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Axell Madayag (11-STEM 2)

Have you ever looked at someone? And said, “this is what love looks

Good morning

In our lives, we tend to meet a lot of people. Some become our friends,
our closest ones, our enemies perhaps, and sometimes, we'd come to a
point where we won't even realize that we're already falling for one of
them. Some of you might say that, this might be just another cheesy
cliché topic but quite frankly, it feels amazing and surreal to be
experiencing this kind of what I call, extraordinary occurrence. In short,
the feeling of being in love.

I know a lot of you guys have already experienced it as well. You know,
the butterflies we get as we caught them staring at us, as we laid our
eyes on them it felt like the stars were looking at us with more life than
before, the moon shines brighter, and the sunsets became more
beautiful as our hearts fluster and revel witnessing their smile.

And we ask ourselves, why? Out of 8 billion people why is it they're the
only one who could make us feel this way. When I met her eyes I knew I
wanted to stare at them forever. When I heard her laugh, I knew I
wanted to hear them over and over again. When I held her hand, I knew
I wanted to hold them every single day.

But I’ve come to realize that, as a 16 year old kid, there's always much
room for love in the future. I still got more time to mature, more love to
give, love that is pure and sincere. Love who acknowledges that it isn't
always sun shines and rainbows. Love that still chooses that person in
its imperfection.

That is how I'm captivated by your beauty

That is how I'm captivated by you.

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