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How to get

100 New Ideal Client

every week

with Amanda Kolbye

Amanda Kolbye ©
my name is amanda kolbye

and I'm an international business and market coach

who helps service based entrepreneurs and coaches

start and scale their online business to six figures so

they can have Freedom . I also travel around the

world full time and live a true laptop lifestyle.

I am so excited that you have downloaded this freebie and are committing to gaining more

knowledge and finally starting your online business. I cannot wait for you to dive in and

start putting the wheels into motion so that you too can live a freedom lifestyle!

If you are looking for even more FREE trainings and a bomb ass community of other laptop

lifestyle entrepreneurs, I would love to have you in my free Facebook community.

The laptop lifestyle Entrepreneur with amanda kolbye OR join me on

instagram for my daily free trainings on my stories.

@amandakolbye The Laptop Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Facebook Group

Amanda Kolbye ©
In order to sell on Instagram, we have to have people to buy from us. And in order

to make sales a breeze on Instagram, the first step is specifically having a

targeted and warm audience in front of us.

There are 3 main steps to monetizing your Instagram as a service based


3 steps
1. Build your audience AKA get targeted ideal client followers
2. Create Magnetic Content
3. Master Sales on IG and convert all those spicy hot followers into paying clients

In the past year I have built a multiple six figure business from scratch using

Instagram. And over 95% of my clients and sales come from Instagram. Oh and I

have less than 5,000 followers and started with less than 1,000. Instagram is my

absolute favorite business tool and I’m excited to show you the first step in being

able to build your own 6+ figure business on the ‘gram.

Making tens of thousands of dollars on Instagram may feel like a big

overwhelming goal right now but if you take it step by step and focus on

MASTERY rather than jumping from strategy to strategy, it can be quite fun and


So let’s break this down.

If you get 100 new followers per week and out of those 100 get 10 new engaged ideal clients
in your inbox every week, and then from those 40 ideal clients per month, you are able to
nurture and convert even just 3 clients TOTAL per month…

... that could be an extra $3000 in one month (if you have an offer around $1000)!

It’s all about taking action to get in front of the right people, not all the people.

So now I'm sure you are wondering, “how do I get those 100 new followers and 10

Let's dive in!

new ideal clients per week?!?!”

So enough chit chat.

Amanda Kolbye ©
Things to Remember

Before we reveal the 3 easy steps for you to take to get 100+ new targeted

followers per week, remember that:

#1. Consistency is key. Nothing works overnight so the power is not in a

“one time hit,” but rather the build up of momentum from consistency.

Nevertheless, you CAN see results fast.

My client Christina implemented these strategies when she was only getting
about 6 new followers per week, and within 72 hours her engagement 8x’ed
and she had already gained over 50 new followers!

#2. You must have content for all these new

followers to land on and consume, and

the content must be quality.

Engagement gets people to your account

and nurtures the relationship, but if you

don't have any content or you don't have

quality content, they have no reason to


#3. Take a look at your analytics section

now so you can track your growth. Write

down how many followers you have

gained in the past 7 days.

(yes, of course followers are not everything but

we are trying to expand your audience

specifically with these tactics so it is one of the

best metrics to measure for this)

**Make sure you have a business account in order to see these analytics

Amanda Kolbye ©

Go to hashtags from …

Your most recent post

Niche hashtags

Hashtags from a competitors most recent post

And engage with 10 people on each hashtag

Why This Works: This tactic focuses your engagement and visibility

efforts on niche and industry specific targeted hashtags which will give

you a list of targeted new followers to engage with.

Go to an ideal follower → go to suggested followers → and follow and

engage with 3 people → then go down the “rabbit hole” and keep following

and engaging with suggested followers of suggested followers 1-3 times

deep. Rinse and repeat and do this 5 times.

Why This Works: This tactic give us a specific list of qualified people to

follow and engage with that are brand new and similar to our ideal client.

Go to a competitor → engage with all the people who commented on their

most recent post

Why This Works: This tactic gives us qualified a specific list of qualified

people to follow and engage with because they are following a competitor

AND they commented meaning they are active/engaged and thus more

likely to engage with you as well.

Amanda Kolbye ©
Out of these 3 engagement methods, while you are engaging, DM 5-8 new people

per day to start a genuine conversation that has nothing to do with selling or

pitching them. Keep the conversation going until it naturally fizzles out.

3 DM initiation methods to use to DM those 5-8 people every day:

Swiping up on their stories
Messaging them from their account after engaging
From your own IG live or stories, look at who is watching and go DM those people


Step 1. Post an engagement sticker on your stories

Step 2. Engage with 20 people who viewed the story

Step 3. DM at least 10 people who responded to the poll

Instructions: Do this 3 times per week on top of the other 3 tactics

done daily.

Amanda Kolbye ©
Ready for 100 new followers per week and 10 ideal clients hanging out
in your DMs ready to talk to you and buy from you?!?!

If you do all of these tactics every day you will start to not only consistently

grow your account with targeted new followers, but also prime specific ideal

clients through your DM’s so that when you pitch your services next time,

Cha - Ching!
they will be primed and ready to buy!

Do these 3 tactics every day for 30 - 60 minutes EVERY day for 2 weeks.

It’s that simple! There are no shortcuts! So if you want to grow your biz for real,

it's time to put in the work and follow the steps to a T! Then, watch your account

SKY ROCKET with 100+ new targeted followers every week!

Tag on me on Instagram Stories (@amandakolbye) to share your wins!

Amanda Kolbye ©
Now What?

Now that you are attracting all these new amazing targeted followers to your

account it’s time to captivate and convert! The next step is creating captivating

content to nurture and suck in all these new eyeballs so they can binge

read/watch all your amazing content and begin to know, like, and trust you!

Then, it’s time to convert them by actually selling on Instagram and mastering all

the ins of outs of how to use Instagram as a business and sales tool!

And don’t worry I’ve got just the tools to help you accomplish all of this and start

making tens of thousands of dollars a month on Instagram alone! Want to know

how? Head over to my Instagram and keep your eyes peeled for some INSANE

new Instagram mastery tools coming your way in June!

So what now?

Get to work on these tactics.

Head over to my Facebook group to learn even more about mastering your

content and sales on Instagram! It’s time to become a ‘gram guru or more

importantly a money making ‘gram guru!

Hint: I recommend starting with this video all about “The #1 Way

to Grow your Business with Instagram” (it’s a good one!)

Don’t forget to connect with me on the 'gram!


Amanda Kolbye ©

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