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1 Read the texts and circle T (true) or F (false).

I love costume parties. I always have one for my birthday. Last year I was Dracula. My
clothes weren’t very special. I wore black trousers, a white shirt and a long black coat. But
I painted my face white and bought some big plastic teeth. This year I’m going to be an
Egyptian mummy. The only problem is that it isn’t going to be easy to walk like that!

Max, 12

I love designing and making clothes so I want to be a famous fashion designer when I’m
older. I love buying clothes, but I don’t usually buy new clothes. I like being different! I
often buy old clothes in markets. This weekend I’m going to go to Portobello Road Market
in London. It’s an amazing place to buy old clothes and shoes.

Eve, 13

I love jeans and sneakers. I wear them nearly every day. They look good and they’re
comfortable. I buy a lot of T-shirts because they’re cheap and they often have funny words
and pictures on them. I’m going to wear jeans and a T-shirt to a party this weekend. It’s
going to be hot and sunny, and we’re going to have a barbecue. It’s going to be great!

Caroline, 12

a Max bought special clothes for his costume last year. T/F

b This year he’s going to wear a coat. T/F

c Eve’s really interested in clothes. T/F

d She wants to look like her friends. T/F

e Caroline buys expensive T-shirts. T/F

2 Read the texts again and answer the questions in PORTUGUESE.

a What costume did Max wear at his last party?

b What did he buy to complete his party costume?

c Where is Eve going to go this weekend?

d Why does Caroline like wearing jeans and sneakers?

e What’s the weather going to be like for Caroline during the weekend?

3 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

The Mountain Rescue Team

Danny Laird lives in a small town near Mount McKinley, in south-central Alaska. On the weekends
he often goes climbing with his older sister or hill walking with his dad. He loves the mountains,
and when he grows up he’s going to work as a mountain rescue volunteer.

Danny’s father leads the village mountain rescue team, and next weekend he’s going to take
Danny and a group of other young people up into the mountains to learn a few basic survival skills.
They must take a sleeping bag, a tent, and warm, waterproof clothing with them.

Working for a mountain rescue team isn’t easy. You should be physically fit and you must also
take courses in first aid and climbing techniques. Also, you should know a lot about the mountains.

Being part of a mountain rescue team is, of course, a very important job. When hill walkers have
an accident, the mountain rescue team is there to save them. Danny is enthusiastic about
becoming part of the team because he knows that one day he is going to save somebody’s life.

a Danny often goes hill walking with ____ .

( ) his dad ( ) his sister
b ____ works as a mountain rescue volunteer.
( ) Danny ( ) Danny’s dad
c Next weekend, Danny is going to take ____ with him to the mountains.
( ) a large bag to carry things in ( ) warm clothes
d Mountain rescue volunteers must take courses in ____ .
( ) helping in a medical emergency ( ) finding out about mountains
e Danny is enthusiastic about working in mountain rescue because it is ____ .
( ) a fun thing to do ( ) an important job that saves lives

4 Read the text again and answer the questions in PORTUGUESE.

a Where is Mount McKinley?

b Danny is going into the mountains next weekend. Who is he going with?

c What’s Danny going to take with him next weekend?

d What do you need to do to work for a mountain rescue team?

e Why is working for the mountain rescue team an important job?

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