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Criminology is defined as a branch involving non legal fields related to criminal

behavior and factors involving societal reactions, their perceptions and way of
dealing with crimes. Though social media has created enormous new
opportunities for justice agencies to solve cases whereas on the other hand it
gave rise to fakeness, increased cases of online violence on social networking
sites, cyberbullying and increased social isolation.

Social media has entangled relationship with crime that has affected all age
groups across the globe. It has served as an exploitative platform for burglars to
pursue personal information of families in their close vicinity and commit theft in
their absence .Overall frauding and hacking cases have increased threefold. Social
media always displays crimes in an exaggerated way causing widespread
disinformation which has increased threefold. It offered fake victims of domestic
violence to threaten, abuse and misuse their partner in the name of legal laws.
Many health issues are dynamically falsely represented in order to attain money
for the sake of life saving.

The platform of social media has hidden reality from general public on various
issues. Teenagers blindfoldedly follow brands, actors and only dream of lavish
living instead of working hard, productive living and focusing on studies.
According to their own interests criminals are defended and saved whereas
genuine person is declared as criminal. Even the data displaying crime rates in
specific city is not reliable until and unless proper investigation is not done. To
conclude with, I strongly believe that social media has massively contributed to
increase in disinformation about crimes and criminal rates. It also poses threat to
already existing traditional trustworthy news channels by randomly posting
incongruent information that is full of factitious facts.

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