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Walkerz Data Sourcing Guide

Before you start getting credit reports and opening accounts, you will need the
right type of data. In this guide – I will show you how to attain it, from
sourcing it yourself or if you have the financial means buying it from various
tools and websites. Let's begin, shall we?

Public sources

When we're talking about public sources, there are 2 main sources of
data that we be utilising. The open register and director records. Let's go
over the differences, plus their pros and cons of each.

Firstly, let's talk about director records. This is publically avaliable

information of every company director in the UK. Commercial entitites
can purchase copies of this and host it on their own site for resale,
what's great about director data is the fact DOB is included for most,
that plus a few other guidelines you can find great data for free barring
the sites monthly subscription. However, searching for the right data can
be tedius due to the site we're going to use lacking certain quality of life

Next is the open register, like the director records this is the data local
authorities sell to 3rd parties. However unlike above, this information
does not come with DOB, so you will need to utilise a DOB searching site
such as – however there are pros to this method, for example
data will be much easier to search due to filters and the fact there won't
be as much directors compared to people on the open register.

Regardless on what you choose, I'll go over optimal searching paramters

for both. So the site we will be using when searching for pubic data is Mostly because of their postcode search, but also
the only site to offer unlimeted searches on a subscription basis, and
they also display property sales data without any extra clicking, it's all on
one page. Making this extremely useful and convenient for searching the
right type of data. Before you register an account, only 3ds enabled
cards are accepted, so if already have carding experience then this
should be a cakewalk for you, if not – don't worry about using your own
card, as stated earlier this is not some russian hacked database, it's a
proper company that has purchased data from the GOVERNMENT.
So, when you're ready click 'Join Now' at the top and you will be asked
to register, once you've done that you will be asked for the plan. Monthly
has the most value, but if you're carding then go for the highest non-pro
plan as you need to be a registered buisness for that, and after trialing
the pro version, there is no DOB, only age ranges so not very useful.

If you purchased a subscription sucesfully, then you are ready to search.

But remember when I said that their most important search feature is
postcode? Well, you will be needing a lot of postcodes to conduct those
searches, I have included an excel file which contains every postcode
district in the UK, I would reccomend copying every postcode and then
pasting it into a list randomiser like the one on Once you
have the randomised list, copy those into a .txt document. Now you're
ready to search!

Assuming you're all logged into tracegenie, scroll right to the bottom
where you will be greeted with the vaunted postcode search. Copy and
paste the first postcode listed in your document, now if you wanted to
search for directors then at the bottom click the box nex to 'Directors
2009 on'. If you wanted to search via the open register then click on the
box nex to '2016'. Regardless what you chosen, we will be searching for
data the same way. Press CTRL+F to bring up the search box, in here
type in 'sold'. This in my experience is the most effiecient way to go
through the search results without manually clicking each one. What you
you are looking for are properties bought at least 5 years ago in the
least, for at least over 200k. If you find any properties that match this
criteria, you will then check if that person has been at that address for 3-
4 consecutive years. For simplicity, I always suggest priortising males as
they generally don't change their surnames when getting married, which
is a pain in the ass when searching for their mothers maiden name later.

Ideally, your gathered information will be like this one

1. Spouse listed on open register (note the name down as that will be
important in the credit report guide)
2. House sold for over 200k
3. Listed for over 4 conseuctive years.
Once you are happy your gathered data fits the above criteria, you will
be entering the postcode found on the record on This
will be your last confirmation that the data you harvested is great. If the
credit score shown on the screen is at least above the national average
then I'd say it is probably a safe bet to save for later use. Also, it is
important that you note down when the property was purchased as this
could help when you're trying to get their credit report as the next guide
will demonstrate.

Private sources
If you are a carder then you probably already have dozens if not
hundreds of possible viable data, that would be dead fullz. Not only
would you save yourself a couple of hours of searching tracegenie, but
that sort of information will be invaluable in my credit report guide that
will likely be your next read after this. However if you're not a carder,
then you can ask in the 'wanted' section on the alpha bay forum. Make
sure you never buy anything outside the market escrow, and consult me
on how much you are being asked for. I will determine if you are getting
a good deal or being ripped off.

Also, we discussed earlier. They can be rather expensive,

espsically if you are trying to get multiple DOB's but as stated earlier if
you can afford it, that would be my option. You just have so much more
choice. Once you have harvested at least 10 addresses, you are ready to
read the credit report guide.

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