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This textbook is designed for the students at Upper Secondary Level (i.c. Grade 10) with the foundation standards falling into the three broad strands mentioned below: 1. Mechanics 2. Energy 3. Modern Physics The first two strands cover the elementary level of physics whilst the final deals with Modern Physics, which is to be further dealt with in Grade 11 Despite r ‘emphasis placed on introductory physics, it is gratifying to note that this updated 5 igs also a position to serve as a launch platform for the beginners who have the fut ential to become outstanding scholars of physics. XS Each chapter includes relevant graphical representations and wah not to mention the leamer-friendly applications. What's more, the contents 6gyer ite only the learning objectives and outcomes but also relate to the conceptual question§}concept maps and links to laboratory work, enabling the leamers to acquire co} je knowledge of traditional physics application problems and creative thinking | etter still, it may also help the students switch from the typical rote learning tig Yoft skills practiced commonly in the modem classrooms today. Accordingly, th; meets the requirements for a fundamental physics course both in terms of sc sequence, In addition, this texthook is intended ae: SCs, the key to success in developing I: 21° century skills for learning in the c © Collaboration © in essons students w5ll be working in groups, to share ideas with their classmates and to find the Ge together © Communtess te ° st 1 develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills in group ‘Titnking and Problem Solving idents will be given interesting problems to solve we) ‘finding and explaining solutions, looking for correcting errors re tivity and Innovation © thinking ‘outside the box’ is an important 21* century skill. students will be encouraged to explore new ideas and solve problems in new ways. © Clizenship © students will join the school community and develop fairness and conflict Tesvlution skills, Furthermore, it is organized in such a way that the topies are introduced conceptually with the degree of intensity increased gradually. Besides, the developmental progression is established with the help of the precise definitions and principles in addition to the problems and their practical applications. Remarkably, the textbook also makes sure that the students? problem-solving skills in one topic are consolidated with the key concepts before moving on to another topic. Thoroughly reviewed and revised, this edition bears comparison with most of the contemporary textbooks aimed at the same target audience. It goes without saying that physics is the study of the world around us. Wj textbook as the standard source of information on physics, the students are expe ve greater awareness of what is happening around them every day in the context of physics. Simultancously, they are also expected to develop superior skills when. it GBS to their concept formation, comprehension, analysis, synthesis, and evolutio ‘by making themselves able to participate in all the lessons actively through the constitute the integral part of 21* century skills for learning. CONTENTS MECHANICS PACE 1 BASIC AND DERIVED UNITS 1.2 SYSTEM OF UNITS Key 1.3. PREFIXES 14 STANDARDS AND UNITS 1.8 MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH 1.6 MEASUREMENT OF MASS 1.7 MEASUREMENT OF TIME. SUMMARY ~~ EXERCISES . Y CONCEPT MAP 10 2.1 VECTORS u 2.2 DESCRIBIN Oren 14 2.3 EQUATIONS OF MOTION 7 24 fon GRAPHS 20 RY, 22 EXERCISES 22 ae) CONCEPT MAP 24 3.1 NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION 25 Y 3.2. GRAVITATIONAL FORCE AND NEWTON'S LAW OF GRAVITATION 29 3.3. DIFFERENT KINDS OF FORCES 30 3.4 MASS AND WEIGHT 31 3.5. FREELY FALLING BODIES 32 3.6 MOMENTUM AND LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM 34 SUMMARY 36 EXERCISES 36 ‘CONCEPT MAP 38 4.1 PRESSURE = 42 DENSITY 43 RELATIVE DENSITY (OR) SPECIFIC mee 4.4 WYDROMETER “ SUMMARY 45 EXERCISES 45 CONCEPT MAP S 46 enency SO 5.1 WORK em a 5.2. ENERG’ 49 54 ERCISES. 55 3 curr MAP 56 x) 6.1 HEAT AND TEMPERATURE 37 QR 6.2 TYPES OF THERMOMETER 38 6.3 UNITS OF TEMPERATURE (OR) TEMPERATURE SCALES 59 64 THERMAL EXPANSION OF SUBSTANCES, 60, SUMMARY 64 EXERCISES 64 CONCEPT MAP 65 7.1 DESCRIBING WAVE MOTION 66 7.2 TRANSVERSE AND LONGITUDINAL WAVES 67 7.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF WAVES 69 7.4 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF WAVE. 7.8 REFLECTION, REFRACTION AND DIFFRACTION OF s WAVE ~ 1 7.6 SOUND WAVE AND SPEED OF SOUND SUMMARY x 7 EXERCISES 7 CONCEPT MAP s 80. 8.1 SOURCES OF LIGHT 81 8.2 REFLECTION OF LI ag 81 8.3 IMAGE FORMAT aaa MIRROR 82 8.4 REFLECTION Se JED MIRROR 86 94. 5° * CONGEPT MAP 95 'LECTRIC CHARGES AND ELECTRIC FORCES 96 #2. MATTER AND ELECTRICITY 98 Q) 93 CONDUCTORS, INSULATORS AND SEMICONDUCTORS 98 9.4 ELECTRIFICATION 99, SUMMARY 103 EXERCISES 103 CONCEPT MAP 105 10.1 MAGNETS AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 106 10.2 THEORY OF MAGNETISM 108, 10.3 MAGNETIC FIELDS 108 10.4 MAGNETISATION AND INDUCED MAGNETISM & 10.5 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF IRON AND STEEL SUMMARY x& 1B © 13 EXERCISES Q@ CONCEPT MAP Oo 118 MODERN PHYSICS 11.1 THERMIONIC EMISSIQN DIODE 116 11.2 BLACKBODY RADIAI THE CONCEPT OF PHOTON 47 11.3 MODELS OF 120 114 ATOM 122 115 THES IRE AND EVOLUTION OF THE VISIBEE UNIVERSE 123 UMMARY 126 RCISES 126 CONCEPT MAP 128 ‘Textbook Physies Grade 10 CHAPTER 1 UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS Physics, like any other branch of science, is based on systematic observations and precise measurements. Experiments are an essential feature of science. Most experiments in Physics require the observations made to be quantitative rather than qualitative. S Learning Outcomes xO It is expected that students will © © work accurately with basic and derived units of measurement. =o © work accurately with standard measurements and conversions bi ifferent of units. correctly use the symbols for physical quantities. develop skills in accurate measurement of length, mi 1.1 BASIC AND DERIVED UNITS "0 » Measurement essentially is a comparison pro expressed in numerical comparison to certain ageed upon set of standards. A standard quantity of some kind, referred to as a ur is first’ tab lished. Standard is something or a reference used asa measure for length, mass apa ti(ue Ut is a quantity or an amount used as a standard of measurement. jwantitative measurements must be ‘There are many things in the world taf can be measured accurately. These things are known as ‘physical quantities’. A physje4l quantity is the quantity that ean be measured, and consists ofa numerical magnitude and a unit. It can be expressed as 9 O-Nu where is th Guantity, N is a dimensionless number and w is the unit. For example, the length ofan object is /= 