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“Thou shalt not use other peoples computer

resources without authorization or proper
• It emphasizes the importance of respecting the
ownership and rights of others in the digital realm.
• It underscores the importance of obtaining proper
authorization before utilizing the computing
resources of others. It also highlights the ethical
obligation to provide proper compensation for the
use of such resources.
• It emphasize the importance of ethical
conduct and respect for the rights of others in
the digital environment.
•It is relevant in the context of cybersecurity
and data privacy.
2. Imagine you've moved into a new apartment,
and you haven't set up your own internet
connection yet. You realize that your neighbor's
Wi-Fi network doesn't have a password, so it's
unsecured. Without asking for their permission or
offering anything in return, you connect your
devices to their Wi-Fi to use the internet.
• Someone uses a friend's computer
without permission to download large
files, causing strain on the friend's
internet connection and potentially
slowing down their computer.

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