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In the early 20th century, even before the first world war, Suffragettes, a group of courageous,

strong and committed “warriors” began to want more rights, where in England was most
visible. These women manifest themselves in the streets for gender equality, protesting for
rights that should already clearly belong to them, such as the right to vote.

In my opinion, this fight was deserved, as women have long been expected to have the same
rights as men. The way they manifest themselves, that is, peacefully, should be even more
valued, as wars and armed struggles should never be resorted to in order to be heard or to
resolve conflicts. These women just broke windows or blew up mailboxes to get attention and
be heard. They have never killed someone.

After all, we are all equal, so we should all have the same rights. Fortunately, nowadays things
have improved and they are not as they used to, although, unfortunately, some inequality is
still visible. An example is the fact that most men and women in the same profession are often
distinguished by different salaries, and is still visible the existence of professions, which “are
only for men.” That doesn't make any sense, as women have always had the same abilities,
despite neither society recognize them nor giving them the same opportunities, so the struggle
of these women is explainable.

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