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A young anthropomorphic Pikachu woman named Uki,

was a part-time lifeguard at a public indoor pool with a beautiful

sunroof, where Pokémon of all shapes, sizes, and ages would
come in to have fun on hot days. With her tall wooden lookout
chair, she could see the entire poolside area as if it she had a
birds eye view. The pool itself had a very waterpark-like vibe to
it, with decorative rocks, fountains, arches, in plenty of pool toys
for visitors to play with. What's more, the pool itself had a very
shapeless design. Rather than circular or rectangular, it looked
like a miniature version of a lake, with curves and twists like a
river would. Because of this, careless swimmers were often at
risk of slipping around the edge of the pool, which is why the
Pikachu Uki was there to prevent it. Using her cute but
commanding voice, she would always call out those who ran
around the pool, or who just weren't paying attention to their
surroundings. Uki was strict, so she was particularly good at her
job, and serious about keeping the swimmers safe and running
the pool in an orderly fashion.

Uki herself had always been an extremely attractive

woman. Despite being a rodent type Pokémon, her body was
practically model-like in shape, especially complemented by her
sexy but modest red lifeguard swimsuit, which did a surprisingly
good job covering her ample body. The sporty type one-piece she
wore had a mid-leg cut design showing just a glimpse of her
shapely thighs, a decorative plus sign on her chest making her
bust stand out, and thin straps over her shoulders holding the
swimsuit up over her bosom. Uki's swimsuit was pretty casual for
the most part, but on her... it looked undeniably sexy. But unique
to her body, was an unusually large tail, her attractive heart-
shaped tip standing out the most. Uki often found the both male
and female visitors ogling her from time to time. The young
Pikachu was used to the attention, but often gave visitors the
evil eye should they stare at her assets for too long.

Today, there was one visitor who seemed especially

interested in the one-piece clad Pikachu, a slim looking Umbreon
woman who was on the far side of pool, looking at her from a
distance. Sitting on the edge of the pool, she sported a high cut,
tube top bikini type swimsuit, with the shade of dark so similar to
her skin it almost violated the pools' dress code. Upon first
glance, Uki thought the Umbreon was naked! Embarrassed, Uki
almost found herself staring back at the attractive looking dark
type Pokémon, her body so slim and delicate looking only her
large ears and fluffy tail stood out from her unusually slender
build. Bushing slightly, the Pikachu looked the other way for a
few moments, only for the Umbreon to disappear upon second

Hours later after it got dark, Uki's shift had finally ended,
and all the guests had headed home. Stepping off her chair, the
young Pikachu put her sweater on over her bright red swimsuit
and stretched her arms and tail upward. “Good work today,
sweetie.” said her boss Lala, as she walked up to her proudly
placing her hands on her hips. Lala was a slightly chubbier but
compassionate Raichu woman who wore a cute dark blue bikini
when outside her office. The boss’s thighs and breasts had a
little more heft to them, which was normal for most Raichu, but
she still had a pretty sexy physique. Lala’s large chest and plump
hips, combined with her cute pudgy cheeks and modestly
chubby white underbelly gave her a friendly appearance, as if
she was a beautiful huggable teddy bear. “Girl, whenever you
on that chair, watching them swimmers from the sky, you look
like a true woman in charge.” she complemented.

“Yep.” said the Pikachu, puffing her ample chest out with
a smirk. "I feel like a queen everyday. Commanding the pool with
an iron fist, and looking good doing it.” she boasted, wagging her
large zigzag tail. Sighing under her breath, Lala crossed her arms
admiring the confidence of her employee. “Lord, you make me
wish I was a Pikachu again, it's so hard to stay slim after
evolving.” Looking back over to her boss, Uki felt a hint of guilt
for her boasting. “Oh, that’s not true boss, you look so mature
and womanly, plus I'd kill for breasts like those.” she
complimented genuinely. “Oh, hush you.” Lala giggled with a
blush. “You da girl they be staring at all day. I swear you could be
a full-time model if they gave you the chance.” Now Uki found
herself blushing. No matter how many times people have pointed
out her good looks, the positive feedback always gave her
butterfly’s in her belly. “Ohhh boss…” she cooed. "Even so, I
wouldn't give up this job for the world.” Uki continued looking up
at the stars as they subtly appeared in the sky. "I love being in
charge, I love feeling like I'm on top of the world, and what’s
more…” she paused putting her hands on her belly. "I absolutely
adore this swimsuit. I love the shade of royal red and it's so
comfortable. Rodent Pokémon like us have really short fur, but
the fabric feels so smooth on my skin. Honestly, I love it more
than my underwear.”

Realizing she began thinking aloud, Uki stopped taking,

prompting a short awkward silence. Lala giggled, her fingers
placed over her lips, as her employee's face turned bright red.
“Hay, no shame girl.” she said putting her arm over her shoulder.
“I agree, after all our swimsuits are custom-made by a friend of
mine. Perfectly measured to your every sexy curve.” she
chuckled walking back to the employee's only room. "I'm going
lock up the entrance, could you keep watch, and put the toy’s
away? I'll meet you in the changing room.” Lala instructed. “Ok!”
Uki complied rubbing her cheeks and trying to calm herself. "Tell
you what…” Lala said before entering the storage room around “A
little secret for you, sometimes I wear my swimsuit as underwear
too, it's just that comfy.” she chuckled. "Ohhhh, you!” Uki
giggled. As Lala entered the changing room, Uki, gathered the
pool toys and put them in storage, deflating the bigger toys and
leaving the smaller ones like the beach balls only partially aired
out. Once she was finished, she turned off the fountain, as
silence finally fell upon the beautiful pool. "Another successful
day's work if I do say so myself." Uki boasted.
Adjusting her sweater, the young Pikachu made her way
to the changing room, happily swaying her tail side to side. Upon
entering, she threw her sweater on the bench and walked over to
her locker. “Hey boss! I’ma get changed real quick ok?” she said.
Rather than a reply, all she heard was the sound of loud
squeaking rubber, and what sounded like a muffled cry for help.
Curious, Uki walked away from her locker and turned the corner
to see what the commotion was. To her shock, she found a large
red balloon floating in the middle of the locker room. Probably
about 6 feet in diameter, it was even larger than Uki herself, with
a blood-red hue and an incredibly shiny exterior. But what really
left her speechless was what was inside, kneeling in the center
of the rubbery red sphere… was her boss Lala! Still in her blue
bikini, Lala looked baffled and frightened, as she began pressing
her hands against the inner surface of the balloon. “UKI! Help!”
she pleaded, her muffled echo we voice barely audible through
the semi-transparent red rubber. Speechless, Uki just stood
there, unable to make sense of what she was seeing.

"Uki, please! I can’t get out!” she shouted, still pushing

against the stretchy surface. Snapping out of her shock, Uki ran
towards the balloon, kneeling down to her boss while hesitantly
holding her hands above the surface. “A-Are you ok, what
happened?” Uki asked. “I don’t know, I was just about to get
changed when I felt something soft pressing against my back.
Before I knew it, this giant balloon had trapped me inside it like
some kind of amoeba.” she explained, her voice shaking as she
continued rubbing her hands against the squishy rubber. “It also
squeezed me as it was sucking me in, like it was trying to hug
me.” she added with a blush. “Squeezed?" Uki stood back up,
pressing her own hands against the squishy surface trying to find
some kind of seam to open. "I've been trying to escape this thing
for minutes, but the stupid thing won't pop! I even tried using a
thunder bolt on it, but nothing happened!” Unable to find any
openings, Uki kneeled back down, putting her hands against
Lala’s to comfort her. “Did you try using iron tail on it?” she
asked. "Iron tail? I can barely move my tail in this thing. Lala
said, puffing her cheeks grumpily.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” Uki said confidently.