10 m, where ‘/” is physical quantity,“10”is the numerical number and ‘mi it frticies can be classified as the basic type (length, mass, time, temperature, < (, amount of substance, luminous intensity) and the derived type (area, volume, Neo , work, energy, ete,). Their units are also called the basic units and the derived units. A dGtived unit is a unit of measurement formed by combining the basic (or base) units of asystem, For example, speed ~ ‘hae the base unit of distance is ‘m’ and that of time is ‘s*. ‘Therefore the unit of speed is ‘ms. This is a derived unit. Grade 10 Physies Textbook Reviewed Exercise + Explain each of the following terms in your own words: physical quantity, basic unit, derived unit. Key Words : physical quantity, standard, unit, basic unit, derived unit 1.2 SYSTEM OF UNITS In this text book, we shall be using the following system of units. > (i). the British system (ii) the metric system xO iii) the SI units ‘The British system is based on foot (fi), pound (1b) and second (s) and i x) ‘also called the FPS system. ‘The metric system consists of (i) the CGS system and (ii) the MKS ‘The CGS system is based on centimetre (cm), gram (g) and seca, ‘The MKS system is based on metre (m), kilogram (kg) and seco ‘These two systems are alike in the sense that units of length ad mas of one system may be converted to those of the other by using powers of 10, oO 19 em, 1 kg= 10° g) Ihe 1 unit is just the modified form of the MKS ye Scientists all over the world like to work with ind coherent system of units. In 1960, the Eleventh General Conference of We \d Measures in France recommended an International System of Units based on was accepted as SI units ( full name, *S; ‘The SI unit has seven base units multiplying or dividing one unit by shows the seven base units of, Slsystem. Table 1.1 Seven base vain \d Jf other units are derived fiom these base units by (het without introducing numerical factors. Table 1.1 system sical quantity Symbol St unit fh &d.s,etc, metre (m) Ras m —_| Kilogram (kg) | Time second(s), Y Electric current Tampere (A). Temperature zr kelvin (K) ‘Amount of substance n mole (anol), Luminous intensity L candela (ed) ‘Textbook Physies Grade 10 Reviewed Exercise 1. Write down the value of (a) 1 564 mm in m, and (b) 1.750 g in ke 2. Ineach of the following pairs, which quantity is larger? (a) 2 km (or) 2 500 m, (b) 2 m (or) 1 500 mm, (c) 2 000 g (or) 3 ke Key Words : SI units, metric system, British system 1.3 PREFIXES Sometimes a physical quantity is too big (or) too small to be conveniently expressed jt STunits, Prefixes are needed to be used. Prefixes are multiples or sub-multiples of 1 12 shows some prefixes used in SI units, ‘Table 1.2 Some prefixes for SI units Prefix | Symbol | Factor femto f los pico P 10" nano n 10° micro u 108 M milli m 108 is G conti c 10? tera T 10" deci ad 10! ce Scientific notation (or) form may be written as follows: Place the decimal poj ‘the first nonzero digit. Then determine the power of 10 by counting the m laces we have moved the original decimal point to the marked decimal point wed the point to the left, then power is positive and if we moved it to the rij ite ative. rk fereise ite the following numbers in scientific notation. (a) 320000 (b) 0.000 075 Grade 10 Physies Textbook 1.4 STANDARDS AND UNITS. (a) The Unit of Length ‘The standard of length is metre. The metre was originally defined as the length between two marks on a platinum-iridium rod at 0°C, kept at the Intemational Bureau of Weights and Measures at Sevres, near Paris. Copies of the standard were sent all over the world. Nowadays the standard of length used is based on the wavelength of orange-red light ‘ak ‘tines: bya krypton 86 isotope. A metre is now defined as the length equivalent to 1 650 76 the wavelength of this orange-red light. Dy the 1970s, the speed of light has become one of the most precisely det As a result, in 1983 the metre was given a new operational definition. Thi of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of In the CGS system the unit of length is the centimetre (em) and R = Lee te lem= 79g m= 107 m xX In the FPS system the unit of length is the foot (Mt) and 1 =0.3048 m “vs The unit of length used by particle physicists is Sp i" or ‘femtometre’ (fin) given by 1 fm= 10" m In the field of opties, phy fm (A), where 1A= In astronomy, the most suitable ‘The light year is the distance wl 1AU ye astronomical unit (AU) and the light year unit (ly). ight travels in one year. * 10" m = 3.084 x 10! m The largest “OR \s the “parsec’(pe). (b) The OniPofyMass of mass is a cylinder of 1 kg mass made of platinum-iridium alloy. It serves as of mass for international use. Figure 1.1 shows the standard metre and standard im which are kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Sevres, near S. Prototypes of standard kilogram are distributed to research academies and laboratories situated in all parts of the world. ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 Figure 1.1 The standard kilogram and the standard metre kept at iment ien of Weights and Measures Uhps:/bipm.ore/en/ineasurenentunitshistor rn (©) The Unit of Time xX ‘The SI hase nit af time is the second The second was op agalty defined as ies ofa day, one day being the time it takes the Earth to rotat®, it the Earth’s rotation isnot quite constant. So, for accuracy, the second is now. eR ‘of something that never changes: the frequency of oscillation which can oceurdrymW cesium atom. A particular frequency 9 192 631 770 s? emitted or absorbed by a Nei 1om is used to define 1 s, Reviewed Exercise «Ifthe density of icc is 920 Kg mr Key Words: light-year, oscillation, &Guency Convert this value to gem". ‘Symbols for Physical Quanti It ig said that ‘mathe TS the language of physics’. Physical laws and principles can be fully and effecti ented in mathematical forms. Since we have to express the relation between physié ities in mathematical equations it is necessary that the symbols for the physical q pie short and precise. ies |_sagepimonly used symbols for physical quantities are: Wor displacement, * v* for velocity, * a’ for acecleration and * F * for foree . Grade 10 Physies Textbook 1.8 MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH 10 measure the length of objects some standard objects have to be used. For everyday use, the standard may be a yard stick, ruler, metre stick and so on. Lengths are usually measured in metre, centimetre or millimetre. Greater lengths are measured in kilometre, In length measurement, we must choose an instrument that is suitable for the length tg be measured. Figure 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 show some various instruments for measurement of =e, Table 1.3 summarizes the commonly used instruments, their ranges and accuracies. ee ire 1.2 Measuring tape, metre rule and ne Jus (or measuing inner ditensions) Verner Sese Find (Gr