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six Criminal Law in National Socialist Germany ‘The frst prio after the downfall of the Weimar Republic ws marke hy the rie of autheritarian ideology. An suthostaran criminal theory, nin- flet with cements of the old chssea! school, dominated the acadenve felt. nthe erminal cout the transion was inmate rellecel bs the ‘postion of harsher punishments and bya weakening of the status ofthe defendant In this early period, the genuine national socait contribution i to he found in the theory ofthe volitional characer of penal La (letra ‘ld. This thors the ideological fspring cf De. Freiser, desecreary A Jusice, completely shifted the emphasis fom. the obecive characeri> ‘iesof the criminal eto as subjective cements. Ieasseried that thesttes insifcd m demading greater selFcontrol fom the niga al aso in fonsigering criminal intent s the ain objec ofthe efensve acto ofthe uthortes The content and even the spe ofthese ideas were coped rom [ictache who characterize penal awae wat meavures used wid oneselé sf theencay! ‘The mos important pracical consequence of this more oles dels: atch yagee theory wat isippearanice othe disinctions usa separating ‘rieral atempt and the conauramated eral acc? Nether decttne, however, made much heaewey When German theorist discovered that Ger funy i aot an authodtacan ate tata racal communi, suthoraran ‘riminal theory lost its theoretical founsten.* The dectrne of the vo tial character ofthe penal law although never offcialy dscarded ast sill eonsered ata clue 1 national socialist lw ran. into a mate of con tradicions and theoreiealefficukies At firs itsecmned to foveshadov the es Nae Orpen SudeisPlogpy ond Stair § (190) convertion of punishment of consummated sei int pchibons again thecommiséon of arte which would merely ereanger dhe community. fe fect the nev leitation of 1033 eating pearly ta treason a the pr tection ofthe people and the goveramiers. has made punishable a large number of mere preparatory ats which, although 10h having done any fetal damage, might. had they heen conaimmated, have endangered The commit The theory althowsh jusifving the penitent of sie preparatory urclertakagsin the cise of high treason and related subject, Feverthelew fought with ll aslane anguments againa the onlmed ex tension ofthe penal sanctions? The measures of ecuritr—one oft cor. rnertones ofthe rational calist pena eltion—intrdced in 93 ae Intended to protect society from future misdeeds and therefore am also at whelly o partly ieresposible persens? These measures, to, dey ca ‘ication under 4 stem of valitnal pesal Iw. Merenver, the doctrine ‘vould nee appt the whole Bel of nezlizence “The so- ‘More farreaching than this aempt co raise the sandr of busines ethics asthe extension ofthe eategeryof crimes commited by emission." “This extension was carid thragh by tev lgalrulesas well 2 jcc interpreition, Section sgoc ofthe Penal Cote makes ita legal dts forall people to render asiaaore in eats of acicent or conamon danger, ast the naglet to do so may be punish! by smprsonment Fr tvo years But slllmoreipportentishewayin which adil interprctatin hasextendcd thelegal ecesity of acon Lveryconceivele statute, whetherin the realm ‘favor of criminal lay, mayereate such duties Aa astorney who does not [reveathisclinttrem hing io thecoartchen usdereath maybe punished for panicipation in pen; 2¢ Section 138 ofthe motel Cote of Git Proceiare requires the paris to give complete aa rue acer” The ‘feof herediary farmer hes the ducy of extingushing fires cn the POP “eye the ere fer lw al the Ieiation in the Se ef ar altura production sim a rasrg preduction'* The Reihspericht’ inter [relation