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> Life on Reset

> by Clearnote
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Prologue: How It All Started.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello, my name is Sunset Shimmer, and please don't run away. I'm, not the girl you
think I am. I actually used to be a good person, I turned a new leaf after the Fall
Formal, when Princess Twilight showed me a better way. I learn what friendship was
and I stopped evil from with the help of my six friends. Rarity, Pinkie Pie,
Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. We were the closest of
friends and we did almost everything together including getting our own set of
powers. Im not gonna list them all but they were pretty awesome, I got the power to
read thoughts and see other people's memories. it was incredible but I did hold
myself back, I didn't invade anyone's personal space. Like I said I had turned a
new leaf. Anyway, im getting a bit sidetracked aren't I? Sorry. But You're probably
wondering if we were so close and I had turned a new leaf, why does everyone only
remember me as a bully.

Well you see me and my friends had planned to have a day at the beach, but when I
got there they didn't remember me. I did all I could to try and make them remember
me. But nothing worked so I went to the only person I knew I could count on. I
Visited Princess Twilight in Equestria, told her everything that had happened and
unfortunately, she didn't have an idea on what had happened, but she Knew someone
who would Princess Celestia. my Former Teacher who I betrayed, back when I was bad.
So yeah I wasn't exactly thrilled to talk to her but I was desperate to get my
friends back, I would try anything. Luckily I had nothing to worry about, she had
heard about all the good I had done and was proud actually proud of me.

She took me and Princess Twilight into the restricted section of the library to
find answers to my problems. There had to be about at least a hundred books, quite
a lot of them we're thick books too. We search through each and every one of them
much to Princess Twilight's delight. It wasn't until Twilight came across something
called The Memory Stone. We found out the Stone could remove memories like the time
of me being nice. We soon came to the conclusion the memory stone had made its way
into the human world.

Now I knew what I was looking for I made my back to the human world as is tried to
convince my Friends what had happened and stop whoever was using The Memory stone.
I tried to convince my friends once more, I even showed them photo's that I took of
us hanging out but they thought it was fake and still didn't believe me. I was soon
interrupted by cackling Trixie who threw smoke pellet and ran away saying something
about our school yearbook. This threw me off and made me trip over a beach ball and
accidentally fall on the Human Twilights drone. I didn't mean to break it and I
tried to offer to help fix it but they told me to get lost they only viewed it as
the act of a bully.

I growled in anger looking off in the direction that Trixie had left, I had a hunch
that The Mediocre Magician had memory stone and was doing this all to get into the
yearbook. So I set off back to Canterlot High to find Trixie this is where I found
out everyone only knew me to be a bully. I accidentally bumped into a student and
tried to help him, But unfortunately, he thought I was asking for his money as
scuttled back in fear holding out his lunch money. At this point, I lost it. I was
angry and yelled at him, I just wanted everyone to see as I used to be. I didn't
mean to I just felt so alone. But just as I began to feel low I saw Trixie and was
about accuse her of stealing everyone's memories of me. But she didn't know
anything about it as she started to brag about be the most great and powerfullest
in the year book.
This is where I really felt started to feel lost and alone. No friends, no leads
and no one to help me. It felt hopeless But much to my surprise Trixie actually
believed me and knew how I felt. No one believed she was a good magician and teased
her, similar to how no one believed she was a good person. In fact she even offered
to help me, even though it came at a price, helping her get into the yearbook as
the most Great and Powerfullest. Even though I was reluctant to help I need to get
those memories back, so I agreed.

She pulled me to my feet and called me her Great and Powerful assistant. I couldn't
help but smile at Trixie's antics, even though I was going through some
overwhelming stress. We made out to the dining hall as we had lunch while we tried
to find out who has a motive to hate me enough to do all of this. I looked around
the cafeteria seeing everyone glaring at me. I narrowed it down to everyone.

So that's what we did, we went around the school interviewing everyone we could,
trying to get some information out of anyone. We sat in a classroom feeling
defeated got nothing, no one knew anything it was beginning to seem pointless. It
got worse as I looked out the window to see my friends about to take a group
picture without me. That sadness soon turned into determination as I took Trixie to
the photo room to look at the yearbook to see if there was anyone we had missed
out. But as I looked through the book it had seemed we had asked everyone, until
Trixie Pointed out someone who didn't have their picture in the book. "Wallflower
Blush?" We had no idea who it was.

That was until a voice came from the other side of the room. A green-haired girl
wearing a sweater sat at the computer. We didn't even know she was in here with us.
As Trixie began to talk to wallflower, a message came from Princess Twilight
telling me that if I didn't destroy the stone by tonight then the memory loss would
be permanent. She also gave me the location of where the stone could be buried, but
I had no idea where that was. Coincidently a picture of the location was on the
computer that Wallflower happened to be looking at. This had to be more than just
happenstance, so I sweet-talked her into getting close enough to grab her hand.
Using my powers I was able to see it all. She found the stone in the school's
garden and used it to remove everyone's memories. I asked her why but this gave me
time as she was distracted I looked into her back while also turning on Twilight's
drone to record everything just encase.


Unluckily Wallflower caught me and snatched the bag away from me before I could
even get a chance to find the stone. I couldn't stand it anymore I was gonna loose
my Friends and it was going to be all her fault. I lost my temper with her, as I
shouted and screamed at her. I was about to do something I knew I would regret
until Trixie got in the way and held me back.

Not wanting to deal with confrontation she pulled out the stone and wiped our
memories of this entire moment, making us forget why we came into the photo room in
the first place. We were lost and confused, that was until I found a piece of paper
in my pocket that told me to turn on Twilights drone so we did and found out
everything that had just happened. I tried the door but it was locked and it was
three o'clock everyone had left and we were stuck with no way out. I asked Trixie
if she could magic us out of there but she couldn't it was a trick she couldn't

"Well, at least I have one friend by tomorrow morning." I said with a small sad

"It will be nice to actually have a friend, no one really likes Trixie very much."
Trixie smiled back.

"I'm sorry I had no idea. I'm glad to be your friend." I said while pulling Trixie
into a hug.

We spent the rest of the night watching internet videos on the computer before
falling asleep on the ground. I couldn't help but think about how I lost everything
and how I would have to start all over again. When morning came around the
caretaker let us out. After the night we had Trixie and I left to have a coffee at
a near by café.

Now you would be right in thinking this is how the story would end. But its
actually how it begins.
> Chapter 1. Digging a Deeper Hole.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunset sat inside the Café looking out the window at anything that might catch her
eye, while Trixie was up at the counter getting the coffees. She never thought her
friendships would end like this. It felt so anticlimactic. No big goodbye party or
long speeches filled with tears and meaningful words that summed up the years they
spent together. It was just gone poof in the blink of an eye and not a feather
ruffled. She felt so incomplete, she needed closure but couldn't get any, no one
knew any different. To everyone else, life carried on as nothing changed only
Sunset was left cursed with the knowledge of what should of been. Sunset frowned at
this thought as she wondered if there was any point staying in the human world was
there anything left for here.

Trixie came back carrying both of the coffee's "Here." Trixie handed over the hot
drink with a small smile on her face.

This pulled Sunset out of thought's as she looked up to her friend, before giving
her own small sad smile as she took the coffee from her "Thanks." She grasped the
coffee as just the smell of it alone was enough to give her the boost she needed.

There was an awkward silence as they sat opposite each other, not knowing what to
say. Trixie wanted to say something that would comfort Sunset and would make her
feel better, but she couldn't think of anything. And Sunset wanted to say something
that was positive, anything that didn't bring the mood down even more, but nothing
came to mind. They just sat there sipping on coffee the only sound came from people
working in the kitchen. The Silence was killing Trixie as she felt she had to say
something, just anything.

"That wasn't the worst night's sleep I've had, I mean it wasn't comfy but I've had
worse." Trixie stated with a small smile.

"I've had worse." Sunset stated, before going back to sipping her coffee as
everything went back to awkward silence.

"Well that didn't work" The magician thought before she caught the smell of
something bad, she held out her arm and smelt her armpit. She pulled her face back
in disgusted while coughing. "Trixie thinks we should have gone home first."

Sunset lifted up her arm and did the same as her friend. "Yeah, maybe we should
of." This caused the two girls to laugh. For Sunset it felt like it had been a
while since she had laughed.

"There's no point now. It's not long before school actually starts." Trixie
shrugged. Sunset let out a low groan as she thought about going back to school
She placed the coffee on the table before placing her head on the table too.
"Sorry." Sunset mumbled something into the desk but Trixie couldn't hear a word of
what she said.

"What was that, Trixie cannot hear you with your face planted in the table." The
magician asked as she leaned in closer to her friend

Sunset brought her head up giving the light blue girl a sad look. "Are you sure you
wanna hang around me, your gonna be known as a big meanie just by comparison."

This shocked as this wasn't the question she excepted but she had a good reply.
"Pfft The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't care what people say. They all view me
as a joke, some second right magician, you're the only person who actually showed
me kindness. So let them talk, they already do." She smiled as she crossed her arms
looking confident. Sunset didn't know what to say she would say, she was
speechless, she felt as though she didn't deserve her kindness. "Besides Trixie
need's to make it up to you."

"What do you mean?" The bacon haired girl was puzzled as she gave her friend a
confused look.

"Well Trixie promised to help stop Wallflower and I failed. So I'm gonna help you
get the stone off her at least. We may not be able to get everyone's memories of
you back, but we can stop her from doing this to anyone else she disagrees with."

Sunset agreed with that. Not only did she have to save everyone else from having
their memory messed with, but she wanted to a little retribution from everything
Wallflower took from her. "Thanks, I can't do it on my own."

"And you won't have to, you have the world's best Illusionist by your side." Trixie
said with a wink making Sunset roll her eye before smirking. " You need to turn all
Trixie stated grandly as she stood on her chair grasping her fist in the air.

Sunset smiled at Trixie's antics and how much showmen ship she has, If anything
Trixie was a born entertainer. "Your right I can't do anything if im mopey, but im
gonna need your help to stay strong."

"Of course, ill do what I can. Now how do you close enough stop someone who can
erase your memory... Hmm..." She gave a long hard thought but couldn't come up with
a solid idea that would work. "Trixie doesn't want to say it but maybe we need help
from those overpowered goody two shoes, pony girls ." The magician stated

"No!" Sunset stated immediately, "They wouldn't believe us if we told them. If we

did, Wallflower could turn it back on us and make it look like we we're the reason
she went to this length. We need to Improve my Reputation, not make it worse."

"Good point" Trixie frowned. "Then what do we do."

Sunset sat there thinking for a moment before an idea popped into her head. "Trixie
do you have any Smoke pellets left?"

The magician pulled over her bag over and looked inside. "Yeah, about five. Why?"

"Because I have a plan. We act as though we don't know Wallflower has the memory
stone, but we keep an eye on her all day and make sure we don't loose her out of
our sight. By the end of the day we follow her, while also staying out of sight.
Once she's alone you throw all of your seven of your smoke pellets and we Charge
in. Ill grab her bag, find and destroy the stone, while you hold Wallflower down.
Easy!" Sunset explained before sipping her coffee.

"Sounds simple enough but what if someone from school sees us and tells everyone
else?" Trixie asks worried.

