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Reference Book Format APA: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to academic writing, proper citation and formatting are essential elements that
contribute to the overall quality of a paper. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is
widely used in the social sciences for its clarity and precision in presenting ideas. One crucial aspect
of APA formatting is citing reference books, and understanding the correct format is imperative for
scholarly success.

At , we recognize the significance of adhering to citation guidelines, and we

strive to assist students, researchers, and professionals in achieving excellence in their academic and
professional pursuits. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of referencing a book
in APA format, ensuring that your citations are accurate, consistent, and in accordance with the latest
APA guidelines.

Why APA Format Matters

The APA style provides a standardized framework for citing sources, making it easier for readers to
understand and trace the origins of information. Properly formatted references enhance the
credibility of your work, demonstrating a commitment to academic integrity and attention to detail.

How to Cite a Reference Book in APA Format

1. Author's Name: Begin with the last name followed by initials. If there are multiple authors,
list them in the order they appear in the book.
2. Year of Publication: Enclose the publication year in parentheses, followed by a period.
3. Title of the Book: Italicize the title and capitalize the first letter of the first word, proper
nouns, and the first word after a colon. End with a period.
4. Publication Information: Include the place of publication and the name of the publisher,
separated by a colon and followed by a period.
5. Examples:

Smith, J. A. (Year of Publication).The Art of Academic Writing. New York: Academic

Johnson, M., & Davis, R. L. (Year of Publication).Research Methods: A
Comprehensive Guide. Chicago: University Publishing.

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Navigating the intricacies of APA formatting can be challenging, and that's where comes in. Our team of experienced writers and editors is dedicated to
providing top-notch assistance in crafting impeccably formatted reference lists. By ordering on our
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meet the highest standards.

