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Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

Approaching Difficult Communication

Tasks in Oncology1
Anthony L. Back, MD; Robert M. Arnold, MD; Walter F. Baile, MD; James A. Tulsky, MD;
Kelly Fryer-Edwards, PhD

Dr. Back is Associate Professor,

University of Washington Seattle ABSTRACT Effective communication skills enable physicians to improve patients’ under-
Cancer Care Alliance, Fred Hutchin- standing of their illnesses, improve patient adherence to treatment regimens, use time effi-
son Cancer Research Center, Seat-
tle, WA. ciently, avoid burnout, and increase professional fulfillment. Common communication pitfalls
Dr. Arnold is Professor, Section of include blocking, lecturing, depending on a routine, collusion, and premature reassurance.
Medical Ethics and Palliative Care, Fundamental communication skills include “ask-tell-ask,” “tell me more,” and responding em-
Department of Medicine, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. pathetically. Key communication tasks that are linked to the illness trajectory include: the first
Dr. Baile is Professor and Chief, Psy- visit, giving bad news, making anticancer treatment decisions, offering clinical trials, completing
chiatry, University of Texas MD Ander- anticancer therapy, and discontinuing palliative chemotherapy. While enhancing or acquiring
son Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
new skills ultimately requires practice and feedback over time, this article provides a cognitive
Dr. Tulsky is Associate Professor,
Program on the Medical Encounter map for important communication skills that physicians need over the course of caring for a
in Palliative Care, Duke University, person with cancer. (CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:164 –177.) © American Cancer Society, Inc.,
Durham, NC.
Dr. Fryer-Edwards is Assistant
Professor, Department of Medical
History and Ethics, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA. INTRODUCTION
This article is available online at Communication between physicians and patients is a fundamental aspect of
cancer care, yet most physicians have had little training in communication. The
aspects of communication most valued by patients are those that help patients and
their families feel guided, build trust, and support hope. While these may be abstract qualities, they follow from a
concrete set of communication skills that can be effectively taught and learned. These communication skills are not
the “medical interviewing” skills most physicians learned in medical school, which focused on taking a complete
medical, social, and family history. The communication skills needed in cancer care are second-order skills that
address difficult situations.
A wide variety of empirical studies document that physician-patient communication is suboptimal. Physicians and
nurses typically miss the full range of concerns held by people with cancer.1 These deficiencies in communication
increase psychological and existential suffering of patients and their loved ones.2,3 Compounding these problems are
the finding that oncologists lack accuracy in detecting patient distress.4 – 6 Finally, poor communication also hampers
a physician’s ability to provide pain and symptom management.7–10
These studies have led to a widespread call for improving communication between clinicians and patients. The National
Cancer Institute named cancer communication as an “extraordinary opportunity” in 1999; the American Society of
Clinical Oncology named communication as a key clinician skill;11 and the Institute of Medicine identified communi-
cation as one of six fundamental clinician skills sets in improving supportive and palliative care for people with cancer.12
Many physicians have not had effective teaching in communication skills and lack confidence that an educational
intervention could improve their skills. Furthermore, continuing medical education consisting of lecture-style
presentations consistently fail to change physician behavior.13 Yet new educational models exist that have been
documented to result in physician communication skill improvement, and these models are being used in settings

This work was supported by National Cancer Institute grant no. R25 92055.

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ranging from practicing physicians to oncology questions.22 While lecturing may seem effi-
fellows in training.14 –19 Communication skills cient, patients are often unable to follow the
training is associated with less burnout and pace of the physician’s information delivery,
work-related stress.20,21 and it can be an inefficient use of time. They
In this article, we will draw on empirical may have specific questions they are listening
studies and expert practice to describe impor- for, and thus do not absorb other informa-
tant considerations for physicians and other cli- tion the physician provides. Alternatively,
nicians about communicating with patients and the patient may be preoccupied with emo-
their families. After discussing some general tions such as sadness, worry, or feeling over-
considerations in communication skills, the rest whelmed.
of the article uses a trajectory model of illness to
identify key communication tasks. These tasks
outline a cognitive map of communication that Collusion
physicians can follow during a patient’s expe-
rience with cancer. While this cognitive map Collusion occurs when patients hesitate to
cannot replace skills practice and feedback, it bring up difficult topics and their physicians do
can provide a useful starting point for improv- not ask them specifically—a “don’t ask, don’t
ing communication skills for physicians and tell” situation.23 Patients often assume if some-
other clinicians. thing is important then the physician will men-
tion it, whereas physicians assume if patients
want to know, they will ask. Consequently,
FUNDAMENTAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS important albeit difficult conversations about
prognosis, cure, and end of life do not occur.
Behaviors to Avoid