creates speval duties for people virgin a familia domestic ‘Communi: Here the Reidhgerickt decides thatthe meal duty of Ces tan chariy becomes a legal dur, the neglee: of which results in panshe hent." There have been muny objetions to thi method of comerting tora into legal cttes whenever the court Likes to infliet punihayent* “The previnuly mentioned Kiser school has therefore trelto replace che nnona-egal uty argumentbyinerese emphssisontheratue of the ex ial Motives general dspostion criminal antecedents and pescnal cha ater bere largely replace objeaive characteristics, making the uncertain boundaries heneeen egal and ile! sll more indeterminate “The sound fetngs af the people” occupy a special pesiton among the autem 1 enlarge te ape of criminal aw In some intasees—asin the Presiously mentioned Section sec, and ithe aniegy presejion Se thom a—they were exit insert in the warts Buti adel € Vat, they plan important part in the general reasoning of the cours ta be eovbilul, though, in particular intance, what she "ound feelings of the people amoust 1b ei interesing to Know that in such cases che ia ‘lui tdge isnot supposed to ac ae an inelependens source ofthe “peo- De’ feelings" He is deste tp Rnd the autheriative expression ofthe reople'sfecinge’ in wo sources: fir, in the pronouncements of the ‘nis leaders andsecord i the homogeneity afconceptios developed br the iar of educational apd professional tandards among members the uciciaey That is tosay, the people's eligs are crsalized hy the a> therticicerpretaio fist ofthe executive ad secon of the jc bu reaucray# Mest importa fal, because of ts wide fel ofappieaion, the mention ofthe “people's sound felngs” i the analogy preston. The application of Section 2sallowet en whea two condkions comeide firs, tat the fundanenial idea andesyiag theatre an be applied tothe casein quesion, and second, tha “he peoples sound feelings” require Sich appeaton, Ite fundamental es of astatute conceived ass0me- thing xed once an feral 2 the time of the at's perfection, Section ‘serves only st a permisive chute for closing gops tainertionally left ‘ope By the leisitor, butt world not he permissible to excend this app ‘ition to new face which the legsltoreculd tot forece In Germany, ‘ciminal le theory embraces all shales of cpinion. Representatives of 2 ‘ery conseratne application are found sige by sie with advocates of {1 opinion whieh abbws for changes in he fandaraental ea and both Aare utdone bya nunsber of extremists who start by emphasizing the peo- ples sound feligs" OF cour. in the phraselogy ofthe sates “son Popular feling” only takes second place afer the mation ofthe fund zene idea of the stattze. Bu for these extreaies te analogy has ie nearing a they ackoowege the gal prescriptions ealy 38 sizmpos for the judge to gude in inhi creatine endesver to form the conception of mstril weg doing The numerots opinions deliver by the Reichs {eieht on ths qusticn show remarkable restraint in the use of Secon 2 fnvcontras tothe practice ofthe lewer courts It wold be ful orn dls the Reichsteicht a walslelined doxtrne bt it consaly refused tolerd support othe more extremist views and even recent declared that to dispensation ofthe judge Fem obeving the state fll from See= tien 22 The folowing are antong the mos import! decision! the 3p. plcation of Section 2in oder to punish fale accemiion of anbnewn pe. Sons is denied, since the legato intentionally refeans from punihing Such accustons Merely immoral acs cannot be punished! as incest be= ‘nse the leglstor has dekberates demarcated the welm of punishable fc82" Thecaiesin which the sbuse ofthe dependency relationship ispn- ishabie areal expliclylinited and no extension