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Lesson 1

General Concepts and Historical Development of Science and Technology

I. Overview
This module will give an in-depth study and comprehension of general concepts and
historical antecedents in which social issues altered the history of science and technology in both
global and local contexts. One of the aims of this course is to discuss how science and
technology have interacted throughout history. This module will also help students strengthen
their critical thinking skills by examining how scientific and technical advancements influence
society and the environment. The study of General Concepts and Historical Development of
Science and Technology encompasses a vast array of disciplines and innovations that have
shaped human civilization. It delves into core ideas like the scientific method, which transformed
inquiry by stressing empirical evidence and methodical observation. The roots of Science and
Technology can be traced back to ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece,
where early scholars laid the groundwork for fields such as Mathematics, astronomy and
medicine. Today, science and technology are advancing at an unprecedented rate, propelling
innovation in fields such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and genetic engineering, with
far-reaching ramifications for society, the economy, and the environment.

II. Time Frame

1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours

III. Objectives

At the end of this study, students are expected to:

1. Define the essential principles of science and technology, including their definition scope
2. Identify key historical figures, events and discoveries that have shaped the evolution of
scientific thought and technological innovation.
3. Appreciate the cultural and contextual factors that have influenced the development of
science and technology in different regions and time periods.
4. Demonstrate skills for lifelong and continued exploration of scientific and technological

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