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I‭ mplementing Simple text-based ciphers‬
‭Code :‬
1‭ .‬ ‭#include <iostream>‬
‭2.‬ ‭#include <fstream>‬
‭3.‬ ‭#include <string>‬
‭5.‬ ‭using namespace std;‬
‭7.‬ ‭string encrypt(const string& text, int key) {‬
‭8.‬ ‭string encryptedText = "";‬
‭10.‬ ‭for (char ch : text) {‬
‭11.‬ ‭if (isalpha(ch)) {‬
‭12.‬ ‭char base = isupper(ch) ? 'A' : 'a';‬
‭13.‬ ‭encryptedText += static_cast<char>((ch - base + key) % 26 + base);‬
‭14.‬ ‭} else {‬
‭15.‬ ‭encryptedText += ch;‬
‭16.‬ ‭}‬
‭17.‬ ‭}‬
‭19.‬ ‭return encryptedText;‬
‭22.‬‭string decrypt(const string& encryptedText, int key) {‬
‭23.‬ ‭return encrypt(encryptedText, 26 - key);‬
‭26.‬‭void saveToFile(const string& data, const string& filename) {‬
‭27.‬ ‭ofstream file(filename, ios::app);‬
‭28.‬ ‭if (file.is_open()) {‬
‭29.‬ ‭file << data << endl;‬
‭30.‬ ‭file.close();‬
‭31.‬ ‭cout << "Data saved to " << filename << endl;‬
‭32.‬ ‭} else {‬
‭33.‬ ‭cerr << "Unable to open file: " << filename << endl;‬
‭34.‬ ‭}‬
3‭ 5.‬‭}‬
‭37.‬‭string readFromFile(const string& filename) {‬
‭38.‬ ‭string data;‬
‭39.‬ ‭ifstream file(filename);‬
‭40.‬ ‭if (file.is_open()) {‬
‭41.‬ ‭getline(file, data);‬
‭42.‬ ‭file.close();‬
‭43.‬ ‭} else {‬
‭44.‬ ‭cerr << "Unable to open file: " << filename << endl;‬
‭45.‬ ‭}‬
‭46.‬ ‭return data;‬
‭49.‬‭int main() {‬
‭50.‬ ‭int key = 3;‬
‭52.‬ ‭while (true) {‬
‭54.‬ ‭cout << "Enter text to be encrypted (or 'exit' to quit): ";‬
‭55.‬ ‭string originalText;‬
‭56.‬ ‭getline(cin, originalText);‬
‭59.‬ ‭if (originalText == "exit") {‬
‭60.‬ ‭break;‬
‭61.‬ ‭}‬
‭63.‬ ‭string encryptedText = encrypt(originalText, key);‬
‭64.‬ ‭cout << "Encrypted Text: " << encryptedText << endl;‬
‭67.‬ ‭saveToFile(originalText, "original_text.txt");‬
‭68.‬ ‭saveToFile(encryptedText, "encrypted_text.txt");‬
‭70.‬ ‭cout << endl;‬
‭71.‬ ‭}‬
‭73.‬ ‭return 0;‬

