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B6(U1~U4)閱測 國中英文 命題教師: 年 班 座號: 姓名:

一、 閱讀測驗 (每格 3.7 分,共 99.9 分) 2.

1. Twelve animal signs of the Chinese zodiac
Ann, Ken, Bill and Meg are in the ninth came from a quite interesting story. One day, the
grade, and they are going to graduate from junior Jade Emperor was having a swimming race to
high school soon. They want to go to art school, decide the first twelve animals to be the signs. To
so they took several tests last week. Here are win the race, Cat and his best friend, Rat, were
their grades. thinking about the best way to get ahead of the
other animals. Finally, they planned to jump onto
Ox’s back because Ox was good at swimming.
When the day of the race came, Cat and Rat were
on Ox’s back and successfully left the others
behind. With the finish line in sight, Rat was so
excited that he only cared about winning. He
didn’t care about his best friend and pushed Cat
into the river suddenly. In the end, Rat won first
place. Since then, Rat and Cat have not been
friends any more. Maybe that’s why cats are
always running after rats to catch them.

( )(1) Which is true? (A) Rat has been

kind to Cat. (B) Rat and Cat were
good friends before the race. (C) Cat
didn’t care about what Rat did to him.
(D) Ox didn’t swim faster than Rat.
( )(1) Those who want to go to the art class ( )(2) What do we know from the reading?
must get 70 or above in English and (A) Cat pushed Rat into the river.
math, and get 80 or above in pencil (B) The Jade Emperor did nothing to
drawing and watercolor. How many decide the Chinese zodiac. (C) Rat
students aren’t able to go to the art used tricks to win the race. (D) Not
class? (A) Zero. (B) One. (C) all the Chinese zodiac signs are animals.
Two. (D) Three. ( )(3) What is the best title (標題)for the
( )(2) Which is NOT true about the four reading? (A) A Way to Win a
students’ written tests? (A) Meg’s Swimming Race (B) The Fight
English is the best. (B) Ken’s math between Cat and Rat (C) Poor
is the worst. (C) Meg needs to do Swimmer and Good Swimmer (D) A
more math exercises. (D) Ann’s Story of the Chinese Zodiac
math is much better than her English. 3. Here is the new train timetable and fare rules:
( )(3) Here is what the teacher wrote to one Southbound (go south):
of the students. Who is that student? Train Operation
Taipei Taoyuan Taichung Kaohsiung
No. Day
583 everyday 06:25 07:30
803 everyday 11:59 12:40 13:30
203 everyday 15:11 15:43 16:17 17:25

