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D A V E U L R I C H , J O N Y O U N G E R , W AY N E B R O C K B A N K ,

We want to create a new narrative about the human resource (HR) profes-
sion. HR professionals have often been plagued with self-doubts, repeatedly
re-exploring HR’s role, value, and competencies. If HR is to fully (and finally)
become a profession, these self-doubts need to be replaced with informed
insights. These informed insights should be based more on global data than
personal perceptions so that the emerging narrative for the HR profession
has both substance and meaning.

Keywords: leadership; ethics; training and development; organizational


e want to create a new narra- 4. Code of ethics and discipline. A profession
tive about the human resource imposes accepted standards and conduct
(HR) profession. HR profes- for performance.
sionals have often been 5. Legal status. A profession has statutory
plagued by self-doubt, repeat- basis within the country.
edly re-exploring HR’s role, value, and com- 6. Research. A profession funds future re-
petencies. If HR is to fully (and finally) search and helps drive data-based solu-
become a profession, these self-doubts need tions.
to be replaced with informed insights. These 7. Independence. Professionals operate inde-
informed insights should be based more on pendently to serve clients.
global data than personal perceptions so that 8. Contribution to society. A profession con-
the emerging narrative for the HR profession tributes to society through certifying
has both substance and meaning. Fanning members and offering legislative insight.
(2011) reports nine characteristics of a 9. Recognition. A profession is recognized for
profession: the quality of work it does.

1. Governing body. A profession has an ac- HR increasingly meets these criteria.

cepted governing body or association. Since 1987, we have done research to
2. Certification, education, and training. The further the profession by defining the com-
governing body defines expectations for petencies that explain what makes effective
professionals. HR professionals personally effective and
3. Body of knowledge. A profession relies on what HR professionals do to impact business
a base of knowledge and insights that performance. This research has been done
define accepted knowledge. in six waves every five years and has resulted

Correspondence to: Dave Ulrich, Professor of Business, University of Michigan, 1030 East 300 North, Alpine, UT
84004, Phone: 801.756.3240, E-mail:

Human Resource Management, May–June 2013, Vol. 52, No. 3. Pp. 457–471
© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley Online Library (

TABLE I Historical Overview of HR Competencies Research

Five Rounds of Research by Year
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Total Respondents 10,291 4,556 3,229 7,082 10,063
Business Units 1,200 441 678 692 413
Associate Raters 8,884 3,805 2,565 5,890 8,414
HR Participants 1,407 751 664 1,192 1,671
General Competency Domains
Competence Area (Showing the Evolution of the Competencies by Each Round of Study)
Business Business Business Business Business Business
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge ally
Strategic Strategic
contribution architect
HR HR delivery HR delivery HR delivery HR delivery Talent man-
ager and
HR technology Operational
Change Change Change Change In this round Culture
Culture Culture change- and and change
culture-related steward
cies were
combined into
strategic con-
Personal Personal Personal Personal Credible
credibility credibility credibility activist

in clarification of roles, standards, and expec- two outcome variables: personal effective-
tations for HR professionals around the world ness (“Compared to other HR professionals
(see Table I for a summary of this research). you have known, how does this participant
In this leadership forum, we highlight compare?”) and business performance using
our 2012 research that advances the profes- an index of seven dimensions of business
sion by defining standards for HR profession- success.
als.1 Through previous research, focus groups, The respondent roles for this research
theory, and experience, we identified 139 include self-report (HR participants), the per-
specific behaviors that define what HR pro- ception of HR colleagues (HR associates), and
fessionals should be, know, and do. To deter- those of line managers, peers, and clients
mine the degree to which HR professionals (non-HR associates) (see Table II). These data
demonstrate these competencies, we used a don’t just represent HR people talking about
360-degree-based survey methodology where what they think matters, but also insights
HR professionals filled out a self-report survey from those outside HR. It is interesting
and then invited both HR and non-HR asso- to note that the non-HR respondents are
ciates to assess their ability to deliver these 69 percent male, while the HR respondents
competencies. In addition, the survey had are 65 percent female. These data are global