‭Code :‬
1‭ .‬ ‭#include <iostream>‬
‭2.‬ ‭#include <fstream>‬
‭3.‬ ‭#include <string>‬
‭5.‬ ‭using namespace std;‬
‭7.‬ ‭int modInverse(int a, int m) {‬
‭8.‬ ‭a = a % m;‬
‭9.‬ ‭for (int x = 1; x < m; x++)‬
‭10.‬ ‭if ((a * x) % m == 1)‬
‭11.‬ ‭return x;‬
‭12.‬ ‭return 1;‬
‭15.‬‭string encrypt(const string& text, int key) {‬
‭16.‬ ‭string encryptedText = "";‬
‭18.‬ ‭for (char ch : text) {‬
‭19.‬ ‭if (isalpha(ch)) {‬
‭20.‬ ‭char base = isupper(ch) ? 'A' : 'a';‬
‭21.‬ ‭encryptedText += static_cast<char>((((ch - base) * key) % 26) + base);‬
‭22.‬ ‭} else {‬
‭23.‬ ‭encryptedText += ch;‬
‭24.‬ ‭}‬
‭25.‬ ‭}‬
2‭ 6.‬
‭27.‬ ‭return encryptedText;‬
‭30.‬‭string decrypt(const string& encryptedText, int key) {‬
‭31.‬ ‭int inverseKey = modInverse(key, 26);‬
‭32.‬ ‭return encrypt(encryptedText, inverseKey);‬
‭35.‬‭void saveToFile(const string& data, const string& filename) {‬
‭36.‬ ‭ofstream file(filename, ios::app);‬
‭37.‬ ‭if (file.is_open()) {‬
‭38.‬ ‭file << data << endl;‬
‭39.‬ ‭file.close();‬
‭40.‬ ‭cout << "Data saved to " << filename << endl;‬
‭41.‬ ‭} else {‬
‭42.‬ ‭cerr << "Unable to open file: " << filename << endl;‬
‭43.‬ ‭}‬
‭46.‬‭string readFromFile(const string& filename) {‬
‭47.‬ ‭string data;‬
‭48.‬ ‭ifstream file(filename);‬
‭49.‬ ‭if (file.is_open()) {‬
‭50.‬ ‭getline(file, data);‬
‭51.‬ ‭file.close();‬
‭52.‬ ‭} else {‬
‭53.‬ ‭cerr << "Unable to open file: " << filename << endl;‬
‭54.‬ ‭}‬
‭55.‬ ‭return data;‬
‭58.‬‭int main() {‬
‭59.‬ ‭int key = 7;‬
‭61.‬ ‭while (true) {‬
‭62.‬ ‭cout << "Enter text to be encrypted (or 'exit' to quit): ";‬
‭63.‬ ‭string originalText;‬
‭64.‬ ‭getline(cin, originalText);‬
6‭ 6.‬ ‭if (originalText == "exit") {‬
‭67.‬ ‭break;‬
‭68.‬ ‭}‬
‭70.‬ ‭string encryptedText = encrypt(originalText, key);‬
‭71.‬ ‭cout << "Encrypted Text: " << encryptedText << endl;‬
‭73.‬ ‭saveToFile(originalText, "my_plan_text.txt");‬
‭74.‬ ‭saveToFile(encryptedText, "my_encrypted_text.txt");‬
‭76.‬ ‭cout << endl;‬
‭77.‬ ‭}‬
‭79.‬ ‭return 0;‬

‭Code :‬
1‭ .‬ #‭ include <iostream>‬
‭2.‬ ‭#include <string>‬
‭4.‬ ‭using namespace std;‬
‭6.‬ ‭string encryptRailFence(const string& text, int rails) {‬
‭7.‬ ‭string encryptedText = "";‬
‭8.‬ ‭int len = text.length();‬
1‭ 0.‬ ‭for (int i = 0; i < rails; ++i) {‬
‭11.‬ ‭for (int j = i; j < len; j += rails * 2 - 2) {‬
‭12.‬ ‭encryptedText += text[j];‬
‭13.‬ ‭if (i > 0 && i < rails - 1 && j + 2 * (rails - i - 1) < len) {‬
‭14.‬ ‭encryptedText += text[j + 2 * (rails - i - 1)];‬
‭15.‬ ‭}‬
‭16.‬ ‭}‬
‭17.‬ ‭}‬
‭19.‬ ‭return encryptedText;‬
‭22.‬‭string decryptRailFence(const string& encryptedText, int rails) {‬
‭23.‬ ‭string decryptedText = "";‬
‭24.‬ ‭int len = encryptedText.length();‬
‭25.‬ ‭int cycleLen = 2 * (rails - 1);‬
‭27.‬ ‭for (int i = 0; i < rails; ++i) {‬
‭28.‬ ‭for (int j = i; j < len; j += cycleLen) {‬
‭29.‬ ‭decryptedText += encryptedText[j];‬
‭30.‬ ‭if (i > 0 && i < rails - 1 && j + cycleLen - 2 * i < len) {‬
‭31.‬ ‭decryptedText += encryptedText[j + cycleLen - 2 * i];‬
‭32.‬ ‭}‬
‭33.‬ ‭}‬
‭34.‬ ‭}‬
‭36.‬ ‭return decryptedText;‬
‭39.‬‭int main() {‬
‭40.‬ ‭int rails = 3;‬
‭41.‬ ‭string plaintext, encryptedText, decryptedText;‬
‭43.‬ ‭cout << "Enter text to be encrypted: ";‬
‭44.‬ ‭getline(cin, plaintext);‬
‭47.‬ ‭encryptedText = encryptRailFence(plaintext, rails);‬
‭48.‬ ‭cout << "Encrypted Text: " << encryptedText << endl;‬
5‭ 0.‬
‭51.‬ ‭decryptedText = decryptRailFence(encryptedText, rails);‬
‭52.‬ ‭cout << "Decrypted Text: " << decryptedText << endl;‬
‭54.‬ ‭return 0;‬


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