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Quality Assurance

Oakleaf CC

Policy Number: 010

Pages: 17

Effective Date: 15 March 2024

Policy Approval Authority: Rachel Riot

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:

- What happened
- What has already been done
- What is the first step
- What will be provided
- What is the outcome

Quality Assurance Policy: Our Commitment to Excellence at [Organization Name]

[Organization Name] operates in a dynamic and competitive industry, where delivering exceptional products/services is crucial to
our success. As a leading [industry/sector] provider, we understand that quality is key to maintaining our reputation, meeting
customer expectations, and sustaining growth in a rapidly evolving market.
Our unwavering commitment to quality assurance serves as a foundational pillar of our operations, encompassing more than
merely meeting regulatory requirements. Our focus is on consistently delivering excellence across all facets of our offerings.
In today's interconnected world, customer satisfaction, safety, and reliability are non-negotiable aspects of business success. Our
Quality Assurance Policy serves as an illuminating guide, encapsulating our dedication to fostering a culture of quality, continuous
improvement, and accountability at every level of our organization.
Our aim is to exceed the expectations of our customers, stakeholders, and industry regulators by establishing and adhering to
stringent quality standards, harnessing the latest technologies, and nurturing a workforce committed to excellence.
This policy sets the tone for our commitment to quality and lays the foundation for a robust quality management framework that
permeates every department, process, and interaction within [Organization Name]. It reflects our pledge to uphold the highest
standards, foster innovation, and maintain the trust placed in us by our valued customers and partners.
Version History

# Written By Date Started Revision Approved Approval Reason for Edit

Date By Date


Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
1. Policy Statement........................................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Statement of Intent........................................................................................................................................5
1.2. Aims and Objectives.......................................................................................................................................5
2. Policy Outline.............................................................................................................................................................6
2.1. Policy Overview:.............................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Process..................................................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Responsibility for Implementation........................................................................................................................7
2.5 Quality Assurance Focus........................................................................................................................................8
2.6 Internal Quality Assurance for OAKLEAF Employees.............................................................................................8
2.7 Actions...................................................................................................................................................................8
3. Applicability and Non-Compliance..........................................................................................................................9
3.1. Individual Literature.......................................................................................................................................9
4. Definitions...............................................................................................................................................................9
5. Getting Help..............................................................................................................................................................9
5.1. OAKLEAF.........................................................................................................................................................9
5.2. WIDER SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................9
5.3. INCIDENT HOTLINE.........................................................................................................................................9
6. Policy Authority..........................................................................................................................................................9
6.1. External coordination.....................................................................................................................................9
7. Further References...................................................................................................................................................10
7.1. Policies.........................................................................................................................................................10
7.2. Information and Training.............................................................................................................................10
7.3. Procedures...................................................................................................................................................10
7.3.1. Arrangement and Procedures..................................................................................................................10
7.4. First Aid and Accident Reporting..................................................................................................................10
7.4.1. First Aid....................................................................................................................................................10
7.4.2. Accidents.................................................................................................................................................10
7.5. Fire Drills and Evacuation Procedures..........................................................................................................11
7.5.1. Fire Drills..................................................................................................................................................11
7.5.2. In the event of Fire...................................................................................................................................11
7.5.3. Bomb Warnings.......................................................................................................................................11
7.6. Theatre – and Public Entertainment – Licensed Events...............................................................................11
7.7. cleaning materials, general machinery and high-risk areas..........................................................................11
7.8. General........................................................................................................................................................12

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
7.9. Applicable persons from external agencies..................................................................................................12
8. Oakleaf Processes...................................................................................................................................................12

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
1. Policy Statement
1.1. Statement of Intent
[Organization Name], we are dedicated to delivering excellence in every aspect of our operations. Our
commitment to quality is fundamental to our success, and we continually strive to meet and exceed
the expectations of our stakeholders. We recognize the significance of quality assurance in ensuring
the reliability, safety, and satisfaction of our customers, employees, and partners.

Our intent is to establish and maintain robust quality assurance practices that are integrated into
every level of our organization. We aim to achieve this by:

 Customer-Centric Approach: Placing our customers at the core of our quality assurance efforts,
ensuring that their needs, expectations, and feedback guide our continuous improvement initiatives.

 Adherence to Standards: Complying with industry standards, legal requirements, and best practices
relevant to our products, services, and operations to uphold the highest levels of quality and safety.

 Continuous Improvement: Embracing a culture of continuous improvement by regularly evaluating

our processes, technologies, and methodologies to enhance efficiency, efficacy, and quality

 Employee Empowerment: Providing our employees with the necessary tools, training, and resources
to actively participate in quality assurance initiatives and encouraging a sense of ownership and
accountability for quality across all roles.