Empirical research demonstrates that a vari- Premature Reassurance

ety of common communication behaviors ac-
tually decrease the value of the time physicians Premature reassurance occurs when a phy-
spend trying to communicate. sician responds to a patient concern with reas-
surance before exploring and understanding the
Blocking concern.18,24 This practice is often used by
physicians who feel that they “don’t have time”
Blocking occurs when a patient raises a con- to explore a patient concern, yet it can lead to
cern, but the physician either fails to respond or repeated questioning by patients who don’t feel
redirects the conversation.1 Sometimes physi- their concern was completely understood and
cians are only partly conscious of this behavior. addressed.
For example, a woman with metastatic colon
cancer might ask, “How long do you think I
have?” and the doctor responds, “Don’t worry Behaviors to Cultivate
about that,” or “How is your breathing?”
Blocking is important because physicians typi- Ask–Tell–Ask
cally fail to elicit the range of patient concerns,
and consequently are unable to address the This principle is based on the notion that
most important concerns. education requires knowing what the learner
already knows, then building on that knowl-
Lecturing edge. It also works as a way to build a relation-
ship, as it shows you are willing to listen to and
Lecturing occurs when a physician deliv- negotiate the patient’s agenda. A great deal of
ers a large chunk of information without communication in clinical oncology involves
giving the patient a chance to respond or ask providing information, but this does not mean

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Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

that communication should be largely one- and to remember that every conversation really
way. For any important communication: has at least three levels.25 The first level of
Ask the patient to describe his/her current conversation could be called the “What is hap-
understanding of the issue. This will help you pening?” conversation, in which the patient is
craft your message to take into account the trying to comprehend information. The second
patient’s level of knowledge, emotional state, level of conversation has to do with emo-
and degree of education. Some sample ques- tions—at this deeper level, a patient is asking
tions to open your conversation include: himself, “How do I feel about this?” In addi-
Y What brings you here today? tion to trying to figure out his/her emotions,
Y What is the most important issue for us to he/she is also assessing whether they are valid
talk about today? and whether he/she can express them to the
Y To make sure we are on the same page, oncologist. The third level of conversation is an
can you tell me what your understanding identity conversation, involving what the new
of your disease is? information means in terms of the patient’s
Y What have your other doctors been telling sense of self, addressing the question, “What
you about your illness since the last time does this mean to me?”
we spoke? Knowing that these three different conver-
Tell the patient in straightforward language sations are taking place can enlarge a physician’s
what you need to communicate—the bad news, sense of where the “tell me more” request can
treatment options, or other information. Stop lead. Some examples of useful invitations to
short of giving a long lecture or huge amounts of
“tell me more” include:
detail. Information should be provided in short,
Y Could you tell me more about what infor-
digestible chunks. A useful rule of thumb is not to
mation you need at this point?
give more than three pieces of information at a
Y Could you say something about how you
time. Avoid medical jargon.
are feeling about what we have discussed?
Ask the patient if he/she understood what
Y Could you tell me what this means for
you just said. This gives you the opportunity to
check his/her understanding. Did he/she get you?
the facts straight? Is his/her understanding ap-
Respond to Emotion
propriate? Did he/she hear what was said?
Consider asking the patient to restate what was
Understanding the patient’s perspective will
said in his/her own words. This will give him
result in physicians discovering more about the
a chance to ask questions, which will tell you
thoughts and feelings patients are experiencing.
where to go next—what details to elaborate,
what implications to discuss, what things to Having discovered all this, how should physi-
repeat. For example, you could say, “Who are cians and other clinicians respond?
you going to tell about this visit when you get The concept of an “accepting response” is
home?” or “To make sure I did a good job of helpful here.26 Rather than providing imme-
explaining this to you, can you tell me what diate reassurance, rebuttal, or agreement, the
you are going to say?” accepting response accepts what the patient says
without judgment, acknowledges that patients
Tell Me More ought to hold their own views and feelings, and
validates the importance of the patient’s con-
If you find that the conversation is going off tributions in a therapeutic relationship. It is
track, it is helpful to note that in your own important to note that acceptance is not the
mind. You may even want to mention it to the same as agreement. A physician could accept
patient by saying, for example, “I think we’re that a patient wishes to be cured of cancer, yet
not on the same track.” To get back on track, not agree that it is possible. This distinction is
it is usually helpful to invite the patient to important is building and maintaining a rela-
explain where he/she is in the conversation, tionship.

