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Servant: Caster

Name: Harry Houdini

Source: Historical Fact
Region: United States
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Strength: D
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: C
Houdini is a Well dressed Man often wearing a Black Dress Jacket over a White
button up shirt fitted with a bow tie, followed by a pair of Dress Pants and Shoes.
His hair is rather short and parted in the middle, his face clean shaven. Attached
to his wrists are broken Handcuffs, while a few chains trail down his sides under
the jacket. Shackles with a small fraction (Not long enough to touch the ground) of
Chain cover his ankles.

The World Famous Escape Artist, Houdini is usually a very calm man, but given the
chance, he will ignore any previous engagement to boast of his many deeds and
illusions. Truly a Man who prides himself on his skill. However, he will not stand
to hear others insult him or his art, often times flying off the handle to deal
with those who "Don't understand the Greatness of his Performances". Houdini joins
the Holy Grail War as an excuse to demonstrate his talents once more before a Large

Class Skills:

Item Construction: A
Territory Creation: A

Personal Skills:

Illusionist: B
Houdini is capable of displacing the area surrounding him, appearing to alter it,
but in fact it is all an illusion. He is capable of bending space to appear before
someone, but in reality is around a corner or seemingly make small to medium
objects appear out of thin air or Vanish without a trace. Those of the Caster Class
can see through the illusions and Anyone with a High enough Rank of Magic
Resistance (B) may ignore it.

Escape Artist: EX
Houdini spent the majority of his life practicing his art of Escape as such he is
now capable of escaping from nearly any situation he is placed in. His mind will
allow his to see the hole and make his escape whether it be from a locked room or
even a fight. Though he is vulnerable while escaping.

Houdini is of the Caster Class though he is more specialized as a distraction or
support role, letting others do the fighting while he shows off his skills. As
such, Houdini is capable of producing several of his most valuable devices from his
performances such as Chains with Locks, Shackles, Straight Jackets, and with enough
time, a Sealed Coffin. His attacks will bind anyone they catch, though Berserkers
(Or those of A Rank Strength) are capable of breaking free with Ease. Otherwise one
must wait for the magic to be dispelled or for Houdini to be far enough to no
longer maintain the spell. Other attacks are using the devices to deflect attacks
or to strike, though weakly (Compared to normal Servant Strength) with his chains.

Noble Phantasm:
Buried Alive, The Final Performance
Type: Anti-Unit
Rank: EX
Range: 1-50
Maximum Number of Targets: 1

Houdini had performed many Acts of Escape, but none were as deadly as the Buried
Alive Stunt, with the first almost costing him his life. This version is a modified
version of his final Design that he never performed, having Passed before the Show.
Houdini attaches a Pair of Shackles onto an enemy and once caught, there is no
escape. None may interrupt or Stop the "Performance" after it has begun. Both
Houdini and The Enemy are wrapped in a straight jacket, Bound with Chains and
Locks, Placed inside of a Casket that has Needles built in, though retracted, The
Casket is then Sealed, lifted upside down into the air, before being placed inside
a giant vat of Sand with a Timer to Countdown how long the Pair have remained
The Objective is Obvious, Escape before the Other. The Last to escape will be
impaled by the spikes from the coffin, however they will not die from the spikes no
matter their previous Health condition (They can however die from blood loss if not
tended to). Houdini may only use this Once every other Day.

RP Rules: After the NP begins a Timer will begin. A servant can escape in 3 Posts,
While Humans and other None Servants will take 5 Posts (3/5 Posts from the Owner of
Houdini's Opponent, so on the 4th/6th, they would escape). Houdini, due to his
Skill as an Escape Artist, may escape at any time. However, his own Pride may prove
to be his own undoing. As he would want to build tension and raise the stakes, he
may not escape immediately. A Coin will be flipped (And sent to the opponent to
confirm no cheating) each turn to see if he escapes. A Master may use 2 Command
Spells to automatically pull a Servant from the NP and a Servant may activate a
Reality Marble while inside. While the effects of the Marble do not activate it
does speed the process along allowing the Servant to escape in 1, or 2 depending on
power of the reality Marble, less turn.