 Risk Mitigation: Identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities within our processes or products, and
implementing proactive measures to mitigate these risks to ensure consistent quality.

 Stakeholder Collaboration: Engaging with our stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and
partners, to foster collaborative relationships and gather insights for enhancing quality and

 Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining transparency in our quality assurance processes and
holding ourselves accountable for the quality of our deliverables, ensuring that corrective actions are
taken promptly when needed.

This statement reflects our unwavering dedication to quality assurance and serves as a guiding
principle for all our endeavors. By adhering to these principles, we aim to not only meet but exceed
the expectations of our stakeholders, ensuring sustained growth and trust in [Organization Name].

1.2. Aims and Objectives


 Consistent Quality Standards: To establish and maintain consistent and high-quality standards
across all products, services, and processes offered by the organization.

 Customer Satisfaction: To prioritize and meet customer needs and expectations by delivering
products and services that consistently exceed their quality requirements.

 Compliance and Adherence: To ensure compliance with relevant industry standards, regulations,
and best practices in all aspects of operations.

 Continuous Improvement: To foster a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and learning

within the organization to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and quality outcomes.

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
 Risk Management: To identify potential risks to quality and implement proactive measures to
mitigate these risks effectively.


 Establish Clear Quality Standards: Define and document clear quality standards and benchmarks for
products, services, and processes across the organization.

 Customer-Centric Approach: Gather and analyze customer feedback regularly to improve products,
services, and processes in line with customer expectations.

 Training and Development: Provide regular training and development opportunities for employees
to enhance their skills and ensure adherence to quality standards.

 Process Improvement: Continuously review and improve operational processes to enhance

efficiency, reduce waste, and maintain high-quality outputs.

 Auditing and Monitoring: Implement regular quality audits and monitoring mechanisms to ensure
adherence to established standards and identify areas for improvement.

 Corrective Action Implementation: Establish procedures for identifying, documenting, and

implementing corrective actions in response to quality issues or deviations.

 Supplier and Partner Engagement: Collaborate closely with suppliers and partners to ensure that
quality standards are maintained throughout the supply chain or service delivery process.

 Documentation and Reporting: Maintain comprehensive records of quality assurance activities,

incidents, and improvements for analysis and reporting purposes.

These aims and objectives serve as a roadmap for the organization to ensure a consistent focus on
quality, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction. Tailor these according to your
organization's specific industry, goals, and values for an effective Quality Assurance Policy.

Peter Seeker

Managing Director

Date of Issue: [DD/MM/YY] Date for Review: [DD/MM/YY]

2. Policy Outline
1.1. Policy Overview:
This quality assurance policy outlines our belief and commitment to ensure that ongoing quality
improvement is an integral part of our organisation. OAKLEAFCC will aim for continuous improvement in the
quality of all aspects of its work as part of its determination to help learners achieve the highest possible
standards. OAKLEAFCC aims to be the first choice for high quality across the entire recruitment sector.

2.2 Purpose
The purpose of the Quality Assurance Policy is to ensure such continuous improvement through a process of
self-evaluation and action planning. The Quality Assurance Policy and associated procedures will involve all
employees and. The management of the process will be through the existing organisational structure. Line
managers will initiate procedures within their teams and collate and agree action plans which will help form
both individual and corporate development plans.
2.3 Process
The implementation of these quality assurance procedures will be essential in ensuring that our training
solutions meet the needs and expectations of all stakeholders. By regularly evaluating ourselves, conducting

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
internal audits and observations, and seeking feedback from both employers and clients, we can identify
areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to our training programs.

Furthermore, it is important that we also take into consideration the perspectives of our learners and other
stakeholders who directly benefit from our solutions. By seeking their views and perceptions, we can gain
valuable insights into how effective our training programs are, and make changes accordingly.

In addition, the quality procedures will also aim to establish clear quality standards and performance
indicators that can be used to assess and improve our performance over time. This will help us to
continuously provide high-quality training solutions that meet the evolving needs of our stakeholders, and
ultimately contribute to their success.

2.4 Responsibility for Implementation

All staff (managers, trainers and support staff) are responsible for the implementation of the Quality
Assurance Policy.

The Quality Manager is responsible for an annual review of the policy.

It is the responsibility of all to engage positively in that review and ensure implementation.

The implementation of a Quality Assurance Policy is essential for any organization that aims to provide high-
quality products or services. Therefore, it is important for all staff members to take responsibility for the
implementation of such a policy, including managers, trainers, and support staff.

The Quality Manager, as the designated person responsible for overseeing the policy, is tasked with
conducting an annual review of its effectiveness. However, this review is not solely the responsibility of the
Quality Manager. All staff members must engage positively in the review process and work together to
ensure that the policy is being properly implemented and any necessary improvements are made.