"We're just gonna have to bare it. We cant let her run around with a mind-wiping
stone, taking away anyone's memories. She has to be stopped." Sunset stated

Trixie smiled at Sunset dramatics, "Trixie thinks she would make a great assistant,
maybe I should ask, not now focus." The magician mentally thought while she also
adored how she really care's about everyone no matter how much they hate her. "Just
thought Trixie should ask, sounds like a simple enough plan. With my help we'll be

Sunset eye rolled at Trixie's antics she but she could help but find them... cute,
in a weird self absorbed way. Soon the time had got on and they made their way back
to Canterlot high. They did as Sunset planned, they stayed together while keeping a
close eye on Wallflower, they noticed no one spoke to her not a word. Some girls
even thought she was new. She had no friends and she didn't understand why. Then it
dawned on her, the stone! She must have used it so much no one at school knew her.
Not only did it become a mission to save everyone from Wallflower, now they had to
save her from herself.

It wasn't an easy task every time she bumped into Twilight and the other her
confidence would disappear just that little bit. She would stare at her friends in
class and just wished to go up to them and ask about hanging out at Sugarcube
Corner later, but alas it was now of dream of thing to hopefully come. The worst
thing was seeing them having fun without her and she couldn't help but feel like
she wasn't important. The glaring eyes from students passing by didn't make things
any easier either. Sunset felt as thought she had to cover her face and look down
off to the side in shame. Trixie saw how bad this affected her friend, but was
always on hand with a joke to cheer her up or distracted her by telling her about a
new trick she was currently mastering. This always seemed to work Sunset either
focused on Trixie or the task in hand.

When it eventually came to the end of the day they waited and watched as Wallflower
made her way to the secret garden at the back of the school. Sunset recalled it
from Wallflowers "Why is she going into the creepy woods? Maybe this is why no one
talks to her? I mean come on, if that doesn't scream bad guy I don't what does."
Trixie stated as she and Sunset peer at Wallflower from behind the wall.

The equestrian shook her at her new friend's behaviour. "She runs the gardening
club, Its where she found The Memory Stone ."

"And you know this how?" Trixie asked her eyebrow raised.

"Long story, I'll tell you later. Come on." Sunset and Trixie followed Wallflower
into the woods.

At the same time, Twilight and her friends step out the school seeing Sunset and
Trixie sneak off into the back of the school's woods. "That doesn't look good?"
Applejack commented aloud to her friends.

"No, it doesn't." Twilight frowned.

"Well let's not stand around here talking and lets follow them." Rainbow said she
leads the group toe of Sunset and Trixie.
"I wonder what nasty tricks Sunset is up to now." Fluttershy worried.

As they walked on through the forest when suddenly there was a massive smoke cloud
blinding everyone. while the smoke cleared they heard Sunset shimmer speak. "I got

"No don't! I need it!" Another voice cried.

The girls rush forward seeing Sunset holding a stone in the air while Trixie held
down a girl. "Sunset! Hand back the stone! And Trixie let the girl go!"

Sunset turned her head In shock seeing her old friends, we're here. "No, no, no,
no, no, no, not now! why now?" Sunset thought she cursed her luck, she exactly how
this looked, but she needed to stop Wallflower, here and now. "Im sorry but I have
to. It's for the greater good." At full strength Sunset threw the Memory stone at a
rock, causing it to crack and break into tiny pieces, while blue sparks splintered
from it. The memory stone was destroyed.

Trixie finally let Wallflower go, and she scuttled over to what was left of the
memory stone picking up pieces of it as tears fell passed her cheek. "WHY COULDN'T
YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Wallflower screamed hold a piece of the memory stone

"It was for your own good trust me." Sunset said calmly while she stepped back away
from her slightly worried.

"You just can't change your old ways can you Sunset!" Twilight scolded as she and
the girls went over to wallflower to comfort her.

"No you don't understand, she used that stone to wipe everyone's mind of all the-"
Sunset was quickly cut off by Rainbow Dash.

"Quit it we don't need to hear more of your lies." The athlete helped Wallflower up
with the rest of her friends.

Applejack then turned to look over at Trixie. "Can't believe you stoop as low to
hang out with Sunset."

"Trixie would rather hang out with her then you dumb horse girls." The magician
replied, she crossed her arm's and turn her to the side.

"Were telling Principle Celestia about this." Twilight as she walked off with
Wallflower heading over to Celestia's office.

Sunset dropped to her knee's, tears flooded her eyes as she watched whatever chance
she had of befriending of old friends walk away. She felt as though the door had
slammed in her face with no return. She couldn't care about getting told off by
Celestia, losing her friends hurt enough. Trixie walked over to her friend and
placed a hand on her shoulder. "At least we stopped Wallflower. You'll always be
know as a good person by me. Who cares what the horse girls think." Suddenly Sunset
got and ran away crying leave Trixie by her self. The magician felt confessed when
she realised what she had said. She wanted to chase after Sunset but had no idea
where she went. "I'm sorry."
> Chapter 2. A Lost Home.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunset found her self at the Canterlot Park, she had run so far away from
everything, she felt like wanted to run even further away. Sunset sat under a shady
part of the tree as she held her knee's breathing deeply as she tried to calm
herself from how fast her heart was beating. As soon as she could feel herself
calming down, Sunset leaned back against the tree looking up at the leaves as the
sun shone through. As she enjoyed the summer breeze, Sunset thought about the
events leading up to today. Felt like it was all a blur and hadn't actually caught
up to her to yet Sunset began to cry as she thought about all the lost years, she
wasn't sure how to back from this. Hours had passed before she checked her phone
and noticed how late it was. "I better get home." Sunset said aloud to her self, at
that moment her belly rumbled in agreement as she got up off of the tree.

"What can I do to get them back?" Sunset stared at her feet as she strolled through
the park, when suddenly...


The bacon haired girl turned around to see Flash Sentry running towards her. "Wait
up!" This surprised and confused her as she would be the one to hate her the most.

"Flash?" Sunset stated confused, as he stood in front of her trying to catch his

"I.. I heard what happened after school." Flash said as he was still trying to his
breath. Sunset didn't know what to say she just stood there waiting for him to say
something. "Babe, I thought you had stopped bullying, I wondered why you had gotten
so distant recently. I mean you didn't even sit with me at lunch and now I hear you
causing trouble again even destroying some girls stuff. And with TRIXIE! Of all
people. I can't believe this!"

"This isn't what it sounds like... Wait. Did you just call me... Babe?" Sunset
asked as it suddenly brought back memories of a time where she and Flash, dated for
a few months.

"Look, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. We're through. I can't date you if
you keep going down this self-destructive road." Flash didn't wait for a reply he
just turned and walked away leaving Sunset very confused.

With not much else to do Sunset continued on her way back home. The encounter with
her Ex only brought up more question's. How far did the stone send her life back?
And what did the stone alter, did it change her good deeds into bad deeds? or did
it completely rewrite her past? She needed to ask Trixie tomorrow at school. She
felt terrible for leaving her there alone, Sunset knew that Trixie was only trying
to cheer her up, in her own self absorbed way. it was a sweet gesture and after all
that Trixie has done, she didn't deserve to be left alone like that. Sunset made a
mental note to apologise her Magician friend later. The bacon haired girl had been
walking for a little bit now, she was now enjoying warm summer sun being greeted
with a gentle breeze. Sunset sighed in contentment as she enjoyed the break away
from all the madness plaguing her life. It was like a breath of fresh air in a
storm of confusion and pain. "At least this has to be the worst of it over. It has
to be."

Sunset finally reached her Flat, to only be greeted with a note attached to her
door. She had a worrying feeling as she pulled the note of to read it she could
feel her hands shake. Sunset didn't know how much of this, she could actually take.

To whoever is squatting in this Flat you have till the end of the day to remove all
your stuff and leave the premises. If you don't comply the police will be called
and this matter will be taken further.

The Landlord.

Sunset gripped the paper as felt a tear fell across her cheek before hitting the
note making it wet. Princess Twilight and the girls helped her get this Flat, they
all chipped in when they found out Sunset was living at the school. As Sunset
entered the Flat she Remembered the first time she moved in. Images of Rarity and
Fluttershy of helping decorate, while Applejack and Rainbow argued over how to
build the frame for Sunset bed. Princess Twilight would help Sunset move the boxes
in and unpack them. All the warm feelings of friendship and love came flooding back
to her, as she revealed in the moment.

But it was only a brief moment as the feeling drained away leaving a cold empty
hole. Sunset was now rushing upstairs getting bags and filling them with clothes,
and mementos of a happier time. She looked to her bedside cabinet seeing the group
photo of her with the girls. With a sad smile, she placed the photo in her
backpack, before packing blankets and pillows into her suitcase. She left the house
with a sad sigh as she could only think of one place she had left to go. Canterlot
High the place she used to stay at before she became friends with the girls. Life
really does feel like it had reset.

It finally got when Sunset reached School. She couldn't believe this is what her
life had come to once more, it felt as though she was trapped in a nightmare that
she couldn't wake from, no matter how hard she fought. Luckily the doors hadn't
been locked, as Principle Celestia hadn't left for the day yet. she was always a
bit of an over worker much similarly to Princess Celestia. That was just one of
many similarities that the teacher shared with the pony princess. Sunset made her
way to the sports hall where she opened the code combination to the room they kept
all of the sports stuff in. She couldn't quite believe they hadn't changed the code
after all this time. She made her way to the back of the room where all the unused
sports equipment were left and forgotten just like her. She felt as though this is
where she belonged.

A few moments later she finally made a bed out of the blankets and pillows she
took. Sunset climbed into the bed and pulled out the group photo of her and the
girls, she placed it next to the bed. She stared at it with a sad smile as she felt
her eyes get heavy, but just as she felt herself falling off to sleep, Suddenly The
book she uses to contact Twilight starts to glow purple and vibrate. The lost girl
immediately sits up and opens the book to see what Princess Twilight has written.

Dear Sunset, sorry I haven't gotten a chance to catch up with you. Not long after
you left there was a friendship problem so I'm currently in Filly Delphia with
Pinkie. But how Is everything on your end? Did you stop Wallflower and get yours
and everyone's memories back?


Sunset smiled to see Twilight writing to her. It filled her heart with joy, making
her feel less alone. She proceeds to tell Princess Twilight everything that had
happened. All the lows and highs, every bit of detail she could remember. It had
only been two days but so much had happed and she didn't want to leave anything
out. A few minutes later Princess Twilight finally replied.
Im so sorry Sunset, this must be so difficult for you, I don't know what I would do
if I lost my friends. As soon as I'm done here in Filly Delphia, I'll come back as
soon as possible. I will get this whole thing sorted out I promise.

P.S. Did you go back to check the recording of the confrontation on your Twilights
camera. Maybe it's still there and you can show everyone.

P.P.S. Write back and let me know if the recording is there or not. Good luck!

Sunset couldn't believe that she hadn't thought of this. A small spark of hope,
gave her the energy she needed to get out of bed and made her way out of the large
supply room. Sunset used the torch on her phone as she walked through the dark and
creepy hallways, she occasionally heard the odd sound that made Sunset jump out of
her skin. but she chalked it up to her imagination and told herself to keep going
until she reached the photography room on the other side of school. Pushing the
door open Sunset found the drone still on the desk, it looked like it had been left
untouched. She rushed over, turning the drone on and checking the recordings. She
let out a little squeal of delight as she came across the video of her
confrontation with Wallflower. This was exactly what Sunset needed to prove her

Sunset immediately pulled out a USB wire from a box in the room and attached her
phone to Twilight's Drone as she ported over the video. This was the break she
needed finally after a ton of set back's, it felt as though she had a chance. Once
it was finished porting over to Sunset's phone, she made her way back to the supply
room and told Princess Twilight everything but would make sure to keep her up to
date in all that would happen Tomorrow.

