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Practical Hi Undertake self assesment test to discover your enterpreneiirial traits. |. Vision andl Passion. An enterpreneur mist have a very clear vision of his buisness So he must have the ablity to plan aut his Long term anc short term goals and objectives plans He has te be able to map ont Wis future nan articulate and efficient manner. Another very important trait necessary is that he must be very passionate about his work Enterpreneuirshp i hard and Long hors work 30 he must be passionate abot what, he 9 cong, Stich passion can translate into hard work and siKcces5. 2. mnovative cone of the main characteristics of enterpreneiirshp © movation The enterpreneics Looks for the opportunity in the market and capitalizes on it He the one who introduce new products and services in the market toying to Fullfll customer needs The imovation process can also be in a prodiction neiy marketing Stratergy movative advertising ete. 3 Risk Toker Arisk nan integral part of any new Bit it iS an especially mportant buisness Factor in enterpreneurshp becanse here the enterprenei. beates the entire risk of the buitness So it Mnecessary that the enterprenenrshp has an adventurons and risk taking personality 4 Leader one of the other mportant charactenstistam of a successful enterpreneisr is leadership. good enterprenetir is are good leaders the Alb They have ablity to motivate and lead their employees to success They also have the tenacity Knowledge anc skill to pull their buisness from a tight corner Lke good leaders. 5 Persistant by mature Success a Little A good enterpreneiirs is always persistant A buisness is never an overnight it takes immense harcwork and also list of Luck. enterpreneuir makes hs own Bit @ persistant Luck. He can create opportunities F they are not presented to hin. a persitent enterpreneiir thet works tirelessly always has a greater chance of success. © etheal Ethics and integrity are the cornerstones of any Successful buisness in the Long term A Sustanatle buisness camat rin by Somemne with compromised morals. So any qpainle buisness must have at its head an ethical enterpreneur who the better of the Law and integrity buisness. F. competitive spirit The buisness world is a very ciitthroat Space Thosands of new buisness born and dle everyiay So the competitions is always gong to be fierce and intense Is better suited to someone Sich an environment who i alreacly Competitive by mature theves in stich situation.

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