Definitions of Endocardiographic Terms

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Embryonic period; Firs(@weeks Stage of organogenesis. Fetal period; Frony@th)week to the end of pregnancy The fetus grows and gains weight . Mitosis ; is the process whereby one cell divides, giving rise to two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell .Each daughter cell receives the complete complement of 46 chromosomes. Meiosis ; is the cell division that takes place in the germ cells to generate male and female gametes, sperm and egg cells, respectively. Meiosis requires two cell divisions, meiosis | and meiosis II, to reduce the number of chromosomes to the haploid number of 23 . synapsis; process when homologous chromosomes align themselves in pairs occur at Meiosis. Crossovers; critical events in meiosis |, are the interchange of chromatid segments between paired homologous chromosomes The approximately 30 to 40 crossovers with each meiotic | division. chiasma; points of interchange are temporarily united and form an X-like structure during crossover . Oogenesis; is the process by which female gamete (oocyte) produced in the ovary . diplotene stage; resting stage of primary oocytes during prophase | instead of proceeding into metaphase This arrested state is produced by oocyte maturation inhibitor (OMI). oocyte maturation inhibitor (OMI); an inhibitory factor during a primary oocyte maturation causes primary oocytes rested at prophase! . Spermatogenesis; which begins at puberty, includes all of the events by which spermatogonia are transformed into spermatozo. Sertoli cells; Cell surrounds the male germ derived from the surface epithelium of the testis have role in support and protect the germ cells, participate in their nutrition, and assist in the release of mature spermatozoa . Spermiogenesis; The series of changes resulting in the transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa is spermiogenesis. lutein cells; cells with yellowish pigment which form the corpus luteum and secrete estrogens and progesterone formed After ovulation. cumulus oophorus; Cell formed after ovulation They surround and support the oocyte.It is made up of granulosa cells . luteolysis; degeneration of lutean cells and forms a mass of fibrotic scar tissue, the corpus albicans. corpus albicans; mass of fibrotic scar tissue result from degeneration of lutean cells If fertilization does not occur. ampullary region ; This is the widest part of the tube and is close to the ovary where Fertilization take place . Capacitation; is a period of conditioning in the female reproductive tract that in the human lasts approximately 7 hours. Zona Pellucida; glycoprotein shell surrounding the egg that facilitates and maintains sperm binding and induces the acrosome reaction. acrosin or trypsin; acrosomal enzymes needed to penetrate the zona thereby coming in contact with the plasma membrane of the oocyte pellucida during Fertilization released by Zona Pellucida. Cleavage; is the division of cells in the early development of the embryo, following fertilization to produce cell called blastomere . blastomere; A cell produced during cleavage of a fertilized egg. Morula; stage of embryo consisting of a compact ball of cells 16 in number called blastomeres . Blastocyst; Cell consist of inner cell mass which forms an embryo. The outer layer consists of cells known as trophoblast amnioblasts; Epiblast cells adjacent to the cytotrophoblast together with the rest of the epiblast , they line the amniotic cavity . exocoelomic (Heuser's) membrane; thin membrane consists of flattened cells originating from the hypoblast lines the inner surface of the cytotrophoblast . This membrane, together with the hypoblast, forms the lining of the exocoelomic cavity, or primitive yolk sac. sinusoid's ; maternal capillaries which are congested and dilated . the uteroplacental circulation; Start of maternal blood begin flow through trophoblastic system , at 11,12 day of second week . primary villi; cellular columns surrounded by syncytium Arise from blast penetrate into the syncytiotrop serercecscesescvoesooes:

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