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To: michelle123@gmail.

Subject: The clothes situation

Hello, dear!

I feel you on the whole situation. My parents are very similar to

yours. They wouldn't let me buy the clothes I wanted either, but things
have changed since high school started. It took me months, even years to
convince them to give me freedom when it comes to my style. Don’t
worry, I’ve got your back!
I believe in expressing myself through my style, and I think you
should too! You need to talk to your parents and try to tell them how
important it is for you to be the one that always chooses what to wear.
When it comes to shopping, I have a diverse range of options that
cater to my style preferences. While there are some stylish boutiques in
town that I frequent, I also derive satisfaction from exploring thrift shops
and online retailers, where I can discover unique pieces that align with
my personal style. You never know what cool finds you might uncover!
Fashion is all about being yourself and expressing your own
feelings! Don't let anyone hold you back. Let me know if you need any
more tips or advice.
Tell me if your parents changed their minds as soon as you talk to
them! Take care!

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