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Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

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The Buteyko breathing technique in children with asthma: a randomized

controlled pilot study
Jan Vagedes a, b, c, *, Eduard Helmert a, Silja Kuderer a, Katrin Vagedes a, Johannes Wildhaber d,
Frank Andrasik e
ARCIM Institute, Filderstadt, Germany
Department of Pediatrics, Filderklinik, Filderstadt, Germany
Department of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Department of Pediatrics, Fribourg Hospital HFR, Fribourg, Switzerland
Department of Psychology, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA


Keywords: Background: Evidence supports the Buteyko breathing technique (BBT) as reducing medication and improving
Breathing retraining control and quality of life in adults with asthma, but having minimal impact on spirometry. For children with
Buteyko breathing technique asthma, evidence addressing the utility of BBT is sparse. We evaluated the effectiveness of BBT in managing
various aspects of asthma in children.
Methods: Thirty-two children with partly controlled asthma (age 6-15 years, 66% male) were randomized to
either Treatment as Usual (TAU) or TAU combined with Buteyko training (Buteyko group, BG). Children in the
BG received an intensive five-day training followed by three months of home practice. Primary outcome was
bronchodilator reduction. Secondary outcomes were changes in physiological parameters FEV1_AR (at rest),
FEV1_ER (after ergometry), FEV1_BR (after bronchospasmolysis), corticosteroid use, FeNO, SpO2, breath-hold
test and questionnaire data [Asthma Control Questionnaire and Pediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life
Questionnaire (PACQLQ)]. All measures were collected at Baseline and a three-month follow-up.
Results: For the primary outcome, no significant between-group difference was found. Regarding the secondary
outcomes, children receiving treatment augmented with BBT revealed significantly greater improvement at the
follow-up than those receiving TAU for FEV1_AR (p = .04, d=-0.50), FEV1_ER (p = .02, d=-0.52), and the
emotional function subscale of the PACQLQ (p < .01, d = 1.03). No between-group differences were found for the
remaining secondary measures of outcome.
Conclusions: Our preliminary findings suggest that the addition of BBT to treatment as usual for children with
asthma enhances outcomes with respect to spirometry and parental emotional function but does not lead to
reductions in medication, at least over the short term.

1. Background increased risk of psychosocial problems resulting from the inability to

participate in age-appropriate activities important for the development
Asthma is one of the major medical challenges worldwide and the of self-esteem and social skills (5,6). Such disease-related impairments
most common chronic disease in childhood (1–3). Children with asthma and a reduced quality of life can also adversely impact the families
are not only confronted with potentially life-threatening exacerbations, (7–9).
but also with school absenteeism impairing educational progress and Current approaches to management of asthma are based primarily on
further amplifying socioeconomic disparities (4). Moreover, they are at pharmacotherapy, mainly with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and

Abbreviations: ACQ, Asthma Control Questionnaire; AR, at rest; BBT, Buteyko breathing technique; BG, Buteyko group; BH test, breath-hold test; BL, baseline;
BMI, body mass index; BR, bronchodilator; ER, ergometry; ES, effect size; FeNO, fraction of exhaled nitric oxide; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; ICS,
inhaled corticosteroid; PACQLQ, Pediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire; PEF, peak expiratory flow; QOL, quality of life; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; SD, standard deviation; SpO2, saturation of peripheral oxygen; TAU, treatment as usual; 3-Mo FUP, three-month follow-up.
* Corresponding author at: ARCIM Institute, Im Haberschlai 7, D-70794 Filderstadt, Germany.
E-mail address: (J. Vagedes).
Received 18 March 2020; Received in revised form 22 September 2020; Accepted 22 September 2020
Available online 23 October 2020
0965-2299/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
J. Vagedes et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