Archer: Orion

A Giant huntsman who has lived a life of pain and pleasure. From an early age he
has lived his life as he chose even if that meant angering people in the process.
He was knowned for his hunting prowess as well as one of the only to gain the love
and affection of the God Atrtemis. However his care free and arrogant attitude
would cause him to proclaim his hunting skill to try and Kill every animal on the
planet, angering Gaia who sent a Large Scorpion to kill him.

Orion is Rude and Crude rarely caring about others only wanting to flaunt his
skill, however he often times gets distracted by even slightly attractive women
making something of a problem to control. Though when he gets serious, there are
few who could match him in Archery.

Orion comes equipped with a Bow and Arrows as well as a Minor club for close range
Combat though he prefers to attack from afar.

Noble Phantasem: Shooting Method - Piercing Sky Bullet: A special attack that
echoes out a sound that can be heard from somewhere. Once the Set of 3 Arrows is
fired the 3rd will be obscured and its sound distorted until hitting something
while the other two possess slightly above average power but remain as normal
arrows for distraction. Requires More Mana the More Sets he fires in a Row. (1/2)
Noble Phantasem 2: Shooting Method - Orion Shot: A Desperate Hit All Attack. An
Attack that can change how deadly it is depending on how it is fired. Orion Loads
his bow with no Less then 20 Arrows (Though the actual Fired Varies) and fires them
all at once in one desperate attack. This can be directed straight forward at a
single target that may cause some moderate damage depending on how many hit the
target or it may befired in the Air to blanket the area in front of Orion with
Arrows causing minmal damage but potionally hitting mutiple targets.


Affections of the Goddess Rank EX: Stats increased due to love from Artemis.
Eye of the Mind (False) Rank B: natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger
on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this
instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants an effect of
offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions.
Independent Action Rank B-: The ability to remain independent even when rejecting
the Magical Energy supply from one's Master; the ability that allows for action
even in the absence of the Master. (2/2)

Class: Archer
True Name: Sir Tristan
Gender: Male
Allignment: Lawful Good

Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Magical Energy: B
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: A

Class Skills: Magic Resistance B; Independent Action B

Personal Skills:
Harp of Healing - C
Able to Use his Bow to Heal Allies and Surpress Mental Disturbances while also
lowering Enemy Morale.

Unblessed Birth - B
Constantly Plaguged by Grief, but is Able to Use Said Lamentations in Song to Boost
the Power of Harp of Healing

Admonishment to the King of Knights - B

Suffers Incredible Guilt due to his Actions Twoards his King effecting him from
time to time and Spirals into Depression when being Around King Arthur.

Weakness (Poison) - D
Due to Dying to Poison, His Resistance to Poisons is Slightly Lowered.

Noble Phantasem:
The �gbow that always hit its target�h. Tristan's Harp was Modified into a Bow
allowing for simple plucks of the strings to create Sharp strikes out of the very
air, making them hard to avoid.
Failnaught: Fantasia of Lamentation
Upon Calling its True Name, Tristan Unleashes a Devistating String of attacks
followed by a Giant Velecoity Vaccum Arrow that almost warps the very space around
it making it almost impossible to avoid 100% of the attack. The Attack May also be
laid as a Trap that Lifts an opponent into the Air and slice them to ribbins.

Class: Saber
True Name: Sir Lancelot
Gender: Male
Allignment: Lawful Neutral

Strength: B (A)
Endurance: A (A+)
Agility: B (A)
Magical Energy: C (B)
Luck: B (A)
Noble Phantasm: A (A+)
*Rank Increases When Arondight is Drawn

Class Skills: Magic Resistance B; Riding B

Personal Skills:
Knight of the Lake - A
Having been raised by the Lady of the Lake since Infantcy, he has recieved her
Blessing. Lancelot may temporairly apply a "+" to any rank aside from Luck,
doubling it.

Eternal Arms Mastership - A

Due to having Trained his Mind, Body, and Skills to near peek, Lancelot is able to
use 100% of his Combat ablities while under the influence of any Mental Hinderance.

A Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands - A+

Lancelots Knight of Owner as a Skill. Any Wepon he takes hold of is Strengthened to
a Rank D Noble Phantasem. He can not use this on Other Weapons ranked as Noble

Protection of the Fairies - A

A Blessing from the Fairies that allows Lancelot to increase his Luck in Dangerious
situations. Though it may only be activated in a Battlefield.

Noble Phantasem:
Arondight: The Unfading Light of the Lake
The Counterpart to Excalibur gifted to Lancelot by the Lady of the Lake. When drawn
by Lancelot it increases all of his paramiters by one rank and Deals additional
Damage Creatures and Beings with a Dragon Attribute.

Arondight - Overload: Breaking All Restraints - Overloaded

Arondight builds up a massive amount of Mana inside of the Blade and unleashes all
of the Mana as a slash of Light across the battlefield. While not Practical,
Lancelot can force the Mana to remain inside untill he slashes one opponent thus
turning it into a Single target attack. However the Burden of doing so and blow
back of the attack will injure Lancelot.
Class: Assassin

True Name: Hanzo Hattori

Gender: Male

Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: B

Endurance: D+

Agility: A+

Magical Energy: B

Luck: B

Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills:
Presence Concealment: EX

Personal Skills:

Subversive Activities - C

The talent to reduce the enemy forces in the preliminary stages before going into
battle. An expert of traps. Hanzo often prefers to attack silently and pick off
strays or those out of sight allowing him to thin an attacking force by 10% in a
matter of minutes.

Ninjitsu - A+++

The general term for the secret intelligence techniques, combat techniques, larceny
techniques, torture techniques, etc., employed by ninjas. Its system differs
between each school. As a practioner of the Iga style Ninja School, Hanzo is
trained to remain out of sight and attack swiftly and effectively, leaving no trace
of his presence or even his attack.

Otherworldly Skills - C

Famed as Oni no Hanzo (Demon Hanzo), He was so talented on the battlefield rumors
and legends began to crop up. Even to this Day, Hanzo is said to have possessed the
powers of an actual Demon allowing him to Teleport short distances, Camouflage his
entire body for a few moments, Use Pyschokensis to move small objects as well as
his Kodachi, and even the power of Precognition.
*Note: The Precognition is Random with no way to control it and may only activate
once every 12 hours.

Noble Phantasm:

The Demon's Blade: Hidden Strike From the Shadows

Hanzo's Blade has tasted the blood of Many Victims and so it shall continue doing.
The NP may only be activated if an enemy is not aware of Hanzo's Presence or has
lost complete sight of him. Hanzo sizes up his enemy, usually appearing behind them
or in a blind spot and with one sudden strike severs their spine with his Kodachi.
If the attack is successful, the target dies instantly, however stronger foes may
resist the effect. The Chance of Death is Increased if the Ninja Art: Concealment
Fog is activated. However, should the attack fail, Hanzo will be forced to rely on
fighting the enemy head on as the Assassination will not work a second time as they
will anticipate and see it coming.

Secret Ninja Arts: Scroll of Mystical Abilities

While in reality, Ninja often used tricks and smoke to confuse their enemies, but
Modern Media and Myths suggest they possessed the power of Mystical techniques,
with Hanzo's own tale of Otherworldly Abilities he is granted Access to these
Mystical secrets that he may use.

Each skill may be preformed in rapid succession over over using the ability without
rest will weaken its power. Hanzo is required to preform a quick flurry of hand
signs to form his energy into the attack and unleash it as he calls its name.

Fire Wheel Bomb: Hanzo summons up 4 Fire balls that he may launch in one direction
or aim separately, the power is slightly increased if all four attack one target.

Concealment Fog: Hanzo summons up a dense thick fog that covers the area around
him. While Everyone, including allies, will be unable to see in front of their
face, Hanzo will be able to use his tracking and other Ninja abilities to "See"
through the fog and Strike. While active it gives a bonus to insta kill with his NP
The Demon's Blade.

Movement Through Earth: Hanzo almost seems to melt into the earth allowing him to
escape from battle or setup for an assassination.

Wind Blades Dance: Hanzo summons up a gust of wind that deliveries slashes across
those caught in its limited blast.

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