By working together and taking ownership of the Quality Assurance Policy, the entire organization can strive
towards providing the best possible products or services to its customers.

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
2.5 Quality Assurance Focus
To encourage continuous improvement in the quality of all training programmes and associated
development solutions, thereby making learning an enjoyable activity and through this, increasing learner
retention and the achievement of learning aims.

 To develop and maintain a diverse range of programmes that will be appropriate across the entire
recruitment sector which provide learners with techniques, processes and structures that will enable
them to perform their roles at a higher standard.

 To provide information and feedback from all interactions with our clients and learners that enables
continuous updates and improvements to our development solutions.

 To establish standards and monitoring procedures for providing a supportive and accessible range of
services to all learners.

 At our organization, we firmly believe in the importance of continuous improvement in all our
training programmes. Our goal is to make learning an enjoyable activity for all our learners, thereby
increasing their retention and the achievement of learning aims.

 To achieve this, we are committed to developing and maintaining a diverse range of programmes
that are appropriate across the entire recruitment sector. Our programmes provide learners with
techniques, processes, and structures that enable them to perform their roles at a higher standard.

 We value feedback from all our interactions with clients and learners. This feedback enables us to
continuously update and improve our development solutions. By establishing standards and
monitoring procedures, we aim to provide a supportive and accessible range of services to all our

 At our organization, we are dedicated to providing high-quality training programmes and

development solutions that meet the needs of our learners and clients. We believe that by doing so,
we can help them achieve their full potential in their careers and contribute to the success of their

2.6 Internal Quality Assurance for OAKLEAF Employees

 To review regularly the performance, training and needs of all employees.
 To encourage continual professional development and to offer training and development to
individuals from induction and throughout their employment.
 To monitor and evaluate performance and developmental needs through regular one to one
 Improving Employee Performance and Development Through Regular Reviews and Training
 To ensure that all employees are meeting expectations, it's important to review their performance,
training, and needs regularly. We also encourage continuous professional development and offer
guidance to individuals throughout their employment. To assess performance and identify
developmental opportunities, we conduct regular one-to-one reviews.

2.7 Actions
The quality control monitoring results mentioned above will serve as a basis for the following actions:
 Formulate an action plan to drive improvement within OAKLEAFCC.
 Bring attention to issues that require consideration by OAKLEAFCC.
 Share feedback with employees regarding actions taken.
 Identify innovative initiatives and solutions to enhance the quality of development delivered to

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
3. Applicability and Non-Compliance
Exactly who the policy applies to and the consequences for non-compliance, if applicable.

3.1. Individual Literature

Aspect Responsibility Authority Consequences for non-

4. Definitions
5. Getting Help
The office and specific individual position title (with telephone number and electronic mail address, as appropriate)
that should be contacted for interpretations, resolution of problems, and special situations.

The office and specific individual position title (with telephone number and

electronic mail address, as appropriate) that should be contacted for

interpretations, resolution of problems, and special situations.



6. Policy Authority
The highest administrative or academic officer or group authorizing the policy. If appropriate, one might also
note the next required review date.

6.1. External coordination

Name Role Date Reviewed Next Review

Pete Director

Mark Ellens Field Implementation

Rachel Riot Policy Owner/Compliance 22/03/2022 22/03/2023


Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
7. Further References

Information about related policies or procedures, guidelines, forms, etc. Give complete references and ensure that documents cited are readily available (i.e.,
either as widely distributed manuals such as the Business and Finance Bulletins, Accounting Manual, Contracts and Grants Manual; or available in the on-line
campus Policies and Procedure Manuals). If needed, provide additional background discussion here.

7.1. Policies
Related Policies Location Training Offers (extra) Forms Documentation
Specific to Venue
Code of Conduct

7.2. Information and Training

As with all new staff, temporary or casual employees will be unaware of the organisation’s procedures.
There will be a need for them to undergo a certain amount of induction training, though not always as
extensively as for permanent staff. They should be made aware of the existing emergency procedures and
the action to be taken should an emergency situation arise.

Safety training should cover topics similar to those included on the induction course. Additional topics that
could be dealt with include:
the work area — what the organisation does, what part of the process or system the employee fits in to and
what the employee will be expected to do while at work system of work — location of the work area,
process information or machinery operation instructions health surveillance — the employee must be
provided with information on any health surveillance that may be required under statute law site safety
rules — in order for temporary workers to conform to site procedures, site rules must be brought to their
attention and in particular any safety rules relating to their department or work area.