She placed her phone in the bag and zipped it all way up to make sure it was safe,
nothing was going to ruin this for her. Before she laid her head down, Sunset
turned off the electric lamp she brought with her from home. Once she was finally
comfortable Sunset laid her head back on the pillows and looked up at the ceiling
and sighed in relief. She knew this wasn't going to just fix everything, but this
was one of the first steps in making this right.
> Chapter 3. A New Home
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trixie arrived at Canterlot High early this morning, not as early enough as
Twilight would, but early enough for the Young Magician to be proud of. Her mind
had been plagued with worry ever since she stopped Wallflower yesterday, she
couldn't care less about the detention, all she could think about was Sunset. She
didn't mean to upset her, she was only trying to make her feel better. Trixie
didn't want to lose the only friend she had, Sunset seemed to be the only one who
could put up with her. The Magician paced back and forth as she tried to figure out
what she should say. "Sunset, Trixie would- no. Trixie feels awful for saying the
true things- nope, that's not it. Trixie feel's awful for making you upset. Trixie
was only trying to point out how much better you are with me as- no. Trixie was
only trying to make you feel better, Trixie hope you can forgive her?" She went
through her speech once more as had to make sure this was perfect. She didn't want
to lose her friend, it had to be best damn apology anyone had ever heard.

Once she was happy Trixie entered the School, The Magician immediately began
searching for her friend as she barged pace student after student looking for
Sunset. But as she looked for Sunset Trixie noticed people we're glaring at her,
scowling at her with hate. Normally everyone would ignore her and not pay Trixie a
blind bit of notice. But now she got so many hateful glares and she had a good idea
why and how the word got out that she hangs around with Sunset. She didn't know why
but Trixie felt her blood began to boil, but she ignore everyone to the best of her
ability. As she continued looking for Sunset The Magician was greeted with angrier
glares, she had enough of everyone look down their nose's at her. "EVERYONE GOT
SOMETHING TO SAY?" Trixie shouted, causing everyone to jump back in shock.

"Sunset is a good person! She saved everyone from having their minds messed with!
So don't you dare-"

At this point, Sunset had Just left The Sports hall when she heard a loud commotion
coming from down the hallway. She followed it and much to her surprise she found
Trixie shouting at other students as she was defending her honour. Apart of her
didn't want to interfere with Trixie's very flattering speech as it was making her
blush. But she didn't want the magician to get in any more trouble than she already
was. Sunset pushed her way through the crowd of students as she made her way over
to her friend. "TRIXIE! TRIXIE!"

The magician turned around to see her friend standing there with a small smile.

"Come on let's go," Sunset said gently before lightly grabbing Trixie's arm. She
took her away from all the other students as they all continue to glare at the two
girls. Trixie's head was hanging low as Sunset had brought her over to some lockers
away from everyone. The magician felt a child being told off by the parent for
causing a fuss in the supermarket. She didn't say a word as she felt her friend's
eyes lay upon her. "Trixie... I, um... Thanks." She looked up to see Sunset
blushing as she rubbed the back of her head. She looked rugged like she slept
awkwardly and hadn't washed at all. "I've had someone go so... crazy defensive
over me. It was stupid, totally pointless and got you on a bigger hit list then I
put you on." Trixie crossed her arm as she turned off to the side, her cheeks red
from annoyance. The sun-kissed girl placed her hand on the magician, causing her to
tense up her shoulders "But most of it was... sweet. Thank you for defending me."

The red in Trixie's cheek's turned from anger to blushing, she took a moment to
compose herself before she replied back. "No problem, don't mention it..... please"
Trixie blushed as she couldn't look Sunset in the eyes. she didn't even understand
why. This wasn't a feeling she had kind of felt before.

"Well... anyway, I have good news." Sunset stated, change the topic of conversation
while also gaining her friend's interest. "I was kicked out of my house and I'm
back to living here at school." She stated with an excited smile.

"And How pray tell is this good news? Trixie finds this to be quite the opposite of
good." She asked quite confused about her friend's oddly cheery disposition.

"Well, it gave me access to the photography room, where Twilight's drone was being
kept after I er... accidentally broke it." She still felt bad for upsetting
Twilight. "I found the footage of Wallflower telling us all about her plan." Sunset
brought up the video and show Trixie. "When we get called to Principal Celestia's
Office and everything will be put back to normal. No more being hated, no having to
feel like I'm the bad guy. Me and girls back together." Sunset took her phone back
and placed it in her locker, before locking it making sure it was safe.

Trixie frowned what Sunset had just said. Does that mean when she gets her friends
back, Trixie is alone again, The Magician thought to herself. Before giving Sunset
an odd look. "Why are you keeping your phone in your locker?"
"Well we don't know when Principal Celestia is gonna call us into her office,
anything could happen between then and now. At least this way I know its safe, no
worries and I know where it is at all times." Suddenly at that moment, the bell
goes off signaling the start of first lesson. "English." Sunset stated.

"Math's." Trixie Stated with a flash small smile.

"I guess ill see you in the principle's office." Sunset said with a small as they
both headed separate ways. Unknown to them Wallflower watched from a safe distance


First lesson went by without a hair out of place, there was a brief moment where
Sunset thought they were off the hook. It wasn't until second lesson that Trixie
and Sunset we're called to Principal Celestia's office. Sunset made sure to grab
her phone out of her locker before meeting Trixie outside the office. Sunset gave
Trixie a small nod before they entered the office finding Twilight and the rest of
old friends standing with Wallflower. They all glared at the pair as they walked
in. It took every ounce of strength to not walk straight back out, Trixie knew how
difficult this was for Sunset, she could see all of the Rainfarts giving them their
harshest looks. Trixie doesn't understand what she see's in this stuck up idiots,
I'm much better then these fools, The magician thought to herself The Pony girl
was surprised as she felt Trixie grab her hand, she looked up to Trixie but she
just looked forward her cheek's red. "Principle Celestia, you wanted to see us?"
The magician asked.

"Yes, would you care to take a seat?" Celestia asked as she gestured her hand to
the two leather seats in front of her. The girls did as they were told and sat in
the seats and waited for their principle to talk. "Yesterday Twilight and her
friends came to my office and I was deeply upset to hear that a student was being
bullied, to even hear that their own property was destroyed. I was even more upset
to hear that Sunset was back to her old tricks, and if that wasn't the worst of it,
Miss Trixie Lulamoon thought it was good fun to join in and make this student's
life a living nightmare. Do you two have anything to say for yourselves." Celestia
asks, her voice was stern.

To Sunset it reminded her of the time she abandoned Princess Celestia, but she had
to get her bearings soon as it looks like Trixie was about to blow a fuse. "It's
not what you think! Wallflower has erased everyone's memories and I have proof."
Sunset took out her phone. "She confessed everything I took a recording on
Twilights drone and imported on to my phone." Sunset went straight to the videos on
her phone. IT WASNT THERE. Cold sweat came over as she began searching all over her
phone. There was no sign of it anyway. "I Don't understand! It was there this
morning, It-it-it r-really was!" Sunset stated confused and scared.

"Miss Shimmer, I'm finding it difficult to believe in what you have to say."
Celestia said with a disappointed tone.

"I can't seem to find it on my phone but it should still be on Twilight's drone. If
you just let me show you, I'll prove it. I'm not lying! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" Sunset
Shouted, she felt close to tears as sunset feared she was letting everything fall
through her fingers.

"Okay, Miss Shimmer, I'll bite." Celestia agreed, she saw the determination in her

"OH COME ON!" Rainbow shouted. "She's Clearly faking this! You can't actually
believe her?!" Rainbow asks as her friends held her.
"Everyone deserves a chance, Miss Dash. Now, why don't you girls go back to class
while I sort this out? I'll call you in due time to tell what happens." With that
Rainbow and her friends, with Sunset glaring at Wallflower as she left. Shortly
afterward Sunset and Trixie took Principle Celestia to the Photography Room, in
last-ditch effort to clear her name.

"You better not be lying to Miss Shimmer." Celestia says as Sunset makes her way
over to Twilight's drone.

She began searching through the recording's, while Trixie stood by for emotional
support. "Come on, please be there, please be there, please be there." Sunset
muttered to her self.

Trixie bit her fingernail as she watched Sunset scan through a ton of videos to
only come to a sudden stop. "What's the matter? Did you find it?" Trixie asks
sounding hopeful.

"It's gone." Sunset stated, her voice void of any emotion.

Principle Celestia let out a loud sigh, she had hope Sunset was telling the truth.
"I'm sorry miss shimmer I can't entertain you anymore. You and Miss Trixie have a
two-hour detention tomorrow during and after school."

Sunset just stood there not moving, she couldn't believe it. She had it all and
within a matter of minutes, she lost it all. Trixie was about to comfort her friend
when Wallflower walked with a smirk. "That was a good try, really had me going
there. Look's as though your still the biggest meanie. To think you still had that
video of me."

Sunset clenched her fist before she rushed forward pinning Wallflower against the
wall. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE LOST! Not just my friends, but my home and most of
my stuff! I've lost everything, I have nothing left. I'm sorry I was mean to you,
I'm sorry I didn't do anything to make it up to you." Sunset took her hands off of
Wallflowers as tears began to fall. "I know I was mean but your worse... You
probably don't care otherwise you wouldn't have deleted those videos." Sunset
dropped to the floor as her emotions overcame her.

Wallflower was about to say something in response when Trixie came forward to pick
Sunset up of the floor. "Don't you think you've done enough. Come on sunset let's
go." Trixie walked out with arm around Sunset.

Sunset was silent throughout the rest of the day, she barely said anything and
Trixie was worried. it wasn't long before the school day was over. Trixie found her
friend sat outside on the School steps, she seemed to be staring at the horse
statue. "Hey, is er, is everything okay."

"Just wondering if I should go back home." Sunset her voice low and quiet.

Not knowing what to say, Trixie changed the Conversation. "Well... talking about
home. You forgot to clear up."

"What do you mean?" Sunset asks before hearing the loud thump, causing her to jump
and turn around. Trixie had all of her stuff packed up in the suitcase she came
with. "What are you doing with all of my stuff."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie couldn't stand by and just let her friend live in
some dirty sports cupboard. A Friend of The Great Trixie needs to have standards,
so you're coming to live with me." Trixie stated before stretching her hand out to
her friend.

"What about your parents?" Sunset asks. "Won't they have a problem with me living

"Trixie lives alone. My Dad is constantly on the road doing shows, he sends in the
occasional letter with the money Trixie needs but that's it. There is no problem."
Happy with Trixie's answer, Sunset takes Trixie's hand and stands up.

"Thank you, Trixie, I don't know what I would do without you." Sunset said as she
took hold of her suitcases.

"Trixie knows, she's the greatest you don't have to tell her." The magician boasted
causing The Equestrian Girl to roll her eyes before smiling and Following her
friend to her new home.
> Chapter 4. Canterlot's Scenic Escape.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

After such a set back to her plans, Sunset was Ready to give up and go back home.
and yet here she was, walking alongside a girl that had been in a pain for the last
couple of years of her life here. She was a self-centered, uncaring, pain in the
ass. At least that was what the pony-girl thought, but for the last two days, she
has done nothing but help me. Trixie Lulamoon has been nothing but kind, caring and
if she was honest, a little bit egotistical. A part of her didn't know what she was
doing, why didn't she go home. She had nothing left, but yet she found herself
smiling and laughing as they entered the small part of the woods at the edge of the

"Where are we going? I thought we're heading to your place?" Sunset asked confused
as she followed her friend, whilst dragging her suitcases behind.

"Don't worry, Trixie isn't leading you astray. Now, hurry up." Trixie replied
without even looking back as she walked down the dirt path.