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NURSE TABLE 1 Fundamental Communication Skills:

Behaviors to Cultivate

A helpful mnemonic summarizes what to do 1. Ask-tell-ask

in responding and accepting patient emotions: 2. Tell me more
3. Respond to emotions with NURSE
NURSE (Table 1).27 N ⫽ Naming
U ⫽ Understanding
NAMING R ⫽ Respecting
S ⫽ Supporting
E ⫽ Exploring
You can begin by naming a patient emotion
for yourself, as a way of noting what is hap-
pening in the encounter. You may even want but a verbal response is helpful because it can
to name the emotion to the patient, as a way of be more explicit in giving patients the message
showing that you are attuned to what she is that their emotions are not only allowable but
experiencing (“It sounds like you are worried
important. Acknowledging and respecting a
that the cancer may be recurring.”). Naming,
patient’s emotions is an important step in
restating, and summarizing are all ways to begin
showing empathy. In terms of how much to do
accepting and responding to patient emotions.
on this step, consider matching the intensity of
This may require that physicians read nonver-
your acknowledgment to the patient’s expres-
bal clues that patients display. It is important
sion of emotion—a strong emotion deserves a
that when using naming, the physician is sug-
strong acknowledgment. Praising the person’s
gestive, not declarative. “I wonder if you’re
feeling angry” or “Some people in this situa- coping skills can be an effective way to show
tion would be angry,” rather than “I can see respect: “I am very impressed with how well
you’re angry about this.” People don’t like you’ve continued to care for your children
being told what they are feeling. during this long illness.”


Several types of supporting statements are pos-

A sensitive appreciation of the patient’s sible. Physicians can express concern, articulate
predicament or feelings is an important pre- their understanding of a patient’s situation, ex-
requisite for responding in a way that builds press willingness to help, make statements about
the relationship. Particularly important is to partnership, and most importantly, acknowledge
avoid giving premature reassurance at this the patient’s efforts to cope. Given that many
point, even though the temptation to do this dying patients fear abandonment, making state-
is strong. It is better to make sure that you ments—if truthful—that you will be there for the
have a clear understanding, which may re- patient are very useful: “I’ll be with you during
quire some exploration, active listening, and this illness, no matter what happens.”
use of silence. “My understanding of what
you’re saying is that you are concerned about
the effect of the chemotherapy on your kids” EXPLORING
can be an effective way to validate patient
emotions. Paradoxically, saying “I cannot This is a different use of the “tell me more”
imagine what it is like” is a good way to principle. Asking focused questions or express-
show you understand. ing interest in something the patient has men-
tioned can be a way for a clinician to deepen an
RESPECTING empathetic connection. Patients often offer
clues about their emotions initially, and if in-
This can be a nonverbal response, involving vited to elaborate, will state their emotions and
facial expression, touch, or change in posture, concerns explicitly.28

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Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

KEY COMMUNICATION TASKS LINKED TO THE 2. Learn About the Patient’s Views of
the Illness
The First Visit
While this is not a standard history question, it
The first visit can have many different pur- can be extremely useful to ask a question about
poses—a patient may talk about a presenting how the patient views his/her illness.30 For ex-
symptom, a diagnostic test may have shown an ample, “I know you’ve heard about it from other
abnormality requiring further workup, or a di- doctors, but tell me what you think is going on
agnosis of cancer may need to be discussed, with your cancer?” This can provide data about
including further staging and workup or treat- the patient’s understanding, his/her ways of cop-
ment options. Even if the first visit is not a ing, and the meaning of the illness. This can help
difficult conversation, it is worth remembering the physician use time efficiently by customizing
that this encounter sets the tone for the entire the discussion to the needs of the patient.
relationship that ensues. While little empirical
study has occurred about the first visit specifi- 3. Ask About the Patient As a Person
cally, communication research does indicate
the value of a couple of practices that enable A variety of empirical studies indicate that pa-
physicians to get the relationship off to a good tients place considerable importance on the feel-
start and use the time allocated to the appoint- ing of being treated like a whole person. While it
ment efficiently. is impossible for physicians to learn everything
about a patient in the first visit, it is often easy in
the course of a visit to explore something about a
1. Negotiate an Agenda for the Visit
patient’s life outside the clinic or hospital: “Tell
The first practice is to begin the visit by me about yourself so I can begin to get to know
negotiating an agenda for that visit. This you.”31 This can function as an invitation to a
negotiation has the following steps. Clarify richer relationship.
the patient’s understanding of the reason for
the appointment and his/her expectations. 4. Express Your Interest in Improving the
When the patient appears to be done, asking Patient’s Well-being
“Is there anything else?” can be an effective
probe that helps elicit concerns that patients While it is easy to assume that patients know
may otherwise hold until the end of the you are working on their behalf, it is nonethe-
visit.29 The physician should then explain less important to state explicitly your intention
whether there are any medical issues that she to provide the best care possible. Being explicit
feels it is important to cover that day. Then helps align you with the patient and family and
the physician can propose a way to use the sends a clear message about your commit-
visit—the topics that will be covered, any ment.32,33
examination that is necessary, any tasks like
jointly viewing an x-ray, and a summary of 5. Discuss Ways That Patients Can
what was covered and the next steps—and Participate in Their Own Care
ask the patient for feedback. The value of this
brief negotiation and joint agreement, even Although many patients are interested in what
though it takes a minute, is to set expecta- they can do to participate in their care,34 physi-
tions for both the patient and physician about cians can be hesitant to make requests of patients
what can be done in the time available for undergoing a course of anticancer therapy. One
that visit. It can also help the physician avoid way of viewing the physician-patient relationship
encountering new, important, and complex is a partnership in which both parties need to
questions at the very end of the visit. participate in different ways.

