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Poetry- Prose-

verse form, appeals to the heart ordinary form, appeals to the mind

Non fiction- Fiction-

factual imaginative

Prose non fiction

1.Biography and autobiography- a detailed account of a person’s life
2. letters(epistles)- letters are a written message from one party to another,
3.diaries, journals-diaries are a record arranged by dates of what happened and
journals can be a daily record or even newspapers.
4. Book review- literary criticism of a book that is analyzed based on content,style
and merit
5. Essays and articles- brief written works about a specific topic or subject
6.informational texts- are written documents such as textbooks.

Fiction is not 100% imaginary

Eng- writGe ur own prose fi=tion for eng/esp pt
Genres of fiction: Thriller,

Sci-Fi, Horror,Fairy tale, western, Mystery,Fantasy, Romance,

Comedy, Poetry

Prose fiction
1.short story
6.fairy tale
9.tall tale

Literary standards
2.intellectual value
4.spiritual value
5.stands time/prominence
6. Universality

Fiction has literary fiction and genre fiction(Thriller,Sci-Fi, Horror,Fairy tale, western,
Mystery,Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Poetry

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