(A) Ann. (B) Ken. (C) Bill. 603 MON.~SAT. 20:10 20:43 21:25
1607 SAT. 22:16 23:07 23:59
(D) Meg.
Full fare: for the first time. I would never forget the
Taipei Taoyuan Taichung wonderful experience in my life.
Taoyuan 500 - -
Taichung 800 300 -
( )(1) Did the author’s(作者)class win the
Kaohsiung 1,200 700 400
relay race before? (A) Yes, they won
Adult Passengers who are at or above the the relay race last year. (B) No,
ticket age of 12 must buy full fare tickets. they’ve never won the relay race before.
* Child tickets are 50% off. (C) Yes, they have joined the relay
race for two times. (D) We didn’t
* Children, whose heights are under
Child 115cm or above but less than 12
( )(2) What is the wonderful experience in
ticket years of age, may buy child tickets.
the author’s life? (A) They prepared
* Please show ID cards when buying for the relay race. (B) Roy joined
child tickets. their team. (C) They got first place.
* Group tickets are 5% off. (D) They didn’t win the race.
* There is no discount if the number 5.
of full fare passengers is less than 11. Some choices are as easy as deciding which
clothes to wear. Some choices, on the other hand,
are more difficult to make and need careful
thought. For example, many people feel lost
when they are choosing a school or a career. That
is why it is important to learn how to make a good
( )(1) Rosa is a student, and she studies in decision.
Taipei. She wants to book a ticket to Here are the steps you can follow to make a
her home, Kaohsiung, this Saturday. If good decision. First, write down all the options.
she wants to have lunch with her mom Listing them is a way to help you get a clear idea
that day before 14:00, which Train of what options you have. Second, look for
should she book? (A) 583. (B) information about the options. Knowing the
803. (C) 203. (D) 1607. options well helps you make a better decision.
( )(2) Mr. Sato has a family trip with his wife Third, think about the possible risks of each
and a 5-year-old kid. They want to go option. Try to ask yourself what might happen
to Taichung from Taoyuan. How much when you take different options. Finally, make
will he pay for the tickets? (A) 900. your decision and believe in yourself.
(B) 450. (C) 750. (D) 800. Making a good decision is never easy.
4. Follow the steps above and be careful with every
Our class spent lots of time preparing for the decision you make. Then you will be able to
relay race every year, but we didn’t win first make a great one.
place last year, and neither did two years ago.
This September, Roy came to our class, and we
asked him to join in the relay race team. Before
the race, we were very nervous, but we could do ( )(1) Which is the best title(標題)for the
nothing about it. reading? (A) Tips for Choosing a
On that day, when the race started, everyone Career. (B) How to Make a Good
in our class tried our best to run ahead of the Decision. (C) Ways to Set Your
others. Guess what?! It was Roy that got to the Goals in Life. (D) What to Do When
finish line first. How amazing! Our class won You Feel Lost.
( )(2) Thomas is choosing between two job 7.
offers(工作機會). Now he’s doing After graduating from high school, Hebe got
some digging on the two companies married to Kevin. They moved to Viola City. On
before he makes his decision. Which the way, they saw some ads. Please read them
step in the reading is Thomas and answer the questions.
following? (A) The first step. (B)
The second step. (C) The third step.
(D) The last step.
The Lantern Festival is coming soon. On the
night of the festival, you can see many beautiful
lanterns with different colors. To have fun or
have a bright future, children carry the lanterns at
this night, and so do adults.
Eating rice dumplings is also a custom for
the Lantern Festival. The markets sell rice
dumplings on this day, and the supermarkets do,
too. In the early spring, the weather is still cold.
People enjoy eating hot rice dumplings with their
family to celebrate the Lantern Festival.
Riddles are sometimes written on the
lanterns for people to guess during the festival.
Some of the riddles are called “lantern tigers”
because they are difficult to answer.