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Giving Bad News TABLE 2 Giving Bad News with SPIKES

This is perhaps the communication task that S ⫽ Setup

P ⫽ Perception
has been studied the most extensively.35 Bad I ⫽ Invitation
news can be defined as any information that ad- K ⫽ Knowledge
E ⫽ Empathize
versely alters one’s expectations for the future. S ⫽ Summarize and strategize
Oncologists give bad news thousands of times
during the course of a career and it can be highly
stressful. In a large survey of oncologists, 20% 2. Perception
reported anxiety and strong emotions when they
had to tell a patient that their condition would Find out the patient’s perception of the med-
lead to death.12 In a more detailed study of 73 ical situation. What has he/she been told about
physicians, 42% indicated that, despite the fact the disease? What does he/she know about the
that the stress often peaks during the encounter, purpose of the unfavorable test results you are
the stress from a bad news encounter can last for about to discuss? If this is a first contact, what has
hours— even up to three or more days after- he/she been told about why he/she should see
ward.36 Giving bad news is more difficult when you in referral? What are his/her expectations of
the clinician has a long-standing relationship with treatment? What are his/her goals? Correct any
the patient, when the patient is young, or when misconceptions or misunderstandings the patient
strong optimism had been expressed for a success- may have. Note any strong denial or its mimics
ful outcome. On the other hand, when bad news (eg, avoidance of topics or excessive optimism).
is communicated in an empathic manner, it can
have an important impact on outcomes such as 3. Invitation
patient satisfaction and decreased patient anxiety
and depression; and the physician’s caring attitude Find out how much information the pa-
can be more important than the information or tient wants. These days most patients want a
reassurance given.37 As with any medical proce- lot of information but this is not universally
dure, giving bad news requires a coherent strategy true, especially as the disease progresses and
in order for it to be accomplished successfully. In patients may want to focus on “What do we
this case the strategy encompasses a series of six do next?”
distinct communication steps, that can be sum-
marized using the mnemonic SPIKES.38 This
protocol includes recommendations endorsed by 4. Knowledge
practitioners and patients (Table 2).39
Use language that matches the patient’s level
of education. Be direct. Avoid using jargon as it
1. Setup will confuse the patient. Give a warning that
bad news is coming: “I have some serious news
Prepare yourself with the necessary medical to tell you.” This will allow the patient to
facts, take a moment to have a plan in your prepare psychologically. If the patient’s percep-
mind, and find a quiet place if possible. Ask tion (step 2) was inaccurate, review pertinent
yourself how difficult it will be to have the information: “Now you remember we sent
discussion; it maybe worthwhile to have a you for the MRI to assess how the chemo was
nurse or social worker accompany you. Turn working? Well, what we found is that the
your pager off or give it to someone else so you chemo has not worked. The tumor has grown
are not interrupted. Sit down, make eye con- larger.” After giving this news, stay quiet for at
tact, and get reasonably close to the patient. least 10 to 15 seconds—resist the urge to tell
Anticipate that the patient will be upset and the patient how to feel. Give the patient time
have tissues available. to absorb the information and respond.

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Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

