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Minimize Profit Conclusion

To maximize the profit, the manufacturer should produce a combination of REG and STAT programs that
satisfies the constraints on production hours, programming budget, and storage budget. The optimal
solution can be found by solving the linear programming model using methods like the simplex method or
graphical method.

The optimal solution will provide the number of hours to be allocated for the REG program (x) and the
STAT program (y) that will result in the maximum profit for the company. This optimal combination of
REG and STAT programs will ensure efficient utilization of resources (production hours and budgets)
while maximizing the overall profit.

It's important to note that the optimal solution may change if there are any changes in the given
parameters, such as profit per hour, production capacity, or budget constraints. In such cases, the linear
programming model should be updated accordingly, and the optimal solution should be recalculated to
reflect the new conditions.

By implementing the optimal combination of REG and STAT programs, the manufacturer can make
informed decisions and allocate resources effectively to achieve the maximum profit potential while
operating within the specified constraints.

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