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ACRONYMS. ACRONYM] EXPANSION | ACRONYM EXPANSION Adenosine Tri Phosphate | DNA. Deoxyribo nuclei acid Adenosine Dj Phosphate Sexually Transmitted Diseases Nicotinamide Adenine ‘Acquired Immuno Deficiency Dinucleotide Syndrome Nicotinamide Adenine Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Dinucleotide Phosphate NUMERICAL DATA NADPH = 5 KJ/7,200 Cal 120 mm of Hg [80 mm of Hg 120/80 mm of Hg 80m? 128 week of pregnancy 10-20% 10% STRUCTURES AND THEIR COMMON NAMES STRUCTURE] COMMON NAME Leaf Food factory Mitochondria _| Power houses of the cell Larynx Voice box Trachea Wind pie Mode of nutrition Examples [Autotrophic nutrition [Green plants, Blue green algae Heterotrophic Nutrition [Saprophytic nutrition _ | Fungi (Yeast, Mushrooms, etc) Bacteria Cucusta (Amuar~ bel), Ticks, Lice, Leeches and Tapeworms Holozoic nutrition Amoeba, Paramoecium, Man, etc. HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM BIOLOGY - CBSE Body part —_—_——_{x cass] HUMAN DIGESTIVE PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Function Mouth Intake of whole food Teeth Chewing/grinding of food Tongue Rolling of food + Tasting of food + Syileaaeaing dar of the food Sccrete Siliva + Mucus (It is a sticky, gelatinous material that lines your tung Salivary Glands throat, thouth, nose, and sintises) = _ Starch is converted into glucose by saliva (Salivary amylase) Desophagus Taking food from mouth to stomach by peristaltic movements (Contraction and expansion of muscles of the oesophagus). [Stomach Gastric glands present in stomach sectete gastric juice ‘Small Intestine ~~ Itreceives the secretions of the liver and pancreas. ~ The food is acidic which is made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. ‘The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which contains enzymes like trypsin for digesting proteins and lipase breaking down emulsified fats. ~ _ Bile salts break them down into smaller globules which increases the efficiency enzyme action. ~ Sop ba dese Hother = ~ ~The small intestine is the site of the complete digestion of carbohydrates. proteins and fats. ~~ Walls of small intestine secrete intestinal enzymes which convert Carbohydrates into glucose, Fats into fatty acids + glycerol and Proteins into amino acids. = ~ Ithas Vili (finger like projections) which help in-the absorption of food into — blood. - _ Absorb excess of water. ~ CORE Wate) = __ The rest of the material is temoved from the body via the: anus. RESPIRATION ry system | a ‘Function —— Facilitates the entry of air intg the body. Filters the air. Adds. hmmoistne and brings t the air temperature to- that of bod) | EVENTS/ STEPS IN RESPIRATION ; Gaseous | : Gaseous t Breathing | —>] exchange at | —9 |S anspor] _, eecuaaeee _y | Cellolar hw by blood respiration ings level tissue level t Air movement Exchange of Trans f U : sportof ‘Exchanging of Using oxygen in into and out gases between oxygen from ony} cell processes of lungs alveoli blood capillaries from blood into to produce and blood of alveolito body —_thecellsand carbon dioxide cells and return of carbon dioxide and water, carbon dioxide fromcelisinto _releasing energy the blood ——to be used for life processes PATHWAY OF AIR IN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Nostrils Nasal cavity => Pharynx™ Larynx © Trachea @ Bronchus = Bronchioles == Alveolus © Blood = BREAKDOWN OF GLUCOSE BY VARIOUS PATHWAYS Lactic acid + Energy Eg : Bacteria “Absence or low! 3] amount of oxygen (Anaerobic respiration Sia Paes E |G carbon compound +} Energy Presence of Oxygen |_,[ CO, +H,0 + Energy (Aerobic respiration) [ [Eg : Plants and animals ‘ORGANS / MODES OF RESPIRATION Mode of respiration | (Organism Amoeba, Hydra, Planaria Insects (cockroach, grasshopper, etc.) [ Fishes, Crabs, Tadpole larva of frog Leech, Earthworm, i TRANSPORTATION IN ANIMALS BIOLOGY - CBSE. X CLASS ARTERIES Vs VEI CHARACTERISTIC ARTERIES. VEINS Wall | hick, muscular and elastic Thin, less muscular, less elastic Lumen Small Large Valves No valves Valves are present TLgcation Deep seated Located peripherally [Blood Pressure High Low ay Direction Of Blood | Away from the Heart (From heart | Towards the heart (From all part Flow to different organs) |to the body to the heart) a f q Deoxygenated blood except the Deen pimnay wane ainpliyseed TYPES OF CIRCULATION Pulmonary Deoxygenated blood aan bo ‘artery blood) ree Gills Ces Main vein {vero cova) blood) Single Circulation DOUBLE