDS.

A) battle B) change C) waste D) predecessor

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AN: 2016036 ; Cihan, Hakan.; Progress in Vocabulary
Account: ns280792.main.eds
Progress in Vocabulary

4. He was involved in a long legal wrangle with his employers.

A) agitation B) dispute C) hesitation D) ceremony

5. Charles is next in line to the throne.

A) chair of state B) royal family C) high status D) orbit

6. Educational evaluation is based on separated but related principles of measurement evidence and
A) indication B) falsehood C) resistance D) unbalance

7. She is a superstar all around the globe.

A) journey B) property C) world D) treaty

8. The adaptation of teaching strategy to meet students' needs is very important.

A) joy B) sobriety C) risk D) adjustment

9. Inadequate sleep, or troubled sleep, can be a major hindrance in daily functionality of human
A) encumbrance B) essential C) violence D) approval

10. During my illness I was taught by a series of home tutors.

A) supporters B) instructors C) advocators D) fellows

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. A medically determinable impairment is a physical or mental abnormality that is documented

with medically accepted diagnostic techniques.
A) defect B) obligation C) critical point D) care

2. The altitude sickness remedies can effectively address symptoms of altitude sickness like light-
headedness, disorientation and nausea.
A) conflict B) height C) prohibition D) annulment

3. His book describes the peril of war.

A) principle B) anger C) danger D) doubt

4. The widow sued his surgeon for malpractice.

A) wrongdoing B) possession C) consolation D) aspersion

5. We don't have many options.We must do what we have been told.

A) figures B) claims C) shortages D) alternatives

6. An economic recession or depression is the outcome of inflation and deflation of commodity

A) credit B) land C) enquiry D) good

7. He was a bit of a rebel when he was a teenager and dyed his hair pink.
A) renter B) freedom fighter C) colonist D) attorney

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8. They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine in large quantities and cheaply.
A) competitions B) relations C) amounts D) arguments

9. Winning the championship is a great personal triumph.

A) test B) mood C) victory D) pact

10. Dealing with stage fright happens to be most difficult task for many individuals around world,
cutting across barriers of region, religion and so on.
A) bother B) break C) conflict D) sudden fear

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. We think, much to our regret that we will not be able to visit you next year.
A) false belief B) chance C) opportunity D) rue

2. The report documents the staggering amount of domestic violence against women.
A) appeal B) tragedy C) fierceness D) movement

3. Chamomile tea is really good for tummy ache.

A) mildness B) sequence C) pain D) lucidity

4. He spent the night in torment, trying to decide what the best thing to do was.
A) grave B) agony C) humour D) resemblance

5. My old coat is falling apart at the seams.

A) bushes B) joints C) periods D) studies

6. Controlled by a newly established federal agency, casinos can now be run with this new
A) yielding B) term C) alteration D) custom

7. To work in medicine, you should have a vocation for it.

A) reduction B) talent C) position D) occupation

8. An application form is available on request.

A) sample B) deposit C) asking D) benefit

9. United States comprises 50 constituent states and one district.

A) territory B) formation C) assets D) container

10. Her book is about the inequality between women and men
A) disparity B) illness C) involvement D)acquisition

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Progress in Vocabulary

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. We must make sure that everyone gets equal shares of the food.
A) cases B) records C) portions D) scales

2. One of the major shoulder problems, pulled shoulder muscle can cause a lot of inconvenience
and even lead to immobility of the arm at times.
A) penetration B) stationariness C) antipathy D) liberty

3. My bicycle wheel has got bent out of shape.

A) leaning B) mood C) cast D) branch

4. Collecting evidence pertaining to the crime, investigations, witnesses and many such activities
are a part of a police officer's duty.
A) responsibility B) suspect C) corruption D) chance

