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Juana Inés de la Cruz

Yatziri Romero Jordán

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was a religious and thinker belonging to the order
of St. Jerome of New Spain. It stands out for being one of the most important
female literary figures of the 17th century and the Baroque. Among his
vocations was writing and poetry, although he mastered many other skills
and activities. In addition to being recognized for her incredible intellect,
she was one of the first people to support women's rights around the world.
His works had an enormous influence and enjoyed great dissemination
thanks to the viceroys.
• He was so big that he sometimes cut his hair to learn that he would grow
• He learned Latin in 20 sessions taught by Martín Olivas
• He had deep knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, language, philosophy,
mythology, music, history, painting and cooking.

• Loa el Santísimo Sacramento.
• Neptuno alegórico.
• El divino Narciso.
• Carta Atonagórica

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