measuring outer Figure 1.4 Serew gauge (Micrometer) ‘Textbook Physies Grade 10 ‘Table 1.3 Instruments used for length measurement and their accuracy [ Length tobe measured Suitable instrument ‘Accuracy of instrument | _ several metres (m) Measnring tape 1mm (=0.1 em) | several centimetres (em) to Metre rule or uns hal-metre rule [between f raced Tem | Vanicredliees 0.1 mm 000 EX fess than 2.em Seoninanas 0.01 mm = go | 1mm (= 0.1 em) (Micrometer) Key Words: accuracy. range Oo 1.6 MEASUREMENT OF MASS s The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of mare th Massis measured in laboratories using a sliding mass pal ie electronic balance, as shown in Figure 1.5 and 1.6, respectively. The mass of an o] found using balance like this. ‘The electronic balance is easier to use and also, iccurate than sliding mass balance. The unknown mass is placed on the top of the S its mass is read directly from a display ao iS Se. 1.5 A sliding balance Figure 1.6 An electronic balance The balance really detects the gravitational pull on the object (weight), but the scale is marked to show the mass. ‘The mass of purified drinking water of 1 litre boitle is 1 kg. Grade 10 Physics Textbook 1.7 MEASUREMENT OF TIME Time is measured in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, but the SI unit for time is the second (s). Most common modem clocks and watches depend on the vibration of quartz crystals to keep time accurately. The energy to keep these crystals vibrating comes from a small battery. A stopwatch (or) a stop clock shown in Figure 1.7(a) and (b) can be chosen to ‘measure the time to an accuracy of a few tenths of a second. Digital stopwatches can meagre up to 0.01 sas shown in Ss Xo) Digital Stopwatch Figure 1.7 Time meseing ‘Aphysical quantity is the quantity that can apy and consists ofa numerical magnitude and a unit. Physical quantities can be class oie ¢ (length, mass, time, temperature,clectric current, amount of substance, luminous infensity) and the derived type (area, volume, velocity, work, energy, ete.). Their units are alSo-ealled the basic units and the derived units. A derived unt is unit of measstement formed by combining the basie (or base) unis of « system. Standard is something (haetnnse used as a measure for length, mass and time, Unit is @ quantity, ony jount used as a standard of measurement, 1. Isphygf¢3,useftin the study of chemistry, biology and engineering subjects? 2. Ds ie derived units of : tance / time) ime (= length * width * height) density. jas / volume) 3, Ythe density of water is 1.0 g em, Convert this value to SI units. 4, Find the area of one page of a book whose dimensions are 20 cm * 25 em in cm? and then convert this value to m’, 5. Write down in powers of ten the values of the following quantities: (a) 60 nF (b) 500MW (c) 20.000 mm (a) 400 wc Textbook Physics Grade 10 CHAPTER 2 MOTION ‘This chapter introduces scalar and vector quantities and the manipulations of yeetors; that is finding the sum and difference of two vectors and also resolving a vector into two perpendicular components. As motion is a fundamental part of physics, basic quantities associated ayith motion are also clearly defined and explained. The linear motion, the simplest type of moti studied together with the equations of motion under constant velocity and constant accel Motion graphs, their interpretation and analysis are also included, Learning Outcomes It is expected that students will o ‘© distinguish between a scalar quantity and a vector may’y ‘* demonstrate correct use of vector symbols. ‘* find the sum and difference of two vectors and resbye a ector into two or mor components = explain distance, displacement, speed, velocity gfe adceleration. ‘* study the equations of motion to analyze in under constant velocity ar constant acceleration, ‘illustrate and interpret motion graphs, ffm, distance-time, speed-time graphs. ‘© solve problems demonstrating lunits, quantities and scientific notation for describing motion, E 2.1 VECTORS, Scalar and Vector 7 with an appropri uch quantities, that have only magnitude, are called scalar quantities, For example, cient to say that the length of the ship is 30 m, the mass of the block is 500 g and she areaYpf the blackboard is 48 f°. Hows quantities have a directional quality. Not only the magnitude but also the di ‘quired for the complete description of such quantities. For example, we have to SN plane is flying with a velocity of 20 mi fr' towards east, the force acting on the body Some physical ots ‘sics are completely described by a single number (or magnitude) upwards and the displacement of the ship is 150 km northeast from the port. These quaffities, that have both magnitude and direction, are called vectors. Since we have to come actoss vector quantities in most areas of physics, we need to study the addition, subtraction and resolution of vectors, Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook Vector Symbols In printing, vectors are represented by boldface type, such as, v9. In andwriting, vectors are indicated by placing arrows on the top of their symbols. e.g. 4, F, ¥,% The magnitude of F is written as || = 7. We would use handwriting fe chapter; that is, by placing arrows on top of their symbols. ‘Vector relations and their meanings oo mat to express vectors later in this A and B are equal in magnitude and have the same direction. B (ii) A = —B : A and B are equal in magnitude but have opposite directions. cos :B : The magnitude of A is two times the magnitude of B mee jon of A is the same as that of B. (iv) A= 3B The magnitude of A is dee times the magnitude | e ae ofa is opposite to that of B. Graphical Representation of Vectors Using graphical method a vector may be represented oF ‘The length of the arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the vector and the it if the arrow gives the direction of the vector. = 5 units (east) B = 10 units (south) C =15 units (west) B =20 units (north-east) ( 9 Addition of Two +S Toad A =o (23) 5 on AS (24) Tnstamaneous velocity ¥ = Yim. 2 = oF Q ‘These limiting values are known as the time rate of change of correspondit ities (sand). ‘The instantaneous speed is defined as the time rate of change of distance adhe instantaneous velocity is defined as the time rate of change of displacement, x Example (3) (a) A body travels from A to B along a straight line and x ails another hady travels from A to B alang a curve (shown eal Th by the dotted line). If the straight-line distance betwe 20 S B Aand B is 3 km, find the displacement of each may (b) The first body moves along the straight Jig@fom B back to A. The second body moves along the curved-path back to the same s int A. What are the displacements of two {a) Since the starting point is A and the enll point is B for both bodies, the displacement of each bodies now? If the first body takes com 1m A to B, what wil be its velocity? a body is 3 km, directed from A 10 ever, the distance travelled by each body is different, (b) When both bodies get WA the displacement of each body is zero as the starting point as well as the end point both bodies. 