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Nervous and coordination exercise

1. The area of the brain most associated with coordination and balance is the:

A. Cerebellum
B. Hippocampus
C. Amygdala
D. Pons

2. What is the central nervous system (CNS) made of?

A. brain and spinal cord
B. brain and cranial nerves
C. spinal cord and spinal nerves
D. cranial nerves and spinal nerves

3. What is the purpose of the myelin sheath on the axon?

A. To maintain temperature
B. To improve conductivity
C. To protect the axon
D. To release neurotransmitters

4. Sensory neurons carry nerve impulses from the sense organs and internal organs to the

A. peripheral nervous system (PNS)

B. central nervous system (CNS)
C. muscles
D. sense organs

5. signal molecule that transmits nerve impulses across synapses

A. neuron
B. neurotransmitter
C. nerve
D. action potential

6. part of a neuron that receives information from other neurons

A. axon
B. dendrites
C. myelin sheath
D. synapse

7. A nerve is

A. a neurone
B. a cell which always has a dendron
C. a bundle of neurones
D. all options are incorrect

Nervous and coordination exercise

8. Location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to another cell with the use of
neurotransmitters is called __________.

A. myelin sheath
B. axon
C. threshold
D. synapse

9. The part of the neuron that takes information away from the cell body is called a(n)

A. dendrite
B. axon
C. cell body
D. Schwann cell

10. Label the Neuron-What does the letter "H" represent?

A. Myelin Sheath
B. Axon
C. Axon Terminal
D. Dendrite

11. Label the Neuron-What does the letter "F" represent?

A. Myelin Sheath
B. Axon
C. Axon Terminal
D. Dendrite

12. Label the Neuron-What does the letter "C" represent?

A. Dendrite
B. Axon
C. Axon Terminal
D. Cell Body

Nervous and coordination exercise

13. These carry signals from tissues and organs to the brain and spinal cord

A. Sensory Neurons
B. Motor Neurons
C. Efferent Neurons
D. Glial Cells

14. This part of the nervous system regulates involuntary actions such as heart function,
blood pressure, breathing, digestion.

A. Autonomic Nervous System

B. Sensory Nervous System
C. Motor Nervous System
D. Peripheral Nervous System

15. What is the part highlighted in red?

A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Brain Stem
D. Diencephalon

16. Identify the lobe of the brain that is highlighted.

A. frontal
B. temporal
C. occipital
D. parietal

17. This is a picture of the

A. peripheral nervous system

B. central nervous system
C. respiratory system
D. circulatory system

18. This insulating material forms a layer, around the axon of a neuron. It enables electrical
signals to travel down the axon at higher speeds.

A. neuron
B. myelin sheath
C. dendrite
D. neurotransmitter

Nervous and coordination exercise

19. A chemical produced by neurons that carries messages to other neurons

A. myelin sheath
B. neurotransmitter
C. axon
D. axon terminal

20. The nerve cell that connects sensory and motor neurons is a _______________.

A. Motor Neuron
B. Sensory Neuron
C. Interneurons
D. Glial cells

21. These are the supporting cells of the CNS

A. neuron.
B. sensory.
C. motor.
D. neuroglia.

22. Which of the following accurately describes the direction of an impulse moving through
a neuron that carries information to the central nervous system (CNS) from the
peripheral nervous system (PNS)?

A. An afferent neuron, impulse moving distally.

B. An efferent neuron, impulse moving proximally.
C. An efferent neuron, impulse moving distally.
D. An afferent neuron, impulse moving proximally.

23. Which of the following is an example of a basic nervous system function?

A. Remembering a painful experience

B. Sweating during a yoga class
C. Learning English as a second language
D. Feeling afraid of the dark

24. Which of the following structures is a part of the rhombencephalon?

A. Temporal lobe
B. Thalamus
C. Substantia nigra
D. Medulla

Nervous and coordination exercise

25. This diagram shows a

A. sensory neurone
B. motor neurone
C. relay neurone
D. association neurone

26. The myelin sheath around an axon is made

A. of ions
B. of carbohydrates
C. from Schwann cells
D. of cytoplasm

27. When the neurone is not conducting a nerve impulse the membrane is

A. polarised
B. depolarised
C. repolarised
D. action potentia

28. When an action potential is generated, the inside of the membrane becomes

A. positive relative to the outside

B. negative relative to the outside
C. polarised
D. filled with potassium ions

29. threshold stimulus means that

A. the size of the action potential does not change

B. only one impulse is conducted at a time
C. a certain level of stimulus is required to generate an action potential
D. the membrane becomes repolarised quickly after an action potential passes

30. A motor neurone is used to

A. link the eye to the brain

B. connect the spinal cord to the thigh muscle
C. communicate within the brain
D. detect a stimulus

Nervous and coordination exercise

31. In this diagram of a motor neurone, the dendrites are labelled

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

32. In this diagram of a motor neurone, label 4 shows the

A. dendron
B. myelin sheath
C. cell body
D. node of Ranvier

33. The central nervous system consists of

A. the brain
B. the brain and spine
C. the spinal cord and brain
D. the major nerves and the brain

Nervous and coordination exercise

Structured Questions



Nervous and coordination exercise



Nervous and coordination exercise


Nervous and coordination exercise


Nervous and coordination exercise


Nervous and coordination exercise

8. Describe the four lobes of the cerebral cortex and their functions.
9. What role does the limbic system play?
10. What is hemispheric lateralization, and what evidence is there to support it?
11. Which structures comprise the diencephalon and what are their functions?
12. Describe the structures that protect the central nervous system.

Nervous and coordination exercise

13. Label the parts accordingly

Nervous and coordination exercise

Nervous and coordination exercise


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