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1. Izberi go to~niot odgovor.

1. Where are the children?

2. What’s in the box?
3. What’s else in the box?
4. The picnic is a) OK b) nice c) ready.
5. What’s in the little box?
6. Can Toby eat Speck?

2. Povrzi gi re~enicite so nivnite prevodi.

1. A picnic! Oh, brilliant! a)Ne mo`e da go jade{ toa.Toa e Spek.

2. What’s this? b)O, toa se sendvi~I so sirewe.
3. Open the box. c) Ne! Zastani!
4. What are these? d) [to e ova?
5. Oh, they’re cheese sandwiches. e) Mo`e li da go izedam?
6. What’s in the box? f) [to se ovie?
7. Can I eat it? g) [to ima vo kutijata?
8. No! Stop! h) Izlet! Super!
9. You can’t eat that!It’s Speck! i) Otvori ja kutijata.

3. Povrzi gi zborovite so to niot prevod.

1. crisps maslinka
2. pizza biskvit
3. sandwich ~ips
4. olive pica sendvi~
6. biscuit banana
7. banana jabolka

4. Dopi{i gi zborovite vo redot.

1. crisps________________________________________________________________________
2. pizza_________________________________________________________________________
3. sandwich_____________________________________________________________________
4. olive_________________________________________________________________________
5. apple_________________________________________________________________________
6. biscuit________________________________________________________________________
7. banana_______________________________________________________________________

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