2h ge Velocity) of first hady is, The velocity Skmh! _ 31.000 SS = Fn 3 Goo 7042 ms" directed from A to B. Acéeleration When a body is moving along a straight line with a constant speed, the velocity of the body is also constant because its magnitude and direction remain constant. For a motion with constant velocity equal displacements take place in equal intervals of time. Motion with constant velocity is known as uniform motion. 16 Textbook Physics Grade 10 either magnitude (or) direction (or) both magnitude and direction of the velocity changes, the body is said to have an acceleration @. Motion with changing velocity is called non-uniform motion (or) accelerated motion. Thue velocity ofa body changes ftom initial velocity Wo final velocity 7, in a time interval f t-% the average acceleration G,, is defined by the equation, a, t Itis the ratio of the change in velocity to the time taken. As in the cases of instantaneous. and instantaneous velocity, instantaneous acceleration can also be defined as xs ge tim S288 @= lim —=— ( ana Ar dt Instantar eration ate tin AY tt instantaneous acceleration @= lim —~=—~ ao Ap dt Instantaneous acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity, Acceleration is said to be positive if the magnitude of velocitKis inc i ive i the magnitude of velocity is decreasing. Negative accel ly called deceleration or retardation. Reviewed Exercise 1. Define average velocity and instant So, 2. Define speed and velocity suc ms) may be distinguished. Key Words : average speed, instartaneops velocity, average velocity, constant velocity 2.3 EQUATIONS OF MOTI (@) Linear Motion with Sgevin Velocity Motion along a sta is called lineat motion. It is the simplest type of mution whieh can be encountgf@t.imtany cases. In a linear motion, the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the ¢ moved. The magnitude of the velocity is also equal to the speed. The most/Simples®” type of motion is the linear motion with constant velocity (uniform moti velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero. As the body is moving with a non locity, the instantaneous velocity and average velocity are the same. ise equations of motion in calculating the problems of motion. These equations ‘the previously mentioned physical quantities associated with motion. In describing theequations of motion we shall not use the vector notation, ie., we will omit the arrows ‘on the symbols as the direction of motion is already fixed. However, we will use positive () and negative (-) signs to describe the two opposite directions along a straight line, : i z s The equation of motion for a linear motion with constant velocity is y= , where v= constant velocity. s = displacement and = time taken. 7 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook (ii) Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration If the rate of change of velocity is constant, ie, the velocity of a hody changes at a constant rate, then the acceleration is said to be constant. For example, if a body is moving with a constant acceleration of 5 m s*, the velocity of the body changes by 5 m s" in every second. Since the acceleration is constant, the instantaneous acceleration and average acceleration are ‘the same. Suppose that a body moving along a straight line with a constant acceleration @ cies, velocity from ¥, to # in a time interval rand traverses a displacement § We are now going to express the equations of motion for this ease. As deseribed p we are not going to use the vector notation, These equations are: v =», tat (2.6) where v, = initial velocit Sahn velocity vo svet+2as en s =yi+ hat? 28) sosve 29) = a very r eS (2.10) '* ken Note that except Eq.(2.7), the rest equations can be &; in vector form, In the above equations, Fq.(2.6), Fq.(2.9) and Eq, ah their own physical significance, where as Eq.(2.7) and Eg.(2.8) are derived ral 6), (2.9) and (2.10) as shown below. s=vr= ¥ z 9 =(ebetaty, OC ei 2 7 2a 2-9 that? MKS/SI FPS isplicement /distance m em ft velocity/speed mst ems fis! acceleration ms? cms? fis? m=metre, ms"=metre per second, ms*= metre per second square 18 Textbook Physics Grade 10 Example (4) A car is travelling with a constant velocity of 6 ms". Ihe driver applies the brakes as he sees a cow which is at a distance of 24 m from the car. Find the acceleration of the car if it stops just in front of the cow. s initial velocity v,=6 ms"; final velocity v= 0, displacement (or distance moved) s = acceleration Fm ge a es a =-0.75ms? © Acceleration is negative because the velocity decreases with time. yy @) Example (5) oO A car starting from rest travels with a uniform acceleration of Ave first 6 s. It then travels with a constant velocity for half an hour. Find the distance fpvelled in the first 6 s as ‘well as the distance travelled in the following half an mae Tor the first part of motion, initial velocity v,~0 , acceleration a= 2 m *, time 6s, distance travelled s~? ott wat? - asm = a 9 velocity after 6 s is wien CD = 0+2x6 For the second part of motion, 7 constant velocity v= 2a ime taken ¢ =30-min= 1 80's, distance travelled s=? s =r = 21 600 m=21.6 km Review 2 ee ee 2 ®&y Su oan eetion comin aceacrated mati 19 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook 2.4 MOTION GRAPHS Motion can also be described (or) analyzed conveniently with the help of graphs. The motion graphs are of three types: (i). displacement-time graph (s-1 graph), (ii) velocity-time graph (v- graph) and (iii) acceleration-time graph (a-t graph). s (i Motion Graphs for a Linear Motion with Constant Velocity (a =0) ‘set graph vet graph at graph gQ eo LN xO The slope of the s-/ graph yives the eoustant velocity. i) Motion Graphs for a Linear Motion with C S isitive Acceleration VFE ey an Motion with Constant Negative Acceleration Of three types of motion graphs, v-f graph is very useful to analyze a motion (i) The slope of a v-t graph gives the acceleration of'a body. (ii) The area under a y-# graph gives the di /lacement (or) distance moved by the body. 20 Textbook Physics Grade 10 acceleration a= slope of AC displacement s = distance travelled between 4 @hd% cB sae =area of PQRS BA 4 2 we Example (6) A train starts from station A, with an acceleration of 0.2 ms? and ait Oe speed in to rest in station B, Find by drawing a suitable graph: (a) the dis Rveen A and B in km, (b) the maximum speed in km h”, (c) the average speed in m RS adGeleration during the last initial velocity v, =0, acceleration a= 0.2 m stage of motion. velocity after 1.5 min, v= ? ef vey, +a/=0+02 % 90 = wags 1.5 min, After continuing at this speed for 4 min it is uniformly r ae Cres coming, ‘ For the first part of motion, {a) the distance betw s= ares area OPN + atea PQMN + area MQR =~“0 +) + (NP X NM) + (14 * MR * MQ) 90 ¥ 18) + (18 ¥ 240) + ("4 * 45 * 18) = 810+ 4 320 +405 = 5 535 m 5 km ) ‘imum speed in km bh! _ 1181000, 18 3 600 te 5 = 18 ms = 00 km ly =—T000 km br 64.8 km ir (0) the average speed in ms vat. 5535 we Sa BES 5 ys : 7° ag = 47oms 21 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook (d) acceleration during the last stage of motion le QM o-18 18 a=slope of QI GE 375-330 CB ‘The negative sign indicates that the slope is negative. That is, it is a negative acceleration (or) retardation. Reviewed Exercise Ss = How can the magnitude of displacement be determined from v-t graph? gQ — © Distance (or) distance travelled by the body isthe length ofthe path along Mth he body moves. Displacement is the distance travelled along a particular direction, xO The average speed is the ratio of total distance to time taken. The average velocity is the ratio of total displacement to tim, The instantaneous speed is defined as the time rate of cl The instantaneous velocity is defined as the time rate of The average acceleration is the ratio of the changesin, The instantaneous acceleration is defined as the ies to the time taken. change of velocity. Which of the following quantities are s antl which are vectors? (a) speed (b) velocity (c) average getty acceleration (e) displacement. Given that 4~3 unite (east) ang B= finite (nowt ) draw vector diagrams to carry out the following vector ra i) 24+B AB (iv) B - 3. A force 3 N poiming east afid a force 6 N pointing north acts on a particle. Find the ‘magnitude of the resultant force. Check your answer by drawing a vector diagram. 4. A vector of magni] fnuts is inclined at an angle 37° to the x-axis and another vector of magnitud, i. inclined at 53° to the x-axis, What is the magnitude of the sum of the vector cahigopents (i) along the x-axis, (ji) along the y-axis? (sin 37° = cos 53° sin 53¢Scos 37° = 0.8) SA -$ from his house to a nearby shop at the comer of the street and returns u you say that the distance travelled by him is equal to the magnitude of his -ment? Explain, ‘a one-round-about-town walking race the starting point is the same as the finishing joint. Whose magnitude of displacement is greater: the one who completes the race (or) the one who gives up half-way? 7. Check whether the following statements are true or not, (a) [f the speed changes, the velocity also changes. (b) Although speed changes, there is no acceleration. (0) Ifthe speed does not change, but the direction changes, there will be acceleration. 2 Textbook Physics Grade 10 8, Ina 400 m race, the person running in the innermost lane clocked 50 s and won the gold ‘medal. Find his average velocity. Is the magnitude of the average velocity the same as the value of the average speed? (Hint: For the innermost lane, the starting point is the same as the finishing point.) 9, Aman walks 3 miles east and then 3 miles north. Draw a vector diagram to show his resultant displacement from his starting point. If he takes 2 hours to completes his jour find his average speed and average velocity, 10, A car moving on a straight road with constant acceleration arrives at a certain poi travelling 5 s from the starting point. Ifthe initial velocity is 44 ft s" and the tog ity is 66 fis", find the acceleration and average velocity of the car, How far ha elled during this 5 s? 11. A plane starts from rest , speeds over a distance of 450 m with ice eration for 15 sand takes off, What is the acceleration of the plane? Find its tak city in km hr 12, A car moving with a speed of 108 km h stops in 15 s due to {cceleration. Find the value of the acceleration. 13. An object moves with an initial velocity of Sms", Afte the object moves with constant acceleration in a strai (b) the distance travelled in 10 sand (c) its accelerati 14. A particle with an initial velocity of 10 ms“! travel after 12s. Find the uniform acceleration of the before coming to rest? 0 SYip velocity is 10 ms. If find (a) its average velocity, ‘aight line and stops completely jow far has the particle travelled 15. A body starts from rest and accelerates ai for 4 s, Its velocity remains constant at the maximum value so reached for 7 findily comes to rest with uniform negative acceleration after another $ apical method to find each of the following : (a) the distance moved during ech sta8® of motion, (b) the average velocity over the whole period. 16, Draw a graph of velocity agafnst time for a body which starts with an initial velocity of 4m s“‘and continues go nfove with an acceleration of 1.5 m s for 6 s. Show how you would find each ore ong from the graph: (a) the average velocity, (b) the distance moved in those. 6 17. Acar is tr a constant velocity of 36 km hr’. The driver sees a cow on the road at a distance fiom the current position. If the car decelerates at 2 m s*, will the car hitd a 18. in Object is recorded as shown in the table below. (i) Draw the distance-time lotting time along the x-axis, (ji) Find the speed of the object. time/s a [2 2 3 4 | distance/m 0 4 8 12 16 2 23 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook CONCEPT MAP « Physical quantity Deseribing motion, | _ Scalar ‘Vector ‘Addition | Substraction of two of two velocity acceleration 24 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 CHAPTER3 FORCES The physics describing motion, called kinematics, was discussed in the previous chapter. This chapter is dealt with dynamies which explains motion in relation to the physical factors that affect motion such as force, momentum, mass etc. A fundamental concept in dynamics is force. Learning Outcomes Itis expected that students will describe concept of inertia, xO explain force as a cause for change of state of motion. recognize gravitational force between two masses which ha Ge square law. distinguish between mass and weight. classify different kinds of forces. x ‘examine momentum and the application of the I ‘nservation of momentum. determine the characteristics of the freely fal] demonstrate basic knowledge and skill rel Neer force and frictional force. use mathematical relationships to site) jroblems and predict events. Although a force is commonly unlgrstobd as a push (or) a pull, it cannot be said that this definition is sufficient and complete. Hrorder that the meaning of force be more complete and exact, the definition must be modffied. Force is defined precisely by Newton’s laws of motion. In this chapter, force concept and the relation between force and acceleration will be presented and discussed. ean 3.1 NEWTO! ‘OF MOTION yee laws of motion will be stated in words and then expressed in s first law states that: Wh€n no net external force acts upon it, a particle at rest will remain at rest and a particle in ‘motion at a constant velocity will continue to move with the same constant velocity. In mathematical form, If #,,— 0 then d — 0, 7 — constant (or) zero Gy This law means that if no net external force acts on a particle, the initial state of the motion of the particle will not be changed. 