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lt moses 8 WrPhinn cce oes t tate (ond 183107 yas es ‘BevelopnefhOslISe "on: moter St Mon ne fat Fermaneet secret Unger ecto o0137857 ‘We RepUEUC OF In any correspondence on AND this subject please quote No: LAD 90/196/02 17°" December, 2018 The Minister of Internal Affairs KAMPALA ‘The Minister of Security KAMPALA The Minister for Presidency KAMPALA The Inspector General of Police KAMPALA All Resident District Commissioners Bunyoro and Buganda Sub-Region All L.C.V Chairpersons Buganda and Bunyoro Sub-Region All District Police Commanders Buganda and Bunyoro Sub-Region Uganda ision 2040 OFFICE OF THE MINISTER MINISTRY OF LANDS, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 7096 KAMPALA, UGANDA. PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE ON CURBING EVICTIONS OF LAWFUL AND BONAFIDE OCCUPANTS ON MAILO LAND On 15 December 2018, while officiating at the handover Ceremony to give land titles to former Bibanja holders at Kirema Church of Uganda Primary School, Semuto Sub-County, Nakaseke District. HE. the President directed that Resident District Commissioners and District Police Commanders who implement Court Orders which leads to eviction of lawful and bonafide occupants should loose their job immediately. Arising out of the guidance and directive of the H.E. the President, and in compliance with the 1995 Constitution, the Land Act (Cap. 227 as mended); Registration of Titles Act Cap 230, Mortgage Act, Cap 229, among others; I am directing you as follows: @ (2) In liaison with the Local Council I Chairperson and Area Land Committee, you are required to record all the Court Sessions that has taken place at any suit land within your District. When any Court Order or Eviction is presented to you, confirm that there was a Court Session at the locus quo. In the event that there was not visit of locus quo and the Court Order affects lawful and bonafide occupants, refer the Court Bailiffs’ to the Office of the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development for clearance. DO NOT IMPLEMENT ANY COURT ORDER THAT HAS BEEN OBTAINED WITHOUT THE MAGISTRATE OR JUDGE VISITING THE LOCUS QUO. There should be NO EVICTION of lawful and Bonafide Occupants on land except for non-payment of Nominal Ground Rent; where the Landlord cannot be traced to enable tenants pay Busulu, notify the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development immediately stating the Block, Plot and the size of the land and its location. You will then be given guidance where and how to handle the matter. Where District Land Boards have not determined Busulu, the following are the legal chargeable Annual Nominal Ground Rent (Busulu); * Land within Rural Area: Not exceeding shs. 5,000/= * Land within Town Board/Council: Not exceeding shs. 20,000/= « Land within Municipality: Not exceeding shs. 30,000/= « Land within a City: Not exceeding shs. 50,000/= (3) Ensure that Local Council I, Area Land Board Committee and other relevant local officials are present and records the attendance and proceedings especially the views of the lawful tenants when Judicial Officers are visiting locus on a matter of land under adjudication before Courts of Law; this is important to verify after the ruling that the Judicial Officer visited the correct land and heard evidence from the lawful tenants settled on that land. In case of a miscarriage of justice, Government will have a basis for intervening. (4) Forceful land sharing by Landlords is prohibited. Notify the Office of the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development immediately when a Landlord is forcing tenants to share their land as a condition for issuing titles to tenants. (5) Ensure that third parties who purchase land from Banks and secure Court Orders to evict tenants without following the procedure laid down under the Land Act are not facilitated to evict lawful tenants. Refer such cases for further guidance and clearance to the Office of the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. Where there is consent between the Landlord and Bibanja holder on land sharing; ensure that the Bibanja holder retain a minimum of 50% of the land. (6) The Resident District Commissioners are directed to help lawful and Bonafide occupants form their Bibanja Association and transmit the names and contacts of the leaders to the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development for strengthening coordination on curtailing evictions. NOTE: THIS FESTIVE SEASON, BETWEEN 207 DECEMBER, 2018 TO 61! JANUARY, 2019, ALL RESIDENT DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS AND DISTRICT POLICE COMMANDERS ARE DIRECTED NOT TO IMPLEMENT ANY EVICTION ORDER. THIS IS BECAUSE MANY UNSCRUPULOUS INDIVIDUALS USE HOLIDAY PERIOD TO CONDUCT ILLEGAL EVICTION WELL AWARE THAT MOST GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ARE OUT OF STATION AND CANNOT INTERVENE IN PROTECTION OF LAWFUL TENANTS!! THE MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE ARE NOTIFIED OF THIS DIRECTIVE. This is an interim measure for a period of three months. A comprehensive Guideline indicating procedures to be followed before conducting evictions will be issued by February 2019. Aluta Continua. Ds amma —— Among Betty Ongom, MP MINISTER OF LANDS, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Copy to: HE. the President HLE. the Vice President The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister The Attorney General The Minister for Kampala and Metropolitan Affairs The Deputy Attorney General All Members of Parliament, Buganda and Bunyoro Region ‘The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development The Chief of Defence Forces, Ministry of Defence and Vetran Affairs The Secretary, Office of the President The Principal Private Secretary to H.E. the President The Deputy Inspector General of Police The Director Legal Affairs, Office of the Inspector General of Police

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