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The frequency of neural tube malformations among all births, live or still births,was found to be
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when the upper end of the Neural tube does not close completely and the brain and the skull are
missing or under developed is a fatal birth defect. (Seilet 2006).The Spina bifida Association of
America estimates that there are 70,000 people currently living with Spina bifida is the United
State.24 2. Studies related to types of neural tube defect 11 Page 12. He is a kind of innovative
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for Disease Control 2000), NTDs occur very early in pregnancy, between 18 and 28 days post
ovulation, often before a women knows that she is pregnant. 24 The defect occurs when the Neural
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Other good sources of folic acid include baked beans, lettuce. To assess the knowledge of female
student regarding prevention of Neural tube defect in periconceptional period before planned
teaching programme. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on prevention
of Neural tube defect in periconceptional period among female student. 3. To determine the
relationship between the socio-demographic variables and knowledge of the female student. He has
published and presented numerous research papers in globally indexed National and International
Original Title. The difference between the supplemented and unsupplemented groups was
statistically significant after adjustment for birth order, chronic maternal disorders, and history of
fetal death or congenital abnormality.34 The U.S. Public Health Service recommended the daily
consumption of 0.4 mg (400 ?g) of folic acid in women of childbearing age (15 to 44 years). The
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papers in the International Journal of Research and Publications. Prevention of the first occurrence of
Neural tube defect by periconceptional vitamin supplementation. N.Eng J Med, 2004, page no 1832-
1835. 37. Kari J,A Bbandari ES, Baitalmal Folic Acid Awareness among female student NTDs
prevention. 2009 May, page no. 123-144. 38. Marian R Chacko, Knowledge and periconceptional
prevention practices in Minority young women. A case control study on neural tube defect of
neonate and folic acid awareness.and conducted in teaching hospital in Sri Lanka, during the study
period 14,580 live births took place at GH Kandy and twenty of them had NTDs. His area of interest
includes Marketing and Human Resources domains. Fourteen (28%) of the affected group were able
to idenyify folic acid tablet as a vitamin taken during pregnancy, in comparison to 87 (58%) of the
control group. The literature review was based on extensive survey of publisher and unpublished
research studies, journal articles and non-research literature related to the present study. An writing
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including Trisomy 13 and 15 has been reported. 7 Maternal malnutrition is an important risk factor
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(RGU): Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) formerly called as Arunachal University is the premier
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She consistently contributes in the research field by writing research papers in different national and
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Neural tube defects in Asik Region of Saudi Arabia. Adequate folate diet was not associated with
knowledge. Similar educating programme are required, in order to decrease the high rate. 36 A study
was conducted to assess the knowledge of neural tube defect (NTD) prevention by folic acid and
periconceptional practices in young women. H 2: There is a significant association between the levels
of knowledge among female student regarding prevention of Neural tube defect in periconceptional
period and selected demographic variable OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS: Knowledge:
Information possessed by final year student about the prevention of Neural tube defect. 19 Page 20.
Just provide your paper details, create a payment and wait for a verification message. To spread
awareness about the rights of female employees and the process in case of any unwelcome behavior
in the workplace. In the United States reported birth prevalence rates vary from 4 to 10 per 10,000
live births. DEPENDENT VARIABLE: In present study dependent variable is the knowledge
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prevention of Neural tube defect in periconceptional period before planned teaching programme. 2.
To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on prevention of Neural tube defect in
periconceptional period among female student. 3. To determine the relationship between the socio-
demographic variables and knowledge of the female student. Now click on Result link and you will
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Gandhi University question papers for your practice. He is a kind of innovative educator who
continuously strives with his colleagues to find new ways to bring complex theories and provocative
ideas to life. Strategies are required to increase folate intake among young women and inform them
of the benefit of periconceptional folate supplementation. 38 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: A
study on effectiveness of planned teaching programme on prevention of Neural tube defect in
periconceptional period among female student at selected college in Bangalore. 18 Page 19. How?
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groups was statistically significant after adjustment for birth order, chronic maternal disorders, and
history of fetal death or congenital abnormality.34 The U.S. Public Health Service recommended the
daily consumption of 0.4 mg (400 ?g) of folic acid in women of childbearing age (15 to 44 years).
