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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Kelas IX
Ketentuan :
• Tulislah soal dan jawaban di buku tulis bahasa inggris masing-masing
• Pemeriksaan akan dilakukan pada saat tatap muka
• Dilarang mengcopy paste jawaban
• Kerjakan sesuai kemampuan masing-masing
Task 1. Read the following text. Then state T if the statement is true and F
if the statement is false.

Putri has just got a scholarship from the government to continue her study in a favourite
senior high school in her city. She got the best score for the final examination in her
Province. Her parents are proud of her. So, are her friends and teachers at school. Arnold,
her classmate comes to her to congratulates her. He hopes that she will keep her
achievement in senior high school she chooses. With her fame and many praises, she is still
humble to everyone. So, many people like her.

1. Arnold is only her friend who congratulates her. (……)

2. Her mother and father likes to hear the news about putri to get a scholarship (……)
3. Her teachers are not proud of her. (……)
4. Putri is an arrogant student. (……)
5. Putri got the best score in her final examination. (……)
Task 2. Choose so that or in order to to complete the sentences.
1. I took my digital camera with me … lcould take some photos during my trip.
2. l had to take a cab … l wouldn't be late for my appointment.
3. One should exercise regularly ... keep their body in shape.
4. I went to bed early.... wake up early.
5. nI'm studying very hard nowadays ... l can pass my class.

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