Sunset sighed as continued to lug her very heavy Suitcases through the woods, it
was a good couple of minutes before she saw an opening at the other end of the
small woods. Trixie opened the gate blocking the way as she let Sunset walk out
first. her eyes lit up to see a huge field with hills and flowers stretching out.
The sun shined across the field as in the distance not far away, a train went
across the tracks carrying containers, some of them were even open at the side.
Sunset looked on in awe, it felt so peaceful like escaped all of her troubles, she
never knew that Canterlot had this kind of beauty.

Trixie came up and stood next to her friend, she could see her wide-eyed smile,
causing to smile sightly too. "One hell of a view, huh."

"It's something, alright," Sunset replied. "I didn't know Canterlot could be so

"You might wanna pick your bags up and come in," Trixie says before walking away.

"Wait, what do you..." Sunset trailed off as she watched Trixie walk up to a
slightly Large Caravan, left under the shade of the trees. "Hold on!" Sunset rushed
over to pick up her bags and placed them next to the Caravan before stepping in.

From the outside, it didn't look like much but the inside was a totally different
story. A small sized seating area that led on to the kitchen and past that at the
back was the bedroom. Overall Sunset thought the place was nice and cosy,
especially the sitting room it had been decorated with warm gold Although it was
very Trixie, with lots of cards, capes and other things you would see a magician
use litter the place. It was a mess. "Sorry about the mess, Trixie didn't know she
was gonna have a roommate when she left this morning."

"It's fine, I was a bit of a slouch myself." Sunset smiled. "So where will I be

"Well the Generous Trixie, gives you two options, you can either sleep on the sofa
or we can share the bed. Personally, Trixie doesn't care, either way. Its what you
feel comfortable with." Trixie said as she sat on the kitchen counter.

Sunset stood still for a minute as she contemplated Trixie's offer. The pony-girl
felt awkward sharing a bed with Trixie, the thought of it almost made her blush.
She didn't understand why she's shared a bed with Twilight and the other girls so
how is this any different. For a brief moment, Sunset looked over at the couch, it
does not look comfy to sleep on. She already had enough thoughts making sleep
difficult she didn't need anything else adding to it, which left her with the only
option. Trixie could see how nervous Sunset looked, she was down looking at the
floor, with her arms crossed as she shuffled from one foot to the other. She looked
like a child in trouble, stood in front of her parents. The magician was about to
say something when Sunset finally spoke up.

"If it's okay with you I, er... I'll take you up on the bed." Sunset looked up
Trixie and smiled awkwardly.

Trixie wanted to ask her about her awkward nature, but seeing how bad today went
for her, she decided against it. "Well, Trixie is glad that's sorted. Now house
rules!" Trixie stated with a smile as leaped off the counter-top. "Rule one, you'll
help wash dishes and we'll take turn's making dinner. Rule Two, if you want to
borrow something of Trixie's, ask, don't just take it. And finally rule three, the
most important rule. If you are to stay here then you must assist The Great and
Powerful Trixie!!! You see, Trixie needs an assistant, to help perform with, to
give her show's that extra touch of class... She also needs help making sure she
gets them right." The magician said before pouting, causing Sunset to blush at her
friend's cuteness. "So what do you think, Do we have a deal?"

Sunset took a moment to calm down before she replied, grinning from ear to ear.
"Yeah, we have a deal."

Trixie immediately smiled back. "Well then, welcome aboard!"

Soon after the two girls set out to make room for Sunset's stuff, she didn't have a
lot left, but what she did have meant the world to her. As she set out her things,
there was apart of her holding on to her past life and she hated herself for it.
She wanted to take the photo of her and the girls, and just throw it away, but she
couldn't and she hated how weak she was. Once she was done unpacking her things,
The Bacon Haired Girl took a moment to step outside once more. She places her
leather coat on the grass and watched as the sun set across the field bringing in
the warm summer night. She took this moment to just relax and take in nature and
separate herself from today. In this brief moment, it was freedom and she was
basking it.

After a dinner of instant noodles, the two girls sat down to watch a marathon of
comedy films. They laughed long into the night, it wasn't until later on when
Sunset found her friend fast asleep. She turned off the TV before carrying Trixie
into the bedroom, she lay down next to her friend, she couldn't be bothered to get
changed, tired from the day's events. Just as Sunset was about to close her eyes,
she could hear the sound of vibrating, she sat up to see the book on the table
counter glowing bright purple and shaking. With an exasperated sigh, she sat up,
got a pen and made her way to the book and brought it to the table, before opening

Is everything okay? I've been worried since I hadn't heard a reply back from you.
Did everything go okay?

Sunset mentally facepalmed herself as she realized she forgot to tell To Princess
Twilight everything.

No, Twilight! It all went terrible! Nothing has changed!

What happened!

Sunset went on to tell the Princess Twilight about her fail time at Principal
Celestia's office and how she is now living with Trixie.

Well that was nice of Trixie, but something does make sense! If she forgot to
remove the recording for so long, what suddenly reminded her to go back? And how
did she know the combination to your locker?

I don't know, maybe something jogged her memory or she just remembered. As for my
locker, she probably looked over my shoulder back when I didn't know her and used
the stone to wipe my memory. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew everyone's locker

Maybe, but something doesn't add up. don't worry as soon as we're done here (which
shouldn't be too long now) I'll come straight through the portal. Just hold on a
little long Sunset!

Will do Princess, night.

Goodnight Sunset.

Sunset closed the with a yawn as she made her way back to the bed before falling
face-first into the bed. Just before she could feel herself fall asleep, Sunset
looked over at Trixie and smiled before falling finally letting sleep take her.


Sunlight bled through shutters as the birds outside we're already in full morning
routine. The pony-girl felt her eyes flicker open as she could smell the scent of
Pancakes being made. She smirked before sitting up to yawn before stretching out
feeling her body slowly click and crunch awake. Sunset looked across the bed
finding that Trixie wasn't there. Her brain was slowly waking up as she made the
connections of her friend's vacancy and the incredible smell wafting in from the

Trixie was in her own little world as she hummed to herself whilst she cooked over
the stove. She was still dressed in PJ's from last night. Sunset stood behind her
friend, staying quiet as she watched how happy Trixie was, she couldn't help but
smile as well. This feeling felt so good, the shining in with the feeling of the
summer breeze gently passing through from the open trailer door. Everything felt so
happy and calm, this is what she had been missing, this feeling of pure happiness.
"Morning!" Sunset announced, scaring Trixie in the process as she threw the
pancake into the air, before sticking to the roof. The magician huffed as stood
there staring at the pancake before look down at Sunset as she placed her hands on
her hips and stared crossly at her friend. "Do you enjoy scaring Trixie half to

"I didn't know, you were going to have that kind of reaction." Sunset tried to
justify herself as she held up her hands in defense while also trying to hold back
a laugh.

Trixie shouted as she defended her point of view. But it was at this moment the
pancake fell from the ceiling in front of both Sunset and Trixie, cutting the
tension. Sunset couldn't hold herself back anymore as she let a howl of laughter
that soon swept The Magician as they both laughing from how ridiculous the
situation was.

Once they could get a grip on their laughter, Sunset cleared up the pancake as
Trixie went on to make another batch. They soon sat down to eat, Sunset sighed
happily as she looked down at her breakfast, a stack of pancakes and a mug of
coffee. She took a bite of her pancake and surprised to taste chocolate and peanut
butter. "Mmmmm." It was even better then she expected.

"Did Trixie do good?" She asked with a smug grin.

Sunset looked up at her friend across from her with a wide smile. "It's so good!"
She stated before tucking back into the pancakes.

"Good, Trixie is glad to hear she continues to be the greatest in pancakes!" She
declared before going back to eat her own breakfast.

Sunset glanced back up at her friend as she got lost in thought once more. There
was something about this girl that she couldn't quite put her finger on. There was
just something that pulled her in, she had seen a whole different side to her.
Sunset felt her self being drawn into those big blue eye. "Trixie was kind of cute
in a way." Suddenly Sunset's shot open wide as she realised what she just thought.
"Wait, what did I just think." Sunset muttered to herself.

"Hmm, what was that?" Trixie asked her mouth filled with pancakes.

"No, nothing, nothing!" Sunset replied all flustered as she shoved more food into
her mouth while blushing profusely.

"Okay..." Trixie replied feeling very confused.

Minutes passed by as the two sat in silence, neither of the two not knowing what to
say after Sunset's awkward outburst. All that could be was the train in the
distance and a slight breeze flowing through the trees. After a while, the silence
became too dull for The magician. "Trixie would... um, like to thank you Sunset for
carrying her to bed last night. It was greatly appreciated." The blushed wildly as
she pushed around her food.

"Oh, it was nothing." Sunset smiled brushing it off.

The fact Sunset didn't make a big deal of it made Trixie happy. "So did Princess
Twilight have anything to say on the matter?"

"How did you know?" Sunset asked surprised.

"Trixie saw you last night. It was a brief eye open, but enough to see what was
going on. So did she have any idea?"

"She said that she had a bad feeling about things and said something doesn't seem
right and would get to the bottom of everything when she gets back. But Its
Twilight being Twilight, it's an open and shut case from where I stand." Sunset

"I'm sorry Sunset."

"It Doesn't matter anymore, how long have we got before school anyway?" The bacon
haired girl asked casually, while also dreading the day ahead.

"Oh, it started an hour ago," Trixie stated casually before taking a sip of coffee.

"Wait what? But we have detention! Its gonna be worse if we're late today!" Sunset
as she was confused by Trixie's relaxed state.

"Oh, we're bunking today," Trixie smirked. "Tomorrow is Saturday so we don't have
to worry about getting in trouble until Monday which is two days away."

"But isn't this gonna cast more bad light on me." Sunset tried to argue.

"Oh come on Shimmer, live life on the edge like The Great and Powerful Trixie
does!" Trixie stood up smiling from ear to ear.

Sunset was trying to think of come back, but she couldn't think of one and it was
mostly to do with the fact she didn't want to go to school today anyway. "Okay,
Trixie what do you have in mind."

"We're going to catch a Train." Trixie gave Sunset one of the evilest smiles.

At first, Sunset didn't see any problem until it dawned on her and she looked over
to the Train on the going past on the tracks. "Oh no, what have I got myself into!"
The pony-girl thought to herself.
> Chapter 5. Bunking.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

After breakfast, the girls took turn's having a wash before getting dressed in
separately. Sunset put on a pair of ripped jeans and a light blue shirt, along with
her old long sleeved leather jacket. It was same jacket she used to wear back when
she was evil, it seemed fitting for today. Sunset was finished first, she looked
over toward Trixie and the thought of her getting dressed made her blush and the
temptation to take a peak was strong. "Im gonna wait outside!" She called out
before hurrying off outside as she was beginning to feel all hot and bothered. As
Sunset stood outside she looked over at the train tracks, she couldn't see how far
they went as trees blocked her view. The pony-girl couldn't help but wonder what
today had in store for her. It wasn't long before Trixie hopped out of the Trailer
with a smug grin on her face. She was dressed in a dark lavender hoodie with a pair
of blue jean's, nothing fancy but Sunset couldn't imagen her dressed in anything

"So... Do we just run along side the Train and just reach out and jump on?" Sunset
asked, not quite sure how this sort thing worked.

"No. Trixie actually prefers her limbs attached to her. There's a part up ahead
where the train drivers take a break, we'll jump on then." The Trixie answers
excited at the thought of doing this with a friend.

"Yeah that, makes much more sense." The pony girl chuckled lightly as she rubbed
the back of her head in embarrassment.

