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An adventure for four 2nd level


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
It is not despair to a young tribesman named Varrin. This betrothal
for despair is only for those angered another young tribesman named Hadulo.
who see the end beyond all doubt,
we do not. Kelanni and Hadulo had been in love for many years
- J.R.R. Tolkien and eagerly hoped to be married. However, just before
Kelanni's betrothal age of 17 years, Hadulo's father
was charged with cowardice by the tribe during a raid
by sahuagin. Hadulo's family was disgraced, and
A Tragedy Unfolds is an adventure for a party of four Kelanni's parents refused Hadulo's offer of marriage,
2nd level player characters (PCs). The scenario is set not wanting their daughter to marry the son of a
on a small tropical island. coward. Instead, Kelanni was betrothed to Varrin.

Where a creature or NPC is mentioned in bold-faced This made Hadulo very angry, and he asked Kelanni to
type, its statistics can be found either in the Monster run away with him. But Kelanni refused, not wanting
Manual or in Appendix C of this adventure. to leave the tribe or anger her parents. Over the next
few months, as the wedding neared, Hadulo's pleas
Throughout the adventure, descriptions of the appearance, became more desperate...and more insistent, and he
personality, and motivations of important NPCs are began to withdraw from tribal life.
presented in red boxes.
Once he even beat Kelanni, but she kept silent, fearing
Dialogue is contained in italicized boxed text. him. Finally, Kelanni told Hadulo that she did not love
him anymore...that she was now truly in love with
Varrin and they were to be married.
Location descriptions are contained in plain boxed
About three months before the party arrives, Hadulo
snapped. A few days before their wedding, as Kelanni
and Varrin walked hand-in-hand along the moonlit
shores, Hadulo saw them. He snuck behind and slew
The PCs are taking an ocean voyage when their ship is Varrin, who screamed out. Then, he violated Kelanni,
attacked by a sea creature. Putting into a small tropical who was a virginal bride, and as the tribespeople
island for repairs, they find that most of the friendly began to approach, used his knife to mutilate her, so
villagers are missing and signs of murder are present that she would never bear the children of another man.
in the village. Then he ran north, into the forest.

At first the PCs suspect the mistress of a strange tower Kelanni saw the dead Varrin and also saw the blood
on the island, but they soon learn that the doom that between her legs, and when she heard the tribespeople
has come to the people of the island is the result of a rushing towards her, she also snapped and screamed
heinous crime committed by one of their number. With in shame and despair, for she could now never be a
the help of the mistress of the tower, the PCs can put a wife or a mother. So Kelanni staggered off into the
grave injustice to right and redeem the islanders. jungle.

When the tribespeople arrived, they saw Varrin's body

and the trail of blood from Kelanni. But it was dark,
The adventure is set on a small tropical island in a and the trail could not be followed. So, the shaman
wide sea or ocean. It can be set in any campaign world, took Varrin's body and Kelanni's blood and, with
including The Forgotten Realms. magic, determined what had happened.

Hunters searched for Hadulo, but he was an

experienced hunter and was never found.

On Fermengarr Isle dwell a primitive people of Likewise, Kelanni was never found, and when even the
islander stock. Some months previous to the party's shaman's magic could not find her, the people assumed
arrival, a young woman named Kelanni was betrothed she was dead.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
When you arrived at the ship, the captain greeted you,
But Kelanni was not dead. She wandered blindly accepted your payment for passage, and directed you
through the Jam-Jum Forest and entered the Cudinarn below decks to stay out of the way of the crew until the
Jungle. There she came upon the norebo, a spirit of ship clears port.
deceit which, when given a body, feeds upon pain,
despair, and souls, and grows strong therefrom. How For about an hour, the sounds from above decks was
this norebo came to be here, none can say. And the all bustle and shouting as Heletarsh bellowed orders
norebo whispered to Kelanni that it could avenge and the crew got busy making ready and then, finally,
her...could make her strong...strong enough to kill leaving the docks. After about five minutes of slow
Hadulo...or even the tribal elders who had condemned sailing, the waves started to rhythmically rock the
him and his father. vessel and the captain, opening the below decks hatch,
informed you that the ship was to sea.
The norebo's whispers were like the calm eye in the
tempest that was her mind, and Kelanni listened to the The PCs can now come above decks and take a full
norebo and accepted its vileness into her wracked measure of the ship and its crew.
body...and was possessed.

Over the next three months, the norebo raided the

The Gallon’s Widow
village, killing some tribesmen as they slept, but taking Refer to the Gallon’s Widow Map presented at the end
others back to its lair to torture and to feed. Now, the of this adventure.
village of 570 men, women, and children numbers a
mere 14 persons... The Gallon's Widow is a cog (a smallish sailing ship),
seaworthy with a length of 75 feet and a beam of 25
feet. Its normal speed is 23 mph. Emergency speed is 3
The Player Characters mph. The vessel’s seaworthiness is better than most
The PCs are taking an ocean voyage for whatever cogs due to improvements made by Heletarsh.
reason suits them and the DM. It is left to the DM to
devise some reason why the PCs are taking this voyage Crew numbers sixteen, including captain, mate, boson,
across the sea. and line crew.