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


TABLE II Respondents in the 2012 Data Set

Respondent % Female
Role Definition % Male
All Respondents All respondents who completed a majority of 20,013
the 139 competency items
HR Associates All respondents, participants, and associate 9,897
raters who work in HR F 65%
M 35%
Non-HR Associates All respondents and associate raters who are 7,488
not part of the HR organization F 31%
M 69%
Participants HR participants who elected to participate; each 2,638
participant has associate raters as well F 62%
M 38%

with respondents from every region in the recent years from 2007 to 2012. It is also
world and comprehensive in that most indus- interesting to note that the non-HR asso-
tries are well represented. This is the largest ciates are 69 percent males, which means
global, comprehensive, and longitudinal assess- that often female HR professionals are
ment of the HR profession. working with male associates.
These data enable us to answer two ques- • Education of HR professionals. Over the 25
tions about the state of the HR profession in years, HR professionals tend to be highly
this leadership forum: educated. This continues in 2012, with 51
percent of the HR professionals having
• What are the personal demographics of graduate degrees and 39 percent college
HR professionals? degrees. This indicates the high education
• What are the competencies of HR profes- expectations for HR professionals in to-
sionals and how do they affect (1) the day’s market. It may also indicate a bias in
perceived effectiveness of HR profession- this sample, being more focused on more
als and (2) business performance? educated HR professionals.
• Career patterns for HR professionals. As eco-
1. What Are the Personal Demo- nomic demands force HR to do more with
graphics of HR Professionals? less, and information technology and out-
sourcing change the size and shape of HR
As indicated earlier, in the 2012 sample, we organizations, HR professionals are increas-
have demographic data from 2,638 individ- ingly individual contributors who offer
ual HR professionals. With our 25-year study, specialist insights (34 percent). At least ac-
we can trace the evolution of the HR demo- cording to our longitudinal research, HR
graphics from 1987 to 2012. Table III reports careers may more likely be within a func-
these results and offers a number of insights: tional specialty than leadership roles in HR.
We may infer that, to a significant extent,
• Feminization of the profession. In the last 15 this is associated with increasing spans of
years (from 1997 to 2012), the percentage control, and reduced layers, within HR.
of males in HR has dropped from 70 per- • Years in HR profession. In the last 15 years,
cent to 38 percent, and females increased we have found an increasing number of
from 30 percent to 62 percent. Clearly, HR professionals in HR positions less
women are moving into HR in increasing than 5 years (25 percent). This may indi-
numbers. This trend is amplified in more cate the growth of the HR profession or it

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


TABLE III Figure Characteristics of the Human Resource Competency Data Set, Rounds 1–6
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Round 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012
Gender of HR Participant
• Male 77% 78% 70% 57% 46% 38%
• Female 23 22 30 43 54 62
Education of HR Participant
• High school degree 3% 7% 4% 4% 9% 3%
• Associate college degree 5 7 6 9 12 7
• Bachelor’s degree 48 43 42 42 37 39
• Graduate degree 44 43 48 45 41 51
Level of the HR Participant
• Individual contributor 20% 24% 29% 24% 28% 34%
• Manager of individual
contributors 36 41 34 34 30 39
• Director of managers 36 29 30 31 20 19
• Top manager 8 6 7 11 21 7
Years in HR for HR Participant
• 5 years or less 10% 14% 13% 25% 24% 25%
• 6–9 years 14 19 15 18 20 18
• 10–14 years 26 24 21 22 23 25
• 15 or more years 50 43 51 35 32 32
Primary Role of HR Participant
• Benefits/medical/safety 6% 5% 5% 4% 3% 3%
• Compensation 5 4 4 6 6 7
• HR planning/strategy/
affirmative action 6 8 5 8 14 14
• Labor relations 6 8 5 6 5 4
• Org. development/research/
effectiveness 2 5 3 13 7 9
• Recruiting 3 6 4 4 6 11
• Training/communication 7 14 6 12 9 11
• Generalist 61 45 60 48 49 40

may indicate the trend to move people continue to evolve to match changing busi-
across organization functions for career ness conditions.
• Role of HR professionals. In the last 5 years,
2. What Are the Competencies of HR
there has been a drop in the percentage of
Professionals and How Do They Af-
HR professionals who are generalists (49
percent to 40 percent) rather than special-
fect (1) the Perceived Effectiveness
ists. Recruiting is the area of increased spe- of HR Professionals and (2) Business
cialization that may indicate the increased Performance?
attention to talent and human capital.2
As early as the mid-1980s, the American
The overall takeaway of Table III is that Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
the demographics of being an HR professional sponsored Patricia McLagan in her efforts to

