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CLO2 | TOPIC 2 | 100 MARKS

CLO2: Practice effective interactions and writing with peers in managing setting of computer and

mobile operating system. (A2, PLO4).


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Memory Types and Concepts

1. Describe the following major resources:-

i. Hard disk space

ii. External Devices

iii. CPU time

iii. Electrical power

iv. Memory

v. Network throughput

2. Identify the THREE (3) difference between preemptive and non -preemptive technique in scheduling.

3. Given memory partitions of 200K, 425K, 100K, 700K, and 300K (in order), how would each of the
First-fit, Best-fit, and Worst-fit algorithms place processes of 212K, 417K, 112K, and 426K (in order)?
Which algorithm makes the most efficient use of memory? Remember that space left over after a
process has been placed in a partition will then become part of the free space available for later
allocations. (Draw the physical memory).

4 .Suppose that we have free segments with sizes: 6, 17, 25, 14, and 19. Place a program with size 13kB
in the free segment using first-fit, best-fit and worst fit.

5. Consider a program consists of five segments: S0 = 600, S1 = 14 KB, S2= 100 KB, S3 =580 KB, and S4 =
96 KB. Assume at that time, the available free space partitions of memory are 1200—1805, 50 — 150,
220-234, and 2500-3180. Find the following:
a. Draw logical to physical maps and allocate space for each segment in memory

b. Create the segment table

6. Describe the various process states with the diagram

A. First In First Out (FIFO) scheduling algorithm
1. Consider the set of 5 processes whose arrival time and burst time are given in Figure 1,
a. Draw the Gantt chart.
b. calculate:
i. the average waiting time.
ii. average turnaround time.
iii. response time.

Process ID Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 3
P2 1 4
P3 2 6
P4 3 5
P5 4 7

Figure 1

B. Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm

1. Consider the set of S processes whose arrival time and burst time are given in Figure 2,
a. Draw the Gantt chart.
b. calculate:
i. the average waiting time.
ii. average turnaround time.
iii. response time.

Process ID Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 3 2
P2 1 5
P3 4 3
P4 0 7
P5 2 4

Figure 2

C. Round Robin scheduling algorithm with time quantum = 3.

2. Consider the set of 6 processes whose arrival time and burst time are given in Figure 3,
a. Draw the Gantt chart.
b. calculate
i. the average waiting time
ii. average turnaround time
iii. response time.
Process ID Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 5 6
P2 4 7
P3 3 8
P4 0 10

P5 2 3
P6 6 4

Figure 3

10. State the minimum number of processes that can have a deadlock. Explain it.
a.It is possible to have a deadlock with ONE process only?
b.State and explain the conditions for the deadlock to occur.
c.Identify THREE (3) methods for handling deadlock when it occurs.


Criteria Excellent4 Good3 Moderate2 Poor1 Weightage Standard Score

Written: : Able to write with clarity Able to write withclarity. Able to write with fairly Unable to writeclarity (Score / 4 )
and creatively clarity. *30
-Ideas 30%


Interaction: Able to interact with Able to interact with Able to interact with peers Unable to interact (Score / 4 )
peers effectively and peers effectively moderately. withpeers. *30
-Peers can lead peers. 30%

Content: Able to write in Able to write in Able to write in less Unable to write in (Score / 4 )
systematically without systematically systematically systematically *10
-Organize 10%

Participation Able to participates in Able to participates in Able to participates in Unable to participates (Score / 4 )
performing all task and performing alltask performing sometask in performing task *30
contributes greatideas. 30%

Total Score

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• Assessment items submitted more than five working days after the due date are awarded zero marks. Course lecturer(s) may use their discretion in handling any unusual cases of
late submission/ absence for assessment activities on a case-by case basis, while adhering to the Head of Program.
• Politeknik Ungku Omar values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism, and other academic offenses
under the Akta 174 (Arahan-arahan Peperiksaan & Kaedah Penilaian (Diploma), Edisi 6, Jun 2019). Any plagiarism will be awarded zero marks.

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