5. Empathize TABLE 3 Preferences for Medical Decision

Making of 999 Women with Breast Cancer

Use empathic statements to respond to pa- Theoretical Decision Making

tient emotions. This will assist in patient recov- Model Process Percentage
ery and dampen the psychological isolation that Paternalistic Physician makes 18
the patient experiences when they hear the bad decisions
Physician as Physician makes 17
news. If a patient begins to cry, remember agent decisions after
NURSE and use an empathic response such as, considering patient
“I know that this must be disappointing for input
Shared decision Physician and patient 44
you.” Resist the temptation to make things making make decision together
better; for example, rushing to propose a treat- Informed decision Patient makes decisions 14
ment that is unlikely to work. This kind of making after considering
physician input
response can be a reaction to your own sense of Consumerism Patient makes decisions 9
helplessness and perhaps of failure. Ask if the
patient has questions or concerns and keep
asking until he/she says no. 1. Elicit Patient Preferences for Information and
Decision Making
6. Summarize and Strategize
This can be done with a couple of questions:
Summarize the clinical information and “Are you the kind of person who wants to hear
make a plan for the next step, which may be all the information, both good and bad, about
further testing or discussion of treatment op- this illness? People vary in how they want to
tions. Be as concrete as possible and check on make medical decisions. Some people want to
the patient’s understanding of what has been make the decisions themselves, some people
discussed: “Does this make sense to you?” or want to share decision making with the doctor,
”Are you clear about the next steps?” and some people want the doctor to make the
decisions. Where do you stand?”
Making Anticancer Treatment Decisions
2. Identify the Choice To Be Made
A number of empirical studies demonstrate
that patients are interested in having some role A common pitfall for physicians is to launch
in decision making; the question is, what kind into an explanation of a treatment before iden-
of role does the patient wish to have? Table 3 tifying the choices that the patient is dealing
describes a spectrum of different types of pa- with. Providing the patient with a roadmap of
tient involvement in decision making accord- the conversation in a sentence or two can give
ing to five different theoretical models, from a sense of what lies ahead. “There are basically
paternalism to consumerism.40 As the data two different treatment options for us to con-
from this study involving 999 women with sider for metastatic pancreatic cancer. I’ll tell
early breast cancer indicate, most patients desire you what they are before I describe them in
some decision-making role for both patient and more detail. Then you can ask any questions
physician, and a majority prefer shared decision you might have. The first option is…”
making. One of the reasons for patient interest
in the Internet for medical information is to 3. Describe Treatment Options and
enable them to verify treatment options they Confirm Understanding
are offered and to check about options that
were not offered.41 Shared decision making Most patients say that they want all available
does not have to take more time and is associ- information, and many clinicians say that they
ated with greater patient satisfaction. How can observe patients becoming overwhelmed dur-
it be put into practice? ing the course of a visit about treatment op-

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tions. It is useful to give information in small back and relate the biomedical information to
chunks (a useful rule of thumb is to give no the patient’s larger values and concerns. “Now
more than three pieces of information at a could we step back for a minute—I’d like to
time) and check patient understanding: “Are know whether you have a sense of how these
you following me?” or “Did that make sense to treatment options relate to the concern you
you?” This allows the physician to titrate the mentioned earlier about ‘not wanting to end
amount of information that can be covered in a up like your aunt.’” Or the physician can sim-
particular visit. Confirming understanding can ply ask for the patient’s reaction: “What’s your
also enable the physician to correct mispercep- reaction to all this?” Increasing physician par-
tions or inaccuracies. Since emotions can shape ticipation in the conversation is an effective
perceptions and decision making, it is useful to way to increase patient satisfaction.22
respond empathetically to the patient’s emo-
tions: “It sounds like this information is differ- 5. Offer to Make a Personal Recommendation
ent from what you expected, and I think it
would be upsetting for anyone.” Because trust in the physician is a significant
Reinforce accurate understanding: “I agree issue in treatment choice,42 it is worth offering
that Option 1 would be the roughest in terms a personalized recommendation based on med-
of side effects.” If necessary, add further infor- ical expertise and knowledge of the patients’
mation as relevant to ensure that patient’s values and concerns. Even if the patient wishes
thinking is medically accurate and expectations to make the decision himself, this recommen-
are reasonable: “Well, let me say more about dation can be framed as another piece of data,
Option 2. The oral chemo is easier to take but the judgment of an experienced clinician:
it does not shrink the cancer as often as the IV “Would you like to hear my recommendation
chemo.” at this point?” If the patient answers yes: “Based
Offer to give numerical information: “Are on what I’ve heard from you so far, the most
you the kind of person who likes to hear all the important consideration for you is quality of
numbers?” If the patient says yes, then con- life, and you’re concerned about the side effects
tinue: “The IV chemo will shrink the cancer of the chemo, especially if it does not work.
for about two out of three cases, and in one of But you are also concerned about wanting to
three cases the cancer will not shrink and may be present for your daughter’s graduation in 4
even grow despite chemo.” Notice that this months. So I think for you it would be worth
statement is double-framed—the doctor has giving the IV chemo a try, knowing that you
mentioned both how often the cancer responds could stop if the side effects are too much.
and how often it does not respond. What do you think about that?”
Offer to talk about prognosis: “Some pa-
tients want to know how much longer they 6. Negotiate a Timeframe for the Decision
have to live. Is that something you want to
talk about?” If yes, respond with something Ask how much time the patient needs to
like, “Well, we know that for patients who finish making a decision. Ask what other family
have this kind of cancer, if they have the members or friends the patient may want to
chemo, they live from months to a year, and talk with during the decision-making process.
on rare occasions, somewhat longer. If they Ask if any other information would assist them
choose not to have the chemo, they live for in decision making. When the patient decides
a few weeks.” on a time frame (eg, “I’ll come back in two
days and tell you”), verify that the time frame is
4. Discuss How the Patient’s Values and reasonable. If the patient’s proposed time frame
Concerns Relate to the Treatment Options is not clinically practical (eg, two days for a
patient in the ICU when you need a decision
For patients who want the physician to take in the next two hours), ask for the reason
a role in decision making, it is useful to step underlying the patient’s time frame decision,