Taking a couple of steps back, her tail slowly illuminated with an
angelic white glow. Lala froze, her beady eyes widening as her
employee revved up her attack. “Alright boss. Get down!” Uki
said, firmly planting her feet on the tiled floor. “Wait! BEHIND
YOU!” Lala shouted, pounding her hands against the wall of her
prison in sudden panic. Uki quickly turned around, as she was
surprised by a second red balloon coming up from behind her.
The glow around her tail dissipated, losing focus from her ability
as she looked over at the looming ball. Reacting quickly, she
immediately back flipped over it, narrowly dodging the rubber
sphere as it floated by her. Uki landed on her feet right behind
the balloon, as it bumped into the one holding Lala prisoner. The
sudden bump caused the poor Raichu to face-plant against the
stretchy surface of the sphere, tumbling around on her back as
the balloon jiggled in the air from the impact.

Cautiously stepping back, Uki was completely baffled,

watching the two oversize balloons jiggling around as if they
were alive. “Another one!? Where did it come from?” she asked.
After a couple of moments, the balloon regained its bearings and
slowly began floating back towards her. Still a bit dazed, Lala got
back on her hands and knees, looking back at her dumbstruck
employee. "Run Uki!” she yelled. Not one to disobey her boss, Uki
bolted in the opposite direction. But the balloon was quick on the
pursuit, following her through the locker room as if it were
homing in on her. Finally, she went back into the pool section of
the building, closing the doubled doors behind her and locking
the changing room shut. Stepping away from the locker room
entrance, Uki took a deep breath, taking a moment to process
what had just transpired. Her boss was now trapped in a giant
rubber balloon, and now she was in danger of being trapped in
one as well. Not knowing what to think Uki just turned her head
side to side, trying to remember if there was another way out.
Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted as the doors began to
creak loudly with the sound of straining metal. The entrance
flung open, ripping the lock open and sending the doorknob
bursting from its hinges as it clattered onto the tiled marble

The balloon had forced the door completely open and was
now slowly squeezing its way through the frame, it's squeaking
hide filling the room with the haunting sound of hollow creaking
rubber. Uki continued stepping back with unease, watching more
and more of the balloon push its way through the doorframe.
Then, her foot reached the edge of the pool nearly causing to
lose her balance, and the balloon was nearly free. The locker
room was the only escape she had, all the other doors either led
to maintenance rooms or storage areas. But then, Uki bit her lip
and took a deep breath, taking a step forward as she planted her
feet firmly on the ceramic floor. "I don’t need to run… this is my
pool.” she mumbled under her breath. Clenching her fists, she
smirked at the balloon and crossed your arms confidently. “You
think you can just float on in here catch me? I'm in charge of this
pool buster!” she said in a mocking tone, powering up her tail as
it started glowing again. Finally, the balloon broke free from the
door frame, wobbling its way towards Uki as she prepared her
attack. Warming and swinging her tail back-and-forth, Uki planted
her right foot far forward, spinning her entire body around as she
swung her charged tail at the approaching orb. “Eat THIS!!!” With
one powerful swing, her tail collided with the balloon, slamming
into its shiny rubber, and bending it spherical shape has warped
around her attack like a ball of jelly. The calm water suddenly
splashed against the edge of the pool, the windows shuddered,
and the walls shook from the sheer shockwave of her powerful
iron tail.
With a loud ‘boing,’ the balloon bounced in the opposite
direction, slamming against the decorative rocky tiled wall
before bouncing back in Uki’s direction. "Eep!” she gasped,
stumbling to the side and narrowly avoiding the incoming sphere
as it whizzed by her. With breakneck speed, the balloon bounced
off another wall, once again making its way toward the stumbling
lifeguard before she could regain her footing. Seeing the sphere
gunning for her again, Uki attempted to use her tail to balance
herself, but it was too late. The balloon slammed into helpless
Pikachu, her body instantly sinking into the pliable rubber as if
began folding around her. “Oh!” Uki gasped in surprise, wincing
as the balloon began squeezing her. The Pikachu tried to pull
away, but the rubber had a firm grip on her body as if it trying to
suck her in. Uki started to blush, her one-piece offering little
protection as the inflatable rubber pressed against her breasts.
The balloons squeezing was incredibly intimate, wrapping around
her well-shaped body as if it was fondling her.

Biting her lip and struggling not to moan, her tail once
again glimmered with light, revving up for an attack. With another
powerful swing, she slammed it against the balloon's left side,
sending it flying across the room, the force of the impact
knocking her into the pool. Being an expert swimmer, she quickly
recovered and swam back to the surface, poking her head out of
the water to take quick gasp for air. The balloon was once again
bouncing around the pool like a giant dodgeball, the force of her
attack giving it more momentum than it could handle. Partially
submerging her head back into the water and lowering her ears
as much as possible, she subtly peeked out from the pool while
keeping her sights on the inflatable. “How is that balloon still in
one piece?” she thought to herself. “My iron-tail can shatter
borders and rip metal! Yet that thing took it twice like it was
While she floated about the pool, the balloon continued
bouncing on the walls, unable to control its trajectory. But
shortly, it started to slow down, until it finally jiggled to a halt. It
then began floating around in circles, patrolling around the area
as if it were looking for her. Duking down further, Uki quickly
swam behind one of the decorative rocks where the water was
shallow, allowing her enough cover to raise her chest from the
water. "looks like it lost me.” she sighed softly. "This must be
some kind of advanced capture balloon of some kind, or maybe
some kind of living rubber creature. It was strong enough to hold
my boss after all, and she's a fully evolved Raichu.” she thought
to herself peeking back out from behind the rocks, seeing the
balloon still circling its area. Grumbling under her breath, the
frustrated Pikachu puffed out of her cheeks with a grumpy
expression. “Still, I can't believe I'm hiding from a freaking
balloon. When I was in the marine corps, I could knock out a
Machamp even without my Iron-tail.” she thought. Then, looking
back down at her swimsuit, she noticed that it had become
crooked around her breast, probably from when she was grabbed
by the wired loon.

Seeing as her left boob was slightly exposed, her cheek

went pink, feeling self-conscious despite her being alone. “This
thing, it must've been specifically made to capture us, that would
probably explain why my boss couldn't destroy it with her
electricity.” she thought, groaning under her breath as she
attempted to fix her suit. Uki slipped her thumbs underneath the
straps, readjusting the fabric around her breasts, and pulling the
Lycra back over her exposed skin. But as the Pikachu fixed her
swimsuit, she looked back up at the looming balloon, thinking
about how one caught her boss so easily. “Lala… she seemed
okay, but who knows how long she can actually survive wrapped
up in all that rubber. I’ll have to get her out once I take care of
this one.” Lost in thought, she removed her thumbs from her suit.
But to her dismay, she accidentally snapped the wet fabric
against her skin, echoing throughout the indoor pool. “Eep…” she
gasped under her breath with a shocked but clumsy look on her
face. Sure enough, the balloon responded to the sound of her wet
swimsuit and dived down towards her.

