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To begin with ,Recycling is a process of turning waste into new material

or product. This is an outstanding way to protect the environment.
Recycling means converting waste material into something usable.
Products like – Glass, paper, plastic, and metals such as aluminum and
steel are all usually recycled.I think that recycle should be
obligatory,because things that are wasteful we litter,so we have to
recycle it.
In my opinion people should be paid for recycled materials,because
they collect things to recycle. There are also different kinds of bins in
my country when people litter plastic cup there are boxes where they
can litter it. There is recycling factory in my country called ტენე.There
are factories where people who works there recycle plastic or paper.
Secondly,there are also people who don’t like recycling,I think that they
don’t know what people will get after recycling,so in my opinion there
should be lessons where people will learn about that they should get
chargers or something like that with recycling. I also recycle things like
bottle or something like that, I think that with this I will help
environment..By reusing and not throwing your old products, you are
actually recycling. Recycling the paper can result in paper production
without cutting more trees.

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