They soon rushed off with Sunset following behind Trixie, letting her lead the way.
Sunset could see how happy she was, it seemed as though there was an extra kick in
her step. Gradually Trixie began picking up speed until she was full on running,
Sunset was doing her best to keep up with the magician, but she was surprisingly
fast. "Trixie, slow down!"

Trixie looked back at Sunset, a massive smile plastered a cross her face. "Speed
up, pony girl!"

This was a completely different side to Trixie, she was maze filled with different
twist and turns and Sunset found her self getting lost in this girl and she didn't
mind one bit. Trixie had come to a sudden stop, this aloud Sunset to catch up, she
was out of breath bent over with her hands on her knees. "Ugh... my insides are
killing me." Sunset states through bated breaths as she tried to recuperate from
that amount of running. It felt as though she had just run a marathon as her lung's
we're calling out in pain.

"Come on Shimmer, The train's about to leave." Trixie stated before running off

"Oh I regret all of my decisions." Sunset took a deep breath before she gave it her
all chasing once more after her magician friend. Sunset gave it all she had as she
pushed her body to the limit.

Trixie had hoped on to the open container as the pony girl ran along side as the
train began to pick up speed. "Grab Trixie's hand!" She reached out her hand.
Sunset gave it all she had, she pushed her body to the limit, before grabbing and
take hold of her friend's hand. "Got you." Trixie pulled Sunset in with all her
strength causing them to fall over with Sunset landing atop of Trixie. "There,
wasn't so bad." She stated, smiling as she moved out from underneath her friend.
All Sunset could hear was the sound of her own beating heart as she laid back
against the floor trying to catch her breath. Her chest was heaving as she blushed
hard from not just the running but also her little moment with Trixie. She was
almost sad when her magician moved away, she was able to feel her hot breath on her
face. The thought alone made her squirm as she covered her face from embracement,
"How did I get here?" She whispered into her hands.

"Are you going to lay there, all day? Your missing out on a perfectly good view!"
Trixie stated, Sunset strained her head up to see her friend looking quite cross.
"And after all Trixie has done to get you here!"

The bacon haired girl let out an audible groan getting up off of container floor
before placing herself next to her friend. They sat close to the edge looking out
at the world going by, they soon made it out of Canterlot, as fields and tree's to
come view with sea glistening farther on in the distance. "So how many times have
you done this?"

"A few. Trixie tents to escape when life feels to heavy. Which reminds me." She
pulls out her phone as Sunset gives her a confused look.

"What are you doing?"

"Im just letting someone ahead know we're coming?" This only confused Sunset more.

"Wait we're meeting someone? Who are we meeting?"

"You'll see when we get there." Trixie answers smugly as she leans back on her

The pony girl frowned at Trixie's reply she didn't like being kept in the dark. But
she let it go for now as she was pretty sure it was something that she was going to
enjoy. "So who else have you taken to this place?"

"Your the first." Trixie answered bluntly with a sad sigh. "As you've notice I
don't really have friends at Canterlot High."

"What about those girls you played with during the battle of the bands?"

"They we're only interested in me because they thought Trixie could win because,
Trixie talked a big game. They so went back to hating me soon after." The magician
frowned as she looked down. "Trixie's tried being nice to people. Trixie tried
making friends but as soon as they heard me talk and say my name in third person,
they all made fun of me. They left me note's telling me to die, push me over,
calling me a witch, a freak. They made my life a living hell." She pulled her
knee's in hugging them tightly as tear's fell from her cheek.

Sunset felt so bad as she could almost feel her own tears build up. "Im sorry, I-I
had no idea." She shuffled over to Trixie and layed a comforting arm round her.

The magician was hesitant at first, but soon leant into Sunset's hug, enjoying the
warm embrace. "It was before you arrived." They sat in silence as they both enjoy
the hug. Eventually Trixie moved away as she sat up, much to Sunset's
disappointment. "Trixie soon realised no one was going to accept her for who she
was. So Trixie leaned into who she was and pushed people away, I don't care to make
friends with anyone at that school."

"So... why was I different?" Sunset asked curious.

"Trixie saw herself in you, trying to prove herself and failing. Trixie could see
your eyes, you wasn't lying." She answered honestly. "Im, Glad to have you as a

"So am I." Sunset agreed as they both lightly chuckled, smiling at each other.

"How about a game?" Trixie proposed.


Sunset felt so happy as they felt closer then before. There was a spark of hope and
she felt there was a place for here in this world with Trixie at her side. Trixie
felt as though she had found what she had been searching for, for so long. It only
made her more excited for the day ahead. The two girls continue playing games until
they eventually ended up at their destination. They left the Train headed further
into the city.

"Miss shimmer welcome to Fillydelphia." Trixie smiled.

Sunset was shocked, wide eyed gaping at everything. As soon as she arrived in this
world all Sunset did was stay in Canterlot, she never ventured off far. Camp
Everfree was the furthest she had ever been. This was a whole new experience, the
Tall buildings , new shops it felt like a whole new world. All she wanted to do was
explore and take it all in. "This incredible. I know we have some where to go but
can we at least do a little bit of sight seeing?"

"We have somewhere to go. Maybe afterwards if we can. now come time is of the
essence! We're late as it is." Trixie Stated as she walked off with Sunset along
side her. Sunset pouted as felt like a child who just been denied Chocolate.

They cross through the city to a dark and dirty alley way. "Um, Trixie, what are we
doing here?" Sunset asks worried.

Trixie didn't answer, instead she knocked on the door that had a broken neon open
sign above it. "Don't worry, you'll like it." Trixie smiled.

Suddenly the door open with girl standing in the door way with a wide eyed smile on
her face as she pulled Trixie in for a hug. "Trixie, so good to see you!"

"Trixie needs to breathe." She struggled to say as the girl held her tightly.

Sunset felt uncomfortable, the girl's smile was so wide and fake looking, it was
quite off putting for her. She could tell they we're same age, but the girl gave an
atmosphere of someone who was older and in charge. She felt familiar, but at same
time completely unknown. Suddenly the girl locked eyes with her, making Sunset feel
rather awkward but continued to keep eye contact with her and not back down.

"And you must be the friend, Trixie said she was bring someone." The girl rushed
over, embracing Sunset in a tight hug. But as her hand touched the girl, her
memories came flooding in.


Seven Years Ago

The girl and her brother playing before they got older and her brother's
accomplishments out shined her. As time went by the brother only shined brighter
and no matter the girl would do, she could never be as good as her brother. Their
parents seem to only put more time the brother helping to stride higher. The girl
couldn't take it anymore she felt so unloved and forgotten about so she took all of
what she could find in her Mum and Dad's wallet and purse and ran away. took a
train and found herself Fillydelphia and never looked back.

She vowed to makes something of herself and help kids to never feel unloved. The
girl wondered the streets as it poured down with rain. Down an darkened alley way
found an old hangout empty and abandoned just like she was. But she also saw the
potential in what it could be. As time went on she found other homeless kids and
she brought them back here and told them her dream and as a well oiled machine they
went out to make it safe haven for all homeless kids feeling lost, forgotten and


Sunset blinked and she was back with Trixie as the girl hugged her tightly, before
looking at her with a wide eyed smile. "It's great to meet you. My name's Starlight

The pony girl was so shocked from what she had seen, a ton of information had been
dropped on her and her head needed to clear. "Um... h-hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer it's
really good to meet you too."

"I can't tell you how much this mean's to the kids. They always love Trixie's
shows." Starlight said before looking back at Trixie.

"Of course they do, I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!" She loudly proclaimed.
"You do still have my outfits and the tricks that I left here, right? Trixie didn't
bring anything with her." She Deadpanned, realizing that she should of brought her
things with them.

Starlight giggled at Trixie's actions. "Yes, your thing's are still where you left
them." She let Sunset go and started to walk inside. "Well come on in."

Trixie looked at Sunset seeing something was wrong. "We will be right with you,
could you just, give us a moment?"

"Just don't take too long, the children are very excited." Starlight said before
heading back in.

The magician walk over to Sunset as she look very confused. "Sunset, you okay?"

Sunset gave her head a small shake before looking up at her friend and gave her a
small smile before frowning. "Trixie, you know that Twilight and her friends have
those powers." Trixie slowly nodded in response. "Well I have a power too." Sunset
pulled out her necklace showing her friend. "Sometimes when i touch people, I see
their memories, their past. I don;t see all of it, just only what I need to see.
Just then, when Starlight hugged me, I saw flashbacks, brief moments."

"What did you see?"

"She ran away from home. Her parents focused on her brother, because he was
successful. She ended up here and found this place. And she never looked back. But
it was just what i saw, I felt her pain, her sorrow and her anger. She's still
hurting, she needs help." Sunset stated.

"Well Trixie doesn't recommend just walking up her and talking about it. Its going
to be a sore spot and she may lash out at you."

"But I cant just not say anything. She needs help." Sunset stated. Trixie could see
the fiery determination in her eyes. She felt drawn into her eyes like she could
get lost in them." Trixie instantly looked away hiding her blushing cheeks. As soon
as she had calmed down Trixie let out a loud sigh. "While Trixie gets ready for the
show, why don't you take look around and see if you can't get her to open up." All
Trixie wanted to do was do a show with Sunset, but she could see how much it meant
to her.

"Thanks Trixie, i'll make it up to you." She pulled Sunset into a hug causing both
of them to blush. She felt so happy keeping them close.

"Just make sure your back for The Great and Powerful Trixie Show." She pulled away
looking Sunset in the eyes.

"I promise." Sunset replied with a small laugh.

They soon followed after Starlight, Sunset was surprised by the inside. It was a
gentlemen's bar that had been completely transformed. The walls we're a warm orange
with kids art work everywhere you look , the stage had a white bored at the back
with purple curtains tied to sides. The adult tables had been replaced with kids
tables and chairs of all different sizes, for all types of ages.

There was still hard wood floor but Brightly coloured rugs covered the floor and
stopped the chairs from making high pitch noises. In one corner of the was a play
area with toys, books and chests to keep the whole place tidy. The bar had been
transformed into a kitchen and behind the bar we're two older teens that looked
same age as her and Trixie. She recognized the pair from Starlight's memories. Most
of the children were up at the bar eating lunch, the rest we're either playing over
in play area.

"This place is amazing!" Sunset was Stunned by the transformation, it was

completely different from what she had seen in starlight's mind.

"Trixie is going to get ready for her show. You go poke your nose in where its not
wanted." The magician said with a playful smile

Sunset pouted at that. "I'm not trying to be nosy... I just want help, if I can."
She murmured off.

"Trixie knows, she was just teasing, take a joke, Shimmer." She winked at her
friend before heading of to do her.

But as soon as Trixie walked into the center of the room all the children stopped
what they were doing and came bounding over with the Brightest smiles Sunset had
ever seen. "TRIXIE!" They tackled her with hugs, clinging on for dear life as they
asked question after question. Sunset smiled as she crossed her arms and watched
her friend deal with her adoring fans.

"You like her don't you?" This made Sunset jump, she didn't realise Starlight had
sneaked up next to her.

"I-I don't know what you mean?" Sunset tried to play it off, but her cheek's told a
different story as she blushed brighter then sun red tomato.

"Don't give me that, I see the way you look at her." Starlight said with her bright
unchanging smile, She playfully nudged Sunset on her arm trying to get her to be

"Its, Its complicated... Anyway I was wondering if could talk to you privately?"
Sunset asked, her face deadly serious.
Starlight was surprised but she nodded in agreement as she took Sunset into the
back room's pass the kids rooms and into her office/bedroom. "Would you like to

Sunset nodded as she took a seat in on a chair by the desk while Starlight sat on
her bed. "So, what I'm about to say is going to sound completely insane and a
little out there."