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Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

show you understand the reason, but state the 2. When Talking About the Clinical Trial
reason why the time frame is not practical and Option, Ask About the Patient’s Perception of
suggest an alternative that incorporates their Research and Clinical Trials
preferences to some degree.
In the same way that eliciting a patient’s
Offering Clinical Trials
perception of his/her illness helps a physician
individualize communication, eliciting the pa-
The empirical studies that have been done on
tient’s perception of research can help a physi-
clinician communication with patients about
cian improve patient understanding of a clinical
clinical trials describe a wide variation in how
trial: ”I was wondering if you have ever
physicians talk about research, and there are no
studies yet that correlate physician presentation thought about being in a research study like a
with patient willingness to participate or even clinical trial? Could you tell me your thoughts
patient understanding. Ethicists emphasize that and concerns, if you have any?” These con-
informed consent is a process, yet little research cerns, which in studies range from patient con-
has addressed how physicians can guide the pro- cerns about harm, patient interest in the latest
cess. Although patients indicate they are inter- treatments, patient difficulties with practical lo-
ested in a high level of information,43 it is also gistical issues such as transportation, and patient
clear that many patients and families leave con- concerns about trust in research, are important
versations with a poor understanding of clinical to get on the table for discussion.
trial characteristics such as randomization.44 The
possibility of clinical trial participation usually oc- 3. Make It Clear That Opting for a Clinical
curs when physicians and patients are discussing Trial Is Something That the Patient Needs to
treatment options. Thus these recommendations Actively Choose
build on the preceding recommendations about
discussing treatment options. Prepare the patient for participating in re-
search: “Being in a clinical trial is a little bit
1. When Introducing the Treatment Options, different from receiving one of the treatments
Describe the Clinical Trial as One of the that are part of standard care. You will need to
Treatment Options actively choose to be in a trial, and part of this
is reading and signing consent forms that are
In creating a roadmap for the conversation as more involved than if you were being treated
described in the section earlier, the clinical trial with the best-known treatments not on a clin-
should be mentioned alongside standard treat- ical trial. The consent forms will go through
ment: “There are three different treatment op- the possible benefits and possible risks in con-
tions for us to consider for metastatic pancreatic siderable detail. If the trial involves randomiza-
cancer. I’ll tell you what they are before I tion, make it clear that in this type of trial
describe them in more detail. Then you can ask neither the patient nor the patient’s personal
any questions you might have. The first option physician selects the exact treatment.
is chemotherapy intended to slow the growth
of the cancer. The second option is a clinical 4. Describe How a Patient Can Withdraw
trial of a new medicine intended to slow the from the Clinical Trial
growth of the cancer (a Phase II trial). The
third option is supportive and palliative care One of the fundamental things that a patient
without anticancer therapy. While supportive who is a potential research subject needs to
care will be part of any treatment plan, at times understand is the right to withdraw from the
we focus completely on quality of life.” The trial at any time for any reason. “It’s important
clinical trial can be described as an alternative to to know that you can withdraw from the clin-
the “best therapy we currently know”—ie, ical trial at any time, and for any reason. You
standard therapy. just need to tell us that you would like to

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withdraw.” However, for many oncologic 2. Invite Any Concerns That Might Be
clinical trials, there may be treatment side ef- Related to Finishing Anticancer Therapy
fects that linger, and in some types of research
(ie, stem cell transplants) it may not be possible This could start with a normalizing state-
to simply withdraw. In these cases, the conse- ment: “Many patients tell me that while they
quences of withdrawing early need to be ex- are excited to be done, they also have concerns
plained. about finishing. Do you have any concerns that
you want to talk about?” Or: “Some patients
5. Discuss How the Patient’s Medical Care wonder if their cancer could return and I was
wondering if that is something you’d like to
Will Be Transitioned at the End of the Trial,
talk about.” Respond empathetically to emo-
or If He/She Withdraws
tional concerns using NURSE.
When a patient is seeing a physician specif- 3. Discuss a Concrete Follow-up Plan
ically because of an available clinical trial, that
physician should discuss how medical care will For patients to cooperate with a follow-up
be transferred back to the patient’s primary plan, they need to understand what the plan
oncologist or physician after the participation consists of and the rationale. This may require
in the clinical trial has ended or if the patient discussion of tests that are not being done rou-
withdraws. tinely as much as discussion of tests that will be
done: “I recommend that you return to clinic
Completing Anticancer Therapy Given with every three months for the first year, with the
Curative Intent following tests..., and every six months after
The end of a planned course of anticancer
therapy is a source of ambivalent feelings for 4. Mention the Possibility of Survivorship
many patients. While it is a relief to be finished Issues and Useful Resources
with anticancer therapy and its side effects,
many patients also worry about not being The physician could say: “Many patients
watched as carefully, losing the support of their find that they are dealing with issues related to
medical providers, and cancer regrowth if che- being a cancer survivor at some point after they
motherapy is no longer ongoing. In addition, as finish their treatment. One useful resource that
patients begin to resume activities that have I think is good is the National Coalition for
been on hold, they often discover new con- Cancer Survivorship (www.canceradvocacy.
cerns that they are unprepared to deal with, org). They have some programs specifically
including sexual concerns and economic con- designed for survivors. Also know that you can
sequences of being out of work. call us back anytime if you have concerns.”