ino new fs may take place” Nether did the interesting tempt to extend rape into the Rel ff matrimonial relations fir favor? Manslaughter anne ke interpreted ssmurder simply because the accewory ccumsances were expecially atto- lous A wie doman was more or less completely closed to the sp ‘ation of Section when the Reichsgerict argue thatthe analogous plication of prescriptions given by the national scalin legiator mus Pe Examined withthe utmos eae inorder fo make sue hs the aviaking Authorities di not intend to erect aarier aint extension by analy (Of the less fequenicstes where tne Reichsgerichtaporavel of the applica tien of Section 2, we mention enlytwo signiiant ones Te rst case cen ‘ceml wid the retin of olen gorls Ifa person, inca of receiving stale goods, did rece the gaint abaine by sling orexchanging hem, he wil nevertnces be panshe. In ths ease, cf course, the Rechigericht added achunge ofthe fundamental idea on which this prescription ress, The original presespton was crete again he hig Ofstale proper, ‘whereasin the new interpretation the ice ofattacking artelpaton in, and profiing through, crime preaik.” Eavbezslement by employees of the partyant related organiaors seek with ax embeszlemens by puble of Feals* Bur ii imerestng to Know that so far te Reielsgeriht iis ‘nly old acts foe the poxtvarreolutonary peed (1928-1936) when iteorvcted revelutonary organs of alesse in ofice if hey were Public ezncak. Throughou the decision ofthe Reihigeict there ean feat ierenc 1 naiatan ravoraliy in the realm of ermine. Tis r raat rears hat the sat preset mai fc forthe ds ‘lone ni ee Oni rr kd ysfr emo Satna a cvalacohtrencs tn the luca b comple balan ‘Shen cae das ofthe ew reginearé at sake Thon Or naaace, Soctions rearing ce element lin inc wih ke rye of thementardon adeno fica doa and uy tosh erg files farasponile®™ {eis epeiy incr tose the wikingn of he Recast to et ldo on me fleet twee ve tanned tie Ges etn on frcamsals Fs en taryange oe ean oh ats Fano oe Ie bt ef int sin nergy enn Tin ne Sxtnng the jrcion tend the ronal iso gh ese thoy at soon teach punishes ef a no mas inercea i pine rane anere pone et michal Inporance, at og st emmy’ evs faced in ber ower tar ine ptt shh she gan rey wo mee cr ou {Neves con ef ie Goran nid gion doe by deere oy, 19.,t lregpersacing i frig cartrca seve Rotoubl purp af ing» ha fly open of rc Flt ents wn ein Geman hand a the fighng oa Bison te popetaionofailuaconqured avon by beating Ue eg Since etn ny move astern ie eta {eu tthe tae svn othe pp sn he Sos etaote made Thi qacatablchow frie inenec of he Recipe extene ‘Techangl nape pacino longer lawn many cence op inthe Redingeifr soe tte he afore a he igen Sats Where intocveo he Regge hw inte, he ‘Snssnnht ype wah such nore ete wep for co Sgjutge ofl ewiosox my ep te genes ato epee neat cact Wheto te fermen Srey cin compe ne acy to mete ox mene scoang fo (mein, eau lee” oan er Labbe (Reng Be) dgamntKdrappg an he sate gat ar hldape wat ep ‘Spee rell te nmve recen ar gain: Hove the rae ‘eah pay was trodced ender stuew an mined dere tte. teclecutelniuenacen escherichia tes ae Seen vtec ne nda ce 9 el sete government, The assignment of ass within the courts no longer ca ‘ol out by the president ofthe court i connection wih the presidents of the various sections and the highes ranking soci judge as indepen Gent organs ef the cour, but bythe Freident ofthe court alone as re> resentative ofan on orders From, te mitey of ume. The asigrnent |b be changed during the year sot oly forspecfc reasons for example lines, ut alo in the iersts ofthe amination of jostice* Thi de ‘elopment, which tens io lover th judiciary to the satus of 2 mee ad ‘mintsrative agency