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Tick the correct answer:

1. Two things that are very essential for life are:
a) Air and Water ( ) b)gold and diamond ( ) c)iron and silver
2. Which is the closest star to the earth:
a) sun ( ) b)moon c) none of these ( )
3. Always play in
a) Road ( ) b)terraces ( ) 3) safe place ( )
4. there are types of house :
a) two ( ) b) thee ( ) c) four ( )
5. Which of the source of a light:
a) sun ( ) b) bulb ( ) c) both ( )
B.Fill in the blanks.
(Coal ,Month, moving , pucca, sun )
1. ……… a source of light.
2. ……..houses are parmanent house.
3. Do not board a ……… us.
4. The full moon is seen only once in a………..
5. ……….. is used as a fuel for cooking.
C. Write (T) for true and (F) for false.
1.There is life on the earth because of the moon. ( )
2. There is life on the moon earth ( )
3. We see different shapes of the moon.( )
4. All stars give us heat and light.( )
5. Full moon is seen once in a month. ( )
D. Match the following.
1) Sunlight a) source of light
1) Candle b) in the morning
3) Shadow is leg c) presence of light
4) Shadow is formed in the d) day time
E. Answer the following question:
1) What give us heal and light?
2)Where do we get wool from ?
3) Which is the hardest rockes?

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