5. We walked up the river to its source in the hills.

A) origin B) arm C) sort D) peak

6. Existentialism stresses the primacy of freedom as a basic criterion in ethical judgment.

A) vision B) impression C) morality D) standard

7. The success of her book has given her unexpected celebrity status.
A) landmark B) location C) system D) condition

8. Trial by jury is a fundamental right.

A) period of time B) legal proceeding C) final result D) wrong doing

9. Ecstasy is the third state of consciousness in meditation and mysticism.

A) illusion B) exaltation C) agreement D) creative thinking

10. There are signs of turbulence ahead for the economy.

A) competition B) curiosity C) upheaval D) integration

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. The dentist can't see you today but she has a vacancy tomorrow morning.
A) emptiness B) maintenance C) unit D) retrieval

2. Fragrance allergies refer to allergic reactions produced in some sensitive individuals, by strong
smell of certain products.
A) scent B) gem C) brass D) refreshment

3. The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.

A) control B) prohibition C) inadequacy D) dread

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4. Monopoly symbolizes control over a product to the extent that the enterprise or individual
dictates the terms of access and the markets for availability.
A) unification B) misconception C) endeavour D) appraisal

5. The reagent polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) is a good dispersion agent.

A) shape B) depravation C) discussion D) diffusion

6. I've still got some vacation left before the end of the year.
A) conversion B) holiday C) kin D) receipt

7. You can add what you like to this mixture - brandy, whisky or nothing at all - as the whim takes
A) caprice B) breadth C) warrant D) surge

8. We don't know the long-term effects of this drug.

A) injuries B) impacts C) discoveries D) borders

9. In ocean of mathematics there are uncountable drops of math terms, math definitions, and math
glossary and math words.
A) booklet B) legal power C) collocation D) wordbook

10. War is one of the greatest impediments to human progress.

A) uses B) causes C) relations D) obstructions

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1.The major powers have said they will not send in ground troops.
A) benefits B) pacts C) measures D) army units

2.It's a bit of an imposition, but could you take me to the airport?

A) comparison B) burden C) dominance D) caution

3.There was jubilation in the crowd as the winning goal was scored.
A) contention B) joy C) sensation D) anxiety

4.Overcoming fear of rejection in relationships is important if you want to give yourself an

opportunity to be happy.
A) instability B) scare C) release D) production

5. On her accession, Victoria made the Whig Prime Minister Lord Melbourne her political mentor.
A) rise to power B) chief C) president D) grievance

6.We can't release his name until we have informed his next of kin.
A) family B) treachery C) trainer D) crew

7.Most people want tougher environmental legislation but large corporations continue to oppose it.
A) annoyance B) functional equality C) lawmaking D) engagement

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Progress in Vocabulary

8. The extent to which the processes involved in wastewater treatment are cost effective and easy to
follow will act as an impetus.
A) achievement B) urge C) impulse D) richness

9. The process of transporting goods in and out of South Africa involves a series of declaration
procedures and inspections.
A) element B) allocation C) barrier D) commodity

10. The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the British political system.
A) sample B) instant C) outcome D) speciality

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. Conservationists are trying to save the whale from extinction.

A) confusion B) annihilation C) obstruction D) hunger

2. It turned out that he wasn't a real doctor at all - he was just a sham.
A) guest B) customer C) fake D) leader

3. Protesters stormed Australia's most notorious detention centre yesterday to help free dozens of
A) custody B) dedication C) exploit D) competence

4.They did the last stage of their journey on foot.

A) ceremony B) edition C) speed D) phase

5. Hard rock is a music genre that was introduced during the 6th decade of the 20th century.
A) decennary B) permanence C) accord D) setup

6. Why do you always pour scorn on my suggestions?

A) severity B) sense C) excitement D) disdain

7. Some members of the party would like to see it develop a greater tolerance towards contrary
points of view.
A) resolution B) dubiety C) allowance D) sustainment

8. Quality control and quality assurance are terms often considered to be same. However, there are
subtle differences between two.
A) elaboration B) warranty C) establishment D) selection

9. Alcohol cravings that cannot be controlled or fulfilled are a clear indicator that an individual is
falling into alcoholism.
A) arguments B) addictions C) terms D) orders

10. The issue of animal rights is one which elicits strong emotions and lies at the heart of the
debate over the ethical treatment of animals and the morality of using animal furs for fashion
A) disposition B) motivation C) discussion D) notion