fndsitslgial conclusion in nes regulations sued at the begining ofthe war These relations grant the minis offusie the Fight co change and if juris are to abelish Ue iamewabiay O judges, by orering the to accept all asigamentsvithin the jrisdition bt the ministry of jst’? The diss an the compulsory reticent of |ndges 2 fistonly planned as transit! mesure forthesabiiation of the regime, have become a permanent lvic, The lg are subjected 10 Section 71 ofthe ch service statute which provides forte compulsory re tirement or dismiss of offi if they lo not sve sufficient guzrantes oF ‘adherence tothe National Socal egime. The renal may howeve, nok beorderedbyreasen ofthe muterialcontentsofa jdical éecsion. But the boundaiesare ffi odaw and. decision aot punihable in elf ay ‘evertheles reveal ur that personal nelabilty'on whieh the emoval ‘toy be fase The changed satae of the udge is quite nara reflected inthe offical ideology which instead of fora independence, emphases {he jsge's incorporation inthe racial cmmunity** The central akin sation aso increasing iafluencs the decison of incviuleases trough the meckun of the publi: proreentor’s office. Legal speaking the emus ae atlibery tp devate fiom the purishment asked fet the public prose uior, but m practice they ae strongly discouraged rem doing se The tlfocisevident. The rate of acquitalfel from 5.08 pescent m 1952 % to percent in 1998. Duration and sever of sentences hive incresed*® ven i he share of Ses in all punstierss has ot varied very much From 586 percentin sgy2%t went down slighty to 545 percent 1935, ‘nimeresung sgn that even the penal la ofthe stein community ca ot dhspense ith sich capa iitutions ae fines, There i ls, #0 (0 speak, a clan ype ef pubic opinion whick exerts hess presure 8 the ‘ours from below. This public pressure allowed to express el it the tore extremit organs of me National Solas Par which sometians cs Agrevinlenis wth he pccnry ane publey expres ther pion nthe espapers”| There i another feature to which litle attention hasbeen paid anc whic seems, horewer, ey serous tohave influenced the administration Dt crinieal sie i Germany:thit isthe disppearance ota united estan bt creninal hw behind innumerable spedal cempetences (Separimental jaan). The ever increasing number ofadinitraive agencies with ode [enen: peal power of helrown haenormovsy diminahed the scope of ‘atm ofheegucrninalcoursThiscunaliens ofthe udiarysac ihity isa phenomenon of deep seal sgufcnce Special ainiratve tit Ike the 88, the Nalonl Silt ary, the labor serie a0 he Ey fave thir embers partial or tly exempted fem the cope tence of the ori rndnal courte Under the seal diiplcar ais tfch orpuiations tee ensaraion between perme ad ct ehovior nay be amen) te snes ie oranary ay nun, But theprinary objet of sch organizations isthe unconditional mainenance tf avilybiarehceeder ard th color and vanes te appeaton of the penal law The reesshment ofspca mika costs bolahe un Ger the Weimar Conan was ene ou fre rsa Hes ery troeght tthe army Since then, te organalion ofthe may courts hat bret cared out ih gre thoroughness Fro par iegl pn of ee the conplsry aor servi has ona rather reed par power ‘ter it embers Buri pace (orb of al puis a cone ‘ited by members f tis sve are handled bythe labor service erat tems" The mneappis more cchsveorganizaions ie thes The exerse of tas cag poer rakes it njcuble (real reverie te Uy ar os certain exert, he publi ge 00 limes of te cntions prevailing sod series wach ate ts tore orlesehermettalysaledagaiotoutaceinaences Buta ese tine the pal mixture of speci dsptnary a tegler penal povey, ‘lth prove even noma specal penal coure ast p a the pt teuaradminiratve banc, apprecab increaxs ne amine