"Okay..." Starlight replied a bit hesitant, not knowing what expect.

"So I am one of six- no that's not right." Sunset mentally scolded her self. he was
going to mention Twilight other's but she felt that she had to move on from them
and stand on her own as a person and a hero. "I have, a power, I can see other
people's memories and thoughts. I saw what happened to you when you where younger
and how you got here."

"I'm sorry but... what?" Starlight's smile had completely disappeared, she was now
confused and on edge.

"It's true, let me show you." Sunset gripped necklace tightly and began to float,
much to Starlight's worry. But suddenly Sunset ponied up, which left Starlight in
shock and awe.

"Wow... You really wasn't kidding huh." She was stunned.

"I'm here to help please let me." Sunset stated as she finally landed on the

"Look I appreciate the help but my Parents didn't care about me. I wasn't good
enough for them, my brother was all they need I was their useless disappointment of
a mistake." Starlight could feel herself getting angry and close to getting to

Sunset could see how strongly she felt about this, it reminded her of the time she
ran away from Celestia. She remember how stubborn she was on the matter, but she
had at least try and get her to at least think about the idea. "I cant make you go
see them but look at it this way, you can tell them about what you achieved all by
your self. This place is amazing, you've done such good work. You took your pain
and turned into something beautiful, that's better then what most people would do.
And i'm sure they miss you much more then you think."

Starlight's heart swell with pride as she thought all about the work she had done,
but wasn't sure if she was ready to share it with her parent's just yet. "I'll
think about it." Starlight replied with a small smile.

"its better then nothing." Sunset stated with a small smile of her own.

There was an awkward moment of silence as the two of them were unsure of where to
go from here. It wasn't until Starlight finally piped up again. "I think its time
for your girlfriend's show." She teased.

"She's not my... never mind. Lets go." Sunset transformed back into normal clothes
before following Starlight back out into the main room.

The room was dark and all of the children where sat silently in front of the stage.
the curtains closed, all the kids were eagerly awaiting The Great and Powerful
Trixie's Show to start. Sunset stayed at the back not wanting to be noticed by the
children and take her friend's spot light. Suddenly The lights around the stage
turned on, and a cloud of smoke appeared on Stage. Trixie walked through the cloud
of smoke all dressed her usual magician outfit and the children went wild.

As the show went on Sunset could see how happy Trixie was, it gave her such joy.
She brought some of the kids on stage and made them feel important. By the end of
the Show Sunset knew, she was in love with the egotistical magician, her only worry
was did she like me back.

Once Trixie's show was done they couldn't hang around as time was getting on and
they need to catch the train back. Trixie changed back to normal clothes and said
their goodbyes and headed back to the train. Luckily this time they both made it on
bored the train with no hassle. "So what did you think of Trixie's Great and
Powerful show?"

"It was great! Those kids really love you, and so they should you where amazing!"
Sunset answered honestly as looked to the landscape.

Trixie was a bit taken back by this, she expecting a sarcastic remake or some joke
not genuine praise and such high praise like that. Unsure of what to do she changed
the topic. "How was your talk with Starlight?"

"She seemed to take what i said on bored, hope she does." Sunset replied honestly.

Silence fell as neither of them knew what to say, it had been quite a day and they
were both looking forward to resting back at Trixie's home. But there was still one
more thing for Sunset to do and she took this time to build up the courage.

"Hmm?" The magician looked up to her friend.

"W-well, I-I er, was wondering If you, um... Well, would like to go on a date with
me tomorrow?" She asked unable to look at Trixie.

This caught the girl of guard but it made her smile. "What like a date, date?" All
Sunset could do was nod her heart was in her mouth, she terrified, her body felt so
stiff, this was new territory for her. Trixie only smile even more. "Trixie would
love to Shimmer."

As soon as she heard Trixie agree her whole body felt a whole lot lighter. She was
now excited to see what tomorrow would bring.
> Chapter 6. Romance and Anger
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was another beautiful Summers morning Sunset had talked Trixie into taking a
shower whilst she made breakfast (not that took much convincing). She felt so
happy, she had million idea's about what they could do for their date tonight. But
she had one idea that stuck more then anything else, and she couldn't wait to see
Trixie's face for when the time comes. Sunset was honestly surprised that Trixie
even said yes. She excepted Trixie reject with some sarcastic comment, but that was
far from the case.

The rest of the train ride back was In awkward silence as they we're unsure of to
say or how they should act around each other. This was all new for the pair and
they were so unsure of everything. Their feeling's for each other were out in the
open and it was scary but exciting. Neither one of them wanted to say or do
anything that would ruin the moment. It wasn't until they arrived back at home
eating takeaway and watching TV on the sofa did they began to feel more comfortable
with themselves.
As Sunset was plating up breakfast as sudden realisation came to mind. What should
she wear! How did she want this date to go she where a dress or should she play it
safe and go casual. But not too casual to make Trixie think that she doesn't care
about the date. She was going into a full Twilight breakdown. Unfortunately there
was no one else she could turn to. At times like this she would turn to Rarity, but
now she had to stand tall. Sunset couldn't falter, she needed to prove to her self
that she could survive by herself once again. "Ill go out clothes shop." Sunset
thought to her self as she plated up the eggs and bacon.

At that moment Trixie had come back from her shower to see the breakfast put before
her "Trixie is impressed, she didn't know that you could cook this well!

"Well taste it, before you say anything like that." Sunset stated with a smirk.

Trixie sat down and the table looking down at the scramble eggs with bacon. She
grabbed a fork full of both egg's and bacon, she tasted the bite real slow as she
took in the breakfast Sunset prepared. "Mmm." Trixie's eyes lit up before she began
shoveling the food into her mouth.

"I guess I'll take that as it's good." Sunset giggled while she poured Trixie a cup
of coffee.

She poured herself a cup before finally sitting down to enjoy her own breakfast.
They both sat in silence as they enjoyed each others company. Trixie took little
glimpses up at Sunset. The Magician couldn't keep her eyes off of the The Pony Girl
not that she would. Trixie kept a calm composure around Sunset, but inside her
stomach swirled. Tonight excited and Scared her but she couldn't let her feelings
be known, She didn't want to be seen as weak. "Sowhudhpndftint?" Trixie asks with
her mouth full.

"What?" Sunset asks as giving Sunset a confused look.

The magician swallowed what was in her mouth before spoke again. "So what do you
have planned for tonight? Assuming you have a plan it was you who asked Trixie."

This made Sunset smirk as she began to feel butterflies about tonight, she took a
sip of her coffee to calm her nerves. "Yeah I have a plan but you cant know until I
pick you up tonight."

"Until you pick Trixie up? We live together." She states confused.

"Well I have Stuff to do and i wont be back until later so I'll pick you up then."
Sunset as she didn't want to give any more away.

Trixie wanted to say more but she had a feeling that she wasn't going to get a
straight answer so she saw no point in pursuing it any further. After Breakfast
Sunset took her shower and left for the day. Trixie sighed as she watch Sunset
leave, her home had never felt so quiet. For the first time in since Sunset had
entered her life she had free time and she didn't know what to do with it. The
Magician waltzed back and forth her trailer as she tried to figure out what to do.

Suddenly Trixie was struck with an idea, she remembered how she failed at trying to
get Sunset out of that class room. She got her smoke bombs out from her bedroom.
She stood in the middle of the trailer and placed the smoke pelt in hand and held
it high above her head, she focused on from being inside to the outside and throw
the pelt straight to the ground. The smoke clouded her causing her to cough badly,
but much to her disappointment when smoke cleared she was still inside. Annoyed but
determined Trixie tried again and again until Trailer was filled with smoke, it got
too unbearable to breath in. Frustrated that she still couldn't master the trick,
Trixie took some money and Decided to go for a walk.

The weather had been good all week the Sun shining bright but today was hottest it
had been yet. A walk through the park seeing everyone out having fun made Trixie
smile. It reminded her of the times she used play in the park with her dad before
he was always on tour. The thought left a bittersweet smile on her lips. Walking
through the park, was the easiest way to clear her head or it was something to do
when she found her self bored. But today, the sun was mercilessly beating her to a
pulp, she brought up her hand to clear the beads of sweat from her forehead. She
needed a drink bad, her mouth felt as dry as a desert and her tongue was dry and
scratchy. fortunately she was on a path towards her favourite café, Sugarcube
Corner. But unfortunately it was where the Twilight and her stupid friends hang
out. But it was also the place of the best chocolate milkshakes were made. And
right now it was exactly what Trixie needed as she wiped the sweat off of her

Trixie stood outside Sugarcube Corner, she look through the widow of the café. She
couldn't see any of those annoying Rainbooms which made her sigh in relief, she
really wasn't in the mood for an argument. The magician quickly entered the café
and placed an order for an iced cold chocolate caramel milkshake. Trixie stood to
the side waiting as she imagined the taste of the milkshake and it just got pumped
up as if she was no longer dehydrated. Now most people would be smart and healthy
and pick water to drink but water was too boring and she craved sugar! She was so
glad that hyper, sugar fuelled pink girl wasn't serving, that would of been even
more awkward. "Trixie wonders if she would served me?.... Nah she too much of a wet
blanket not to." She thought to her self before snickering.n

A few minutes later. "Iced Caramel Chocolate Milkshake!" Mrs Cake called out

A massive grin appears on her as she rushed over to the counter. She took hold of
the milkshake an took a good long sip. "Mmmmmm. You're the best Mrs cake.

"Your too sweet dear." Mrs cake blushed.

The sweet moment of happiness was interrupted as turned around to see Twilight and
her friends walked in. Trixie Locked eyes with Twilight as they both glared at each
other from across the room.
> Chapter 7: Playing It Cool
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trixie, eyes locked with Twilight, smirked.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Twilight Sparkle," she said coyly, trying to play it

Twilight did not smirk back.

"What are you up to, Trixie?" she asked, frowning. The rest of the Human Six stood
behind her.

The magician took a few steps forward, saying, "Trixie's got a date with Sunset
Shimmer tonight. Jealous much?" Her smirk tried to turn into a full grin, but
Trixie refused to have the lower hand in this duel. Her smirk remained the same.

Before Twilight could make a remark, Rainbow Dash stepped forward, shoving her
away. She went right up to Trixie. Making her toughest face, the athlete said, "Why
would I want a date with a bully like Shimmer or yourself?" right in her face.

Trixie crossed her arms, closed her arms, and let out a "hmf". These Equestrian
Girls didn't know as much about friendship as they pretended to. A real friendship
expert would have known to try to make peace and friends with the bacon-haired girl
and the magician.

Trixie opened her eyes. "You guys shouldn't continue to be enemies with us." She
walked up to Twilight Sparkle and started her locked stare again. "If you were a
real friendship expert, you'd know that you should try to make friends with your
enemies." She then turned away from the Human Six. "Maybe then you'd learn the

With that, Trixie took her Iced Caramel Chocolate Milkshake, and giving Twilight
one more glare, walked out the door, slamming it as she left.


Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was freaking out.

"Where will we go? What will we do? Gah!" she muttered.

This was terrible! She had no idea what to do, and Trixie thought she knew! What
would she do if she canceled the date? Trixie might never like her again, for being
arrogant, or lying!

Sunset stood up. She was at the mall, sitting on one of the benches outside. She
looked up at the letters on the building and walked inside. She wouldn't give up.
She had to stop being worried, and actually do something! If she just sat around
all day, she'd never think of an idea.