CIRCUIT CIRCULATION Deoxygenated ( Pulmonary Double Circulation. Oxygenated (Pulmonary Circulation) (Systematic Circulation) n CHAMBERS OF HEART No. of chambers in heart ar ——s [Birds, Mammals) XX CLASS BIOLOGY - CBSE TRANSPORTATION OF WATER IN PLANTS: LYMPHATIC SYSTEM | Water is added to the soil Heart Artery Vein Absorption by root hair eee Arteriole | [Lymphatic trunk | Water pushed up in xylem vessels + f t Capillaries | [Lymph nodes] Propels water in further upwards vue fluid] [Lymph vessels ‘Transpiration or loss of water through leaves Lymph capillaries a More water moves up to make up for the loss (Urinary system / Excretory system Lee ep (Giseeee regen) (( Ureters LU) (Grnary taser J) Urea ) (Sree area NEPHRON (Uriniferous tubule) Proximal Cpavoned Distal Convoluted Fount: 8) Giomeras ( Tubule (PCT) _} {Loop of Henle 3] _ Tubule (DCT) Regulation of blood volume, blood pressure, pH and ionic composition of the blood and excretion of waste Products and foreign substances. urea, glucose, oo cela saa —— ne Selective asap wae gia ann ay ive pa] [ Reabsorpton of water m BIOLOGY - CBSE a eae CAS Xylem iE Phioem | Made of Dead cells Living oils | Gell wall thickness [Thick Thin | Cell wall material} Lignin (rigid) Cellulose Permeability Impermeable Permea ble Cytoplasm None Cytopl:asm fininy Transports, Water & Minerals | Food Carried to Leaves Growi nj Tissue also has Fibres Comp anion cells HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM, ‘eniral nervous system, Peripheral Nervous System; Autonomous Nervous System| Brain Spinal cord Cranial Spinal Sympathetic nervous Parasympathetic nerves nerves _ system nervous system (12 pairs) (31 pai ; Tet) SOLA) oy glia of either abies (Ganslizet beats ant of vertebral column _ posterior spinal cord| Neuron. Part of = aa Functions ites | Receives messages from the surrounding and Dendrites 5 Dendrite Cell body Non sends it to the'cell body. (eons df ficlens, Cell body | Analyses the information Gigs wratiles) ‘Axon _ | Tarismits the message away from the cell body and pass it to the next receiving neuron. mie _FUNCTIONS Govems intelligence, thinking, memory and other mental abilities voluntary actions, sensations, emotions and speech Coordinates messages from the autonomous nervous System, controls certain inyoluntary actions, as well as the sexual and emotional behaviour and forms. aan axis with the pituitary : Functions as major coordinating Center for sensory and motor Signaling. Acts as the coordinating centre between forebrain and hindbrain, also controls certain involuntary movements, Responsible for precision and fine conirol of voluntary movements as well as maintaining posture and equilibrium of the body. : Relays impulses between the lower cerebellum and spinal cord and higher parts of the brain like the cerebrum and midbrain, also regulates respiration” X CLA OLOGY - Case! SS ———|BioLoy - case! PATH OF REFLEX ACTION [Stimutus }-+[Receptor}-+{ Sensory neuron }-+[Relay neuron Trier newon}-+[ Moor seuron Effector Component of reflex are Receptor Sensory (Afferent) Neuron Interncurons (Relay neuron) Motor (Efferent) neuron [Response }{_Effector Function Receives stimuli and generates impulses Carries information from the receptor to the interneurons in the spinal cord Processes the information and generates responses Carries the information from the spinal cord to the effector organ Receives the information from the efferent neuron and shows the ropriate response SNo. Hormones Growth hormone [Pituitary gland | Promotes growth in all body parts. Thyroxine Thyroid gland | Regulate metabolism for the growth of body. Pa 3 -- Function Pancreas Regulates the sugar levels in blood. Regulates the male secondary sexual characteristics The growth of female sex organs and regulation of menstruation Increase heart beat rate, blood pressure Regulates the secretion of hormones from pituitary gland. | Tropic movements [Growth dependent movements Testis Ovary ‘Adrenal glands Nastic movements: reel X CLASS) [BIOLOGY - CBSE} E "MODES OF REPRODUCTION Mode of ; Mode of Examples feptedaction 0 Beamples | reproduction i Leaf Bryophyllum ‘Sponilation (spores) or ume). Rhus Tdi) | ryophy ie Bacteria, Buglena ~ Binary Fission ar Rhizome Ginger : Leishmania Budding Yeast, Hydra Stem (Tuber) Potato Dahlia, Radish, Fragmentation Spirogyra (fungi) Moulds, ete. | Roots Caitros, ete: Eyes of potato Potato Regeneration Planaria Male reproductive system parts and functions Part Function The sexual organ that produces sperms. : Testes - Release male sex hormones, androgen and testosterone, which cause f physical and physiological changes in males. 