25 Grade 10 Physics Textbook For example, if two equal and opposite forces act simultaneously on a particle at rest, it will remain at rest. In this case, the net force acting on the particle is zero'since the two forces cancel out. Therefore, the initial state of the particle is totally unchanged. Another statement of the first law, if there is no net external force of any kind, a particle initially in motion at a constant velocity will continue to remain in the same state of motion. Again, although external forces are simultaneously acting on a particle. the resultant of the applied forces is zero, the initial state of the particle will not changed. It is more correct to say “force changes the states of motion” rather th say ‘force causes motion’. This is one property of force. XS ‘Newton’s first law expresses the idea of inertia, Inertia is the natural =) of a body which resists the change of its state of motion. The inertia of a body reluctance to start moving, and its reluctance to stop once it has begun movi , the first law is often referred as the law of inertia. vy Second Law Li ‘Newton’s second law predicts what will happen when a ni ‘acts on a particle. Its velocity will change. It will accelerate. More precisely the secon Jayestates that: The net external force acting upon a particle is ie product of the mass and the acceleration of particle. © In mathematical form, Fa =m@ (2) In the above equations Fre is the fet external force. The direction of the acceleration is the same as that of the net force. ‘The second law may also be vieyvéd as follows: Ifa net external force acts-4pon a particle, the force produces acceleration, and the ratio of the force ta the accelerati ‘mass of the particle. -/Assume thata force F, produces an acceleration d, when applied to E, applied to the same particle produces an acceleration @, as shown in Figure@1 oS fg to Newton's second law we have where the constant m is the mass of the particle. If F, >, then a,> a, it means that as the magnitude of the force acting on a particle increases, the acceleration of the particle will inerease aecordingly. It io equivalent to say that acceleration is direotly proportional to force. In symbols, go F Therefore, second law is alsy called law of force and acceleration. Let us conside the particle, and (3.3) 26 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 k ep] “lt J Figure 3.1 Illustration for net force and accleration Third Law Newton’s third law of motion states that: Whenever two particles interact, the force exerted by the second on the first i magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by the first on the seam In other woids, for every actiun, there is au equal aud opposite reaction, oy. F conto ft =~ F ton cont In order to discuss and explain Newton's thitd law the eve will be considered, Consider a man sitting on a chair. The man exerts a force whi 1 t0 his body weight on the chair. At the same time the chair exerts a reaction fo Shen equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, on the man, Ifthe foree exerted by i is ealled ‘action’, the force exerted by the chair should be called ‘reaction’ shovtn ih Pigyre 3.2. hy? The gun exerts a force on the bullet, force on the gun. This gives rise to a recoil litude but yppusite in direction ay showin ‘As another case consider a man firing a gun at. and the bullet exerts an equal and opposite re; furee ty the shoulder. The two forces are & in Figure 3.3. cxction Figure 3.2 Action and reaction force Figure 3.3 Action and reaction force for sitting on chair for firing a gun In each of the above cases action and reaction act as a pair at the same time but the pair of forces acts on two separate objects. 27 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook Important facts relating to force which arise from Newton's third law are as follows: © Itisnota single force acting by itself but a pair of forces acting simultancously. ‘This pair of forces is action - reaction pair. Action - reaction pair does not act on a single object but acts on two separate objects. * Action force and reaction force cannot cancel out each other, Acvording ty these observations ue third law is also kuown as law of action and reactio Units of Force & Units of force can now be defined explicitly from F=ma. The newton an oe are particularly useful units of force. In SI units, force that is acting on 1 a give it an acceleration of | ms” is called | newton (IN). 1 N=1 kg ms? Similarly, in CGS system a force that is acting on 1 g mass sg "an acceleration of mi Lem s*iscalled 1 dyne. Idyne=Igems? — (1 N= 10%dy Ja FPS syéter the une of orc spond (Ib) The hig tg Pana in Bris engnserng system. It is defined ae follows: when 1 pound force acts ly and the acceleration of the body is 1 fts*, the mass of the body is called 1 “oe Sifts? Example (1) If 10 N force acts upon a 2 kg mass ‘eleration produced. Since F= 10N and m= 2 kg, using Newton’ ao F=ma res Example (2) A 12 Ib force gives body an acceleration of 4 ft s®, Find the mass of the body. Since F= 12 Ib and a= Newton’s second law, kg ball is moving with an initial speed of 15 ms" on a rough plane which | position, and gradually stows down and stops after travelling 20 m, Find the the force which resists the motion of the ball. g+ 20s 15 +2a x 20 25 + 40a 225 Fp = Sims? 28 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 Using Newton’s second law, the force resisting the motion of the ball is, F=ma Ihe minus sign indicates that the direction of the force is opposite to that of the motion of the ball, The magnitude of the force is 11.2 N. Reviewed Exercise 1, Is it correct to describe Newton’s second law in symbols as Foca ? 2. Although two forces act simultaneously on a body, it continues to move wi velocity. What can be said about the two forces? QD 3. Can action and reaction cancel each other? Why? oO Icey Words ; inertia, net external force, action and reaction 3.2 GRAVITATIONAL FORCE AND NEWTON'S LAW (Sim Newton was able to point out and express precisely that a ‘one another. Gravitational force causes bodies which at the earth’s surface. The gravitational force enables tif to go round the sun. These are examples of the es Ce the universe are attracting ‘ihe carth’s surface to fall onto 'go round the earth and the earth itational force. ‘Newton stated the gravitational law as follows Everybody attracts every other body in i bodies is directly proportional to t square of the distance between ther -rse. The gravitational force between the two oP the masses and inversely proportional to the In symbols, where Fis the gravitat ve between the masses m, and m, whose distance apart is ras shown in oo G5) Figure 3.4 The gravitaional force between two bodies 29 Grade 10 Physics Textbook Fig= gravitational force exerted by the first body on the second = gravitational force exerted by the second bovly on the first 7, = unit yector directed from the second body to the first Unit vector is a vector that has the magnitude 1. xii ae : s Ifthe Newton’s law of gravitation is expressed as an equation in vector notation; gQ Gmm, , A ty G where G is a constant which is the same for all bodies in the universe. x According to experimental measurements the value of G in MKS is found to be 6.67% 10°" m? kg" s?