Taking a deep breath, Uki ducked back into the water

and swam her way to the deeper part of the pool. Using her
efficient breaststroke in addition to her large tail, she quickly
made her way to the next section of the pool. Being a fast
swimmer, it only took a mere couple seconds before she
reemerged. But to her shock and horror, she was met with the
red balloon hovering right above her. Before she could even gasp,
the balloon descended on her head, pressing its tight red rubber
around her beady-eyed face as she quickly retreated back into
the water. Immediately, she swam to another section of the pool,
but just as she poked her head out to refill her lungs, Uki found
herself sucking in the rubbery membrane of the red balloon as it
clung to her breathless face. It felt like her face was in a stretchy
vacuum, inadvertently inhaling the latex between her lips as the
balloon attempted to wrap around her head. Reacting quickly,
she submerged herself back into the water, separating her face
from the clingy balloon with a quick squeaky ‘POP’ before it could
get a firm hold on her.

Keeping her arms and legs in a consistent waving

motion, Uki kept herself immersed within the pool as she
pondered a new strategy. “This thing can’t get me underwater,
but it’s waiting for me to come up for air!” she groaned, holding in
the oxygen she had left with her cheeks puffed out. Even though
she knew the pool like the back of her hand, she couldn't keep
her eyes open underwater. Regardless, she knew the balloon was
patiently looming above her, waiting for the chance to snatch her
up in its rubbery embrace. Being both a former Marine and
lifeguard, Uki could hold her breath for a sustainable amount of
time. Unfortunately, it was time she was running clean out of, as
her lungs constantly reminded her with growing discomfort. “This
thing is burning my options, and I can't stay down here!” she
thought. Using her current rush of adrenaline, Uki charged up her
iron tail again, allowing herself to float to the surface. Knowing
the balloon was right on top of her, she stuck her tail out from
the side of the water and bashed it against the unsuspecting orb.
Feeling that she had struck her target, Uki immediately
reemerged from the pool and took in some much-needed oxygen.
The balloon once again bounced uncontrollably against the walls,
sending echoing squeaks throughout the large pool area.

Knowing the water wasn't a safe place for her to take

refuge, she climbed onto one of the smooth circular platforms in
the center of the pool. Putting her hands on her knees, she took a
moment to catch her breath while keeping an eye on the balloon.
Disappointingly, the balloon started slowing down, regaining
control much quicker than before. Standing up straight, she then
felt that her suit had given her a slight wedgie, most likely from
using her iron tail underwater. “Oh great…” Uki moaned. Slipping
her digits into the wet spandex, the young Pikachu woman ran
her fingers underneath the thigh line of her swimsuit, readjusting
and pulling the fabric out from her butt before snapping it against
her short dripping fur. “This swimsuit has never wedged up my
butt before, guess it wasn't made to handle my attacks.” Within
but a mere few moments, the balloon came to a complete stop,
but wasted no time floating towards Uki again. The young
Pikachu just glared at the giant wobbling ball of air, clenching
her fists while she stood her ground. She hated the idea of a
balloon surviving her Iron Tail multiple times but was determined
to find another way. “Well… even if I can't destroy it with brute
force, it's still just a balloon, there must be some way I can pop

Letting out a stressed-out sigh, Uki looked down at her

swimsuit. She carefully ran her hands down the wet fabric on her
chest, admiring how it clung to her skin and kept a comfortable
formfitting hold around her body. The Pikachu loved how the red
color made her stand out as a lifeguard, and how the reflective
fabric glistened in the light whenever her suit was wet. It wasn't
just her uniform; it was her favorite outfit. "I really hope you're as
durable as Lala says.” Uki said to herself, sparks jolting from her
rosy cheeks. Electricity began to discharge from her body, the
chlorinated water on soaking her skin and fur evaporating into
mist as she charged up her most dangerous attack. “This is a
move I never… EVER use outside of my marine training. And I'm
not using this lightly...” she said. with the balloon closing the gap
between them, Uki held her arms out in front of her,
concentrating all the charged electricity into her hands.
“Balloons may be conductive to electricity, but there's a limit to
how much they can take!” she boasted. "EAT THIS!!!"

With a large flash of light, Uki struck the balloon with her
thunderbolt, stopping the orb dead in its tracks. The entire pool
room building was enveloped in a blinding yellow flash of light,
small fractures and cracks formed within the windows, as the
raw power from her blast shorted out some of the lights in the
ceiling. The heat from her attack warmed the water around her
feet, turning to steam just by touching her. Even for an electric
type like herself, Uki’s attack was extraordinarily powerful. But
all of a sudden, she began feeling a bit woozy and faint.
Immediately ceasing her thunderbolt, Uki found herself
exhausted, her legs wobbling underneath her as she collapsed on
her knees. “Wh… what?” she groaned weakly. Placing her hands
on the steaming platform, she attempted to catch her breath as
the last of her electricity faintly discharged from her body. Both
her body and swimsuit were now completely dry, the very heat
from her thunderbolt practically vaporizing the water soaking
her. Though relieved that her swimsuit had survived the attack,
Uki had no idea why she felt so weak. When training as a Marine,
she could maintain her thunderbolt for at least 20 seconds before
even breaking a sweat.

But her biggest surprise came when she looked up at the

looming balloon. Though she had stopped it in its tracks, it was
completely unharmed by her attack, mearly wobbling slightly like
jelly. No scorches, no signs of wear, not even steam from the
heat of her electric attack, it was like the balloon just said no to
the damage she should've inflicted. Uki just stared at the orb in
awe, still on her hands and knees. “N-nothing?” she whimpered,
feeling defeated. A thousand questions went through her mind,
what she was seeing was just impossible and unfair, but the
balloon continued wobbling in place as if to mock her. “But my
thunderbolt can melt through metal, yet this balloon… it’s not
even burned.” Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw tiny
flickers of electricity emitting from the orb, sparking her
curiosity. It was now that she realized why she was so exhausted
and weary, and why her electrical attack had sapped her power.
“This thing, it didn't conduct my thunderbolt... it absorbed it?”
she whimpered.

After a few wobbly moments, the devious balloon slowly

made its way toward Uki again. With the Pikachu now drained of
her energy, she was at a major disadvantage. "I can't give up, if
that thing catches me, I'm finished.” Ignoring her exhaustion, she
swam away from the balloon, though short on breath and
struggling to swim sufficiently. Fortunately, overcoming fatigue
was something she had experienced time and time again during
her marine training. Getting to safety, she made onto the edge of
the pool, again soaked but still quick to get on her feet. Uki faced
the approaching orb, but something was off. It was much slower
than before, though indeed making haste to approach her, it was
anything but swift about it. It was entirely possible that she
could outrun it now if she tried. “What happened to this thing?
Did my thunderbolt do some damage after all?” she thought. The
balloon was indeed more sluggish, but it seemed to be picking up
speed as it grew closer.

“Still, I won't be able to help the Lala with this thing on

my tail.” she thought. “I'll have to take care of it first.” Though
low on energy, she firmly stepped one foot in front of the other
and got her tail in swinging position. “If this thing has gotten
weaker, then maybe…” stepping forward, her tail suddenly lit up
as she swung it toward the approaching orb, slamming into its
rubbery body with a loud wet reverberating slap. A confident
smirk grew up across her face, certain that it would pop or
explode. But instead, it became stuck to her tail, its inflated
surface contorted around the heart-shaped tip as if intentionally
latching on to her. To her horror, it began sucking her tail in like
it was a noodle. “Eep!” she squeaked, with a shudder. Reacting
out of pure shock, Uki used her still active iron tail to swing the
balloon off and back into the pool, slamming it into the water
with a huge splash. Uki sighed with relief, though slightly more
drained after using another attack. “It actually caught my attack.
Did it… intentionally snatch onto my tail?” she thought. The
balloon, meanwhile, had become wedged between two of the
rocks decorating the pool, squirming around like a trapped
animal. “Oh?” the Pikachu said curiously tilting her head.