bronchodilators (beta-2 agonists) (10). However, some patients report physicians or responded to local advertisements, were enrolled in our
an increasing interest in complementary therapies (11). Parents in trial. Inclusion criteria were an age between 6 and 15 years,
particular seek these options due to concerns about possible medication physician-diagnosed partly controlled asthma (29,30), assent from the
side effects on their children (12). Breathing retraining is one of the most children, written informed consent from the parents and approval from
prominent complementary approaches and consists of various tech­ the attending physicians. Children participating in another study or
niques, such as the Papworth method (13), Yoga (pranayama) (14), having already experienced BBT were excluded.
capnometry-assisted respiratory training (CART), or slow breathing and
awareness training (SLOW) (15). Breathing retraining focuses on the 2.3. Intervention
patient’s breathing pattern as dysfunctional breathing, such as chronic
hyperventilation, is known to contribute to hypocapnia and related 2.3.1. Treatment as Usual (TAU)
physical and mental problems, e.g., asthma and anxiety or panic disor­ Children in this condition received routine care, consisting of stan­
ders (2,16). dard medication prescribed by the respective attending physicians ac­
Another well-known breathing training program—the Buteyko cording to the severity of the symptoms.
Breathing Technique (BBT)—was introduced in Russia in the 1950s by
Dr Konstantin Buteyko. Buteyko identified various dysfunctional 2.3.2. Buteyko Group (BG)
breathing habits, such as mouth breathing and upper chest breathing, as Children received routine care as described above and additionally
being among the major causes for chronic hyperventilation. Conse­ were provided a standard course of BBT, comprised of three compo­
quentially, he introduced breathing exercises based on breath-holding nents: a five-day intensive course of BBT, a booster session one week
maneuvers and breath control to guide patients back to the normal later, and a three-month period of training at home.
nasal/diaphragmatic breathing pattern, designed to reduce breathing
volumes and restore metabolic balance (17). 2.3.3. Five-Day Training of BBT
The clinical utility of BBT has been explored in a number of studies in This aspect consisted of theoretical information and practical
adult patients with asthma. Overall, these studies have reported bene­ training provided over five consecutive days, with each session lasting
ficial effects on asthma control and quality of life as well as reductions in 90 minutes, with a parent present. In the first session, children and
medication use, whereas pulmonary function has remained largely un­ parents together were fully informed about the training plan, which
changed (14,18–24). In children with asthma, evidence addressing the included a detailed description of the exercises. Course units began with
value of BBT is limited. Enhancements in lung function and asthma an explanation of normal breathing and abnormal, dysfunctional
control following BBT intervention were reported by Elnaggar and breathing such as hyperventilation and breathing pattern disorders (31).
Shendy who conducted an RCT with three intervention groups The children were next escorted to a separate room with one of the two
comparing BBT, active cycle of breathing technique (ACBT), and trainers (certified in Buteyko procedures) and instructed in the use of
thoracic lymphatic pump technique (TLPT) in 54 children with asthma specific exercises, as described in the training plan, which included
(aged 8-14 years) (25). Azab et al. observed similar levels of improve­ breath-holding and deliberate hypoventilation exercises to retain CO2
ment in pulmonary function and functional capacity (6-minute walk and regain breath control (3). Each session began and ended with the
test) after 3 months of training (3-day initial in-person training com­ control pause (after a normal, gentle exhalation, breathing is stopped
bined with daily home practice) when they compared BBT to yoga in an until the patient feels air hunger) and comprised a succession of reduced
RCT conducted with 40 individuals (aged 7-12 years) having pediatric breathing, extended and maximum pauses. The exercises were carried
asthma (26). The respiratory outcome in 35 children with asthma (6-12 out at rest in a seated position, which helped the children to become
years) was enhanced upon completion of a short-term BBT intervention aware of and potentially correct their own breathing pattern. Reduced
when compared to that resulting from routine nursing care alone (n = 35 breathing and extended pauses were also practiced during activities,
controls) (27). McHugh et al. published a case series on BBT in eight such as walking, running or performing squats in order to encourage the
children (28), showing a reduction in beta-2 agonist and ICS use, but no children to maintain low-volume nasal/abdominal breathing as long as
lung function data were reported. Hepworth et al. recently assessed the possible during activities and sports and to avoid activity-induced un­
impact of breathing retraining, particularly BBT, on asthma symptoms controlled heavy breathing. While the children were being trained,
and dysfunctional breathing, as assessed with the Asthma Control Test parents received more detailed information from a second trainer who
and the Nijmegen Questionnaire, in 169 children with asthma and found introduced them to the same exercises to ensure correct supervision of
improved asthma control and dysfunctional breathing in children on all the children at home. Sessions ended with the children and parents
levels of asthma treatment (3). In the present study, we evaluated returning to a common area so the children could demonstrate to their
medication use, pulmonary function parameters and parents’ quality of parents what they had learned and were instructed to practice.
life in an RCT designed to more fully evaluate potential benefits from
adding BBT to standard care in treating children with asthma. 2.3.4. Booster Session and Training at Home
Approximately 1 week later, participants and parents returned to the
2. Methods clinic to provide feedback on their initial experiences and to ask ques­
tions. The trainers observed each child perform all procedures taught
2.1. Study Design and provided corrective instructions as needed.
Three-Month Home Practice: The children were instructed to prac­
Participants were randomized to either standard treatment (here­ tice all techniques taught to them, twice per day for 15 minutes.
after referred to as Treatment as Usual, TAU) or to TAU combined with Adherence to the training was supervised and recorded by the parents.
BBT (hereafter referred to as the Buteyko Group, or BG). Data were
collected from January to November 2014 at the ARCIM Institute and 2.4. Outcomes
the Filderklinik in Filderstadt, Germany.
All outcome measures were collected prior to the start of the inter­
2.2. Study Population vention (baseline, BL) and at the three-month follow-up (3-Mo FUP).