Whether you're a student working on a research paper or a professional compiling references for a
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New York, NY: Routledge Falmer.Explanation:List each author last name first followed by the
initials for the first and middle names followed by a comma. In addition, the whole title needs to be
italicized as well. You can read more about how to handle group authors in Section 9.11 of the
Publication Manual. Edition number: If the edition is not the first one, you need to include its
edition number here, following the title of the book. Creating APA book reference citations for a
print or e-book in your reference list is simple once you understand the format. Followed by a period
in parentheses also followed by a period after the editors' names.Only One Editor?Instead of Eds.,
use Ed. Follow-up with a period, place in parentheses, and end with a period after the editor's
name.Example:Avery, E. Assessing student outcomes for information literacy instruction. A
reference is listed only on the APA reference list; however, an in-text citation is created throughout
the body of the text. This could include a discussion of a political or social issue, such as
immigration reform or climate change. If the URL would require a login, include the URL for the
database home page or login page instead of the URL for the work. Provide a parenthetical citation
before the period directly following the information you are citing. Verywell Mind uses only high-
quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Author:
Talty, S.Begin with last name first, abbreviate first and middle names (if applicable). Today I'm
inspired by a home decorated in neutrals, muted pastels, grey and wh. So here, the review will guide
you on how to cite a book using different styles. If more than one city is given, use the first city
listed or, if specified, the name of the publisher's home office. An example of a basic book citation
includes: Gareven, J. R. (2015). Investigating the stars. If you're a beginner and need to write a
paper in APA format, the following step-by-step guide can help you format your paper correctly and
create the different sections that you will need. She is a Research and Instruction Librarian at
Western Carolina University. Always provide the DOI for a work if it is given, even if you used the
print version rather than the online version. Chapter 3: The way to write perfectly in three methods
2nd Rev. APA 7 uses the author-date system, which means the author’s last name, first initial, the
date of publication, title, and publisher are essential elements of the book citation. The final
information to appear in your book chapter citation will be the publication information. According to
Section 2.19 of the Publication Manual, the main requirement is to choose a font that is readable and
accessible to all users. Then you need to add (Ed.) in parentheses after their name like. Feb 2011 It
might seem like going overboard to cite the entire book when you used If the author wrote the entire
book, then provide a reference for the whole book When we do see e-reader versions provided (e g,
Example 19). Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the
text and listed at the bottom of each article. Title of the talk. URL APA Example: Vliegenthart, S.
When you are using a textbook as a source in your References list, you cite it the same way you
would cite any other book. Separate from publisher with a colon.Publisher: Praeger.Shorten
publisher's name to most concise form.
In any case where you’re using the work’s title to alphabetize, you should skip the words “A,” “An,”
and “The.”. New York Press. 1989. (n.d.). New York Press. The way we were. (1929). Gilmore
Publishing. All sources cited in your paper should be included in the reference page. An example of
an APA 6 book citation looks like: Author, A. (Year). Title of the book. Location. Publisher. Journal
of Applied Developmental Psychology, 3 (2), 227-238. EasyBib also has a guide featuring a
complete APA style sample paper, including the reference page. In-text citationsior more detailed
guidelines see APA's In-text citations or consult Chapter 8 of the guide directly. Each different
citation will have a distinct format depending on if it is a book, website, journal, etc. EasyBib
reference guide to book citation in APA format you should still include the URL that you retrieved
the book from, for example, www amazon com. There are some basic rules of APA format that apply
to any type of APA paper. These should be the same as the rest of your paper, which according to
APA is 1-inch margins on all sides of the page. It could also include a biographical sketch of a
notable figure, such as Martin Luther King Jr. When writing the publisher name, do not include
abbreviations such as Ltd., Inc., Co., etc. Multiple publishers: If two or more publishers are listed on
the copyright page, include them all in the order shown separated by semicolons. So, students should
always pay attention to the universal checklist for apa style essay when accomplishing their tasks.
Next, the publication year is enclosed in parentheses and followed by a period. How to cite BOOKS
APA Book Citation E-book Example: Roush, C (1999) APA Chapter or Authored Section of an
Edited Book Citation Examples are not. In the event that a quote has been used, the relevant page
number will also be included. You must use double spacing for your entire essay, including the cover
page. Feb 2011 It might seem like going overboard to cite the entire book when you used If the
author wrote the entire book, then provide a reference for the whole book When we do see e-reader
versions provided (e g, Example 19). Fortunately, there are a few basic rules that can keep you on
track. If the URL would require a login, include the URL for the database home page or login page
instead of the URL for the work. In subsequent references, only the abbreviated form should be
used. Books translated from another language should include the last name and first initial of the
author, followed by the year of publication and book title. The format for citing books in APA format
is as follows. Times new roman, but you are free to choose another one. Some of the recommended
font options for APA style include. You should also cite paraphrased findings, techniques, or effects
discovered, founded by, or associated with a particular author. For publishers outside the United
States list the city and country. After the period that follows the page range, include the city of
publication, followed by a period, then the 2-letter abbreviation for the state of publication, followed
