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Danziger straße 20, Prenzlauer Berg, 10435, Berlin, Germany

(+49) 15750139516 |

NTT Ltd.

Deutschland 9 March 2024

Cover Letter – Campus Construction Project Manager Prozessentwicklung

Dear Hiring manager,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Senior Campus Construction Project Manager position at
NTT Global Data Centers EMEA, as advertised. With a diverse background in project management and a solid
track record of delivering complex projects within budget and timeline constraints, I am excited about the
opportunity to contribute to your prestigious organization.

My experience in project management, gained through roles at various companies, has equipped me with the
skills necessary to excel in this role. I have successfully led cross-functional teams in the execution of
construction projects, ensuring adherence to industry best practices and standards. Additionally, my
proficiency in Agile and Scrum methodologies, coupled with my ability to navigate high-pressure
environments, makes me well-suited to manage the delivery of greenfield and brownfield Data Centre projects
on your Frankfurt campus.

I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to work with NTT Global Data Centers EMEA due to its reputation
as a leader in the data center industry and its commitment to excellence. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about
the prospect of relocating from Berlin to Frankfurt to fully immerse myself in this role and contribute
effectively to the success of the projects.

I am eager to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to the team at NTT Global Data Centers EMEA. Thank you
for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills align with the
organization's objectives in further detail.


Gaurav Rozatkar

+49 15750139516

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