Thirty-two (32) outpatient children with asthma (66% male), from 2.4.1. Primary Outcome
among 197 considered for participation after examining records at the Change in bronchodilator use (beta-2 agonists) over time was
Filderklinik and reviewing children who were referred by local determined from the medication records the parents were asked to

J. Vagedes et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

maintain. The amounts were converted into equivalent doses of salbu­ using R (38) and RStudio (39). Missing values were imputed using the
tamol, by considering 100 μg of salbutamol equivalent to 100 μg of multiple imputation by chained equations method (R package: mice (40)).
terbutaline and 25 μg of salmeterol (20). Two-sided p-values <.05 were considered significant. Baseline measures
are reported descriptively with mean differences, 95% confidence in­
2.4.2. Secondary Outcomes tervals (CI) and Cohen’s d effect sizes (ES) for correlated samples (d) (R
Change in corticosteroid (ICS) use, various physiological measures, package: effsize (41)). The primary outcome measure, beta-2 agonist use
as well as responses to questionnaires served as secondary measures of at 3-Mo FUP, was analyzed using a linear mixed-effects model (R
outcome. For ICS usage, dose equivalents were determined as follows: package: lme4 (42)) allowing for treatment condition (TAU, BG), time
1000 μg of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) were considered (BL, 3-Mo FUP) and their interaction term as fixed effects and subjects as
equivalent to 800 μg of budesonide or 500 μg of fluticasone (30). a random effect. Post-hoc comparisons were performed in case of sig­
Spirometry values were measured under three different conditions: nificant main effects (R package lmerTest (43)) and adjusted for multi­
1) at rest (FEV1_AR), then 2) after bicycle ergometer exercise (30 watts, ple testing using Bonferroni correction. Secondary outcome measures
7 minutes) (“ergometry”, FEV1_ER), followed by 3) after broncho­ are reported descriptively with 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean differences (to
spasmolysis (15 minutes after inhalation of 200 μg of salbutamol) account for potential baseline differences), within-group differences, CI
(“bronchodilator”, FEV1_BR) to measure the forced expiratory volume and ES. Data were cross-checked to determine if they conformed to a
in one second (FEV1; SpiroScout, LF8, Ganshorn Medizin Electronic normal distribution.
GmbH, Niederlauer, Germany). Further measurements at rest included
fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO; NIOX VERO®, Circassia AG, Bad 3. Results
Homburg, Germany), oxygen saturation (SpO2; fingertip pulse oximeter
CMS-50D, Contec Medical Systems Ltd., Qinhuangdao, China), and 3.1. Study population (Fig. 1, Table 1)
breath-hold test (BH test; Buteyko control pause in seconds).
Asthma control was measured with the Asthma Control Question­ Of the 197 children contacted for eligibility assessment, 165 were
naire (ACQ). In children aged 6-10 years, it was administered by a excluded because they did not reply (n = 90), did not meet the inclusion
trained interviewer (32,33). The ACQ is comprised of seven questions, criteria (n = 53), declined to participate due to lack of time (n = 21) or
including the five most important asthma symptoms, bronchodilator use for other reasons (not specified) (n = 1) (Fig. 1). Thus, 32 children were
(all 6 rated over the past week on a scale ranging from 0=well controlled enrolled and randomly allocated to TAU (n = 16) or BG (n = 16). Two
to 6=extremely poorly controlled), and FEV1 (scale ranging from 0 = participants assigned to BG and one assigned to BG were lost to follow-
> 95% predicted to 6 = < 50% predicted, provided by clinic staff). We up and dropped out of the study. However, all 32 children randomized in
used a shortened version of the ACQ, comprising questions one to six (5 the study were included in the statistical analysis. 66% of all participants