The balloon wiggled and wobbled around between the

rocks, attempting to un-wedge itself as it frantically fussed
about. It took a few moments, but the orb successfully removed
itself with a loud squeak, it's rubber now dripping wet. A small
smirk spread across the Pikachu's space, placing her hands on
her hips. “Ironic, this balloon doesn’t seem to like small places.”
she said to herself. With an enthusiastic burst of energy, she
dove back into the pool, quickly swimming by the balloon and
stopping to shy one of the decorative rocks. With a mischievous
smirk, Uki poked her tail out the water and teasingly waggled it
at the pursuing loon. As if provoked, the balloon picked up
speed, floating just slightly over the water. Wasting no time, the
Pikachu made her way towards the decorative rocky arch just
some feet away. The balloon effortlessly kept pace with her, but
despite Uki's lack of energy, she was still an excellent swimmer,
staying one step ahead of the pursuing orb. Uki stop right as she
passed underneath the arch, but kept her tail poking out from
underneath, waiting for the balloon to take the bait.

As expected, the balloon pressed against the base of her

tail, folding around it in a firm squeeze. The Pikachu winced
slightly, it felt like the balloon was fondling her tail. Even though
Uki’s tail was incredibly tough able to smash that even in the
toughest of rocks, the way the balloon pressed against her felt
incredibly weird, even prompting a soft moan to escape her lips.
The Pikachu did not let the feeling distract her, she quickly
climbed on top of the curved arch-shaped rock from her side,
desperately holding on with her arms and legs as the balloon
attempted to pull her in. Finally, with the proper leverage, she
gave her tail a quick powerful yank, pulling the balloon through
the arch underneath her with a loud “squeak.” With that, the orb
was partially jammed underneath the decorative rock, it's shiny
rubber bulging underneath the pressure as its lower half was
forcibly dipped into the water. Regardless, it began pulling back,
trying to swallow more of her tail within its folds in a desperate
game of tug-of-war. "If this doesn't work... I'm finished!” Uki
thought. With one last burst of energy, she activated her iron tail,
pulling it out from the balloon’s clingy grasp and swinging it
around and over the arch and to its backside. This allowed her
attack to gain momentum. And with one final powerful ‘slap,’ she
smacked her tail into the opposite side of the balloon, forcibly
cramming it into the rocky arch.

Now completely exhausted, Uki slowly climbed down off

of the decorative rocks and splashing back into the water, only
managing a weak doggy paddle to keep herself afloat. But the
young Pikachu was not concerned, putting on a triumphant smile
as she looked at her former pursuer. The balloon was completely
wedged underneath the curved rocks, quivering, and shaking
around like a trembling ball of angry jelly. With half of the balloon
stuck underwater, its buoyancy kept itself crammed further into
the rocky arch above it causing, its inflated body bulged from
both sides like a tomato with bad circulation. It had absolutely no
leverage to escape, completely trapped between the rock and
body of chlorinated water. The balloon continued moving around
in an attempt to get free, trying to get some kind of momentum to
un-wedge itself. Uki could not help but laugh, the rubber orb that
had made her feel so helpless was now at the mercy of its own
pressurized rubber. “What’s the matter?” Uki teased, placing both
her arms behind her back, and puffing out of her chest like a
pinup model. “Don't you want to catch me?"

The balloon began frantically bobbing around like an

angry animal, its bulging body lapped against the pool as it filled
the room with wet squeaks. It was stretching its inflated rubber
out towards Uki, as if it was still trying to reach her. It looked so
desperate, straining, and struggling free itself from the tight
rocks, holding onto that desperate idea of enveloping the
lifeguard Pikachu within its rubber membrane. “Oh… Did I offend
it?” Uki giggled. No longer feeling a sense of danger, she
continued watching the balloon struggle, feeling so satisfied
after all the trouble it had given her. Regaining focus, she
remembered that her boss was still trapped in the other balloon,
still waiting to be rescued from its rubbery clutches. Slapping
water onto her beady-eyed face, Uki swam back to the edge of
the pool and climbed out onto the tiled marble surface. After
shaking the water off her tail, she readjusted the bottom half of
her swimsuit to better cover her butt and quickly made her way
back to the locker room. "I’m coming Lala, hang on!” she
shouted. However, the Pikachu suddenly stopped in her tracks,
with a look of disbelief on her face as another red balloon floated
could be seen on the other side of the broken doorframe.
"No... You've got to be kidding me…” she shuddered,
stepping back in disbelief. The balloon squeaked its way out of
the locker room and slowly floating towards her. "I can't do this
again; I have to get out of here.” she thought. Hoping to slip past
the balloon, she waited until it picked up speed to sidestep it.
But to her shock, the balloon began warping horizontally
stretching itself as its rubbery body creaked and strained loudly.
And with a loud pop, the balloon split in two! Like some rubbery
form of mitosis! Uki’s ears drooped behind her head, frozen like a
deer in headlights as her options were cut in half. Both balloons
were about a tad smaller now, more akin to her own height, but
they continued to approach her at a steady but intimidating pace,
neither in any hurry like the first one was. Uki began stepping to
the side, about to run away the approaching orbs. But then they
began floating off and opposite directions, circling the Pikachu
from both sides in an attempt to flank her. Uki quickly stopped in
her tracks, swiveling her head back-and-forth trying to keep both
balloons in her line of sight while they positioned themselves on
either side of her, maintaining a distance of about 7 to 8 feet.

They were cutting her off from the rest of the poolside
but leaving her path to the locker room unobstructed. Uki didn’t
seem to have many options, if she tried to swim away in her
exhausted state, they would most certainly catch up to her. Plus,
the balloon from earlier was still struggling to free itself from
underneath the arch, but it looked like it could escape any
moment. Refusing to waste a moment, she took the chance in
front of her and ran for the locker room. But suddenly, one of the
balloons quickly moved in from her left, floating right in front of
her. Uki stopped right in her tracks, just inches away from the
balloon, before backing away in shock. But then, she felt a soft
squeaky surface squish against her back as she walked right into
the balloon behind her. Its rubbery surface pressing against the
soaked back of her swimsuit with a wet squeak, as a shiver of
shot up her spine. The Pikachu quickly pushed herself away
before it could wrap around her, turning around in shock as she
stepped away. “So fast…” she thought. But then, the other
balloon bumped her from behind, nearly knocking her off her feet
as she was pushed into the poolside balloon she had just backed
into. Stumbling face-first into the rubbery sphere, Uki's entire
body sank into the squishy surface under her own weight. Unable
to regain her footing in time, the poor Pikachu practically fell into
the loon like it was a giant latex beanbag. But strangely, the
balloon just bounced Uki back onto her feet, springing her away
and she staggered to regain her balance.

Uki didn't know what was going on, why weren't they
trying to grab her like the first one was? Just then, the balloon
blocking her way to the locker room nudged her from behind,
rubbing itself against her back with a spine-shivering squeak. “H-
Hey!” she stuttered, turning around as she was about to push the
balloon away. With her back turned, the poolside balloon pushed
her first, causing her to trip and fall against the one she was
about to shove. Uki blushed as her breasts squished against the
flexible but rubbery membrane, these balloons were much softer
when they weren't trying to latch onto her. However, their touch
felt way too intimate for her taste, literally rubbing her the wrong
way. Stepping back from the balloon, Uki had had enough, puffing
out her cheeks angrily as she glared at the balloon. “Enough!”
she shouted, swinging her tail into the playful red sphere with a
loud creaking slap. But upon making contact her tail only sunk
into the balloon squishy surface, it didn’t even budge, only
jiggling around like a ball of jelly. What’s worse, she hadn’t even
activated her iron tail, despite her intention to do so. “I'm
drained? I can't even use iron tail?” Uki’s stomach practically
dropped, as she felt the familiar sensation of folding rubber
around her zigzagged tail.