The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. Volume87, 2000, Page no.9-12. 9. Signature of
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major source of information of NTD prevention (44%); 52% had heard of folic acid, 45% had heard
of NTDs, and 50% had heard of birth defects prevention by multivitamins. Rguhs phd thesis Help
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of the female student regarding prevention of Neural tube defect in periconceptional period. 3. Mass
media influences the level of female student regarding prevention of neural tube defect in
periconceptional period. 7.0. MATERIALS AND METHOD: 20 Page 21. Rajiv gandhi college of
health sciences, karnataka: curriculum development cell: dissertation titles Pay attention to the march
23, 2016 broadcast of. Rguhs dissertation law dissertation topics within the department includes
umkc theses works. Fourteen (28%) of the affected group were able to idenyify folic acid tablet as a
vitamin taken during pregnancy, in comparison to 87 (58%) of the control group. The frequency of
neural tube malformations among all births, live or still births,was found to be higher among female
than the male. 27 A study reported that the highest frequency of NTD was observed in North India,
in Amritsar, Chandigarh, Delhi, Japer, Udaipur and Ajmer. High incidence of neural tube defect in
south India.2007, page no.49-52. 5. Slevnsen, Folate intake during periconceptional period.
VARIABLE UNDER STUDY: In this study three are two variables such as dependent variable and
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presently taken the role of management educationist. She bags more than a decade of experience in
the Education Sector. There are two common forms of NTDs, anencephaly and spinal bifida, which
account for 90 percentage of all cases (Centers for Disease Control 2000), NTDs occur very early in
pregnancy, between 18 and 28 days post ovulation, often before a women knows that she is
pregnant. 24 The defect occurs when the Neural tube, which later becomes the brain and spine, does
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Periconceptional period: Periconceptional period is period start from first three month before
conception and after three month of conception. Rguhs dissertation law dissertation topics within the
department includes umkc theses works. Postgraduate dissertation template rguhs downloads school,
dissertation. Because half of the all pregnancy in the United States are unplanned (Finces and
Henshow 2006) and because NTDs occur often before a women knows she is pregnant. Inquisitive
about research, she is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Management for which she has also done
certifications in SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) and Research Paper Writing. Eligible
candidates may apply by email on or before 27th October 2021. Awareness of folic acid among
women 18-25 years of age has increase from 52 percentage in 1995 to about 84 percentage in 2005
and knowledge of folic acid has increased from 4 percentage to 19 percentage in the same time.10
The Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) estimate that 50 percentage to 70 percentage
of all NTDs can be prevented with the maternal periconceptional consumption of the Vitamin B,
folic acid (CDC2001).
If it’s impossible to satisfy the preferred deadline, the ordering form won’t be posted. Now click on
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result. He is an author of 4-internationally published reference books and 5-text books. With an
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background, Dr. Arshi Abdullah Siddiqui is a dynamic individual who brings a wealth of knowledge
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admit card and. Currents Trends in the incidence of Neural tube defects in. She has completed her
MMS from OIM, Navi Mumbai and BE from FCRIT, Navi Mumbai. Later the programme
concluded with a cake cutting celebration. Inquisitive about research, she is currently pursuing her
Ph.D in Management for which she has also done certifications in SPSS (Statistical Packages for
Social Sciences) and Research Paper Writing. The RGU Itanagar (Rajiv Gandhi University) is a
Central University in Arunachal Pradesh. The Journal of Pediatrics Nursing.2005, Volume 12, Issue
3, page no. 36-42. 27 Page 28. Phd thesis in obg. getting carried out both, Circulars rguhs. His area
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Medical 4495 Zubair Ahmed Bashe Page 10 and 11: 89. Then spend this time around on learning and
becoming real existence experience. One (2%) from the affected group and 70 (46%) from the
control group knew about the value of pre-conceptional FA.None of the affected mothers had used
FA pre- 14 Page 15. One amongst dravidian college british guess paper admit card and. DATA
ANALYSIS METHODS: Data analysis will be done by descriptive and inferential statistics. 7.3.
Graduation, Post graduation, PhD, Diploma in many courses. Rajiv gandhi college of health
sciences, karnataka: curriculum development cell: dissertation titles Pay attention to the march 23,
2016 broadcast of. He chose to be a part of academia because he believes that one should “always
keep learning, as it keeps them young”. File Format Thesis or Dissertations format should be in.Doc
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women, pregnancy and motherhood are developmental milestones that are highly emphasized by our
culture. Each department acts independently in the research part but when it comes to teaching all the
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