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Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1. Standard deviation is a useful quantity when it comes to summing up degree of variation from
mean value of data points.
A) divergence B) shape C) influence D) appraisal

2. Affidavit of heir ship refers to a legal document which lays down who would be the heir of a
deceased person.
A) murderer B) prisoner C) heritor D) rebel

3. Falling share prices may be another setback for the troubled economy
A) disgrace B) reversal C) discipline D) support

4. Because of its geographical position, Germany's perspective on the situation in Eastern Europe
is rather different from Britain's.
A) assumption B) distinction C) condition D) view

5. An investigation by the German news magazine Stern uncovered an extensive espionage system
in its shops across Germany.
A) morality B) spying C) extermination D) religion

6. Anticipation grief is a mix of emotions experienced when we are living in expectation of losing
someone very close to us.
A) smartness B) disability C) abuse D) sorrow

7. She has a very logical mind.

A) intelligence B) difficulty C) vogue D) subject

8.Light refreshments will be available at the back of the hall.

A) butchery B) forgery C) snack D) shell

9. The high numbers in general are very worrying, but just why such a high incidence of obesity
was seen in Latino children is something of a mystery.
A) rate of occurrence B) perseverance C) high status D) previous tendency

10. Come on then, tell me what happened; the suspense is killing me.
A) ignorance B) apprehension C) instability D) immunity

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1.Bates gave his version of events to the police.

A) variation B) importance C) amount D) step

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Progress in Vocabulary

2.The economic recession is the outcome of the impact on the economy by drop in demand, role of
aggregate forces and a locative force.
A) defeat B) influence C) antecedent D) misconception

3.Food additives add that zing and flavour to food. Without these additives, the food may not taste
as good as it does normally.
A) organisation B) complementary C) election D) creature

4.She was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.

A) anticipation B) estimation C) strong feeling D) experimentation

5.Walking the mall in the mornings is fun and most stores are closed so you'll be able to resist the
temptation of impulse buying.
A) inquiring B) movement through a circuit C) a sudden desire D) bargain

6.She had a nagging suspicion that she might have sent the letter to the wrong address.
A) adoration B) longing C) vigour D) distrust

7.We usually ask for references, but in your case it will not be necessary.
A) situation B) attempt C) reverence D) potency

8.She invented a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.
A) amazement B) mission C) wonder D) story

9. His films attempt to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity.
A) conflict B) fight C) strategy D) setting

10. The white blouse will be the mainstay of your wardrobe this summer.
A) announcement B) tread C) keystone D) oncoming

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.

1.The judge showed no mercy and sentenced him to capital punishment.

A) neglect B) regulation C) clemency D) service

2.Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a highly respected army general in the First World War, led the Turkish
people in a successful war of independence (1919-1922) against allied occupiers, with the
Republic of Turkey being established in 1923 as an explicitly secular state.
A) adversity B) freedom C) opponent D) eradication

3.The workforce is on strike over lay-offs.

A) dismissals B) risks C) pictures D) phrases

4. The February birth flower is the violet which symbolizes chastity, faithfulness and humility.
A) enmity B) brilliance C) adept D) humbleness

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5. Mothers are so different in so many ways, yet most mothers feel guilty about some aspect of their
parenting: resolve in 2008 to live without guilt.
A) evaluation B) assessment C) opposition D) culpability

6. Motor disability is the most important implication of Parkinson's disease.

A) tendency B) imply C) effect D) disparity

7. The harvest of the season is here; therefore it is important that one expresses gratitude for a
bountiful harvest.
A) thankfulness B) exemption C) segmentation D) curiosity

8. The 19th century justice system was similar to the one of today in many ways, with judges and
juries deciding the fate of criminals based on hard evidence.
A) sort B) destiny C) interruption D) complaint

9.Pete was there with a couple of mates.

A) minutes B) forces C) friends D) languages

10. It's our duty to preserve the planet for future generations.
A) pioneers B) beginnings C) contemporaries D) plans

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