The lifeguard Pikachu desperately tried to pull her tail

out, but the balloon responded with a swift tug, yanking her off
her feet as her entire body squished into its red rubbery surface.
“Oh!” she gasped bewildered as the balloons suddenly took hold
of her in a firm but soft embrace. Uki’s tail was now completely
tucked into the balloons' tight springy interior, keeping her
anchored against its squishy surface with her arms and legs
spread. “Oh no!” she thought, immediately attempting to pull
herself free. Uki jerked her arms and legs forward, shifting side
to side to get some kind of leverage, but she wouldn't budge an
inch before the rubber pulled her back. She even tried trusting
her entire torso forward, pushing her chest out as she
desperately tried to pry herself away from the clingy loon. Her
efforts did her no good, only springing back as she wobbled in the
balloons rubbery grasp. Before long, the rubber began pulling Uki
in by her tail, sinking in butt first as the rest of her body followed.
“Ohh? ❤” the unsuspecting Pikachu let out a soft moan as the
rubber squeezed around her rear, feeling the balloon folding
around her abdomen a moment of brief vulnerability. It looked
like she was sinking into an inflatable beanbag, the balloon
pulling her in from one specific point as her legs were pushed up
to her chest. It felt like she was being sucked into a large pair of
rubbery lips, slurping her up like a noodle.

The rubber creaked and squeaked around her wet

swimsuit, making her feel like there was nothing between her
skin and the inflatable latex. The way the balloon was touching
her felt so intimate, her cheeks turned red, unable to hide the
pleasure she felt from being enveloped. “I can’t let this thing trap
me...” she thought to herself, firmly grabbing onto the rubber with
her hands and feet. Miraculously, she ceased her descent into
the balloon, though it continued attempting to suck her in. Finally
having some form of leverage, Uki tried to pull herself out, but
the balloon wasn't done with her yet. The invasive rubber tugged
and squeezed on her defenseless butt, keeping her tail wedged
within itself as Uki struggled to keep her moans silent. “I wish it
wouldn’t ... squeeze me so much...” she whimpered; her cheeks
are bright red from its touch. Its relentless tugging caused her to
Bob up-and-down, as the balloon tried to use gravity to its
advantage. Now, the Pikachu felt like she was riding the world's
most sadistic exercise ball. Unable to pull herself free, all Uki
could do now was prevent herself from being pulled in any

But then, without warning, the balloon released its hold

on her tail, abruptly springing the poor Pikachu into the air!
“Whaaaah!” Uki shouted, the rubber she was so desperately
clinging to slipped from her hands as she flailed about high above
the floor. Flabbergasted Uki couldn’t even tell what was
happening before she landed on the other balloon floating near
the poolside, its hollow surface breaking her fall with a wet
rubbery squeak. “Huh?” Uki sat up looking bewildered. The young
woman was unharmed, but once again found herself sinking into
a soft membrane of red rubber. Just as she was about to
scramble off the red sphere, she was once again sprung into the
air like a living projectile before landing back on the locker-side
balloon. Given her no time to react, she was bounced again, and
again, and again, flung back-and-forth like a reverse beachball
game. Fortunately, The Pikachu lifeguard would land on her back
or her belly every time, but the balloons wouldn’t allow her to
regain her footing. “These things-oof! Are just toying with me!”
Uki thought. “If I could just-ugh! Land on my feet!" Regardless of
how hard she tried, she was already exhausted and was
completely unable to maneuver in the air. The helpless lifeguard
was completely at the mercy of the playful balloons, she was
nothing more than a game of catch until orbs decided

Uki struggled to control her landing every time she was

bounced but only succeeded in tiring herself out more. But with
every bounce, she found yourself growing increasingly annoyed.
“Damnit! I’m-ogh! Not your beachball!” the lifeguard shouted
angrily. But then, an idea sparked in her head, as a small smirk
appeared on her face. “I can't control my dissent… but…” With
that, Uki curled herself up into a ball, similar to a popular video
game mascot she adored as a child. With only in her tail
uncurled, she spun around in the air until she landed on the
poolside balloon butt first. “Perfect!" she thought. Slapping her
tail against the balloon underneath her, she sprung herself
towards the pool, controlling her trajectory and flinging herself
into the chlorinated pool with a big splash. After a couple of
moments, Uki resurfaced and quickly climbed onto one of the
platforms, her arms and legs weary from all the bouncing and
flailing. Of course, she didn't have any time to catch her breath
as the poolside balloon immediately floated after her. With no
other choice, she dove back into the water, slowly stroking her
way to back to the edge of the pool.

Uki had no idea how to get away, but she didn't care,
even swimming past the first balloon that was still stuck under
the rocky arch. The Pikachu could feel the balloon bumping
against her tail which poked out of from water, urging her to
swim faster. Finally making it to the edge of the pool, she quickly
rolled herself onto the marble floor and scrambled to her feet. Uki
didn't even bother looking behind her as she bolted to the right,
pushing aside any chairs and tables that stood in her way. The
poor lifeguard was panting like a dog, running on fumes as she
was relentlessly chased. She had never run out of breath this
quickly before, as if her stamina had been cut in half from her
encounter from the first balloon. "If I hadn’t wasted my
thunderbolt, I’d the more than a match for these stupid things."
she panted, looking back to see the orb keeping pace right
behind her. Uki wanted so badly to just smack it with her tail out
of pure frustration, despite knowing it would do were no good.
She only took comfort in knowing but she still had a chance to
outsmart them. “Wait, where did the third one go?” she thought
to herself. Just as she was about to look back in front of her, she
ran face-first into a rubbery soft surface with a loud squeak.
"MMPH!?!” her muffled scream echoed around her, as her entire
body sank in the wall of squishy elastic rubber.

Uki had only looked away for a couple of moments, but

apparently, it was enough for the other balloon to cut her off. She
had just enough time to turn around, but not before the rubber
began wrapping around her from both sides, snatching up her tail
and pulling in her swimsuit-clad body. Attempting to pull herself
away, she leaned forward, pushing back at the balloon with her
both of her arms. The balloon wasn't hindered, continuing to
envelop the Pikachu ever so slowly, as if savoring her. Uki felt
the rubber wrapping around her arms and sides pulling her in inch
by inch. Before long, she felt the soft squeezing sensation
enveloping her breasts, making it difficult for her focus. Uki tried
to push her head forward to avoid being smothered, but within
moments all she could see the red glossy rubber, as the inflating
walls squeezed against both sides of her beady-eyed face.
Unable to push the balloon away, it suddenly rolled backward,
lifting her off her feet as gravity pulled her further into the jiggly
sphere. "MMMMPH!” she screamed with frustration, feeling the
balloon wrapping around more and more of her voluptuous body,
with only her ankles free. In a panic, Uki fruitlessly pushed and
stretched at the surrounding rubber, lacking the strength to
shove inflatable walls away before squeezing her back in place.