symptoms plus bronchodilator use). The measurement properties of the were male, with a mean age of 10.6 years (SD = 2.1, range = 6-15), and
original ACQ and its three shortened versions have been shown to be an average BMI of 18.6 kg/m2 (SD = 3.6, range = 13.7-26.8). Baseline
very similar, with a high agreement between all four versions (34) and characteristics were similar between both treatment conditions for age,
an internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) greater than 0.70 for all four BMI, medication use, 3 of the 6 physiological measures, and all of the
versions (35). questionnaire data. All FEV1 values were higher for children assigned to
Parents’ disease-related quality of life was measured with the Pedi­ TAU. None of the participants needed oral corticosteroids. According to
atric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (PACQLQ) (36). the German national asthma care guideline (44), in the BG five children
This 13-item questionnaire assesses two separate domains: activity received step 1 therapy, three were on step 2, six on step 3, and two on
limitations (n = 4) and emotional function (n = 9). Each item is rated on step 4 therapy. In TAU, four participants were on step 1 therapy, four on
a scale from 1 = severe impairment to 7 = no impairment. We report the step 2, six on step 3, and two on step 4 therapy. Apart from the three
average sum scores for each domain. The minimal important difference dropouts, who declined further participation for unknown reasons, no
for overall caregiver quality of life is 0.50, with similar values for the adverse events (such as hospital admissions or emergency department
emotional function domain (0.64) and the activity limitation domain visits) were reported.
(0.67) (36). The internal consistency for the questionnaire as a whole is
high, with a Cronbach’s α of 0.914 (37). 3.2. Primary and secondary outcomes (Tables 2 and 3, Figs. 2 and 3)

2.5. Sample Size Approximately 12.5% of the physiological, 7.7% of the question­
naire data and 49.2% of information on medication use were missing
Given the scarcity of RCTs investigating BBT or similar breathing and were imputed as described above.
exercises in children (2), we estimated our sample size based on findings
from a pilot study (unpublished) with five children assessing asthma 3.2.1. Primary outcome measure: beta-2 agonists
control (ACQ) and medication use before and after BBT training. Thus, The primary analysis yielded a significant main effect of time [F
our decision to enroll 32 total participants is perhaps best viewed as a (1,30) = 48.96, p < .001], and a marginally significant interaction effect
sample of convenience and our results as those of a pilot study. [F(1,30) = 3.62, p = 0.067]. As the interaction did not reach the signif­
icance level, no post-hoc tests were performed. Although the 2 treatment
2.6. Randomization and Blinding conditions did not differ at the 3-Mo FUP [F(1,30) = 1.10, p = 0.30], the
within-group reductions in beta-2 agonist use revealed large effect sizes
At the initial assessment (baseline), participants were randomly (Table 2).
assigned to one of the two study conditions. Sealed envelopes containing
the group allocation and a pseudonymized study ID were prepared, with 3.2.2. Secondary Outcome Measures
each participant choosing an envelope in the presence of a research ICS: No significant 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean difference occurred. The
assistant not involved in the preparation of the envelopes. No further decrease in ICS use in the Buteyko group revealed a medium ES, while
blinding was performed. the change for TAU was of a lesser effect size (Table 2).
FEV1: We found significant 3-Mo FUP mean differences with large
2.7. Statistical analysis ES’s for all FEV1 values, in favor of the BG (Table 2, Fig. 2). The within-
changes revealed an increase in FEV1_ER for the BG, at a small effect
We performed statistical analyses on an intention-to-treat basis, size, and decreases in FEV1_AR and FEV1_BR for TAU, at small to

