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1. What's your full name? Cuál es tu nombre

2. my name is ---------

1. What do you do for a living? Aque te dedicas.

2. I dedicate myself to

1. What is your favorite food? ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?

2. my favorite food is

1. what is your favorite color? ¿Cual es tu color favorito?

2. my favorite color is

3. Are you married or single? Eres casada o soltera

4. I'm single

1. Where were you born? Donde naciste

2. I was born in

1. What did you like to do when you were a child? ¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando eras niña?

2. When i was a girl i liked it

1. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Prefieres ver películas en casa o
en cine.

2. I prefer to watch movies

1. Where do you plan to go on your next vacation? Donde planeas ir tus próximas vacaciones.

2. I plan to go on vacation to

1. What do you hope to achieve during your trip? Que esperas lograr durante tu viaje.

2. Vbgfdfd

1. Excellent
1. It was a pleasure

2. Good bye

It was a pleasure, you're well

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