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Wild cats don’t live with people.They live outside and they find food.1.Wild Cats.

There are wild cats all

around the world.The snow leopard is a big cat.It lives in snowy mountains.It has thick fur to stay
warm.The margay lives in rainforests.It can climb well,and it lives in trees.

2.Fur.Cats have fur to stay warm and it helps them to hide from other animals.Cheetahs have
spots.Bayby cheetahs have long white fur.They can hide in grass.

3.Mouths and teeth.Cats have big,strong mouth and long,sharp teeh.The clouded leopard has 4 long
teeth to help it to hunt deer,monkeys and birds.

4.Senses.Cats use their senses to hear,see and smell.This helps them to move around and to hunt other
animals.The serval has big ears.It hunts mice.It can hear the mice under the ground.

5.Tails.Many cats have a long,strong tail.It helps them to run and turn.They use their tail to show they
happy,sad or scared.The puma uses its tail to jump and land on its paws.

6.Food.Cats eat meat.Big cats hunt zebra,antelopes and other big animals.They hide in grass and look for
animals.They are strong and they run fast to hunt other animals.

7.Baby cats.Cats protect their babies from other animals.Baby cats can’t eat meat. The lion has milk for 2
baby lions.They drink milk from their mother.Cats help their babies to move around.

8.Protect cats.Many wild cats are in danger.Some people cut down trees,then wild cats don’t have a
home or food.Many zoos protect wild cats.They give the cats food and help them to have babies.Wild
cats are amazing.Let’s protect wild cats.

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