pre ‘nteon the mentor afihe ence. The fats int the entation ines been special cpa and aera pel power" are isgnsiant aud tha both these Powe ate ome in ope buresuracy el n'a prance of he compe ab ference of tie inland an inumen atvanage fore ee, Te ‘para olfencions bewern te entrepreneur an ihe coerave mci ‘ihre ew people conto ther oom mens of production. Th xpeation ‘Scomplcy edmanate under ins ontanaion of par an peal PW hereas the exemplions af the members ofthe labor service or of sok Ihhment. The chic weapon isthe ansparing we of capital purishien As fy ak Angus 17, 4 eeree mide the deth penaly mancatoy or my auemprac reason AL the begiening of he wat he scope of app ‘donot the death pera ws aso extenet to crimes come dre ryingoutofaniarean defesse measures and ako genes a Hes She profi rom the sate of wari order w commit cities Whereas [a These cases the death penalty is optional along witha lator, e ana st for rns irvoling ange the phic A more recent dre ap pls te marvatery data peal toaajene canning rap igh Bink hoiupcorovker res of rene inveling tao rea oF wor o grocer equal angers implemen These de {Tec mast pansiinen prove ferconsonated acs anda for Styone ey aemping er ppatig i ete “i dete of Octcber gp, anerning dangerous jen dln uents sso ments pce atetion* Up tothe wa there es ome te Aes ospureurens tc hanes of Nora! Scat cna pli. There, honeerappeenitaconsaoenc ean ene Aelingueney make beak wih che pros poly Ieesempes ees beter aineen avi ghtecn fom ce jurist ofthe preset ‘hen:he cept iniewof hs ment sndmoral dope, coud ok Saliybe eed aa peso oe exe, hen the ate ex 1 pucaly tegrated cna inser ofthe proton a the on smiig-eqecs chs paihment™ The re evahatin Ose eal fens shifts he emptoss fom he person motes theses te eramia wl othe pia ee ‘Gibtcreuntares under whch ie ese mas commie the der ‘ent pupoe proais abt allot eonnierans Where the sary ‘Srmllavon sl ges equa git te catatonic adfesders poe foalty an tothe procaine nees fhe community te offal trp atin makes taba les ha he tere sole re $hnce Inthe sebuah the cnt by spec ses on the pe of te comin! gino rergiton The parte, he preety Sangeroun rita youth, sesh real em hey app in he ‘arecrees een pesto who te pv apes (alte ‘io prea re peche ya cetnton (seman. nec de “gin esheets cin has ee eof acct for ‘Siting ue gun he cme tn queon sh gu becomes gl no ‘Scien ttncprca eens, butane othe le eee ard “eens non eer cette pomshne Dt iso ou the {fut incooerne beet ge Int pa ewe ale pe ‘Sminance ofa er crude form ofextal oxcion ae ain conten ihe of rnlal proc ior th waopnons rs, cea she Ratton Sct eng he at Sorta ecu be hubs betvec tense att nthe cour Ne ha the ‘Sn orpodinganackpne cefes or newnersheng map tigen defends founda leunn® Te decorate posin of She dfeseaeone maar ally ange an inoue eho he {Nastion fom the ioe whe Naa! Sei en, seat improviag he postion of the defense storey, he war increasing shifted ‘hema tsk rom the judge to the pli: proses, the meme of the “aulitant” com of the administration of jortce. The war decrees have igren the pubic proewior an almest completely fce hae o cheese be fore which judge he would lke 1 bring a ease, Competence in criminal ates is no Jonger regulate acovding to the mature ofthe offense, bat fleperdson the sentence tat the public prosecutor prepare toa fer ‘Ths he has complete power to decte whether heincerls toring the de Fendant before the “ore judge teiboral which may peeseribe hard bor up ‘ore year and imprisonment up to five years and gine the decions of ‘which there isno appeal orbefore ne oft Kinds of "ice men court” ‘which may prescibr any Kind of sentence, inlueng the dest penalty. If hhechoowes to bring the defendant tefore the