J. Vagedes et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

Fig. 1. CONSORT Flow Diagram.

Table 1
Baseline characteristics of the study participants
Parameters Total BG TAU Δ CI ES
(n = 32) (n = 16) (n = 16)

Demographics Age, years 10.56(2.14) 10.44(2.25) 10.69(2.09) − 0.25 (-1.82;1.32) 0.12

Sex, male n(%)† 21(65.62) 10(62.50) 11(68.75) - - -
BMI, kg/m2 18.61(3.59) 19.74(4.24) 17.49(2.43) 2.25 (-0.27;4.78) 0.65
Medication β-2 ag. (salb. equiv.), μg/d 174.09(134.36) 209.31(163.12) 138.88(89.76) 70.44 (-25.78;166.65) 0.54
ICS (BDP equiv.), μg/d 242.22(216.38) 202.75(153.95) 281.69(264.08) − 78.94 (-236.61; 78.73) 0.37
Physiological FEV1_AR, % 0.90(0.16) 0.82(0.15) 0.98(0.13) -0.16 (-0.26;-0.06) 1.14
measures FEV1_ER, % 0.85(0.21) 0.75(0.20) 0.96(0.16) -0.21 (-0.34;-0.07) 1.12
FEV1_BR, % 0.96(0.17) 0.88(0.15) 1.05(0.16) -0.16 (-0.28;-0.05) 1.05
FeNO, ppb 47.00(39.58) 51.44(43.41) 42.56(36.22) 8.88 (-20.03;37.78) 0.22
SpO2, % 96.94(1.76) 96.50(2.10) 97.38(1.26) − 0.88 (-2.14;0.39) 0.51
BH test, sec 15.34(4.82) 13.75(2.41) 16.94(6.06) − 3.19 (-6.59;0.22) 0.69
ACQ ACQ score 1.13(0.90) 1.00(0.93) 1.25(0.88) − 0.25 (-0.90;0.41) 0.27
PACQLQ Activity limitations 6.10(1.27) 6.08(1.24) 6.13(1.35) − 0.05 (-0.99;0.88) 0.04
Emotional function 5.63(1.18) 5.71(0.94) 5.54(1.41) 0.16 (-0.71;1.04) 0.14

Data are means (SD) unless otherwise specified with †. BG = Buteyko group, TAU = treatment as usual, Δ =mean between-difference, CI = 95% confidence interval,
ES = Cohen’s d, β-2 ag.=β-2 agonist [μg/d], salb. equiv.=salbutamol equivalent, ICS = inhaled corticosteroid [μg/d], BDP equiv.=beclomethasone dipropionate
equivalent, BMI = body mass index, FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second [%], AR = at rest, ER = after ergometry, BR = after bronchospasmolysis,
FeNO = fraction of exhaled nitric oxide [ppb], SpO2=oxygen saturation [%], BH test = breath-hold test [sec], ACQ = Asthma Control Questionnaire,
PACQLQ = Paediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire. Bold indicates confidence intervals that do not contain zero.

