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At its most basic, Christianity is the

faith tradition that focuses onthe figure

of jesus christ, Us Christians, we are
called to a higher Generosity, whetee
that comes in the form of giving money,
expertise, time or carr is a bedrock of
christians ethics. They demonstrate
good personal and corporate

Islam's encourage man/woman earn

as much weath through lawful
means as possible; it does not
allowed them to monopolize the
means of production or to restrict
circulation of wealth. It imposes
limits on ownership, possession and
With regard to business, Mele points
out that Hinduism maintains a positive
attitude towards business and wealth
creation, although the latter is not the
supreme goal. Ethics (dharma) and
salvation (moksha) are more important.
The Ethical Principles of Hinduism:
Ahimsa (Non-Violence), detachment
(abandonment of the fruits of the
action), Truthfulness, Not to steal, Self-
control, discipline, appropriate words
and thoughts, and motivation to achieve
the goal

Detachment is yet another strong virtue

in Buddhist practice. This entails that a
business practitioner following this
mental model will understand the
fleeting nature of everything in life and
work and will have less control issues,
power hunger. Some people believe that
business can be success through only
manipulations, frauds and
misappropriation. But Buddhist
Philosophy revealed that it can gain by
being honest, morality and through
Tao could be translated as "the path" or
"the way". It is a force that flows
through life and permeates all things. In
business, Taoism exhorts companies to
nurture people, and the goal should not
be personal success or profit, but the
common good. Emphasize simplicity and
minimalism Taoism emphasizes the
importance of simplicity and
minimalism in achieving balance and

In business, Shinto emphasizes

benefits to the community,
which is considered as family. In
a globalized business
environment, interacting with
individuals of diverse religions
is becoming increasingly
Jewish law is not only concerned with
practical legal advice but in
encouraging individuals to go beyond
the requirements of the law and
practice the "way of the pious." Judaism
does not have a negative attitude
toward business and wealth-indeed,
most of the Talmudic sages had

Profit is not the overriding aim;

quality service, workmanship
and discipline are vitally
important. Business is a means
to serve society and, if possible,
uplift it. The trade or the
professions, Jains choose to
pursue are determined by their

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