“Pika…” Uki's whimpered impulsively, her voice still

muffled by the enclosed closing. Sparks began emitting from her
rosy cheeks, her rising adrenaline stirring up the last of her
electric reserves. She could feel the balloon enclosing her body,
making it harder to move as it the inflatable rubber pressed
against her skin. It felt like she was being eaten, the balloon
creeping over her body with every moment, as did her frustration.
Then, the ballooning walls pressed against the sides of her
breasts, resulting in another hesitant whimper from Uki's lips.
The Pikachu just bit her lip, not happy about the balloon touching
her in such an intimate spot. But then, the rubber began wedging
between her legs and rubbing up against her underparts.
"Piiiiiiii…” she squealed, her cheeks blushing from red to a bright
shade of pink. Unable to control herself, electricity surged
through Uki’s body, discharging a quick flash of light.
"Piiiiiikaaaaaa!” she yelped. The Pikachu released her lightning
bolt into the surrounding enclosure, the balloon quickly draining
her energy as her electricity seeped into its rubbery membrane.

Uki could feel the last of her electricity fizzle out,

draining into the rubber wrapped around her body as it was
absorbed to the balloon. With all her power sapped, she was
instantly overcome with overwhelming fatigue, ceasing her
struggles as the orb continued wrapping her up. Uki desperately
wanted to keep fighting, but she just didn't have the energy to
push back any longer. The balloon's squeaky rubber had
completely depleted her power, leaving the Pikachu helpless as
it hugged around her body more tightly every passing moment,
rubbing against her swimsuit with soft wet squeaks. "I can't let
this... ridiculous thing capture me…” she thought, feeling
embarrassed at her predicament. To Uki's dismay, all she could
do was watch as the swelling red rubber wrapped over her face,
and within moments she disappeared within the squeaky folds of
the sinister balloon.

From the outside, Uki was no longer even visible, as the

balloon triumphantly jiggled and wobbled place. With nothing
else to do, the other balloon floated towards the first sphere that
went after Uki, which was still wedged underneath the rocky
arch, bobbing around as it attempted to escape on its own. With
the balloon completely enfolded around Uki's body, it began
squishing her from all sides. “Ohhh…” Uki moaned, quickly
rendered nearly motionless within her new Rubber prison. The
balloon was pressing its walls against the helpless Pikachu, as if
it was trying to smother her in a big inflatable hug. Even with the
rubber squishing against her face, she could see both sides of
the balloon continuing to fold around her, like a boa wrapping
around its prey. “It’s... trying to squish me…" she thought,
wincing as she closed her eyes. “It’s just like Lala said… But…
It’s not stopping.”, Uki was completely unable to push back
against the growing pressure, dominated by the red balloon as if
she had been eaten by a large rubber ameba.

The lifeguard’s arms were practically flattened against

her sides, and her legs were completely pinned together, she
couldn’t move an inch! And with every passing second, the
balloon put a considerable amount of pressure on her face,
squishing her cheeks and forcing her lips the poker awkwardly.
Completely overwhelmed by the tight squeezing, the poor
lifeguard could do nothing as the balloon tightly hugged her from
every conceivable inch. And with her tail anchored deep within
the rubbery sphere, the Pikachu had no hope of pulling herself
free. She couldn't even hear the sound of her own muffled voice,
as her sensitive ears were assaulted by the sound of creaking
rubber. Uki, let out another muffled moan, as the wet fabric of
her swimsuit slowly rubbed against her skin, shifting along her
body with the tight rubber. She couldn't deny it felt amazing,
feeling the spandex rub against her nipples and push against her
front. Deep down she was thankful she still had her one-piece on,
the very thought of wearing it bringing her comfort. But as the
rubber continued to tighten around her, she could feel it
expanding even faster, especially putting more pressure on her
more intimate spaces.

It was like the balloon had a sudden of rush of strength,

attempting to squeeze her even more, and resulting in an
awkward wedgie with her swimsuit. “Right when I... thought this
balloon couldn’t…. get any tighter!" But right when she thought
she was going to be smooshed, the pressure suddenly released
from her body, accompanied by a loud pop. Plopping onto her
back, Uki opened her eyes and found herself inside the rubbery
sphere, resting on the bottom it's soft bouncy surface as it gently
bobbed her up and down. Taking a few moments to recover from
the intimate squeezing, the Pikachu lay speechless, her cheeks
still pink and rosy. Everything outside of the balloon had taken on
a red tint, and every movement she made resulted in a soft
squeak that echoed throughout her enclosure. Uki's new space
felt unreal, floating just a couple feet off the tiled poolside floor,
supported by the flexible rubber underneath her rump. Even with
her wet swimsuit on, Uki didn't feel like she was in the same
room she was looking at beyond the rubbery walls, because she
was cut off from all of it, suspended in the air within her new

The Pikachu didn't want to believe it, but she was now
trapped inside of the rubbery orb, it's surface still smooth and
seamless despite snatching her up. “I... got caught.” she sighed
in disbelief; her body still weak from all the struggling. Shifting
onto her knees, Uki attempted to stand up, but quickly slipped as
the balloon rolled under her feet, causing her to slip backward.
“Woah!” Uki yelped, her fall quickly cushioned by the red rubber
beneath her back. Not one to give up, she then got onto both of
her knees, but quickly fell flat on her face. “Mmph!” Letting out a
muffled groan as the flexible surface stretched around her beady-
eyed face. Pushing herself off of the rubbery floor, Uki quickly
realized she couldn't balance herself on anything less than all
fours, making her feel rather ridiculous. “I can’t believe this…
how did I let this happen…" she thought, readjusting the bottom
of her lifeguard swimsuit. From beyond the red surface, she
could see the other balloon attempting to push the first orb from
out of the rocky arch and making progress by looks of it. “Are
these drones on some kind?” she asked herself, pressing her
hands against the rubbery walls of her enclosure. As expected,
the rubber stretched around her hands, flexible but resilient
enough to keep her trapped.

Uki bit her lip out of irritation, pressing harder against

the rubbery interior as she began to stretch it out. “Why were
these things after me and my boss? What do they want?” she
growled, running her fingers against the smooth surrounding
rubber as she leaned forward. But then, the balloon rolled
forward under her weight, taking her by surprise. “Wup!” she
yelped, clumsily falling on her chest. Lying motionless on the soft
squeaky floor of her prison, her frustration reached new heights.
Uki puffed out her cheeks angrily her muffled groan reverberating
into the surrounding rubber before getting back on her hands and
knees. “It doesn’t matter! I'm not going to let this balloon beat
me! I'm getting out!” The stubborn Pikachu dug her fingers into
the balloon, hoping that she could puncture the stretchy
membrane. Meanwhile, the second balloon finally freed the first
balloon from the decorative arch, pushing it to freedom as they
both floated towards the exit. Uki, however, hadn't noticed, too
preoccupied with her own balloon to pay any mind.

To a certain point, the balloon sprung back, pushing

knocking Uki on her butt. Groaning in annoyance, she began
kicking the rubber instead, though having little effect aside from
wobbling her prison around once again causing her to lose her
balance. “Woah!” The Pikachu wound up falling on her back
again, unable to regain her leverage as the rubber bubble jiggled
around like jelly. It almost felt like she was stuck on a rubber
trampoline, gently bouncing inside until the balloon settled down.
Once the bouncing ended, Uki found herself blushing
uncomfortably, feeling the rubber beneath her rubbing against
some exposed skin on her butt. Slowly sitting back up, she once
again readjusted her swimsuit, pulling the wet spandex over her
rear. Being a lifeguard, her swimsuit would normally get wet
every once in a while, when she was on the job, but she never
had to readjust it so much until today.