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


identify competencies for HR training and de- CHROs and time spent on each role: strategic
velopment professionals (McLagan, 1996). advisor, counselor/confidant/coach, board
Her work subsequently broadened to include liaison, talent architect, HR function leader,
all HR professionals (McLagan & Bedrick, workforce sensor, and firm representative.
1983; see also McLagan & Suhadolnik, 1989). Boston Consulting Group has done annual
Around the same time, a number of large studies of the HR profession in collabora-
companies began creating their own internal tion with the World Federation of People
HR competency models. Out of these inde- Management Associations and European
pendent efforts grew many frameworks for HR Association of People Management Associations
competencies, but there were relatively few ef- (see Caye & Strack, 2009; Strack et al., 2011).
forts to document professional HR competen- In their 2011 study, they received surveys from
cies across firms, industries, or geographies. 2,039 executives in 35 European countries.
The profession needed a competency model— Based on executive assessments of “current
a set of expectations for those who work in HR capability” and “future importance,” the four
and a basis for assessment and improvement most critical topics for HR were (1) managing
in the quality of HR professionals. talent (recruiting, development, retention), (2)
When we began our HR competencies improving leadership development, (3) trans-
study in 1987, we wanted to define these forming HR into being a strategic partner, and
competencies less by self-report of HR pro- (4) strategic workforce planning. They identi-
fessionals and more by how others perceived fied five critical HR capabilities (competencies)
the HR professionals. We also wanted to to address these topics: transforming HR into
show the impact of HR competencies on how a strategic partner, mastering HR processes,
others perceived the individual effectiveness delivering on recruiting, restructuring the
of HR professionals and how HR profession- organization, and improving leadership devel-
als impacted their business performance. This opment. They also highlighted the importance
work resulted in the five waves of data collec- of technology and social media.
tion reported in Table I. These studies have The Center for Effective Organizations
resulted in several doctoral dissertations, sev- (CEO) has studied HR effectiveness over the
eral books, dozens of chapters, and dozens past number of years.4 In their recent work
of articles.3 They have helped to shape how based on their experiences, they suggest six
effective HR professionals think and behave trends or shifts facing HR professionals:
over the past 25 years. In recent years, many
have built on this work to define competen- • hero leadership to collective leadership,
cies for HR professionals. • intellectual property to agile co-creativity,
Wright, Stewart, and Moore of Cornell • employment value proposition to per-
Advanced HR Studies (CAHRS) surveyed sonal value proposition,
56 chief HR officers (CHROs) in 2009, 72 • sameness to segmentation,
in 2010, and 172 in 2011 (Wright, Stewart, • fatigue to sustainability, and
& Moore, 2011). For the 2011 data, both • persuasion to education.
European and US CHROs suggested talent They suggest that these six themes need to
as the most critical challenge, followed by respond to external trends as well as organiza-
cost control, succession planning, culture, tion processes. They then propose HR struc-
and employee engagement (responses vary ture and competency changes to respond to
somewhat by European vs. US CHROs). They these trends.
also found that building HR competencies is Deloitte, a consulting firm, summarizes
the largest obstacle to achieving the CEO’s their recommendations for HR competencies
agenda for HR. The practices most likely used into three broad requirements: (1) business
to increase CHRO effectiveness are: learning (commercial awareness, business acumen,
from an external network, business focus, customer focus, aligned business to HR), (2)
self-development activities, and effective HR HR (employee relations, get the basics right,
processes. They also identified eight roles for HR expertise, HR metrics, change delivery),