(or) N m°kg*. R Applications of Newton’s law of gravitation x (a) The attractions of the moon and the sun upon water of) cause tides. (b) Satellites are kept in their circular orbit by the grayitapag! attraction of the earth. Reviewed Exercise = Express the value of Gin the CGS unj Key Words : gravitational force, gravitat 3.3 DIFFERENT KINDS OF FORCE: Four fundamental forces in nature AFC all field forces. They are the gravitational force, weak force, electromagnetic fope and nuclear force. Nuclear force is the strongest and the gravitational force is the ti of these forces. The electromagnetic force is the second strongest force. Amon uur forces the gravitational and the electromagnetic forces are long-range forces and@h@remaining two forces are short-range forces The ech acts between objects. The electromagnetic force acts between electric charges. forR€ acts between subatomic particles. Strong nuclear force acts between oes such as proton, neutron, pion and strange particles. {ad} of mechanics, apart from gravitational force, frictional force and elastic force will Srcountered. However, unlike gravitational force, these two mechanical forces are not ental forces. When a spring is stretched (or).a plastic ruler is bent, the force that causes the Spring and the ruler to retain their original form is called elastic force. When a body is placed on a floor, the bottom part of the body and the surface of the floor are in contact, and there is a force, between the two surfices which resists the motion of the body. The force that acts w resist the motion of the body is frictional foree, The frictional foree depends on the smoothness and cleanliness of the surfaces, the force pressing the two surfaces together and the speed of the body. 30 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 Key Words : fundamental forces, long-range forees, short-range forces, frictional force, elastic force 3.4 MASS AND WEIGHT Ifa body is dropped from a height above the surface of the earth, it will fall onto the ground, This is due to the force of gravity. The weight of body is the force of gravity acting. on it whjgh gives its acceleration when itis falling. The acceleration due to the gravitational force Poy acceleration due to gravity and it is represented by the symbol 2 (9.8 m In FPS system, g=32 ft s*. ‘The attracting force of the earth acting on a body is defined as the weight o the mass of the body be m; and if a = g is substituted in Newton's om be the gravitational force acting on the body (or) the weight of the body is f w=mg a This relation is true not only for freely falling bodies but also for&gdies in the ground. Weight is a vector and is directed toward the center of the Eat Since weight is force, units of weight are newton, ¢3 Pound while the units of ‘mass are kilogram, gram and slug, . Mass is the quantity of matter in a body. Mass is alSbg measure of inertia. The mass of a body measures its inertia. The mass of a body defi this point of view is called inertial mass while the mass defined by ‘tafional mass. Mass should not be confused with weight, Mass and weight fr ii quantities. Mass is a scalar and always a constant. Wherever a body may yereds no change in the value of the mass of the body. But the weight of the body can change, Example (4) If G= 6.67 1 ho kg"! s*, mass of the earth, M~5.97 * 10" kg and radius of the earth, R = 6.37 nd the value of the acceleration due to gravity g. Consider the ly atthe earth’s surface as m. The distance, r from the body to the st the radius of the earth 2. The gravitational force acting on the body mM centre of the is F= RO accu the definition of the weight of the body, this gravitational force is the weight of Re mM _ oR ms M g=G RE Note that the value of g is independent of the properties of the hody The value of g near * vin, 5.97 x 10% 4, - the carth’s surface is g = 6.67 x 10x. = 9.8 ms (or) 9.8 Nkg". (6.37 = 108) 31 Grade 10 Physics Textbook Reviewed Exercise * The weight of a body may change when its location is changed, but mass does not Why? Key Words + acceleration due to gravity, weight, inertial mass, gravitational mass. 3.5 FREELY FALLING BODIES. Ifa body is dropped from a height near the earth’s surface, the body will fall onto the gr with a constant acceleration g. If the air resistance is neglected, the fall of the body is as free fall, Equation of motion under constant acceleration described in shine be used in the fre fll. In these equations we will use the symbol / for displacement gd g for acceleration a. Hence, the equations become v=mtet 8) v ave QO 3.9) earth) and it varies only slightly from one place to anot! refore, its value is assumed to be constant in the calculations. 1 bawepet na (3.10) Note that the acceleration due to gravity g is directed ses (fowards the centre of the Insolving the free fall problems we are going to us its origin taken as the initial position of the b + and ~ signs for the quantities involved i will be positive if it is above the origi v will be positive if they are dir acceleration ¢ is always directed down) ‘consideration. We have to introduce 8) to Eq (3.10). That is, displacement ive below the origin. Velocities vy, and negative if directed downward. Since its value will be negative (i.e.¢=-9.8 ms). These sign conventions (positive and negative) are easily understandable as described in the following examples. 7 Example (5) What iibstosiy of a stone freely falling from a height of 20 m when it strikes the; 1d? How long does the stone take to reach the ground? (Assume that =20m Desi ys v= 0,8 “g’ mustbebiyen a negative sign whi tacceleration due Or gs pies becshiat ‘uowwetnce Geren direction af displacement is 7 ard, height is negative, = 4+2eh oO] +2.