( )(1) Why do children carry lanterns on the

Lantern Festival? (A) They want to
enter a senior high school on that day.
(B) It’s their homework. (C) They
have fun carrying them. (D) They
want to get more experience of making
( )(2) What do people NOT do on the
Lantern Festival? (A) Eat hot rice
dumplings with their family. (B) Go
to a lantern riddle party. (C) Watch
beautiful lanterns. (D) Sell rice
dumplings at the 7-ELEVE .
( )(3) Why are some of the riddles called
“lantern tigers”? (A) Because the
riddles are about animals. (B)
Because they are not easy to guess. ( )(1) Hebe’s parents are visiting Hebe for
(C) Because the lanterns look like three days next week. They cannot stay
tigers. (D) Because the lanterns are at her place because it is too small.
orange and yellow. Hebe is looking for a place for them.
Which phone call will she most likely
(最有可能)make? (A) 543-0022.
(B) 544-9966. (C) 544-4711.
(D) 543-6166. ( )(1) Who may be more interested in joining
( )(2) Which is NOT true about Jennifer the classes at Fit Center? (A)
Smith? (A) She has been a music Benson. He likes to make new friends.
teacher for ten years. (B) Most of (B) Amanda. She is planning to study
her piano CDs are very popular. (C) in England. (C) Helen. She has the
She will give special presents to fifty problem of being too heavy. (D)
fans of hers. (D) She is excellent at Kevin. He needs more money for a new
playing the piano. apartment.
( )(3) Which is true according to(根據)the ( )(2) Mina and Rita signed up for the class
four ads? (A) Modern Life Market on December 25. How much did they
has fresh fruits and vegetables every both pay? (A) NT$12,000. (B)
day. (B) Sweet Wave Music Store is NT$16,800. (C) NT$19,200. (D)
going to sell Jennifer Smith’s CD at a NT$24,000.
special price. (C) Joseph’s House ( )(3) What can we know from the ad?
does not offer food. (D) Woof (A) The classes are for people over 20
Village is open only at night. years old. (B) The people who sign
8. up for the class in January can get free
This June, Mina and her twin sister, Rita, bags. (C) Fit Center is open 12
graduated from junior high school. They visited hours a day, six days a week. (D)
their grandparents in Taipei. Next to their You can save more if you sign up
grandparents’ house is a fit center. Please read together with your friend.
the ad below and answer the questions. 9.
Fit Center: Exercise with us every day! My uncle was an excellent student before,
and he was a great engineer after he graduated
Do you feel tired easily?
Are you worried about your weight? from school. However, he quit last year. All my
Do you want to be healthy but have no family felt surprised when he told us about that.
idea how to start? He said he had a great interest in cooking. When
Come to Fit Center. he studied in high school, he always joined the
We have different classes for you. cooking club.
Here you can get help from great coaches.
Here you can meet people who have same Three months later, he started his new
needs like you do. business—a Chinese restaurant. Since his
restaurant opened, it has been full of people every
Open hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day day. When my mother is too busy to cook for us,
Price: NT$12,000 a year we will go to my uncle’s restaurant. The dishes
If you sign up before the end of
there are special and delicious. My mom always
December, you can get 20% off and a free says the dishes remind her of my grandmother.
bag. You can get 10% more off if you and They taste the same as my grandmother’s dishes.
your family or friend sign up together. For my uncle, the happiest thing is that his dream
The bag is useful for carrying your towels has come true and that he can spend more time
and sports shoes.
being with his family.
What are you waiting for?
Call us now at 0800-526-526!

( )(1) What did the writer’s uncle do? (A)

An engineer. (B) A restaurant.
(C) A cook. (D) A grandmother. Forever. (D) For his good.
( )(2) What will the writer do when his
mother is busy? (A) He will spend
more time with his mother. (B) He
will join the cooking club. (C) He
will go to his uncle’s restaurant with his
family. (D) He will start a new
( )(3) Why did the writer’s mother think of
his grandmother when she ate his
uncle’s dishes? (A) Because she can
spend more time being with his family.
(B) Because the dishes taste the same
as his grandmother’s. (C) Because
his uncle is good at cooking. (D)
Because she opened a Chinese
Vincent and Josh, American friends of
Meg’s, visited her a few days before Chinese New
Year. They found Meg was busy cleaning up the
house, and so were her parents. Meg told them
Chinese New Year was coming, and they were
preparing for it. Vincent kept asking Meg some
more questions about Chinese New Year, and Josh
did, too. To Vincent, the most interesting one is
that people can’t say the number “four” during
Chinese New Year because it sounds like the word
for “death” in Chinese. Now Vincent and Josh
are looking forward to having a big dinner at
Meg’s house on Chinese New Year’s Eve.
They’re sure it will be an experience that they’ll
keep in mind for good. They’ll never forget it.

( )(1) What do people do before Chinese

New Year? (A) They ask their
foreign friends some questions. (B)
They spend some time cleaning up their
house. (C) They keep saying the
number “four.” (D) They will eat
dinner at a nice restaurant.
( )(2) Which number should people NOT say
during Chinese New Year? (A) 4.
(B) 5. (C) 13. (D) 14.
( )(3) What does for good mean? (A) For
nothing. (B) For free. (C)

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