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


and (3) consulting capabilities (brokering, The Chartered Institute of Personnel

trusted advisor, impact and influence, facilita- and Development (CIPD) has created an HR
tion and coaching, leadership, project deliv- profession map that offers a comprehensive
ery) (Deloitte, 2011). They argue that when view of how HR professionals can provide
HR professionals master these competencies, insights and solutions to their businesses.6
they are able to be business partners who help This map is organized around how HR can
their business be successful. They base their provide leadership and insights around eight
recommendations on case experiences with HR practice areas: organization design, orga-
their clients. nization development, resourcing and talent
Hewitt, another consulting firm, surveyed planning, learning and talent development,
85 individuals to find out how these 85 firms performance and rewards, employee engage-
managed their human resource priorities and ment, employee relations, service delivery,
competencies (Hewitt, 2009). They suggested and information.
that HR professionals needed competencies
in organization design, service delivery/tech-
nology, governance/metrics, strategy, and
program design. When HR profes- Most of these approaches to HR competen-
sionals master these four skill sets, cies rely on self-perception by asking HR pro-
they are able to help their compa- fessionals to report on what they think they
Our research nies manage their businesses. need to know and do in order to be effective.
Roffey Park Institute, a Our research explores how HR competencies
explores how HR
research institute in London, sur- as seen by oneself and others affect both per-
competencies as veyed 171 HR professionals and ceived personal effectiveness and business
interviewed seven subject-matter performance. For our 2012 round of data col-
seen by oneself and experts and six line managers to lection, we identified 139 specific behavioral
review the validity and relevance competencies derived from the previous five
others affect both
of the business partnering model rounds of data collection and from dozens of
perceived personal for HR (Griffin, Finney, Hennessy, focus groups in which we identified current
& Boury, 2009). They suggested business trends that require new HR compe-
effectiveness HR skills in interpersonal relation- tencies. As indicated earlier, we then collected
ship and business knowledge as data from HR participants (2,638) and from
and business key to success of those in HR. They associates inside HR (9,897) and outside HR
performance. also identify 14 specific behavioral (7,488) on the extent to which the HR partici-
HR competencies and suggest that pants demonstrated these competencies.
demonstrating consistent delivery We then utilized factor analysis to cluster
and building HR credibility are these 139 competencies into six domains of
perceived as top predictors of HR HR competencies. A total of 138 of the 139
success. items loaded .4 or higher, which led to the
The Society for Human Resource Manage- six domains (the details of the factor analy-
ment (SHRM) has held a number of forums ses are available from the authors). We then
on the future of HR (see, e.g., SHRM, 2005).5 identified 20 factors within the six domains
By talking with HR leaders, they propose that through secondary factor analysis. These six
HR professionals should learn the business, domains of HR competence are described in
be willing to change, use more analytics, find the paragraphs that follow, both in terms of
and develop talent, show greater personal what HR should focus on (e.g., strategy, HR,
initiative, have discipline in execution, pri- change) and how HR should focus on that
oritize better, and become accountable for area through specific HR roles (e.g., posi-
results. Their HR competency work focuses tioner, champion, builder, innovator, inte-
on behavioral descriptors of what HR profes- grator). These six domains define the skills
sionals believe they need to know and do to and knowledge that HR professionals should
be effective. demonstrate.

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


Strategic Positioner. High-performing Change Champion. As change cham-

HR professionals think and act from the out- pions, HR professionals make sure that iso-
side-in by mastering four levels of business. lated and independent organization actions
First, they learn the language of the business, are integrated and sustained through disci-
which revolves around finance. Like learn- plined change processes. HR professionals
ing a foreign language, they may not speak make an organization’s internal capacity for
like a native, but they need to be able to get change match or lead the external pace of
around. Second, they need to co-create their change. As change champions, HR profes-
organization’s strategy. Third, they need to sionals help make change happen at institu-
target and serve key customers of their orga- tional (changing patterns), initiative (making
nization by identifying customer segments, things happen), and individual (enabling per-
knowing customer expectations, and align- sonal change) levels. To make change happen
ing organization actions to meet customer at these three levels, HR professionals play
needs. Finally, they need to be deeply knowl- two critical roles in the change process. First,
edgeable of general business conditions (e.g., they initiate change by building a case for
social, technological, economic, political, why change matters, overcoming resistance
environmental, and demographic trends) to change, engaging key stakeholders in the
that affect their respective industries and geo- process of change, and articulating the deci-
graphical regions. sions to start change. Second, they sustain
Credible Activist. Effective HR pro- change by institutionalizing change through
fessionals are credible activists because they ensuring organizational resources, designing
build their personal trust through business organization structures, facilitating systemic
acumen. Credibility comes when HR profes- communications, and orchestrating contin-
sionals do what they promise, build personal ual learning.
relationships of trust, and can be relied on. Human Resource Innovator and
They communicate clear and consistent mes- Integrator. Effective HR professionals know
sages with integrity. They also have a point the historical research on HR so that they
of view, not only about HR activities, but also can be innovative and integrate HR practices
about business demands. They learn how to into unified solutions to solve future business
influence others in a positive way through problems. They must know the latest insights
clear, consistent, and high-impact communi- on key HR practice areas related to human
cations. Finally, HR professionals need to be capital (talent sourcing, talent develop-
self-aware and committed to building their ment), performance accountability (appraisal,
profession. rewards), organization design (teamwork, orga-
Capability Builder. An effective HR nization development), and communication.
professional melds individual abilities into They must also be able to turn these unique
effective organization capabilities. Capability HR practice areas into integrated solutions,
represents what the organization is good at generally around an organization’s leader-
and known for that represents an organiza- ship brand. These innovative and integrated
tion’s institutional strengths and the reputa- HR practices then result in high impact on
tion that the organization has relative to those business results by ensuring that HR practices
strengths. Capabilities have been referred to maintain their focus over the long run and
as a company’s culture, process, or identity. do not become seduced by HR “flavor the
HR professionals should facilitate capability month” or by another firm’s “best practices.”
audits to determine the identity of the orga- Technology Proponent. In recent
nization. Such capabilities include customer years, technology has changed the way in
service, speed, quality, efficiency, innovation, which HR people think and do their admin-
and collaboration. One such emerging capa- istrative and strategic work. At a basic level,
bility of successful organizations is to create HR professionals need to use technology to
an organization where employees find mean- more efficiently deliver HR administrative
ing and purpose at work. systems such as benefits, payroll processing,

