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Theme: Peace, Unity and Development

Title: A Peaceful Nation

The growth of our nation lies in the heart of men
Let's raise the flag of peace, and splash colors on the canvas of love
When theirs love, their peace
Joy on earth does increase
For peace to grow in our society, the first step is social unity.
In the absence of peace and unity
development can never take place
Mothers are crying, Fathers are fighting
For a state of tranquility
War and conflicts, we must avoid
So that the beauty of life may be enjoyed.
What makes a nation stronger?
Is it the land, silver or gold?
Is it the sword, pride or number of battle won against its for?
None of this can make a nation stronger.
None of these can make a nation stronger or greater; But a nation of truth, honor and men who are
willing to work and build its pillars deep and lift it up into the sky with truth, unity and peace
Togetherness is all we need, let’s set
a goal to make our nation a better place than we met it
Development comes when we stand for what is right, when our swords fight for justice

Love is the foundation of everything

There is beauty, peace in everything we see; Rather than we have bloodshed
Mothers and daughters are dying; Fathers and sons are victims too
Hatred has replaced love
Peace O Peace
It all depends on our great nation
Violence only leads to destruction and not development
There is no need to take the lives of the innocent ones, we are all bounded by our humanity and
mutual aspirations
The time has come for us to break from the past and progress into a better future
Not by words alone but by our actions; this we must build; thus we must strengthen
What makes a nation stronger?
Is it the land, silver or gold?
Is it the sword, pride or number of battle won against its for?
None of this can make a nation stronger.
None of these can make a nation stronger or greater; But a nation of truth, honor and men who are
willing to work and build its pillars deep and lift it up into the sky with truth, unity and peace
Togetherness is all we need, let’s set
a goal to make our nation a better place than we met it
Development comes when we stand for what is right, when our swords fight for justice

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