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The Sânkhya philosophy outlines the triad of forces in nature—Sattva, Rajas, and

Tamas—which manifest as equilibrium, activity, and inertness, respectively. In

humans, these forces fluctuate, leading to characteristics like laziness, activity,
or a balance between the two. Karma-Yoga addresses these forces, guiding
individuals to understand and employ them for improved work performance.

Morality and duty, varying across cultures, pose a challenge. While there's an
inclination toward universal standards, the Sânkhya philosophy recognizes the
influence of mental constitution and circumstances on morality and duty. Karma-Yoga
teaches that duty and morality differ based on individual circumstances

The concept of non-resistance, central to Karma-Yoga, suggests that resisting evil

may be a step toward the higher ideal of non-resistance. The philosophy cautions
against blindly adhering to extreme positions, acknowledging the practicality of
resisting evil when necessary. The Bhagavad-Gita illustrates this with the example
of Arjuna, highlighting the nuanced nature of duty and morality.

The duty of a householder is detailed in the Hindu scriptures, emphasizing devotion

to God, ethical conduct, and responsibility toward family and society. A
householder is encouraged to earn wealth honestly, perform selfless actions, and
contribute to societal well-being.

A story illustrates that greatness lies in fulfilling one's role, whether as a

householder or renunciant. The princess, infatuated with a Sannyasin, is taught a
lesson by a wise Sannyasin and a self-sacrificing bird family. The narrative
underscores that each has a significant role, and greatness is defined by selfless
service in one's chosen path

In essence, Karma-Yoga advocates for embracing one's unique path, performing duties
diligently, and recognizing the inherent greatness in each role. The philosophy
rejects weakness and fear, urging individuals to navigate life with fearlessness
and a sense of duty, emphasizing that each role contributes to the harmonious
functioning of the universe.

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