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


Strategic Positioner

AN Capability
G Builder


Change Credible Technology
Champion Activist Proponent

& Integrator

FIGURE 1. 2012 HR Competencies for the Future

health care costs, and other administrative • Context. HR professionals work from the
services. In addition, HR professionals need outside-in. They help define their organi-
to use technology to help people stay con- zation’s strategic position by understand-
nected with one another. This means that ing general business contexts and specific
technology plays an increasingly important stakeholder expectations. They turn these
role in improving communications, doing external factors into internal strategy, ca-
administrative work more efficiently, and pabilities, and investments. As we have
connecting inside employees to outside cus- said elsewhere, the HR role is to look
tomers. An emerging technology trend is “through” the mirror of strategy to help
using technology as a relationship-building shape strategic needs.
tool through social media. Leveraging social • Organization. HR professionals create
media enables the business to position itself strong organizations. HR high performers
for future growth. HR professionals who convert context into a framework of ac-
understand technology will create improved tion and organizational discipline by
organizational identity outside the company building capability, leading change, inno-
and improve social relationships inside the vating and integrating HR practices, and
company. As technology proponents, HR proposing technology initiatives that im-
professionals have to access, advocate, ana- prove effectiveness and efficiency.
lyze, and align technology for information, • Individual. HR professionals attend to indi-
efficiency, and relationships. viduals, both themselves and employees
As Figure 1 suggests, we view these six throughout their organizations. Strong HR
domains of HR competence operating in professionals operate at a personal level as
three spheres of influence: credible activists, who build relationships

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


TABLE IV HR Performance in Each Competency Domain and the Relative Impact of HR Competencies on
Perception of HR Effectiveness and Business Performancea
Column II Column III
Impact on Perception Impact on Business
Column I of HR Effectiveness Performance
Mean Score on This (Beta Weights Scaled (Beta Weights Scaled
Competence Domain to 100%)b to 100%)
Credible Activist 4.23 22% 14%
Strategic Positioner 3.89 17% 15%
Capability Builder 3.97 16% 18%
Change Champion 3.93 16% 16%
Human Resource Innovator
and Integrator 3.90 17% 19%
Technology Proponent 3.74 12% 18%
Multiple R 2 42.5% 8.4%
In this table, we report the overall findings. We have analyzed the results by geographic region, years in HR, level in HR, position, gender,
and time in position. The same general pattern occurs for each subcategory, which suggests that these findings offer a baseline for the
To explain the relative impact of these six competencies on HR personal effectiveness and business performance, we did multiple re-
gressions. The beta weights derived from these regressions were then scaled to 100 points to help translate the results to a professional,
not academic audience. Beta weights and all other statistics are available from the authors.

of trust so that they can advocate for both they create organizations that are flexible
personal and business results. and adaptable at achieving business results.
We then identified the impact of these • The domain in which HR tends to be the
six domains on both the perception of the weakest is in understanding and applying
effectiveness of the HR professional and technology to build HR efficiency, to le-
the performance of the business where the HR verage social networking, and to manage
professional works (see Table IV and Figure 1). the flow of strategic information.
From Column I of Table IV, we assess in
which of the HR competency domains HR Which Competencies Have Greatest
professionals tend to perform best: Impact on Individual Performance
of HR Professionals as Perceived by
• HR professionals function best in the do- Their Line and HR Associates?
main as credible activists. They are effective
at building their credibility by establishing In Column II of Table IV, we identify the rela-
relationships of trust, by effectively com- tive impact of the six competency domains
municating key business and HR issues, on the overall competence of HR profession-
and by actively advocating insightful opin- als as seen by their respective HR and non-HR
ions that move the business forward. associates. To be perceived as a competent HR
• They perform the core of the competency professional, the HR professional should
domains at a somewhat lower level of ef- focus on the following:
fectiveness. They contribute to the estab-
lishment of a customer-focused business • Most important is for HR professionals to
strategy; they translate the business strategy exhibit the competencies of a credible
into important organizational capabilities; activist as described earlier.
they build and sustain organizational capa- • The other core HR activities are closely bun-
bilities through the disciplined and inte- dled together. This implies that to be seen as
grated application of HR innovations; and an overall competent HR professional, HR