“This is so annoying, my outfit never gets this crooked

like this during the day, then again I've never been attacked by
balloons before.” she sighed. After readjusting the spandex
around her chest, she decided to take another approach against
her captor. Getting back up on her knees, she pressed her tail
against the floor behind her for leverage, the balloon wobbling
beneath her as she struggled to stay upright. Uki swayed and
wobbled back and forth trying to keep her balance, feeling like
the balloon would roll under her weight at any moment. Taking a
deep breath, she quickly jumped back on her feet and pushed her
hands against the ceiling of her prison, stretching the balloon
vertically and allowing her to stand upright. “Common! Pop you
stupid…” she could feel the rubber stretching under her hands
and feet, but it wasn't enough, reaching nowhere near close to
its breaking point. Regardless, she continued to push, sketching
the orb into an oval shape as the rubber creaked and squeaked
around her. “Just wait Lala, I'm coming to save you.” Uki
groaned, desperately stretching the bubble as far she could.

Warping the balloon in her struggles, it almost looked

like she was trapped a red floating sack rather than a giant
balloon. Uki continued pushing against her rubber captor, the
latex quickly pushed her back, trying to suppress her resistance.
Though weak, she refused to give up, digging her nails and feet
into the membrane as hard as she could. However, still wet from
before, her feet slipped from underneath her, once again falling
face-first on the rubbery floor with a loud echoing squeak. With a
deep sigh, Uki just lay on the bottom of her prison, no longer
putting up a fight. It felt so unfair, all that stood between her and
the outside world with a thin layer of rubber, yet it was enough to
keep her completely trapped. Sitting back down, she just looked
at the ceiling through the tinted red rubber, desperately
pondering a new strategy to escape her enclosure. “There’s
just got to be a way out of this thing…” she thought to herself.
Suddenly, the balloon started moving, the abrupt momentum
causing her to lose her balance as she rolled to her side. “Oof!”
she grunted, her face squishing against the rubber as she lay flat
on the bottom of the balloon. Through the semi-transparent
rubber, the Pikachu saw the calm chlorinated water moving
underneath her. “What?” she thought.

Getting back up on her hands and knees, she realized

the balloon was floating over the pool and toward the locker
room. Uki sighed knowing that any further struggle would be
pointless. “Fine… I guess you caught me.” she said to the
balloon. Despite still having some fight left in her, she no longer
resisted, letting the balloon take her as it squeezed through the
door frame and into the locker room. “WelI... I was on my way
here anyway.” she said, almost jokingly but with a sour tone in
her voice. Floating towards the exit, the balloon bobbed and
brushed against the surrounding lockers, constantly knocking
Uki’s balance off as she tumbled inside. “Hey! Where are you
taking me anyway?" she asked. The balloon, of course, didn't
answer, squeezing its way out the front door, before coming to a
stop right outside the parking lot. The sun had set, it's light was
only visible on the horizon, now dark enough to see the stars in
the sky. The parking lot was empty aside from her boss's car out
front, a slick-looking black van parked next to it, its open trunk
facing the building's entrance. What's more, standing behind van
were two suspicious individuals dressed in black, stuffing
something large into the spacious trunk.

But what she saw next shocked her, the object they
were shoving into the trunk was another balloon, the one holding
Lala inside, which had shrunk to accommodate the van's interior.
The balloon's smaller size had forced the helpless Raichu down
on her side, unable to stand up as she slumped in defeat. “Lala!!!”
Uki shouted, pounding on the walls of her enclosure. Faintly
hearing the muffled voice of her employee, Lala’s eyes shot open
as she sat up on her hands and knees. Horrified to see that Uki
had been caught as well, she gently placed her right hand on the
membrane of her balloon with a look of hopelessness on her face.
“Oh no… Uki…” she whispered. “Let her go!” Uki commanded
angrily, a small spark discharging from her cheeks. The two
suspicious people looked in her direction giving the young
Pikachu a better look at them. One was a slender woman with a
fit feminine build, with two pointed ears on her head, and a pointy
tail. The other looked rather masculine, far from buff but still
sporting a lean figure, with two large floppy bunny-like ears. And
baffling Uki further, was when she got a good look at their bizarre
attire. Both wore what looked like skin-tight rubber jumpsuits
covering them from head to toe, with white contrasting rubber
boots and gloves.

But what stood out most eerily, was the blood-red letter
R printed on the chests of their latex suits, probably an insignia.
“There it is." the man said crossing his arms. "That took longer
than expected. Guess she’s tougher than she looks.” the woman
replied sounding impressed. With that, she lifted her finger up
toward a balloon beckoning it to approach. Complying, the orb
floated over to the latex-clad duo, bringing Uki bringing face to
face with her captors. “What do you want with us, you creeps?”
the Pikachu asked angrily. “Nothing, just you. ❤️” the woman said
flirtatiously, running her finger down the exterior of her prison.
Gritting her teeth, more sparks discharged from Uki’s cheeks, as
she began pounding and kicking at the balloon in her captors'
direction. "Let me out!” she shouted. The Pikachu’s punches and
kicks stretched only inches away from her assailant, barely
reaching her has a rubber only sprung her arms and legs back.
"Seems she can regenerate electricity a lot faster than I
thought." the woman thought to place her hand under her chin.
“She’s fussy, isn’t she?” the man said crossing his arms. “You're
right, we’ll have to restrain her further.” the woman replied with a

Grabbing something behind her back, she pulled out with

look like a small red ball, rolling it around in her fingers before
tossing it down. “By the way, our name is Team Rubber.” she
said as if announcing it. “Team… What?” Uki asked puzzled,
ceasing her attacks. The rubber woman then tossed her ball up
into the air, landing on top of the balloon before popping through
the membrane as if it was permeable jelly. Uki just watched as
the ball fell between her thighs with a soft squeak, ignoring it as
she puffed her cheeks out in anger while looking back at the
rubber-clad woman. "Are you trying to make fun of me?” she
huffed. Suddenly, with the abrupt sound of hissing air, the balloon
instantaneously grew to about three times its size to almost two
feet in diameter, spreading her legs apart and pushing against
her womanhood. “Ohhh!?” Uki gasped, pushing the ball away as
her cheeks blushed pink. Recovering from her unexpected
moment of pleasure, the ball rolled back between her legs, it was
also made of inflatable rubber, its membrane just as soft and
squishy as the balloon she was trapped in.

"H-hey… what is this?” she asked nervously, her cheeks

still pink. As if the follow-up question, the balloon stretched
horizontally, and instantly split in two with a soft pop. “Huh!?”
she exclaimed. The ball had just duplicated itself, like the
balloon from before, but somehow maintaining its size amen
shape. Before she could say another word, the balloons
duplicated again, this time popping into four as the additional
two rolled to her sides. “They’re… Multiplying?” she thought. Her
fears were confirmed as they once again doubled in number,
piling in her lap and around her legs as they jiggled the round
with every duplication. “W-what’s going on?” Uki asked, quickly
looking back at the strange woman with fear in her eyes, before
her ears were assaulted by the sound of more popping. The
balloons continued multiplying one by one, but now, reproducing
in bunches rather than all at once, as their timing was offset by a
few seconds. The Pikachu quickly found herself surrounded by
over a dozen balloons, submerging more than half of her body.
“Oh!” she gasped. Duplicating in such a small space, the balloons
began pressing against each other, squeezing Uki as they
clustered around her. At this rate, Uki knew that she had only
moments before things were about to get really tight. “Stop!” Uki
pleaded, attempting to pushing the balloons away as she got up
on her hands and knees.