by a colon. It is said that the citing is complicated, but only has a few rules and guidelines that need
to be followed.
In that case, insert the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number in
parentheses at the end of the quote. The guidelines presented here come from the 7 th edition of the
APA’s Publication Manual. We cite according to the 8th edition of MLA, 7th edition of APA, and
17th edition of Chicago (9th edition Turabian). APA Citation Style APA citation style requires the
author's name, publication year, title, and publication information. APA style refers to the way that
student and professional publications are formatted for submission and publication. An annotated
bibliography includes citations for any sources used for the creation of the paper along with an
annotation. APA (American Psychological Association) style is a commonly used citation style in
social sciences, including psychology, education, and sociology. When you are using a textbook as a
source in your References list, you cite it the same way you would cite any other book. Superhuman
Powers in Global History, ed. Stan Lee.”. Book’s title: You can write the full title of the book or just
a single chapter of the book directly. If the volume does not have its own title, include the volume
number in parentheses without italics. The reference page should appear at the end of your APA
paper. Ambiguity in APA in-text citations Situation Solution In-text citation Multiple works by the
same author in the same year. Why? Because it follows the specific format called for by APA
requirements. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you. But this is only if the work is
actually signed “Anonymous.”. Author of the chapter: Vye, C., Jr.Last name first. First and middle
name always represented by initials.Year of publication: (2007).Date the book was published.
EasyBib also has a guide featuring a complete APA style sample paper, including the reference page.
EasyBib reference guide to book citation in APA format you should still include the URL that you
retrieved the book from, for example, www amazon com. At the bottom of the page (also centered),
you can include an author's note that gives specific information about the class or acknowledgments.
Follow this with the issue number in parentheses, followed by a comma. Books translated from
another language should include the last name and first initial of the author, followed by the year of
publication and book title. But for most sources, your reference list entry will include the following.
Do not feel the need to discuss every element of your table in your text. The final information to
appear in your book chapter citation will be the publication information. Edition number: If the
edition is not the first one, you need to include its edition number here, following the title of the
book. If there are more than two authors, you can just write two of them and use an abbreviation
“eds” at the end. How to Cite a Book in APA Style To cite a book in APA style, you need to include
6 elements in the citation, including the author of the book, year of the book’s publication, the title of
the book, edition number of the book, publication area, and the publisher’s name. Thankfully, APA
has all the rules laid out for you when it comes to trying to alphabetize Dougla and Douglas. How to
write a bibliography using APA Reference List Format The APA guidelines specify using sentence-
style capitalization for the titles of books or articles.
Volumes, translations, republication and series: Include volume, series title, translation and
republication information in the reference list. Check out some of the examples below to see how the
titles are typed out and styled. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check
and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. If more than one city is given, use the first
city listed or, if specified, the name of the publisher's home office. You type her last name first,
followed by a comma, followed by her initials. Author’s middle initial. (Year, Month Date
published). Title of book: Subtitle if given (edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher. URL.
In some cases, the second author may even be debunking the original or looking at it from a
completely different perspective, and the variation in context may be missed by you, leading to a
serious distortion in meaning, If you wish to use secondary referencing, contact your lecturer or
tutor: if they allow it, then follow the instructions below; if they do not allow it, find a different
source for your discussion. Thankfully, most of the information is easy to locate on the first few
pages of the book. Author: Talty, S.Begin with last name first, abbreviate first and middle names (if
applicable). She is a Research and Instruction Librarian at Western Carolina University. There are
some basic rules of APA format that apply to any type of APA paper. The manual is unfortunately
not available online, but reference copies are available in all 16. Citing a Chapter in a Book in the
Reference List When citing a chapter in a book in the reference list, you should include the
following information: - Author's last name and first initial - Year of publication - Chapter title -
Book title - Editor's name (if applicable) - Page numbers of the chapter - Publisher's name and
location The citation format for a chapter in a book is as follows: Author, A. A. (Year of publication).
New York Press. 1989. (n.d.). New York Press. The way we were. (1929). Gilmore Publishing. In
most cases, this is the author’s surname (or the surname of the author listed first, when dealing with
citations for sources with multiple authors ). Edition number: If the edition is not the first one, you
need to include its edition number here, following the title of the book. In addition, the Chicago
style will be mostly applied while people write articles or papers about business, law, or history.
When an author’s work is presented through someone else’s eyes, it can impose an interpretation and
understanding that is held by the second author rather than the meaning intended by the original
author. APA Citation Style APA citation style requires the author's name, publication year, title, and
publication information. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
Washington DC: The American Psychological Association; 2020. Upload your document to correct
all your mistakes. Name of Magazine, Volume Number (Issue Number), first page number-last page
number if given. If it is not an edited book with multiple authors, you would simply cite the entire
book if you are using multiple chapters. DOI or URL if from an online source Example: Harari, Y.