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


professionals must exhibit the core HR com- Virtually all of the credible activist activi-
petency domains in an integrated manner. ties subfactors are done at a relatively high
• Excelling as a technology proponent has level and have the greatest impact on individ-
the least influence on the associates’ per- ual effectiveness. But they systematically have
ceptions of HR professionals. This may much less impact on business performance.
partially be due to low expectations and For the capability builder domain, capi-
lack of experience that HR professionals talizing on organizational capability and cre-
have in this domain. ating a meaningful work environment have
an average impact on business performance,
but aligning strategy, culture, behavior, and
Which Competencies Have Greatest
practices has the second-greatest impact on
Impact in Differentiating HR Profes- business performance of any of the subfac-
sionals in High-Performing Firms tors, and it is done at a modest level of effec-
From Those in Low- tiveness. This indicates an obvious area for
Performing Firms? HR to focus its efforts.
From Column III of Table IV, interesting and, The change champion domain results at
to some degree, unexpected re- the subfactor level are likewise interesting. To
sults are expressed. be seen as a competent individual contributor,
The close results of the HR professional should initiate change.
• The close results of HR as a ca- However, to contribute to business perfor-
HR as a capability pability builder (18 percent) and mance, sustaining change is more important.
builder (18 percent) HR innovator and integrator (19 The HR innovator and integrator domain
percent) reinforce the logic that has substantial influence on both individual
and HR innovator HR practices must integrate to cre- effectiveness and business performance. The
ate and sustain key organizational average influence of its subfactors on busi-
and integrator (19 capabilities in order to significantly ness performance is the highest among all
impact business performance. domains. Its subfactors are second only to the
percent) reinforce
• The impact on business perfor- credible activist subfactors in influence on
the logic that HR mance of HR as a technology pro- individual effectiveness. The subfactors have
ponent is at a level that is at the similar influence on business performance.
practices must same level of impact as HR as a ca- The data suggest that HR professionals must
pability builder and as an HR inno- make sure that their collective practices are
integrate to create
vator and integrator. This is a re- innovative and integrated.
and sustain key markable and unexpected finding. The subfactor analyses for the technol-
It suggests that for HR professionals ogy proponent domain show that average
organizational to drive business performance, they individual effectiveness scores of these sub-
need to master technology and in- factors are the lowest among all domains.
capabilities in order
formation. Yet the collective impact of these subfactors
to significantly To offer additional insights of on business performance is second only to
what makes an effective HR pro- the influence of the collective subfactors
impact business fessional, we look at 20 subfactors of the HR innovator and integrator on busi-
that characterize the competen- ness performance. And the subfactor, con-
cies of HR professionals (see Table necting people through technology, has
V). more influence on business performance
For the strategic positioner than any other subfactor across all domains.
domain, co-crafting the strategic agenda is This rather remarkable finding is profound.
most important for being seen by associates In today’s information-intensive world, HR
as a competent contributor. However, decod- professionals in high-performing firms are
ing customer expectations has greater impact becoming masters at managing the message.
on business performance. They are excelling at connecting stakeholders

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


TABLE V Subfactors for HR Competence on Individual Effectiveness and Business Performance

Individual Business
Effectiveness Performance
Subfactor for the Six HR Competency Mean (Beta Weights (Beta Weights Scaled
Domains (1 to 5) Scaled to 100%) to 100%)
Strategic Positioner
• Interpreting global business context 3.83 4.4 4.2
• Decoding customer expectations 3.83 4.4 5.2
• Co-crafting a strategic agenda 3.96 6.3 4.6
Credible Activist
• Earning trust through results 4.36 6.9 4.0
• Influencing and relating to others 4.24 7.0 4.1
• Improving through self-awareness 4.08 6.5 4.7
• Shaping the HR profession 4.13 4.4 2.9
Capability Builder
• Capitalizing organizational capability 4.03 5.4 5.3
• Aligning strategy, culture, practices, and 3.94 5.3 6.1
• Creating a meaningful work environment 3.94 4.1 5.2
Change Champion
• Initiating change 3.94 5.4 4.8
• Sustaining change 3.91 4.7 5.7
HR Innovator and Integrator
• Optimizing human capital through 3.95 5.5 5.6
workforce planning and analytics
• Developing talent 3.83 4.0 5.3
• Shaping organization and 3.94 5.8 5.6
communication practices
• Driving performance 3.87 4.7 5.2
• Building leadership brand 3.87 4.9 5.4
Technology Proponent
• Improving utility of HR operations 3.72 2.9 5.0
• Connecting people through technology 3.77 4.6 6.3
• Leveraging social media tools 3.68 2.7 4.7
Overall R 2 .431 .108a
The slight differences in R 2 are because the data are factored into either 6 or 20 scales, which shifts somewhat the variance explained,
but the ratios are similar with regressions of either 6 or 20 items.