Discontinuing Palliative Chemotherapy in the

1. Acknowledge the Patient’s Contribution to Setting of End-of-Life Care
the Treatment
In the context of an ongoing clinician-
It is hard work at many levels to complete a patient relationship, palliative care issues can
course of anticancer therapy, and it is important become part of an ongoing dialogue and early
for physicians to recognize the effort, sacrifice, discussion can facilitate symptom control, de-
and hard work that patients put into their cision making, and opportunities for life clo-
anticancer therapy. “Congratulations! You have sure.45,46 Yet one of the most challenging tasks
really worked hard and dealt with a lot to get to faced by oncologists is talking to a patient with
this point, and I appreciate your cooperation. I a life-threatening cancer about discontinuing
think you have done a great job.” palliative chemotherapy that has proven itself

Volume 55 Y Number 3 Y May/June 2005 173

Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

to be ineffective. Although this is well known worth mentioning that if a patient is not receiving
to oncologists as a challenge, there has been anticancer benefit, they are nonetheless receiving
little empirical study of this task, perhaps be- all the toxic side effects. It may also be worth
cause of the difficulty of capturing these con- mentioning that palliative chemotherapy regi-
versations. mens have not been documented to be of benefit
This section is not meant to imply that Phase for patients whose performance status is 3 or 4,
I or Phase II clinical trials are not worth offer- and that for those patients cytotoxic chemother-
ing. We support the importance of Phase I and apy may hasten death rather than prolong life.
Phase II clinical trials and feel they have an
important place in the cancer therapeutic reg- 2. Discuss Clinical Evidence That Indicates
imen. We also are aware of data that indicate Treatment Failure
that patients generally enter Phase I trials be-
cause they hope to benefit, even if the physi- This may require a bad news conversation
cian, discussions, and consent form all say that (see earlier section), although the perception
the trial is designed to benefit other, future step may focus more on the patient’s expecta-
patients. tions regarding reevaluation—they may not re-
Studies suggest that oncologists lacking call the conversation described above. It is
communication skills training are more likely important to work with their perception in that
to prescribe third- and fourth-line chemother- moment rather than remind them and quiz
apy,12 and there is a substantial volume of che- them about a conversation that happened two
motherapy given in the US outside standard or more months previously.
indications, even in the last three months of
life.47 When oncologists discuss the possibility 3. Step Back to Address “The Big Picture” by
of discontinuing chemotherapy, they often Using Questions That Elicit Patient Values
have feelings of guilt and failure that they were
unable to rescue the patient from impending Here we recommend that the physician spe-
death.48 Patients and their families may inad- cifically direct the patient into a conversation
vertently worsen oncologists’ feelings of guilt about values and goals before going to the issue
by saying, “Isn’t there something you can do?” of what next (Table 4): “In short, it looks like
the chemotherapy has not been working. So
1. When Starting Palliative Chemotherapy, now I would like to step back for a minute and
Explicitly Discuss How Progress Will Be talk about the big picture. Given this situation,
Evaluated and the Criteria for Continuing or which I know you’re disappointed about, what
Discontinuing Chemotherapy is most important to you now?” Other useful
questions to elicit patient values include:
Framing palliative chemotherapy up front as “What is your life like outside the clinic (or
a therapeutic trial can be a helpful tool. Rather hospital)?” “What are your biggest concerns
than focusing strictly on benefits and risks, this right now?” “What do you enjoy doing? How
discussion would also talk about how progress can we help you do more of that?” or “When
will be evaluated, when this evaluation will you think about the future, what concerns you
occur, and what will happen as a result. “We the most?”
will repeat your CT scan after two months of
chemotherapy. If the CT shows that the cancer
TABLE 4 Key Questions to Elicit Patient Values
is shrinking, we will continue the chemother- When Initiating Discussions About Palliative Care
apy at that point for at least two more months.
What do you enjoy doing now?
If the CT shows that the cancer is growing What is life like outside the hospital/clinic?
larger, we will stop the chemotherapy.” What is most important to you right now?
In preparing patients for the time when pallia- What is the hardest part of this for you and your family?
When you think about the future, what concerns you most?
tive chemotherapy will be discontinued, it is