ordinary "three men cout” Swakammen) an appeal o the Rehsgerichts posible Incidenaly, we Soul ote hee that he abolition of te principe othe iadmssiity of nfermatis in pos nce allows conviction ta Fe reversed to the detriment of {Teefendant, event de decsion hasbeen appealed onl bs him Bat Fthe prosecutor prefers bring the cae before the "spec rbunal” (Sone evict) an compowed ofthe ver sme three jadges who ontizarly Seas Sraflanmmer—no appeals allowed ‘The particpation of laymen in eximinal procecings hot heen com: pletely abolished asa measure of war econo; but even BOW iti sl pew Se tha the jidges might not conform quis enough tothe poi of cx treme deterrence inte by the governstent. There were some instances ‘where the “threemen cour. consitutd 2.2 "specaltrbunalzndisuing 2decsion thar was egal urappesable dd wotreactqucky enough ithe ‘wishes ofthe goverment, To remedy the stuttion an. secure aur pradence ia able contoumsy wih the wishes ofthe pola ade, | special division wast up inside the Reichigericht!™ Before this division, Ie chiepublieproseeuor of te Reich Obenesdsenad), a represenatire of, and of order from, the Fuhrer, nay direc bring—omiting the lover ‘ourts—eerain cine which Seem to hin of specie importance Moreover, ven cases whieh haven nals decid maybe brotght by him = new cal tore tis dvscn wthina period of year ster the final decision of the lower court had been rendered. The decree ponies forth ew pro codtre im case tere ae grave objections to the sceurary or the jemice of the judgment But let ue no mistndestané the position: whe he chit public protector éemandsa new tra he a the same une supubes tie Sentence which the disison s expected to gue. Noc without jest, "he position ofthis special ison has ten compared te tat he princes inthe seventeenth ae eighteenth centuries, he ha the xvereign right fconnmng ormodtying feiss ofenminal coun, heretore the possibly of acreaung ceecesing ie punuineat A signe diference, + [CRMINAL LAWIN NATIONAL SOCALIST GERMANY 185 ties Corman rine meting ube pes in icing nee Im othe cma ara be the poet eine docs or vrs af oneness nascent a roan The steaton ofthe Germ icryn eng wth nia assay ve meme ops ews Un ay oer asa pores eee the nag tee land Jute escent mae sammane meh soe juga be precmed ha rarest ‘Dire rternp hs tencttcdy skye dun pcan eae nce teeeen satya Ife fooving pr sepciec ring how pred ado dee Bas ge ga Cee a cae lee eats aap oe slirasnd yen cncrnelw compuoay tari td sett anon iat hecigeteie cua te genio wee inne y ect abl pose of e Rech Of many change aie Rene alte anne caylee waa E iar ciotpeceemay beoomerisines eystaiede es nips forsthralean nhesgnp ants stn esa SON We To a feie ne ae pensomater ‘Gn ota jiiay bean instante tregh he rpc Mecaeascigulaion em apryegespcie cor Theor ctcnage nh cornu af tejtgefomceapanetapet ne athe me enostoseyencn re fo he scompsnying Tamun! Gisalsoctiywanpafeverochtyitclowea totes OSE ie ale tapes peat mecoe wreaths abaeneey fate pte de rr ae National Socialis sate machinery the daly Ife ofthe average cizenap- pear to be most striking and thatthe exchive predominance of srt power relationships wil now Likely create fictions The fight between normativtn and te conerete conception of ie di not affect developmen in the ed of criminal aeminratcn ntl very date sage, when this conception could bytsyer tuness, be canvenienly Used to berg theeretica ficulties the rebent capa for ruthless texerminaton, The atemptot the legilstorand ef the frei oe the ‘ruminal la corse the moral stances of te community, appears, when measured by the ress scheved, asa premature excurvion by fascism io ‘tele reserve fora eter form of sockeye eet sis dihcal (0 see How the goalof