on the outside with people on the inside in that the personal credibility subfactors are in
meaningful ways through technology. the upper-left-hand corner, indicating that
These results may be further summarized they are done at a high level of effectiveness
by Figure 2. but have less influence on business perfor-
This matrix provides a vivid representa- mance. HR professionals should therefore be
tion of the relationship between current HR cautious in continuing to focus on building
effectiveness and business performance. Note additional strength in personal credibility.

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm

Hi Earning trust
4.36 through results
Influencing and
relating to others

4.1− organizational
Improving through

self-awareness capability Optimizing human capital


through workforce
4.0− Creating a meaningful Aligning strategy,
planning & analytics
Co-crafting a work environment culture, practices,
Initiating change
strategic agenda and behavior
3.9− Sustaining change
Driving performance Building leadership brand
Interpreting Decoding Developing talent
3.8− global business customer
context expectations Shaping organization
& communication Connecting people
3.7− Leveraging social practices through technology
Lo media tools Improving utility of
3.68 HR operations

4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5
Lo Hi
2.9% 6.3%

FIGURE 2. Prioritizing HR Competency Actions

Our data indicate that they need to move levels of effectiveness. The opportunity for
on to the agendas that add greater value. As HR professionals to add the greatest value
indicated earlier, the seductive danger is that to their organization’s success is by focus-
while being a credible activist has the lowest ing on these three, but all the subfactors
impact on business performance, it has the in the bottom-right cell would be areas of
highest impact on being seen as being effec- emphasis.
tive by others. Thus, the knowledge, skills,
and abilities that create the appearance of
competence are not what actually create busi- Conclusions and Implications
ness performance.
The subfactors that have the greatest The HR profession has arrived. The lingering
impact on business performance are, in order self-doubts can and should be replaced with
of importance: self-confidence. The informed insights from
this study offer global standards for what HR
• connecting people though technology; professionals should be, know, and do. These
• aligning strategy, culture, practices, and standards should impact hiring, orienting,
behavior; and promoting, training, and assessing HR profes-
• sustaining change. sionals. With these insights, we are confident
that an emerging narrative about HR will help
Furthermore, HR professionals exhibit HR professionals be personally effective and
these competencies at medium to low favorably impact business performance.