Sunset looked at all of the stores inside.

"Goldie Delicious' Feline Grooming Salon? No, Trixie might be allergic, and we
don't have a cat... Joe's Donuts? That's more of a morning thing... Autumn Blaze's
All Night Disco? Too loud, and not really a date place... Fancy Pants' Suits? Nah,
that's for men..."

Sunset Shimmer simply couldn't find the perfect place.

Suddenly, a light-up store sign caught her eye.

"Minty's Ice Cream Café? Hmmm... Quiet, not too fancy, and delicious! Perfect!" she
cried with a smile forming across her face. Problem solved!

Sunset pulled out her phone, wrote herself a reminder of where to go just in case,
and triumphantly walked out of the mall. This night was going to be perfect, and
she was going to make sure of it. Because if it went wrong, she could lose Trixie.

And that would mean losing the one friend she had left.

The thought made her spine go cold. She stopped moving, and her mind was filled
with thoughts like 'What if everything goes wrong? and 'This was a terrible idea!'
The pony-girl grimaced. This date had to go on without a hitch, it had to! There
wasn't possibly a way that everything could go wrong.

Sunset Shimmer looked up at the sky with a face of pure determination.


In Fillydelphia, Starlight Glimmer sat in her bedroom/office. Should she find her
parents? Or should she stay here and continue to ignore them?
They'd think she was a failure if she went back. She'd be shunned and hated.
Unless... unless they were proud of her. What if they saw everything she'd done?
What if they missed her, and actually did love her? Warmth flooded through her
body, and for a second she thought a real smile would form.

Instead, Starlight shoved it off.

She had so many responsibilities. Running a place like this wasn't a piece of cake,
especially if her goal was to make everyone feel loved. And she was not going to
leave children, aging from six to fourteen, all alone. It was possible that she
could leave Megan, the oldest child here, on her own, since she was very
responsible, but some of the youngest kids here could be troublemakers sometimes,
and couldn't properly take care of themselves.

So had she decided? The pony-girl wasn't actually sure. Part of her wanted to run
to find them, to put herself in their welcoming arms (if they did love her). But,
her other half wanted to stay here, to take care of the kids, and to prevent any
negative things that might happen to her.

Starlight sighed. She wasn't getting anywhere. She'd come in here to settle her
thoughts, but all she'd gotten was a more split opinion.

There were several knocks at her door. "Miss Glimmer?" called a voice preceding the

The Equestria Girl sat up from her drooping position and called back, "Come in,

A fourteen-year-old girl with pale peach skin and big, light blue eyes walked in.
She closed the door behind her, knowing her caretaker's enjoyment of privacy. Her
golden hair was pulled back by a big red bow.

Starlight gave one of her classic fake smiles. She hadn't given a real smile in
years. It wasn't that she hated these children, she just couldn't bring herself to
break out in a real grin. Besides, her fake ones fooled almost everyone.

Megan nervously pulled on the straps of her turquoise overalls. Biting her lip, she
looked down and said, "You've been in here for hours. The little ones are worried,
and there's a bit of a problem between L.S. and Aqua again."

The caretaker tried her best not to groan. The extremely playful and messy Lickety
Split was always getting into fights with the shy, organized, sweet Aquamarine.
Over the past three years, they'd had enough fights to drive a normal caretaker
insane. Thankfully, Starlight wasn't your normal caretaker- her personal
experiences drove her forward.

Starlight Glimmer stood up and followed Megan to Aqua's room. There were the two
children, fighting over a mess L.S. had started. Starlight could tell over the
dollop of chocolate pudding dripping down the wall. It was classic for the little
boy to hurl ice cream or pudding when he was upset or craving excitement. He
enjoyed messing with Aquamarine, even though she never did anything wrong to him.

Now Aqua was practically hissing; L.S. usually brought out her dark side.
Meanwhile, Lickety Split was just standing there, smirking. He was obviously
enjoying this.

Play it cool, Starlight, the pony-girl thought to herself.

She walked in between the two fighting kids, yelling, "Cut it out!"

Silence struck the room. Not a child spoke. The only sound was the strawberry ice
cream dripping from the ceiling onto a small wooden box. Upon seeing this, Aqua
whimpered. The box held her small collection of gemstones, which meant a lot to
her. L.S. snickered. Megan walked over to the box, picked it up, and wiped it off
with her matching pink sleeve. She then handed the box to the ten-year-old girl.


Aqua smiled and Lickety Split rolled his eyes and began to walk out of the room.

"Not so fast, Lickety Split." Starlight said, causing the boy to let out a groan
and turn around. He wasn't getting out of this one, and he knew it.

"I can deal with him if you'd like," Megan said helpfully. "I know how much you
like your thinking time."

Starlight gave a small, fake smile.

"Thanks, Megan," she said.

Then she walked over to her office, went inside, and closed the door.

That's when the tough, troubled caretaker broke down in tears.

> Chapter 8: Date Night
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Sunset Shimmer, where are we going?" Trixie asked.

Sunset Shimmer's excited smile disguised her worried state of being. She hoped that
this would work out all right. If not, then she might lose the only friend she had
left. The bacon-haired girl had also convinced Trixie not to wear fancy clothes,
but comfy clothes instead. Not that convincing her to wear her magician's hat and
cape had been hard. She hoped that she hadn't expected something fancy.

"You'll see," she replied simply.

Trixie smiled. Sunset knew what she was doing. The magician trusted her friend. A
small twang of guilt twisted around in her chest, but she ignored it. Now was not
the time.

The pair of friends walked into the mall. They passed a few stores, and suddenly,
they came across a store with a light-up neon pink sign. The floors were mint
green, and the white walls were covered in so many paintings of ice cream that it
would be the parents craving the ice cream. Minty's Ice Cream Café.

One Equestria Girl was about to cry in happiness.

Trixie Lunamoon knew this place. This was where her parents met, and where her
father had taught her her first magic trick. Sunset could not have chosen a better

But, to Sunset, Trixie's crying was a bad thing. Sunset hid her panicked face well.
What had she done wrong? This place had seemed perfect, not bad enough to make
someone cry!

I knew that Trixie wanted to go somewhere fancy, ugh! Why do I have to mess up on
everything?! Sunset thought. She wasn't as upset as she was furious with herself
right now. However, her face still painted a caring, happy expression.

The crying girl walked over and sat down at one of the tables. One of her hands
covered her mouth. The other lightly brushed the surface of the smooth, wooden
table. It must have been freshly cleaned, because she could still feel the small
drops of water on its sturdy top. Trixie removed her hand from her mouth and set it
down on the wood. Her face was radiant with a smile so large, it may have come off
her face.

Sunset, torturing herself on the inside, was thrown back. She, too, sat down at the

Trixie looks... Happy. Very, very happy. Did I do well after all?

Now both girls were happy. They smiled at each other. Trixie was happy that Sunset
had known to come here. Sunset was happy that her last non-pony friend was happy.
Then, to Sunset's surprise, Trixie gave a playful smirk and rose an eyebrow.

"Are we going to order or what?"

Sunset giggled. Trixie giggled back. Before they knew it, they had both burst out
into laughter. After a while, the magician and the bacon-haired girl were up at the
register ordering their favorites, giggling here and there.

"Super Sundae with extra everything and Caramel Chocolate Sundae with extra nuts
and a cherry on top!" a green skinned, pink and white haired girl called. This was
Minty. Her father had named his café after his sweet-as-candy teenage daughter.

The girls took their treats and walked them back to their table. Trixie had already
put her spoon in and taken a bite before she had set it down. Sunset smirked.

"You really like chocolate, don't you?"

Trixie blushed and giggled.

"Especially with peanut butter, caramel, or nuts!" she admitted.

"There are nuts in peanut butter."

"Trixie knows that!"

"I know, I know! It makes sense, is all I'm saying."


The girls' conversation went on for hours, and before they knew it, it was twelve
o'clock, and the café was closing for the night. Having finished their ice cream
hours back, they tossed the cups and walked out the door. They had laughed over
jokes to the point of ice cream coming out Sunset's nose. They had cried over
heartfelt moments and tragedies alike. They had gotten a brain freeze once or
twice. They had spent the night together.

A few days ago, Sunset had felt like her life was ruined, broken, and missing
pieces. Today, Sunset Shimmer had felt like her life was more complete than ever.

A few days ago, Trixie had been friendless and a 'weirdo'. Today, Trixie Lunamoon
had felt like she had found a true friend, and fit in with her. She would keep life
this way, at any cost.

After brushing their teeth, the girls got comfy under the covers of the bed.
Trixie's arm brushed Sunset's, and the bacon-haired girl blushed with pleasure. She
allowed her body to make full contact with the magician's. The two fell asleep
quickly, warmed by the snuggling. They basked in the comfort of each other.

Sunset Shimmer dreamed of Trixie. She dreamed of how others would react to their
date if word got out. She dreamed of the Human Six trying to make them look guilty
for something a young child had done without anyone's knowledge. And most of all,
Sunset dreamed of Trixie's magic show, the one she had given the children Starlight
Glimmer was caring for. The smiles and cheers of the children were the best
applause any performer could receive from an audience. This glimpse of the past
warmed her like Trixie's embrace.

Trixie, of course, dreamed of chocolate and magic.

The human Twilight dreamed of what Sunset could possibly do next. She could
vandalize something, or what if she stole their magic pendants? By her
calculations, there were so many options that she could not be certain which Sunset
was going to choose.

Wallflower Blush dreamed of the color deep blue. Guilt filled her lungs and her
heart, and was filling her up like an empty container. She had wanted everyone to
see who Sunset really was, but the Human Six had not. Wallflower had. Sunset was a
good person, but now everybody thought she was bad. That stone... She should have
never touched that stone. Never went in that garden! And now it was too late.
Wallflower wished she had courage. Courage, so she could tell Sunset, tell Sunset
that she had never even known of the footage. She had not touched it.


Sunset and Trixie waved goodbye to each other before heading off to separate
classes the next morning. On the way to her science class, Sunset Shimmer was
stopped in the hallway by a girl she would never forget.

> Chapter 9: Secrets, Lies, And Plots
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wallflower opened her mouth, then closed it. She looked down, unaware of what to

"Yes?" she finally answered.

"What do you- how could you- why are you acting so innocent? You ruined my life!"
Sunset said, angry at the gardener's quiet, nonchalant response.

Tears sprung from Wallflower's eyes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

The bacon-haired girl was thrown back. She stopped moving for a second, shocked.


"I'm sorry. I... I wanted everyone to see how bad you were." Wallflower sniffed.
"But they didn't. I... I did. You aren't bad. You... you changed. You became a
better person. And I... I ruined it! I ruined your life, I destroyed everything you
worked so hard to make. Friendships, forgiveness, all gone! I'm sorry!" Wallflower


"I wish I'd never gone in that garden! Never touched that stone! I'm a terrible


The sniffling gardener looked up. Tears filled her eyes.

"Wallflower, if you are sorry, can you tell the others the truth?" Sunset asked.

The timid Equestria Girl sniffled again.

"I don't have the courage. I'm too scared to stand on a stage."

Sunset nodded disappointed.

"Just tell them when you do."

With that, the bacon-haired girl walked away, heading toward her next class.
Suddenly, she turned around. She had one more question for the timid gardener.

"Why did you erase the footage?"

Wallflower shook her head. "It wasn't me."

Sunset Shimmer was unaware if she should trust her, but at least she had

"Thank you, Wallflower."

Then Sunset really did walk away.


After school, the Human Six met up.