5 A sac which covers the testes and holds them outside the body f L Protects the testes | = Store sperms and secrete fluid into the sperm ducts, Seminal vesicles The fluid provides nutrients to the sperms and makes it easier for the .Sperms to move. It also prevents the sperms from sticking together. Prostate gland Secretes fluid into the semen. The fluid activates the sperms. Gucts (vas deferens) | Carry Sperms from the testes to the urethra AA tube which carries urine from the urinary bladder, Urethra Also caries sperms from the sperms duets to outside the body. Semen and urine pass through the urethra at different times. ae The organ from which semen (mixture of sperms and fluid) leaves the body and is deposited in the female reproductive system, Female reproductive system parts and functions u X CLASS |——_—— Artificial Methods of veg Mi gia ‘Cutting —{sio.oay case | Partistencture Calyx, Corolla, Stamens, Style and Stigma Ovary Ovule Events in Sexual Reproduct Zygote Embryo Pollination-sFertilisation-sEmbryo Seedling | [Central cell ri Endosperm RAND THEIR FUNCTIONS | Function PARTS OF A FLOW! Part Description Calyx is the outermost whorl of the flower Calyx protects the bud Icis made up of inclividual units called sepals (green and leaf like). | stage Its bright colour attracts inseets and birds. ‘Stamens produce pollen grains containing male Calyx Thies inner to calys. It is made up of individual units called Corolla petals (brightly coloured). Androccium is the male reproductive part Androecium | Its individual units are called stamens. tamen consists of filament and anther. | gametes ‘They lie innerto corolla. : Gee is Bs ae aT a c is Le : er ecieies ahi Synoecium | reproductive part of the lower, Ibis also called carpe) eS A carpel consists of stigma, style and ovary. “Transport of sperms in male reproductive system Testes— Vasa efferentia> Epididymis — Vasa defferens > Urethra. EVENTS OF SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN HUMAN Spermatozoan pel sic : on Male —> Testes — (male gamete) Fertilisation, 7 yoe=9 Bmbryo—> New baby vim : : ; i Female Ovary — (female gamete) CONTRASTING CHARACTERS OF “ PEA PLANTS ul mary ‘Scanned with CamScanner (Bovey = ee} __________——freurag LIST OF DIAGRAMS: Fragmentation in Spirogyra Vegetative Propagation- Natural & Artificial Longitudinal Section (LS) Of A Flower Pollination in Flowers Germination of Pollen on Stigma (Fertilisation in flowering plants) Human Male Reproductive System Human Female Reproductive System Mendel’s Monohybrid Cross | Mendel’s Dihybrid Cross Human Digestive system Nutrition in Amocha Internal Structure of Heart Human Respiratory System Human Exeretory System/Human Urinary System, Structure of Nephron Structure of Neuron Structure of Human Brain Components of Reflex are Endocrine Glands In Human Beings- Male & Female {Budding in Yeast and Hygia {Regeneration in Planaria and Hydra Sex Determination in Human beings Food Chain and Food Web Flow of energy in Eco system OTHER IMPORTANT BITS Products of Light reactions - NADPH, ATP and Oxygen. ~ Products of Dark reactions - Glucose (starch) : ~ Equation for photosynthesis - 6CO,+12H,0 at C,H,,0,+6H,0+ 60, ~ Todine test - Presence of starch in leaves % ~ Stroma - Intermediary fluid filled portion in chloroplast - Blood pressure -Sphygmomanometer ~ Female hormones - Oestrogen, Progesterone Male hormone - Testosterone ”~ Epiglottis - Arrests the entry af food into Jungs. . ~ Haemoglobin - Iron ‘ Single circulation - Blood flows through the heart only once, Eg : fish > Double circulation - Blood flows through the hear twice, Eg : Reptiles, Mammals, Amphibians, Birds | ~ Coagulation of blood - platelets : : ~ Senuin - Straw yellowish coloured fluid portion after formation of the clot, * ~ Valves - absent in arteries and present in veins & Lymph vessels : . > Right kidney - placed slightly lower than the left one. 43 _ Dialysis - Based on diffusion principle (Artificial kidney) ~ Exeretory organs of human body - Lungs, skin, liver and intestine ~ Contractile vacuole - Osmoregulation in Amoeba and Paramoecium ~ Placenta - tissue formed by cells from embryo and mother ~ Vasectomy - Surgical method of birth control in males 2 Tubectomy - Surgical method of birth control in females ~ Mendel - Father of genetics pa

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