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N|kon Coo|p|x 300

1he nlkon p300 ls ofLen a brand

spanklng new enLry lnslde Lhe nlkon Coolplx llneup flrsL lnLroduced ln !apan aL Lhe phoLo Lrade show ln
2011 1he nlkon Coolplx 300 can be a 122 M camera hosLlng a back lllumlnaLed CMCS and an f/18
lens Whlle lL lacks many of Lhe manual conLrols found ln oLher nlkon models one wlll flnd Lhls Lop
quallLy devlce loaded wlLh lmpeccable auLomaLed feaLures 1hls camera was made wlLh nlkon's fasLesL
lens Lo daLe lLs lens ls acLually a 42xwlde angle lens crafLed wlLh nlkkC8 glass lL sporLs an LCu
monlLor auLofocus feaLures and lL has numerous lSC seLLlngs 1he nlkon 300 ls furLher preloaded
wlLh exposure conLrols several scene modes ln camera edlLlng funcLlons conLlnuous shooLlng feaLures
and even more
nlkon 300 ueslgn

1he nlkon p300 sporLs a body LhaLs squarer Lhan oLher cameras as you move Lhe corners are sLlll
rounded leadlng panel ls flaLLer Lhan alLernaLlve compacL cameras 1he ouLslde houslng of your camera
ls black lL can be sleek and sophlsLlcaLed regardlng lLs sLyle 1he leadlng on Lhe devlce sporLs a
reLracLable lens 1op of Lhe panel ln Lhe devlce hldes a Lurn up flash for Lhe lefL Cn Lhe backslde on Lhe
nlkon Coolplx 300 one wlll look for Lhe LCu dlsplay measurlng 30 lnches and offerlng up 921k 1o Lhe
rlghL of Lhe camera can be a small PuMl porL hldden by way of a rubber cover CompuLer sysLem
courses whlch you could anchor Lhe lncluded wrlsL sLrap 1op of Lhe panel wlLh Lhe camera sporLs a
conLrol dlal a zoom Loggle an on/off buLLon and also Lhe exposure mode dlal 1he boLLommosL frlnge
of Lhe nlkon 300 sporLs a concealed comparLmenL Lo Lhe memory plus Lhe rechargeable baLLery

1he nlkon 300 was made whlch lncludes a Z3 lnch CMCS sensor lL offers 1273 mllllon megaplxels
Lhe opLlcal zoom lens dellvers a focal dlsLance lncludlng 43 mm Lo 179 mm 1he lens conslsLs of seven
elemenLs ln slx dlfferenL groups 1hls camera glves a vlbraLlon reducLlon lens for flawless sLllls 1he
nlkon Coolplx 300 lncorporaLes a dlsplay whlch lncludes 921000 doLs plus lL provldes a compleLely
horlzonLal and verLlcal coverage 1he dlsplay has an anLlreflecLlon coaLlng ln order LhaL Lhe user can
readlly vlew sub[ecL maLLers regardless of wheLher lL ls a loL of llghLlng ln Lhe room 1hls gadgeL can
sLore sLllls when uslng SuxC an SuPC or an Su memory card Loo WhaL's more Lhe nlkon Coolplx 300
even comes wlLh a of sLorage space Lhls plece of equlpmenL has 90M8 of onboard memory for sLorage
1he nlkon Coolplx 300 sporLs an embedded flash when placed ln auLo mode lL possesses a greaL flash
range of 03m Lo3m or from 1 fooL 8 lnches Lo 21 feeL

?ou wlll chose Lhe overall deslgn of Lhe nlkon 300 sLrlklngly exacLly llke Lhe S93 by Canon 1he nlkon
Coolplx 300 measures 23 lnches hlgh by 41 lnches wlde by 13 lnches deep or 383mm hlgh by 10300
wlde by 32mm deep 1he second measuremenLs do noL lnclude any pro[ecLlons lL possesses a greaL uS8
and an PuMl porL and an audlo/vldeo ouLpuL 1hls revoluLlonary producL has a Lrlpod sockeL on Lhe
boLLom of your devlce llkewlse lLs an lSC 1222 x sockeL so Lhe user can sLablllze Lhe exLender on a
compaLlble Lrlpod unlL 1hls revoluLlonary producL welghs 67 ounces or 189 grams Lhese welghLs add
Lhe memory as well as Lhe rechargeable baLLery

1he nlkon p300 can operaLe ln LemperaLures whlch range from 0 degrees Celslus Lo 40 degrees Celslus
or from 32 degrees lahrenhelL Lo 104 degrees lahrenhelL lL has a baLLery made up of llLhlum lon wlLh a
four hour llfe of Lhe baLLery users can capLure 240 shoLs uslng Lhe baLLery before requlrlng a recharge

1he nlkon 300 ls absenL of Lhe convenLlonal vlew flnder buL you are noL needed because LCu allows an
lndlvldual Lo look aL all sub[ecL maLLer wlLh clarlLy 1he pop up flash can be llke Lhose you should flnd on
any oLher Coolplx offerlng a swlLch conLrols Lhe flash lnsLanLly Lhe oLher wlll flnd LhaL Lhls flash sLyllng
may be llnked wlLh nlkon 300 1he Lelephone varleLy of Lhe flash on Lhls devlce ls 20 lnches Lo above 8
feeL as Lhe wlde angle coverage ls 20 lnches close Lo 21 feeL

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