medium effect sizes (Table 2, Fig. 2). either intervention (Table 3).
FeNO and SpO2: No significant adjusted mean differences or within- PACQLQ: We observed a significant 3-Mo adjusted mean difference
group changes were detected (Table 2). for the emotional function domain, with a medium ES, in favor of the BG
BH test: The 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean difference was significant, (Table 3, Fig. 3). No effect was found for the subscale activity
with a large ES (Table 2), based on the BG results: In the BG, there was a limitations.
highly significant increase in the breath-hold test between BL and 3-Mo
FUP, also with a large ES. No significant within-group changes were
detected for TAU (Table 2, Fig. 3). 3.3. Sensitivity analysis (Table 4)
ACQ: We did not find changes in the ACQ score between or within
In order to evaluate data robustness, the analysis of the physiological

J. Vagedes et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

Table 2
Mean values for outcome measures at baseline (BL) and three-month follow-up (3-Mo FUP) and adjusted mean differences
BL 3-Mo FUP Within-group difference (95% CI, Cohen’s d) 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean difference (95% CI, Cohen’s d)


BG 209.31(163.12) 31.94(80.41) 177.38 (107.31;247.44) 1. 38
β-2 ag. − 75.81 (-157.67;6.04) 0.67
TAU 138.88(89.76) 37.31(49.22) 101.56 (53.50;149.63) 1.40
BG 202.75(153.95) 106.44(149.22) 96.31 (23.21;169.41) 0.64
ICS 12.62 (-118.66;143.91) 0.07
TAU 281.69(264.08) 172.75(178.04) 108.94 (-5.75;223.62) 0.48
Physiological measures
BG 0.82(0.15) 0.86(0.13) − 0.04 (-0.09;0.01) 0.28
FEV1_AR 0.10 (0.03;0.16) 1.08
TAU 0.98(0.13) 0.92(0.11) 0.06 (0.01;0.11) 0.48
BG 0.75(0.20) 0.81(0.16) -0.06 (-0.11;-0.01) 0.31
FEV1_ER 0.12 (0.04;0.20) 1.10
TAU 0.96(0.16) 0.89(0.16) 0.07 (0.00;0.13) 0.40
BG 0.88(0.15) 0.91(0.12) − 0.03 (-0.08;0.02) 0.21
FEV1_BR 0.12 (0.04;0.19) 1.13
TAU 1.05(0.16) 0.96(0.15) 0.09 (0.03;0.15) 0.57
BG 51.44(43.41) 44.62(31.18) 6.81 (-9.05;22.68) 0.18
FeNO 0.81 (-18.76;20.38) 0.03
TAU 42.56(36.22) 34.94(27.19) 7.62 (-5.18;20.43) 0.24
BG 96.50(2.10) 97.00(1.41) − 0.50 (-1.47;0.47) 0.28
SpO2 1.00 (-0.30;2.30) 0.55
TAU 97.38(1.26) 96.88(1.59) 0.50 (-0.45;1.45) 0.35
BG 13.75(2.41) 20.69(4.11) -6.94 (-9.42;-4.46) 2.06
BH test 6.00 (2.92;9.08) 1.41
TAU 16.94(6.06) 17.88(6.35) − 0.94 (-2.98;1.11) 0.15

β-2 ag.=β-2 agonist (salbutamol equivalent) [μg/d], ICS = inhaled corticosteroid (beclomethasone dipropionate equivalent) [μg/d], FEV1=forced expiratory volume
in 1 second [%], AR = at rest, ER = after ergometry, BR = after bronchospasmolysis, FeNO = fraction of exhaled nitric oxide [ppb], SpO2=oxygen saturation [%], BH
test = breath-hold test [sec]. Bold indicates confidence intervals that do not contain zero.