174 CA A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:164–177

For patients who respond that the most im- Both patients and clinicians are concerned
portant thing is to “live as long as possible,” about supporting patient hope, and in our opin-
one potential response is to talk about how ion it is possible for clinicians to discuss hopes
further chemotherapy at this point would do throughout the course of treatment50 and also to
more harm than good. For patients who re- acknowledge hopes without necessarily endors-
spond that the most important thing is to “have ing them. Using “I wish” statements can be a
more chemotherapy,” a potential response is to useful tool to acknowledge what patients are
ask, “If that is not possible, what would be the hoping for and align with their hopes and also
next most important thing?” acknowledge that their hopes cannot be fulfilled
Some patients have not previously thought (Table 5).51 For example, an oncologist might say
about these issues and aren’t ready to articulate “I wish I had a kind of chemotherapy that could
them. Those patients may simply need some cure this metastatic cancer.”
space and silence within your conversation so
they can think, and allowing silence is impor- 5. Propose a New Care Plan Based on the
tant. In some instances, after silence has passed, Patient’s Values and Goals
patients may still be at a loss and you may want
to volunteer important patient values. A qual- By using the patient’s own values and
itative interview study identified important goals, it is possible to align with them even
qualities of end-of-life care that can be useful to without providing more chemotherapy. “So
suggest to patients who are stuck: “We know based on your goal of wanting to stay at
from studies of patients that there are some home as much as possible so you have time to
things that most people are concerned about. spend with your family and friends, I propose
These things are: (1) good pain and symptom that we do the following…” Make a recom-
control; (2) strengthening relationships with mendation about things that will be done
loved ones; (3) relieving burden on family; (4) first, and mention things that will not be
achieving a sense of control; (5) avoiding inap- done, including palliative chemotherapy, af-
propriate prolongation of dying.”49 terward. The things to be done might in-
clude hospice; the things that will not be
done might also include CPR and mechan-
4. Respond to Patient Emotion and
ical ventilation.
Acknowledge Loss
If patients and/or family members request
treatment that you feel is futile, physicians may
In the setting of advanced cancer, it is par-
feel that their competence or judgment is not
ticularly important to acknowledge patient
trusted. More often these requests are gener-
losses, which may include dreams, hopes, and
ated by patients’ feelings of desperation, com-
functional abilities. Having a clinician ac-
knowledge loss can reassure patients that their
loss was important and worth grieving. Disre- TABLE 5 Difficult Questions and Responses
That Acknowledge Underlying Emotions
garding loss or failing to acknowledge it can
send an inadvertent message that the patient’s Question Response
concerns are unimportant. There is a tendency “How long do I have to “I wonder if it is frightening not
among oncologists to respond to patient dis- live?” knowing what will happen
next, or when.”
tress with more chemotherapy. Yet using the “Does this mean you’re “Absolutely not. But tell me, what
tools we have discussed above for responding giving up on him?” do you mean by giving up?”
empathetically, it is possible to distinguish and “Are you telling me that I “I wish that were not the case,
am going to die?” but it is likely in the near
deal with sadness, grief, anger, and worry with- future. I am also asking, how
out fixing these emotions. Clinicians can make would you want to spend the
it clear that they will support and accept pa- remaining time if it were
tients and their emotions during difficult times.

Volume 55 Y Number 3 Y May/June 2005 175

Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks

plex family relationships, or family dynamics. It OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES

is worth thinking through a “differential diag-
Other important communication skills in-
nosis” of what is going on with a given patient
and family.52 Finally, we note that while most clude supporting hope,50 dealing with cul-
requests for futile therapy can be addressed by tural diversity,53–55 responding to requests
understanding patient and family concerns— for hastening death,56,57 dealing with family
especially emotional concerns—we also recog- members,58 and talking about spiritual is-
nize that a small number of these requests are sues.59 From the patient’s perspective, pallia-
persistent and go beyond a communication is- tive and supportive care issues throughout
sue. In those cases, we suggest talking to an the course of the cancer trajectory have now
ethics committee, palliative care service, or been addressed in a book for patients and
other resources for negotiation in your health family members.60

6. Propose a Time to Follow Up and Reassess CONCLUSION

This New Plan

In this article, we have provided a guide for
This will make it clear that the oncologist improving communication, a kind of cognitive
deals with the patient, not simply the chemo- road map for clinicians. We have used the em-
therapy, and will reassure patients and family pirical literature where it is available and recog-
that there will be more time in the future to nize that substantial research needs to be done to
deal with difficult issues. “So let’s try this for a expand the evidence base for these recommen-
month. I’d like to see you back in the clinic dations. We also recognize that improving com-
after a month, and see how things are going.” munication skills is much easier in the context of
This follow-up is useful to offer even if the educational programs that provide protected time
patient will be seen by hospice in the interim for focusing on these skills and constructive feed-
because it makes it clear that the physician is back. Our hope is that many more of these ed-
not abandoning the patient when chemother- ucational opportunities will be available for
apy is no longer the treatment of choice. clinicians in oncology in the future.

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