% (-10) * (20) ‘rome 00 +20ms" Since the stone is falling, the direction of velocity of ball is downward. v =~20 ms" 0 v 32 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 ‘The time taken for the stone to reach the ground = Loa hatte gt Wit 8! (-20)= org x(loye? 125 Example (6) A ball is thrown upwards with a velocity of 40 m s, How long does thesell stay inthe air? What height does the ball reach? The initial velocity is positive because the stone is thrown vertically upward from point (ground). LS y,=+ 40 ms (upward), g=~10ms*, v=0 (at the highest point) x v=y,tget Highest point: 0=40-+(-10)r t=4s Since the time of ascending is the same as the time of descending, the total time the ball stays i the air T=2 x 48s w+2gh res 0 = (40)! +2 x (10) xh 20h = 1600 S a Acctieision of { val h=80m Example (7) A ball is thrown vertigally upward and itis cauaht again after 6 s. (a) Find the total displacement for MesyHole distance travelled. (b) Find the velocity with wi i thrown, (c) Kind the maximum height reached. (d) Find the average reo the whole distance travelled. {a) Total displaceme ie whole distance travelled is zero because the starting point and Y= -10ms*, total displacement = 0 l ZF 78 307 +210) = +45m 33 Grade 10 Physics Textbook (d) average velocity =? total displacement time taken average velocity = Reviewed Exercise * A stone is thrown vertically straight up with 40 m st, What will be its respegtive velocities at 3 5,4 sand 5s after it have been thrown? Find the height of ston 38,4sand 5s, Key Words : air resistance, freely falling S 3.6 MOMENTUM AND LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MOMENT! According to the Newton’s second law; = ze BH Fema =m(-—* 2 mv - m¥o ~ oF 7) 7 where another important physical quantity in the above equation ithe product of mass and velocity. Hence, momentum (p) of a body is defined as Beacons mass of the body and its velocity, which is written as oo p=mv . GB.) isco e boap ciety patio fo on cits tt gaily Direction of momentum is the same as that of véldeit¥. Unit of momentum is expressed as the product of mass unit and velocity unit. In system it iskg ms‘. ‘One fundamental law of physics is a servation of momentum, This law stntes that Ifthere is no net external force acting on an isolated system, the total momentum of the system is constant, The law of conservaionadaypmentum is a general law and is true for both macroscopic and microscopic objects, vs Figure 3.5 (a) before collision Figure 3.5(b) after collision According fo law of consery: mn of momentum, ‘Total momentum before collision ~ total momentum after collision But Bo= Bat Be Mig By F hy Dy — my THI Thy 34 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 CHAPTER 4 PRESSURE Pressure, density and specific gravity arc important quantitics in physics and pressure is the basic of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic. The study of fuids at rest is called hyydrostaties and the study of fluids at motion is hydrodynamic. ‘Learning Outcomes It is expected that students will explain pressure and its units of daily usage. * skillfully construct and use hydrometer to measure the density of + distinguish between the density and the specific gravity. Pressure is defined as the force exerted normally oe 4.1 PRESSURE “Y Force Pressure = Force sy (1) ‘Aes In SI units, pressure is measured nike (Pa). 1Pa=1Nm* The force in the pressure formfa must be normal (90°) to the surface, Pressure is a scalar quantity. From the definition because for a sure, it is obtained that pointed nails penetrate the surfaces ,, the exerted area is too small. era kni¥éscan cut easily than blunt knives because of smaller cutting area. Elephants ea feet so they reduce the pressure and less likely sink into the ground. is tractors used for ploughing has lange tire areas so that they do not sink in the elds. 3S is applied in many scientific fields and many units are used although they have the same meaning, In FPS system, the unit of pressure is pound per square inch (psi). In Meteorology, the unit of pressure is hectopascal (hPa). 39 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook Standard Atmospheric Pressure is 1 atmosphere (atm). The relation between different units of pressure are ; 1 atm = 1.013 « 10° Pa = 760 millimetre mereury (760 mm Hg) 1 atm = 1 013 hPa = 1 013 millibar (1 013 mb) 1 hPa= 100 Pa= I mb 1Pa = 1.45x10* Ib in®( psi) psi = 6.90 x10? Pa Example (1) Bicycle tire has 6 em * 4 cm area touching the ground. The mass of the bi 22 kg: and mass of the eyclist is 60 kg. Find the minimum pressure needed in the tires Total area, A =2 x (6x4) = 48 em? =48 « 104m? Total mass, m = 60 + 22 = 82 kg x Example(2) Low pressure area in the bay of Bengal i ag, |. Fishing boat nearby has sail area 4 m* at the normal atmospheric mess the pressure difference (b) Find the force exerted on the sail. (Hints : Foree fue to the atmospheric pressure a A NP = Pag Poe yeonue™ 1013 hPa — 998 HP: hs) =1500 Pa F (Force exerted on the sail! Ap * 5 00 N Example (3) The pressure in the “ei 40 psi What is the equivalent MKS unit and atm unit? I psi = 6.9 «10° Pa 1 atm = 1.013%10° Pp 40 psi = 6.9 «108 x 40 = 276 000 Pa= 276 000 Nm? 276 000 i = 2.724atm es 1.013 x 10° Example waste pin is pressed into the notice board. The pointed pin area is 0.25 mm? and the ed on the pin is 10 newton, Compute the pressure. Qs 25 mm? = 0.25 « 10m? Y =I ? 40 ‘Textbook Physics Grade 10 Reviewed Exercise + Aperson exerts pressure on the floor when standing, sitting and lying. Explain why the pressure is different when the person is in each of these positions. Key Words: pressure, normal force 4.2 DENSITY 2 ‘There is Myanmar riddle “Which is heavier, a viss of cotton (or) a viss of iron?” (leading to the puzzle how small (or) large is the volume of them.) nO Density is the ratio of mass to volume of a substance. Density is the scalar “as density=—_™massoFsuhstaner ‘volume of thesubstance LN [p= sho = Greek alphabet] xO 2 v In SI unit, density is expressed in kilogram per cubic metre ( In CGS unit, it is expressed in gram per cubic centimetre Mass of an abject can he measured using a halance a measuring cylinder. When studying three states of solid, liquid and gas), density is an important factor. Mass of the abject does nj but the volume depends on the temperature. IF the volume changes, the density {ll hange. Densities of some substances are shown in Table 4.1. ‘gram per mililitre (@ mL"). 1¢ ean he measured using a ‘Table 4.1 Densities of some substan 9° GS MKS Substances 7 (gem) (kgm) helium 44 164x104 0.164 air | 13 x10? 13 watt, 3C 1 1.000 ce, 70°C 1,029 1029 fminium, 27 2700 copper 89 8900 Jead na 11.400 mercury 136 13.600 gold 193 19 300 uranium 19.05 19.050 (Note Average density of a human body is a little less than water density) 4 Grade 10 Physics ‘Textbook Example (5) ‘The helium flying balloon has the size of 6 m radius. (a) Find the volume and mass of helium. (b) Find the mass of air displaced by the balloon. (Assume, Pion = 0-164Kg m>, py, = 1.3kgm™) (Him: volume far » mass =density x volume) r=6m (@ v= far dane = 904.8 m* mass of helium = p,,.,., x volume .164 x 904.8 = 148.4 ke ~ (b) m= p,,x volume = 1.3 x 904.8=1 176 kg, Example (6) A concrete slab 1.0 m by a 0.5 m by 0.1 mee jas of 120 kg. What is the density of the conercte? 20kg. length x width x height wy = 10 x05 x 0.1 \ = 0.05 m? me v = 2 ~ 5 400 05 ~2400ke Reviewed Exercise = Wesay tl ep ity of iron is 7.9 gem. Write this in kg m”. Key Words : c. density - REI DENSITY (OR) SPECIFIC GRAVITY

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