"I can't believe that jerk is dating Trixie! Sunset's trying to drag her down with
her!" Rainbow Dash cried, mad.

"Something must be done, darlings," Rarity said with a flip of her hair. "Sunset
cannot continue to prance around saying she innocent! What if she hurts someone?"

"Sunset's a party pooper," Pinkie Pie said, leaning her head on one of her hands.
The party planner looked down.

"Well, we can't just sit here and talk about her all day. What we need is a plan to
get her back for all she's done!" Twilight said, hitting a fist against her palm.

"Is vengeance really the right answer?" Applejack asked.

"Usually, nah. But here?" Rainbow said. "Definitely."

"I'm not sure this is okay, either," Fluttershy said quietly.

"Remember when Sunset stepped on your baby bunny?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy paled.

"Alright, then," Rainbow said, putting both hands on the table they were sitting
at. "Let's plan."


Sunset sat down near the statue of the Wondercolt. She pulled out her book, which
let her communicate with Princess Twilight in Equestria. Nothing from the princess
lately. So, Sunset pulled out a pen and began to write.

"Dear Princess Twilight, Wallflower apologized today. She might be lying, but then
again, I don't know. My old friends seem to hate me more and more every day. Trixie
and I had our first date yesterday, and it went well. At least I have one friend,
other than you, of course! Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset smiled and closed the book. She was glad that she had at least two friends.
Suddenly, the book started to glow and vibrate.

"That was quick," Sunset said quietly to herself.

Sunset, I'm in the middle of something right now. Can you just leave me alone? I
have a life too, and I don't need to document yours. Besides, their memories are
gone. There is nothing I can do. Just... leave me alone!

The bacon-haired girl gasped. This couldn't be Twilight. She'd never say something
like that. Then again, the princess had a very busy life, filled with villian
threats and friendship problems. Sunset shut the book. Guess she'd only have one
friend. Well... she guessed that Starlight Glimmer had been her friend, in a way.
Trixie and Starlight were better than nothing. Sunset looked at the ground. She
should learn to be more thankful.

Sunset stood up and walked back into the school for her next class. After stepping
inside, she noticed a poster for the Spring Dance. The pony girl thought of how
that would go. Maybe she'd ask Trixie to go with her. Maybe she just wouldn't go at

Speaking of Trixie, Sunset saw her making her way to her next class and ran up to

"Hey, Trixie!" Sunset greeted.

Trixie turned her head in delight.

"Sunset Shimmer! Trixie's been looking for you, we have the same class next!" the
magician said.

"You're never going to guess what happened today! Wallflower apologized. And she
says she didn't touch the footage."

Trixie's stomach turned.

"She's lying. She isn't sorry, and of course, it was she who touched the footage."

"Wallflower cried. I don't think that she would cry if she wasn't telling the
truth. Besides, she said that she's seen how I've changed and that she ruined my
life. She seemed very sorry."
"Well, who else would have touched the footage?" Trixie said, crossing her arms and
looking cross.

"Anyone could have, Trixie," Sunset replied.

Thinking that Sunset had said that it was her, Trixie said, "W-what? No, it
wasn't... How do you..."

Now it was Sunset who looked cross.

"Did you erase the footage?"

Trixie looked down, ashamed.


Sunset was thrown back.

"Why? Why would you do that? I thought you were my friend? Why would you ruin my
chance of getting my friends back?" the bacon-haired girl asked, upset.

Tears sprung in Trixie's eyes.

"I thought that if you got your friends back, you'd leave me behind and I'd be in
the dark, all alone again." the magician said.

"Well, then. Looks like your nightmare is coming true. You will be in the dark
again... because I'm breaking up with you. I never want to see you again!" Sunset
said, very upset, but with tears in her eyes as well. "I... I hate you, Trixie!"

Trixie's world seemed to shatter as Sunset ran away, The bacon-haired girl and the
magician were both crying. This was a terrible day for both of them.


"Does everyone know the plan?" Rainbow Dash asked the rest of the Human Six after

They nodded.

"Just wait 'till the Spring Dance." Rainbow grinned in an almost evil way. "Sunset
Shimmer will regret everything she's ever done to us."
> Chapter 10: The Truth
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The next few days went by quickly. Sunset ignored Trixie whenever she saw her.
Rainbow Dash and her friends prepared their big plan to stop Sunset Shimmer's
tyranny for good.

Soon the day of the Spring Dance arrived.



The bacon-haired girl turned around to see Wallflower standing behind her.

"Yes?" she answered.

"I- I saw this poster- and I was wondering- well, there's still a spot here. Do you
want to do a speech at the Spring Dance? I could try to help. You could tell
everyone everything. I could try to vouge for you. It's a good idea, at least I
think so. Better than walking around saying 'I'm not mean'. No offense." Wallflower

Sunset gave a small smile with only a glimmer of hope. "Sure, why not?" With that,
she walked away.


Now that Sunset had left Trixie's home, she had taken everything she still had left
and had found a job at a fast-food restaurant. She now lived in a small, cramped,
cheap apartment (since Wallflower had given her some money, since she had felt very
bad). She had been saving up for a dress for the Spring Dance.

The dress she had found was on sale, but she liked it. It was a magenta dress with
short sleeves and black stars speckling it.

Sunset put it on and walked to Canterlot High, hoping for bravery for her speech.
She doubted that it would work, but she'd learned from the past that miracles- and
tragedies- happen.

Seriously, if becoming a she-demon, growing pony ears, and floating in the sky
weren't enough to prove that miracles are real, then she didn't know what would.

Soon she approached the school and went inside. When the gym was in sight, she took
a deep breath, and walked in.


Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at her. Some of them frowned at her.
Others she heard asking, 'Why is she here?'.

Sunset wanted to lower her head in shame and hide for eternity, but she kept her
head up high and proud and walked over to Wallflower.

"Hi, Wallflower," Sunset greeted.

"Hello!" Wallflower smiled. "Y'know, it really is nice to actually be able to say

'hello' to someone. Usually, I'm just all alone in the dark."

"Tell me about it," Sunset groaned, knowing that she'd been facing this problem a
lot herself lately.

"I looked at the list. You're second to make a speech, following Derpy." Wallflower
noted helpfully.

Sunset looked across the room at the stage where the speech would be made. She'd
prepared for this; her speech was ready. She hoped that everyone would believe her,
or at least give her a chance, like Trixie.

She scowled at the thought of Trixie. Trixie had erased the footage so that she'd
give Sunset a chance. All along, she just wanted a friend, when all she could have
done was gone up to Sunset and asked. Sunset would have said yes.

But now?

Sunset saw Trixie on the other side of the gym, sitting on the bleachers while
colored lights shone everywhere. She looked depressed. Sunset wanted to comfort her
and make her feel better-

No! Trixie had erased the footage and ruined Sunset's life forever. She should be
sad for what she did as it was absolutely unforgivable. Sunset quickly turned away
from her.

She poured herself a glass of punch.

"When will the speeches start?" she asked Wallflower.

"Any minute now, actually," Wallflower replied, watching the stage.

Soon enough, Derpy smiled as she walked up onto the stage. She walked up to the
mike. She tapped the mike three times, then stood there in silence.

"Muffins," she whispered once.

Then she stood up there blankly smiling for at least ten minutes. After that, she
waved her hand and walked off the stage. The crowd erupted into clapping and

Sunset gulped as all eyes then turned to her. She took a step forward. Then
another, and another. She made her way up to the stage and faced the crowd of
students. She closed her eyes and breathed in. She breathed out.


"Students of Canterlot High," she addressed. "My former friends.

"I know that I must sound crazy. You probably think that I'm just here to trick you
all, or make fun of you in some way. But I'm not.

"I'd like to tell you that something magical has happened to all of you. A magical
object called the Memory Stone has taken away all of your good memories of me. So
now I appear to you again as a bully. However, I am not.

"I may have turned into a she-demon at the Fall Formal, yes, but I've done other
things as well. Good things. I've helped save you all from antagonists. I used to
be part of Twilight Sparkle's group of friends. You all were my friends.

"If you don't believe me and want to pretend that that never occurred, then at
least let me apologize for everything I have done to you.

"I'm sorry for taking your lunch money. I'm sorry for spreading rumors about you
and blackmailing you. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I'm sorry, truly sorry,
for everything.

"Please tell me if there is anything, anything I can do to make it up to you. All I

ask for in return is forgiveness.

"Maybe, just maybe, you guys will want to be my friends just as much as I do.

"I'm so-"

And with that, Sunset was cut off as Rainbow Dash dropped a large bucketful of
black paint on her.

Everyone was silent. Sunset was horrified. She froze in place as everyone watched
the dark paint drip.

Soon, Sunset began to cry. Both tears and paint dripped from her face onto the

She collapsed to her knees on the stage, sobbing silently.

The crowd was now murmuring amongst itself. Rainbow Dash and her friends had now
joined it. Rainbow had expected everyone to high-five her and tell her what a great
prank it was, but no one did. Rainbow didn't even feel like she deserved a high-
five. Now that she thought about it, Sunset's speech had sounded... sincere. And
she felt somewhat guilty when she saw the bacon-haired girl lying there in sorrow,

Suddenly, the voice of Wallflower popped out from the crowd. "It's true!"

Everyone turned and Wallflower walked onto the stage and spoke.

"What she's saying is true! I- It was me! I found the Memory Stone on the school
grounds and I was mad at Sunset for having so many friends even though she used to
be a villain. But really, I was beginning to become a villain myself. I stole away
all your good memories of Sunset. I wish I could give them back, but it's too late.
They're all gone now, forever.

"But you should stop doing these things to her! Look at her! Is she being mean to
you? No, you're clearly the ones being mean to her!

"Save Sunset Shimmer!"

The crowd, one by one, joined in.

"Save Sunset Shimmer! Save Sunset Shimmer!"

Even Rainbow Dash and her friends had joined in. Everyone but Sunset was chanting.
Sunset looked up. Wallflower reached out her hand. Sunset took it and stood up.

The crowd cheered.

"Save Sunset Shimmer! Save Sunset Shimmer!"

"Thank you," Sunset smiled happily, her tears of sorrow replaced with tears of pure

"Thank you."
> Epilogue
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Hey, Sunset."

It had been a day since the big speech, and everyone was treating her nicely, or
not-meanly, to say the least. Rainbow hadn't apologized yet, and the rest of the
Human Six were too embarrassed and ashamed to talk to her.

Sunset turned to see Trixie behind her, looking down.

"Hi, Trixie."
"Sunset- Trixie is... I'm really sorry. I just thought that once you had your
friends back, you wouldn't want me anymore. Please... Please forgive me!" Trixie
dropped to her knees, tears glistening in her eyes.

Sunset gave a small, sad smile. How could she say no to that?

"I forgive you, Trixie. I don't know if I can take you back as my girlfriend right
now, but..." she smiled hopefully. "Maybe later. One day. For now, we can just be

Trixie threw her arms around Sunset, crying in joy.

"Thank you!" she cried. "Trixie will never do it again."

"I'm not sure why they would be footage to erase again, but thanks?" Sunset joked.

The two laughed.


This time, Sunset and Trixie faced Rainbow Dash and her companions.

"I'm sorry, too," she announced. "We all are."

Sunset smiled sadly. "We're all friends again?"

"Yes. Well- if you want to be. You too, Trixie."

Trixie smiled gratefully.

"We'd love to."


Starlight walked up to the large house. She took a deep breath and gave a last
glance to all of the young children behind her.

Megan gave her a thumbs up.

Starlight rang the doorbell, took another deep breath, and waited.

The door creaked open and two adults stood behind it.

Firelight was the first to react.


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