Table 3
Mean values for questionnaire outcome measures at baseline (BL) and three-month follow-up (3-Mo FUP) and adjusted mean differences
BL 3-Mo FUP Within-group difference (95% CI, Cohen’s d) 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean difference (95% CI, Cohen’s d)


ACQ score BG 1.00(0.93) 0.78(0.74) 0.22 (-0.20;0.63) 0.26
− 0.04 (-0.61;0.53) 0.04
TAU 1.25(0.88) 1.08(0.73) 0.17 (-0.26;0.60) 0.22
ActLim BG 6.08(1.24) 6.44(0.64) − 0.36 (-1.11;0.39) 0.37
0.33 (-0.57;1.24) 0.27
TAU 6.13(1.35) 6.16(0.80) − 0.03 (-0.60;0.53) 0.03
EmoFct BG 5.71(0.94) 6.23(0.51) − 0.52 (-1.05;0.00) 0.69
0.74 (0.02;1.46) 0.74
TAU 5.54(1.41) 5.33(1.13) 0.22 (-0.32;0.75) 0.17

ACQ = Asthma Control Questionnaire, PACQLQ = Pediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire, ActLim = Activity Limitations, EmoFct = Emotional
Function, BG = Buteyko group, TAU = treatment as usual. Bold indicates confidence intervals that do not contain zero.

Fig. 2. Change in Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1) from baseline (BL) to three-month follow-up (3-Mo FUP) (‘-’ median, ‘●’ mean, ‘○’ outlier,
BG = Buteyko group, TAU = treatment as usual, AR = at rest, ER = after ergometry, BR = after bronchospasmolysis, within-group analysis: ‘*’ confidence intervals
that do not contain zero, ‘ns’ confidence intervals that contain zero, adjusted mean difference: ‘†’ confidence intervals that do not contain zero).

outcome parameters was repeated with those participants who had agonist use was reduced in both groups at 3-Mo FUP. Among the sec­
complete data for ICS (n = 11). Similar trends were observed for the ondary outcomes, no significant difference was observed between the
FEV1 values, FeNO, and BH test. In contrast to the primary analysis, a groups with respect to ICS use. Within the groups, however, ICS use
significant 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean difference was observed for SpO2 decreased significantly in the BG while remaining unchanged in TAU. A
based on an increase in the BG. reduction in medication use was also reported by other authors evalu­
ating BBT in adult patients with asthma (21,23,24). However, we had a
4. Discussion high amount of missing values for medication. Without missing impu­
tation, the ICS reduction in the BG was not significant. Although we
For the primary outcome (beta-2 agonist use), we found no signifi­ applied a high-quality missing imputation method, the data basis
cant between-group difference following the intervention. Beta-2 possibly remains insufficient to regard the overall reduction in

J. Vagedes et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

Fig. 3. Change in breath-hold test and Pediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (PACQLQ) subscale emotional function from baseline (BL) to three-
month follow-up (3-Mo FUP) (‘-’ median, ‘●’ mean, ‘○’ outlier, BG = Buteyko group, TAU = treatment as usual, within-group analysis: ‘*’ confidence intervals that do
not contain zero, ‘ns’ confidence intervals that contain zero, adjusted mean difference: ‘†’ confidence intervals that do not contain zero).