The rubber-clad woman just watched in amusement,

pleased with the Pikachu's hopeless dilemma. Lala on the other
hand, could only watch helplessly as her best lifeguard was
slowly submerged in inflatable red rubber. The Raichu was far
too weak to even call out to her, as the little electric energy she
had left was sapped from her body via her conductive balloon.
From outside, it almost looked like she was in a bowl of bubbly
popcorn. With each pop, a new rubber ball would bounce up from
the cluster, filling up more of her balloon by the second. Using
the balloons as leverage, Uki quickly stood up, pulling herself out
form the rubbery cluster with a soft squeak. Even while partly
standing up, the balloons were up to her thighs, pressing against
her legs with their subtle pressure. Then with another symphony
of pops, the balloons quickly jumbled around the helpless
Pikachu, popping up from the bottom like jumping beans as they
quickly reached up to her breasts. Despite her efforts to swat
them away, she immediately found herself neck-deep in red
squeaky balloons. Though no longer clustered together like
before, she could still barely move her arms and legs, with every
attempt she made resulting in a bunch of loud squeaks.

Uki shivered in her wet swimsuit, her situation was

hopeless, there is no escape from her rubber enclosure or
balloons piled around her body. "I was screwed the second I
wound up inside of this balloon! If these balloons multiply one
more time I'll-Mmmmph!” before she could finish her sentence,
the orbs doubled again, popping up and pressing up around her
face as they silenced her. Within moments, the pressure around
her body rose to near restrictive levels, squishing her in place.
With every pop, a new balloon would appear, and each balloon
would add the pressure surrounding her. Uki moaned
powerlessly, it was overwhelming, getting tighter and tighter
with every second. Despite this, the Pikachu heading to push the
balloons away, refusing to give up as her arms were quickly
pinned in place by the duplicating orbs. Uki's feet were slowly
lifted off the bottom of the sphere, the rising pressure forcing her
to the center of the balloon as they pushed against her from all
sides. The balloons were smooshing against her from every inch
and angle, pushing up between her legs and rubbing against her
womanhood, clustering against the bust-line of her swimsuit and
squeezing her breasts, and mobbing around her head while
squishing her face in smothering rubber.

At this point, she was completely sandwiched by the

overpowering mass of balloons. It was even tighter than when
the balloon had captured her before, with the surrounding
inflatables squished up against nearly every nook and cranny of
her body. Barely any air pockets were visible to her inside of her
prison, as if each orb had eaten up all of the air left in her
balloon. Her moans were barely audible even to herself, the
sound of creaking rubber growing louder and louder, until the
balloons finally stopped multiplying, leaving her stuck and
motionless. From the outside, the balloon prison hadn’t even
changed shaped, maintaining spherical appearance despite the
many smaller balls inflated inside of it. “Perfect…” the rubber-
clad woman giggled rubbing her hand against the balloon. “No
more fussing alright?” she taunted. “Mmmmmph!” the Pikachu
moaned, completely unable to answer. “I can’t… breathe…” she
thought. Attempting to turn her head, she hoped to find an air
pocket around her face, but the rubber only sprung head back in
position, as the balloons continued to press against her face.

Uki whimpered in defeat, coming to the realization that

she was completely and utterly finished. Unable to escape,
unable to move, and now unable to even breathe, she closed her
eyes thinking that these were her last moments. But then, she
felt something rubbing against her mouth. The balloon pressed
against Uki's face was wedging itself between her lips, forcing
her jaw open as the inflatable entered her mouth. “Mmph!” the
Pikachu blushed in shock, feeling the rubber inflating into her
maw as she was quickly gaged. “It's already smothering me, why
does it have to gag me now?” she thought. Uki tried biting into
the balloon to pop it, her teeth only sinking to the inflatable
rubber before springing back. It was as big as a popsicle, filling
up her maw as if just wanting to stuff her up with rubber. But
then, all of a sudden, she was rewarded with the taste of fresh
air. “Huh?” she thought with a gasp, she took in the much-needed
air, as a balloon in front of her face expanded and contracted
with her breathing. Pressing against her face, then releasing the
pressure with every breath she took, it was like some kind of
rubber respirator. Though thankful, she felt also awkward having
a balloon shoved into her maw like this, nearly gagging on
inflated rubber stuffed her mouth.

Uki tried moving around some more, it was no use, she

was only met with the sound of creaking rubber, as the balloons
found more places to squeeze her. Though unable to open her
eyes, she wouldn’t be able to see anything aside from red rubber,
packing her prison so tightly that it was mostly opaque at this
point. Even while still, she could hear the subtle sound squeaks
of the surrounding orbs as rubbed and pressed against each
other, though muffling everything else she heard including her
own moans. Uki couldn't tell what was going on outside of her
prison, the balloons membrane out of her reach she was pinned
within the center by the surrounding inflatables. Her senses were
completely overwhelmed by the encompassing rubber, still
blushing as she was hugged from every angle by then inflatable
latex. The rubbery air she breathed, the loud squeaking
assaulting her ears, the taste of latex filling her mouth, and
countless red inflatable's pressing against her, her entire world
had become red balloon as if nothing else outside of her prison
existed. “I was… already trapped when they put me in this
balloon… why go this far." she thought, ceasing her struggles as
she finally became submitted to her tight rubbery prison.

“Uki!” Lala shouted weakly, pushing her beady-eyed face

against her balloon. “Please don't do this! Let her out!” she
pleaded. The Rubber clad woman just chuckled, guiding Uki’s
balloon towards the trunk. “She’ll be fine, just sit tight and relax
until we bring you girls home.” she teased. Before Lala had a
chance to respond, the two rubber-suited individuals stuffed
Uki’s balloon into the trunk with a loud squeak, giving the
Pikachu another sudden squeeze as her prison was placed inside
the spacious van. Finally, as the doors were closed upon them,
the two electric mouse Pokémon were left in complete darkness,
trapped in their rubbery balloons still wearing nothing but their

After stepping back into the van, both rubber-clad

kidnappers removed their masks. The male revealed himself to
be a Lopunny, one surprisingly masculine for his type, but just as
elegant and alluring as any other. And the female turned out to
be the Umbreon from earlier that day, looking cheerful and
triumphant as she hummed to herself. “Boss, if you don't mind me
asking, why her?” the Lopunny asked. “Well… At first, I started
swimming at this pool has a hobby.” she said starting the van up
as she drove out of the parking lot. “But then I started coming
here to scope out the pool for any potential cuties to capture for
as test subjects.” she then looked up at the sky, her cheeks
blushing slightly. "But then… I saw her... the hottie in the red
swimsuit.” the Umbreon sighed like a lovesick schoolgirl. "Just
imagine how fun it will be to test our rubber inventions on her.
After all, she looked absolutely adorable trapped in that balloon
we sent after her.” she giggled. The Lopunny just leaned back in
his seat, giving his boss a smile. “I'm just glad to see you all
cheered up. Anyway, those balloons should keep them contained
until we can put them in their new quarters.” he responded.

Meanwhile, Uki remained completely stuck in her

cramped enclosure, forced to bounce and jiggle around as the
van drove to who-knows-where. Whenever sparks erupted from
her cheeks, they would instantly be conducted into the
surrounding balloons, leaving her in powerless state. What's
worse, as she bobbed around inside, her body was constantly
rubbing against surrounding balloons making her blush has the
rubber pressed against her most sensitive areas. At this point, all
she could do was mumbled and moan in regret, thinking about
how she could've avoided this situation had she just not gotten
trapped in the balloon to begin with. Lala, meanwhile, had dozed
off, lulled to sleep by her own exhaustion and the surprisingly
smoothing Car ride.

What will become of Uki and Lala? And who is Team



©Pokemon Belongs Game Freak and The Pokémon Company

Other Bubble/Balloon Stories

Squeaky Admirer
The Lab Incident - Commission - Part 1 -
Renamon's Strange Swimsuit
Rubber Flower Trap

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