Insert the entry into the reference list by alphabetical order using the first word from the title, in
sentence case, ignoring any common words such as 'A', 'An' or 'The'. Do not underline, italicize, or
place quotation marks around the title. The title will be capitalized in sentence style, meaning that
only the first letter of the first word (and any words appearing after colons or semicolons) should be
capitalized. But if the authors have over eight or eight people, you just need to list six of them and
then use an ellipsis after the last one’s name. Similarly, a James would automatically appear before a
Jameson, and a Michaels before a Michaelson.
Similarly, anything that appears inside of parentheses or brackets should be disregarded. Do not
underline, italicize, or place quotation marks around the title. In APA format, you may choose to
include the author’s name in the introduction to the quote. A full example is provided here: Lane,
Lois, and Clark Kent. Publication information: Firstly, write the city where the book was published,
then follow a colon. Keep these tips in mind when using a table in your APA format publication. It
could also include a biographical sketch of a notable figure, such as Martin Luther King Jr. Knowing
how to write in APA format is an important skill for both students and professionals. Today APA
referencing is adopted in term papers, research reports, literature reviews, theoretical articles, case
studies etc. MLA is mostly used in humanities and liberal arts writings, while APA would be adopted
in education, psychology, or any other social sciences related subjects. Then, place page numbers,
using a hyphen in between if it's a range of pages. Separate from publisher with a colon.Publisher:
Praeger.Shorten publisher's name to most concise form. However, it does not change the fact that
their year of publication is the same. This is because the first part of the sentence is written in past
tense and the second part is written in present tense. By choosing a topic that is interesting and
meaningful to both the speaker and the audience, a great oral presentation can be both informative
and inspiring. General notes refer to some aspect of the entire table; specific notes refer to a
particular column, row, or cell; probability notes specify the values of symbols in your table. How to
Cite a Book in Chicago Style Now let’s also see how to cite a book in Chicago style. For more
information about database eBook references, see the APA Style Guide. For publishers outside the
United States list the city and country. Citing a chapter in an edited book in print in APA An edited
book is one that was compiled by an author. Sep 2013 APA (American Psychological Association)
style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences This resource, revised.
Observe capitalization rules on proper names and such. Apa stands for american psychological
association and is mostly used in scientific papers. Creating APA book reference citations for a print
or e-book in your reference list is simple once you understand the format. Chapter 3: The way to
write perfectly in three methods 2nd Rev. The major elements include the author’s name, book title
(chapter title), publication information, page number. Be sure not to include any information in the
abstract that isn't in the paper itself. APA 7 uses the author-date system, which means the author’s
last name, first initial, the date of publication, title, and publisher are essential elements of the book
citation. However, in their 7th edition of the APA Manual, this style guide tried to make it simple
with a few overarching rules. This would follow the format: Editor Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (Year of
Journal of Interactive Advertising, 17 2, 138—149. It provides the who, when, what, and where
information for each different resource you used. Today APA referencing is adopted in term papers,
research reports, literature reviews, theoretical articles, case studies etc. At the bottom of the page
(also centered), you can include an author's note that gives specific information about the class or
acknowledgments. For more information about database eBook references, see the APA Style Guide.
When some of the necessary information has been include in the body, near to the material itself, it is
appropriate to omit it from the parenthetical citation. Always provide the DOI for a work if it is
given, even if you used the print version rather than the online version. Name of Journal, Volume
Number (Issue Number), first page number-last page number. Many publishers will include the DOI
on the first page of an electronic document. According to Section 2.19 of the Publication Manual, the
main requirement is to choose a font that is readable and accessible to all users. Creating APA book
reference citations for a print or e-book in your reference list is simple once you understand the
format. Finding a DOI: You can check for a DOI by using the free DOI search tool called Crossref.
Keep these tips in mind when writing table headings. Feb 2011 It might seem like going overboard
to cite the entire book when you used If the author wrote the entire book, then provide a reference
for the whole book When we do see e-reader versions provided (e g, Example 19). Leave the
paragraph numbers out of the reference list entry. Some of the recommended font options for APA
style include. Do not abbreviate the publisher name unless shown in an abbreviated form on the
work. The citation format for a chapter in a book is slightly different than citing a whole book. Since
H comes before M in the alphabet, you might assume that Bergman, H.D. should be listed first. It
should be italicized and capitalized in APA style. Please use a different browser, like Firefox,
Chrome, or Safari. Follow this with the issue number in parentheses, followed by a comma. Another
great oral topic could be a current event or issue. In any case where you’re using the work’s title to
alphabetize, you should skip the words “A,” “An,” and “The.”. Entries with no dates first, then in
chronological order. The 7th edition of the apa publication manual provides guidelines for clear
communication, citing sources, and formatting documents. It should be about three to four lines
down from the top margin of the page. The manual is unfortunately not available online, but
reference copies are available in all 16. In that case, insert the author’s last name, the year of
publication, and the page number in parentheses at the end of the quote. We cite according to the 8th
edition of MLA, 7th edition of APA, and 17th edition of Chicago (9th edition Turabian).

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