medication was not assessed in this study. Azab et al. (26) found sig­
Table 4
nificant improvements for BBT as well as yoga in most of the measured
Three-month follow-up (3-Mo FUP) adjusted mean differences in respiration
parameters at their 3-month follow-up (pulmonary function and func­
parameters in participants with complete information on inhaled corticosteroids
(n = 11) tional capacity as assessed by a six-minute walk test), with no significant
difference between the groups. No detailed information on pharmaco­
BG TAU 3-Mo FUP adjusted mean
therapy is given in this study. Priyalatha et al. (27) assessed the effect of
difference (95% CI, Cohen’s d)
BBT on the respiratory outcome in children with asthma. BBT was
conducted twice daily, on five consecutive days, while the control par­
FEV1_AR BL 0.81 0.99 ticipants received routine nursing care. Respiratory outcome (modified
(0.24) (0.15) Becker’s score, SpO2, PEF, and breath holding time), assessed before
0.18 (0.04;0.32) 1.76
3-Mo 0.90 0.90
FUP (0.18) (0.11)
and immediately after intervention, revealed significant improvements
0.76 1.00 for all parameters in the BBT group. The absence of long-term follow-up
(0.29) (0.20) (as well as the presence of certain methodological limitations) renders
0.21 (0.02;0.40) 1.44
3-Mo 0.88 0.90 these findings tentative (27).
FUP (0.19) (0.13)
While the studies on BBT in adult patients with asthma report that
0.86 1.03
(0.21) (0.18) pulmonary function has remained largely unchanged, in many children
0.17 (0.04;0.30) 1.77 lung function appears to respond at some level to this training. The
3-Mo 0.93 0.93
FUP (0.17) (0.16) improvements in respiratory parameters we observed were supple­
74.40 31.00 mented by the increase in breath-hold test scores (capacity) for those
(63.80) (30.35)
− 30.77 (-74.38;12.85) 0.97 children receiving BBT. Young patients have a briefer history of asthma
3-Mo 45.80 33.17
FUP (33.66) (25.47) than most adults, thereby increasing the likelihood of reversing disease-
95.20 97.17 related functional and structural changes in the respiratory system.
(2.95) (1.72)
3.50 (1.29;5.71) 2.17 Studies that focus more intently on how and when children in particular
3-Mo 97.20 95.67
can benefit from BBT with respect to lung function seem warranted.
FUP (2.05) (1.75)
13.20 16.50 Evidence suggests that childhood asthma can impose considerable strain
BH test BL on the families and that parental management skills may influence
(2.95) (4.76)
10.10 (3.52;16.68) 2.15
3-Mo 23.80 17.00 disease progression (9). The improvements we found with respect to
FUP (4.27) (7.46) emotional functioning of parents likely arose from them witnessing
BG = Buteyko group, TAU = treatment as usual, BL = baseline, 3-Mo stronger self-regulation capacities in their children, by way of the BBT
FUP = three-month follow-up, β-2 ag.=β-2 agonist (salbutamol equivalent) exercises. Also, improved emotional function of the parents might
[μg/d], ICS = inhaled corticosteroid (beclomethasone dipropionate equivalent) benefit their management skills, which in turn could foster the chil­
[μg/d], FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second [%], BA = baseline, dren’s health status.
ER = after ergometry, BR = after bronchospasmolysis, FeNO = fraction of The present study is not without limitations. Juniper and colleagues
exhaled nitric oxide [ppb], SpO2=oxygen saturation [%], BH test = breath-hold report that an ACQ score of 1.50 is the optimal cut-point to identify
test [sec]. Bold indicates confidence intervals that do not contain zero.
poorly controlled asthma that can benefit from an intervention (45). In
our study, the ACQ score was close to 1.00 in both conditions, which
medication use and the pronounced reduction of beta-2 agonists in the approaches what is considered a well-controlled level for asthma. These
BG as valid and conclusive. For the other secondary outcomes, we found asthma control scores may have limited our ability to detect benefits
improvements in the BG for FEV1, breath-hold test and parents’ from the intervention (due to a ceiling effect). Moreover, we have not
emotional function (PACQLQ). In TAU, the parameters remained un­ raised detailed data on the frequency of asthma exacerbations and
changed or deteriorated. emergency department visits in the year prior to the study. We were
The significant difference between our two groups with respect to unable to perform an exact sample size calculation and consequently
FEV1_AR and ER at three-month follow-up, in favor of the Buteyko relied on a “convenient sample size”; hence, us considering this inves­
group, is in line with the – albeit sparse – evidence base for BBT in tigation along the lines of a pilot study. Recruiting participants by
children with asthma. Elnaggar and Shendy’s (25) RCT comparing BBT, physician referrals and local advertisements was the most feasible
ACBT, and TLPT found significant differences between the groups in method for us to use. However, we cannot completely rule out potential
favor of BBT at their 3-month follow-up (with greater improvement for referral bias in this procedure of enrollment. Given the age range of our
serum Ig E, ventilatory function and asthma perception). Use of asthma study population, it seemed reasonable to rely on parental records of the

J. Vagedes et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 56 (2021) 102582

medication used by their children, a method that might carry the risk of Appendix A. Supplementary data
recall bias.
Our participants included children of both sexes and different ages Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
with mild to moderate asthma. We believe that our results can therefore online version, at doi:
be applied to a considerable proportion of the pediatric asthma popu­
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