improving puslc moray could be obyained by asta hot not ‘nly wperatesat soa Tow ieve of siststinn of needs bat mat aso reas ‘ona sipersision ant direction ofa spires offs by an cppresshe poli: Cal organization, 2. Hein, rb and Steet Nite (Bes, 1999) 2, Rul Friderin Grn ss Aliencnen Devise Sofehis Dict sts Zeus te Steet dA fir dace Fk (Bet, 1934) pp Hg-14ise aso the same autor neh second eds o& Dis mee Utorret Amen Tal (Bei 1445), p20. The Naa Soca ne Sretpntt ppne umenin pm ece (Gre Mouee Du Dnt Poul La Debi et Btu Par, 1938) "See, fr examle, ere Dahm, Netmabaaktrks ed Fashites Sig rei (ein 104) esi on po spt ofthe gu separa the Ge imam peoples community from the tain weolgyof tate and pasion Th daly itresing brats of the fac the hese ution oe theaters tls we orders Sook Hat 1933), 4 Ore Glewpch"Wileasraetht i Hanawoterae de Kvmmae Be soe tet Pleats, ogy; fetes tet A500) (gga: 85:pargraph ged and pangaph gn ff he Pral Ce “Ste bin Gromit omer Morneten Dtrhn Sef. p18 aon the maser ofthe cui on tela sbiy woven patble dangers "7 Sosfetuch,paregraph 4s aon In Wa Laren, ec, Orig dor nae Relist 983) 1 Georg Dah, Uric end Teton (196) 45. 9. Tie whole contmeny meted by E Wal *Der Mehotersinit in er Snfrechssenchat und wine Dhervindung Dl Reese § {oaroh beginning en. 158 To, Editors hen hit eters othe ea tht whee theres no there can tem cangraioa™ 1, Se the second ol of te Natale ee das dee Saf Frank (Deri, $93): Dus hme ae Stach P74 1S ange stor sent Sto oy Tag ASHE eg er heregal ation, or with sme part of feencrning cesta defend "a, Dai inthe special cto of De femme ah Sfp. 3305 BOR: ruc inthe gh alton ofthe Sajesench 138, paragraph 20, wt 5. Compare the devigrast(henefonts S| Gcinon 9 eri see (86K rol 7 page, andthe dean othe sme court quted inthe at dr ‘cee jr seats Fa (heeds 24) (1940) 15, WA Comme ‘omisinn” Hamar! Lan Rosgh no 4 ebay 94) S49 Bye 15, RGS. rol 71.108 1, RGS. voc, p get 90 7p. 79 2, Helmuth Maye, Dis Sects asco Ties Sg. 1036), p17, EL Onthe wok protien there isanabundan though pariayconfsed He eur, Se Dro Der Aufbu der Untetanunguelite® ota 1 0 997) ‘Hs; Georg Daim “Rernehangen sn Uneasuegprem Zs fu be senders 99 19590 135-195, ‘1 Peery “Dan gouce Vokscaplilen” Deas Safes (se57l s57= ena Lain Farnby Prof Donnedie le Vers argh he wuld hae tte Gat ths exter intrpeation contemplated the sbaedenmen of he nl pune ier, Se the reper ty Pere Buran Ra Inet de BroiPevat(ie97), beginningon p33 “24. Kedah, Safty coremensry on paagiaph 2 25. obtener, "Der Urundgeaake des Sratgetrs; Lite eins 450) 2 Bae eric ber Sane undated Sate” De ctl 1p, See| Mall "Nill poe sie ee” Yeu eral (ag 175 SB. RGS wl ya poss The Rechaerice iy 24 fo 87 23, RGS vol 70,9 807 9. RGS.vol 71. p toh vol. 72p go; Te Reesgeriht in ZA (2ayo: 180, 3. RGS vol 38.2 94 2, ROSva 1, p-109. 35 The Respect nicks Wisma (enefos (a98 38 BE ost pup 8 S$. svt rp. 8 secu Han opi to AGG: sang sg tor a W999) 297-0. SE The tenon jucatr eked) 70 tiene anf ‘ere’ wan onmtedin the sere epee Ceechoovastefere Muh 39, Reimer nas lon rate Sekt pp, 23-204 March, “ep sit Sete Desir Sees 8) 15 4 nse he ero Nee the ot at aN ees the Ge smh ering tor pt correcta fongng ora wnay cots sy ingens eel rer willy acento era ce “We Albu gt) ip. 1206 E evn Se Sebvrocgacr Corin Ao ABE Gog) 9.898 15. Sec tr Des dues Boge (1957. = topararanh 7 {ase er Bier 1990) 9B {Ina recent are gen by Undenecetay of once Rola Freer te font the presen of he cl cura fe av te sent thee ‘he pb doer serena simon tress hewcen ie pment ‘scloroyine po prscutrantewnens gnenby cou reer he Arete Soneergerete In der Regen usc 1980 1755 ‘oGxye Rute and Ov Re, Pins Saat eae (New York gga p86 ube. 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