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


Notes Ulrich, D. (1993). Profiling organizational comp-

1. In this study, we partnered with the leading HR pro- etitiveness: Cultivating capabilities. Human
fessional associations in Australia (AHRI), China Resource Planning, 16(3), 1–17.
(jobs51), India (NHRD), Latin America (IAE), Middle Ulrich, D. (1997). HR of the future: Conclusions
East (ASHRM), Northern Europe (HR Norge), South and observations. Human Resource Management
Africa (IPM), and our own extensive networks in Journal, 36, 175–179.
North America, including the Ross School of Busi- Ulrich, D. (1997). Human resource champions:
ness at the University of Michigan. These thought The next agenda for adding value and delivering
and research partners were the foundation for the results. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
success of this work.
Ulrich, D. (1998). A new mandate for human
2. The focus on human capital and talent can be seen
resources. Harvard Business Review, 76(1), 124–134.
in work by:
Ulrich, D., Brockbank, W., & Yeung, A. (1989,
Boudreau, J. (2010). Retooling HR: Using proven
November). Human resource competencies in the
business tools to make better decisions about tal-
1990’s: An empirical assessment of what the future
ent. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School.
holds. Personnel Administrator, pp. 91–93.
Boudreau, J. (2011). Transformative HR: How great
Ulrich, D., Brockbank, W., & Yeung, A. (1990).
companies use evidence based change for sustain-
Beyond belief: A benchmark for human resources.
able advantage. Boston, MA: Harvard Business
Human Resource Management, 28, 311–335.
Ulrich, D., Brockbank, W., Yeung, A., & Lake,
Boudreau, J., & Ramstad, P. (2007). Beyond HR: The
D. (1995). Human resource competencies
new science of human capital. Boston, MA: Har-
and empirical assessment. Human Resource
vard Business School.
Management, 34, 473–496.
Cappelli, P. (2008). Talent on demand: Managing tal-
Ulrich, D., Johnson, D., Brockbank, W., Younger,
ent in an age of uncertainty. Boston, MA: Harvard
J., & Sandholtz, K. (2009). HR competencies.
Business School.
Washington, DC: SHRM
Conaty, B., & Charan, R. (2010). The talent masters:
Ulrich, D., & Yeung, A. (1989, March). Human
Why smart leaders put people before numbers.
resources as a shared mindset. Personnel
New York, NY: Crown Business.
Administrator, pp. 38–45.
3. Some of the work includes:
Ulrich, D., Yeung, A., & Brockbank, W. (1990).
Brockbank, W. (1997). HR’s future on the way to a Human resources in the 1990’s: Forging personal
presence. Human Resource Management Journal, competencies into functional capability. New York,
36, 65–70. NY: Simon & Schuster.
Brockbank, W., & Ulrich, D. (2003). Competencies Yeung, A., Brockbank, W., & Ulrich, D. (1994). Lower
for the new HR: Society for Human Resource cost, higher value: Human resources function in
Management. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan transition. Human Resource Planning Journal,
Business School, Global Consulting Alliance. 17(3), 1–16.
Brockbank, W., Ulrich, D., & Beatty, D. (1999). The Yeung, A., & Ulrich, D. (1990). Effective human
professional development: Creating the future resource practices for competitive advantages: An
creators at the University of Michigan Business empirical assessment of organizations in transition.
School. Human Resource Management, 38, 111–118. In R. J. Niehaus & K. F. Price (Eds.), Human resource
Brockbank, W., Ulrich, D., & James, C. (1997). Trends strategies for organizations in transition (pp. 311–
in human resource competencies. Ann Arbor, MI: 326). New York, NY: Plenum.
University of Michigan Business School. Yeung, K. O. (1990). Cognitive consensuality and
Ulrich, D. (1992). Strategic and human resource organizational performance: A systematic assess-
planning: Linking customers and employees. ment (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
Human Resource Planning, 15(2), 47–62. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


4. The work by the Center for Effective Lawler, E. (2012). Effective human resource
Organizations can be referenced on their website: management: A global analysis. Palo Alto, CA: See also the following: Stanford University Press.
Boudreau, J., & Ziskin, I. (2011). The future of 5. See, for example, the SHRM 2005 symposium on
HR and effective organizations. Organizational the future of strategic HR,
Dynamics, 40, 255–266. /SympFutureofHR.pdf
Lawler, E., & Boudreau, J. (2009). Achieving
excellence in human resources management: An 6. The CIPD professional map can be found on their
assessment of human resource functions. Palo website:
Alto, CA: Stanford University Press. -profession-map/professional-areas/

DAVE ULRICH is a professor in the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan
and a partner at the RBL Group. He has written 25 books and over 200 articles. He has
numerous awards for insights on HR, talent, leadership, and organization capabilities. He
has also done extensive advisory work for most of the Fortune 200.

JON YOUNGER is partner emeritus at RBL Group and works with a variety of leading
global clients in creating more impactful, professional, and strategic HR functions. He is
coauthor of four books on HR competence and transformation, and many book chapters
and articles. Prior to working at the RBL Group, he was senior vice president and chief
talent and learning officer for a large US financial services organization. He has taught in
the executive education faculties of the University of Michigan and the Indian School of
Business, and for many corporate and governmental organizations. His PhD is from the
University of Toronto.

WAYNE BROCKBANK is a clinical professor of business in the University of Michigan’s

Ross School of Business. He is a core instructor of Michigan’s Advanced Human Resource
Executive Program, the world’s number-one-rated HR executive program. His research
focuses on linkages between business strategy and human resource practices, creating
high-performance corporate cultures and organization levers that drive business perfor-
mance. He has consulted on these topics with leading companies on every continent.

MICHAEL D. ULRICH is a doctoral student in the Darla Moore School of Business at the
University of South Carolina. His research interests include human capital, SHRM, busi-
ness strategy, and positive organizational scholarship. Prior to his doctoral studies he
worked as a research associate for the RBL Group. He holds a BS and MS in statistics
from Brigham Young University.

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Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm

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