The employer must ensure that the temporary worker is competent to do the job or, in the case of a casual
worker, provide adequate supervision to ensure that basic safety requirements are complied with.
Ignoring the safety of temporary staff indicates a lack of attention to the maintenance of the organisation’s
safety standards. Depending on the employee’s length of service the training must be followed up to ensure
that it has been understood and is being followed.

7.3. Procedures
7.3.1. Arrangement and Procedures
The Health and Safety Officer, nominated by the Management Committee, is responsible for ensuring that
the safety policy is carried out and that responsibilities for safety, health and welfare are properly assigned
and accepted at all levels. His/her details and contact number will be displayed ……………………………

7.4. First Aid and Accident Reporting

7.4.1. First Aid
∙ The current First Aider(s) for the premises is/are displayed (on the Notice Board in the Reception Area).
∙ First Aid Boxes are provided in the following location(s):
i) Reception (example)
ii) Kitchen (example)

7.4.2. Accidents
∙ In the event of an injury or illness, call for a member of staff or ring for an ambulance directly. To call an
ambulance – dial 999 and ask for “Ambulance”

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
∙ All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or another member of staff on duty
immediately or as soon as practicable.
∙ All accidents must be entered on an accident form, available from the reception desk. The procedures for
“notifiable” accidents as shown in Appendix A below must be followed.
∙ The Health and Safety Officer will investigate incidents and accidents, writing a detailed report for the
Organization’s Management Committee to consider the actions necessary to prevent recurrence.

7.5. Fire Drills and Evacuation Procedures

7.5.1. Fire Drills
∙ All workers and volunteers must know the fire procedures, position of fire appliances and escape routes.
∙ The fire alarm points, fire exits, and emergency lighting system will be tested by The Fire Officer/Health and
Safety Officer during the first week of each month and entered in the logbook provided.
∙ The Fire Officer will arrange for Fire Drills and Fire Prevention Checks (see Appendix C below) to be carried
out at least once every three months and entered in the logbook. In addition, these Drills will be carried out
at different times and on different days, so that all users/hirers know the procedures.
∙ The last person securing the premises will ensure Fire Prevention Close Down Checks are made of all parts
of the premises at the end of a session (See Appendix C).

7.5.2. In the event of Fire

∙ Persons discovering a fire should sound the nearest alarm
∙ The first duty of all workers is to evacuate all people from the building by the nearest exit immediately the
fire is discovered
∙ All persons must evacuate the building and, where possible without personal risk, leave all doors and
windows closed
∙ The assembly point for the building is at the ………………………………… ∙ No-one should leave the assembly
point without the permission of a member of staff
∙ If any fire occurs, however minor, the Fire Brigade must be called immediately by dialing 999 and asking for
∙ When the Fire Brigade arrives advise whether all persons are accounted for and location of fire.

7.5.3. Bomb Warnings

∙ If you receive a warning try to find out from the caller:
i) The approximate location of the bomb and likely time of detonation; ii) Whether the police and fire
brigade have been notified
∙ Notify the Police immediately on 999
∙ DO NOT SOUND THE FIRE ALARM but evacuate the building taking into consideration any information form
the bomb warning
∙ Assemble in the ………………………… unless the bomb warning implies otherwise.

7.6. Theatre – and Public Entertainment – Licensed Events

In addition to the general conditions of the license(s):
∙ Hirers/users must be aware of the Health and Safety Policy
∙ Emergency lights in the areas used must be kept illuminated
∙ Advise the representative of the Management Committee of any defects or concerns regarding the
facilities, e.g. uncleanlimess, refrigeration operation, cracked food preparation surfaces.

7.7. cleaning materials, general machinery and high-risk areas

∙ All portable machinery must be switched off and unplugged when not in use
∙ Wandering cables are a hazard; use with caution and safety in mind
Slippery floors are dangerous - use warning signs
Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy
Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:
∙ Use protective clothing and equipment provided and as instructed on machinery/equipment/material. It is
the duty of a worker to report any loss of or defect in protective clothing or equipment

7.8. General
∙ All thoroughfares, exits and gates must be left clear at all times; ∙ Corridors and fire exits must not be
blocked by furniture or equipment; ∙ Vehicles must not be parked near to the building so as to cause any
obstruction or hazard
∙ Hazards or suspected hazards or other health and safety matters should be reported to the Health and
Safety Officer or the staff member on duty immediately or as soon as practicable, so that action can be
taken. If the hazard is of a serious nature, immediate action must be taken to protect or clear the area to
prevent injury to staff or other users

7.9. Applicable persons from external agencies

H&S Representatives from every venue

8. Oakleaf Processes
Reference to detailed procedures that are recommended in order to carry out the intent of the policy.

Intent Training Authority Updated Location

Policy name: Quality Assurance Policy

Owner: Rachel Riot
Last modified:

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