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Maths project

 Comparing people’s facial proportions with perceived beauty (celebrities) - is it distances

or angles? Can we find an angle rule/pattern like the golden ratio based on observations
 How do we know how old the universe (or earth is) is?
 The body and survival
 The ideal planet - Goldilocks conditions
 Survival - mission to alpha Centauri (what and how much would you need) - consider
food, water, fuel, oxygen, craft size, seed plants, muscle wastage
 Does hair keep growing - how long can it grow (investigating rapunzel)
 Life with lower gravity on mars (ratios, weights, cooking, lifting etc
 Comparing distance moved in different sports - link to calories burned,

scaled model project - principles of design, scaling and ratios
Population size and birthdays based on school - sampling and probability
How to improve winning chances with card counting

Projectile motion and parabolas

MANSW competition
Math olympiads

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