They might be guarding a merchant who is carrying The cog has an AC of 15, 300 hit points, and a damage
valuable cargo, or they may be on their way to some threshold of 15.
distant island or land, following a mysterious map. The
reasons for their voyage are not important to the All crew speak Common, as well as the dialect of the
adventure, and, in fact, it is possible for the PCs to Islanders.
undertake this adventure not knowing one another.
Captain Heletarsh (Male human, chaotic good)
The captain is a crusty salt of around fifty years of age.
He is good natured when things are going well, and
despite his criminal proclivities, is a kind man when
not playing the role of the tough captain.
Players’ Introduction
You have taken passage on a ship called Gallon’s If statistics are needed for the captain, use those of a
Widow, for reasons that are known only to you and scout.
your companions.
Mate (Female human, neutral good)
The ships is a cog in decent repair and sporting thee The mate is a muscular woman in her mid-thirties who
well-used ballistae. The captain of the Gallon’s Widow rules the crew with an iron hand. Fair but firm, she is
is on Heletarsh of Torlune. You have been told clearly extremely knowledgeable in the running and
Heletarsh is a capable captain and a consummate maintenance of the ship.
smuggler. He is also one to take coin from passengers
and not ask too many questions about them or of them. If statistics are needed for the mate, use those of a

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Bosun (Male human, neutral)
The bosun is a man in his mid-twenties, with a scar Below the forecastle, via double wooden doors from
across the left side of his face and half an ear missing. the main deck, is the galley. These doors are locked
He has his eye on the mate’s position, and is when the cook is sleeping or not in the place. Steps
continually frowning and staring at the mate, the descend 2 feet to the galley floor, which is cluttered
captain, and the PCs. with pots, pans, a stove and oven (which vent through
a porthole), a hammock (for the cook), a locked sea
If statistics are needed for the bosun, use those of a chest with personal possessions, and six barrels of
bandit. rum. The latter are chained shut under lock and key.
Only the cook has the key, which he also has for his
Crew (13 male and female humans, neutral) chest and the galley double doors.
The crew are a capable bunch, loyal to Heletarsh and
respectful of the mate. Some of them clearly are not 2. Main Deck
enamoured of the bosun, however. Sporting two masts with square sails and webbed with
rigging, the main deck is crowded with ropes, pulleys,
If statistics are needed for the crew, use those of a gaffs, chains, et al. A ship's boat is lashed on deck, it
commoner. being a six man rowboat with two oars and a small
mast and sail stowed under the seats. In the center of
Ballistae the main deck is a wooden grill that leads down below
Refer to page 255 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for deck.
details. The crew have trained with the ballistae and
they are considered proficient with them. Steps head down to the below-deck. The walls below
deck are actually about 1.5 feet from the hull. Panels
Ballistae take three actions to fire, one to load, one to can be removed to allow contraband to be hidden in
aim, and one to fire. During times of battle, two the narrow space between the inner walls and the hull.
crewmen will man each ballista; one to load and the
other to aim and fire. Because of this and the crew’s Astern are the crews' quarters - a messy miss-mash of
extensive training on this equipment, the loading and bunks, hammocks, a table nailed to the floor, water
aiming can occur in the same round (one crew loads barrels, and fourteen sea lockers containing crew
and then the other immediately aims). personal effects. To the rear is space for about 90 tons
of cargo. Some of this is taken up by supplies (food,
If the target being aimed at becomes completely water, tackle, tools, pitch, alchemist’s fire, etc.). The
concealed or has total cover after the aim action but rest is half filled with bolts of cloth. In the center of the
before the fire action, then the aim action is ruined and hold, a trap door leads down to the bilge - a wet, smelly
must be performed again before the ballista can be place about 3 feet high and half filled with sea water.
fired. This is almost never a problem when firing at
other ships, but it can be one when attacking sea The party will have to sleep down below-decks, and
creatures, any horses must also be tied here.

Generally, all three ballistae can fire at a target in the 3. Stern Castle
front 180 degree arc of the ship if the target is not right Two sets of steps lead up 6 feet to this raised area,
next to the ship or low to the water. From the side or upon which are two ballistae (exactly like that in area
rear, only two ballistae can bear at one time. A). To the rear is the tiller, a long wooden handle
which runs to the rudder below.
1. Forecastle
The forecastle of the ship rises 5 feet above the level of Beneath the stern castle are two rooms, accessed by
the main deck (area B). Mounted upon a swivel in the wooden doors form the main deck. Each leads to steps
center is a ballista. descending 2 feet into two rooms.

Nearby, in a large basket draped in oilcloth, are 20 The left room, smaller of the two, is the mate's
large iron javelins for the machine. Twelves of these quarters. Here is a bed, desk, cabinet with charts and
have their rounded heads pierced by a 3 inch diameter instruments, a locked sea chest holding personal
hole though which oil-soaked rags may be set alight.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
effects and coins totaling 75gp, a table and chairs, and The Voyage
a wash basin. The initial voyage out will be fairly uneventful, as the
ship sails generally just out of sight of the coastline,
The right room is the captain's room and is L-shaped. coming in every six hours or so just enough for a man
The rear portion holds a sumptuous canopied bed, a in the sails to check the ship's bearings. This portion of
locked chest, and a washbasin. The rest of the room the voyage is as long as needed to bring the PCs into a
holds a small wardrobe, table and chairs, a ship's tropical or semi-tropical clime.
logbook (with false entries), a cabinet holding charts
and mementos, and a mirror hanging from the wall. Anyone with a background related to sailing may make
a check to notice that, eventually, the ship does not
A poison needle is hidden within the chest’s lock. continue parallel the coast but turns out towards the
Opening the chest without the proper key causes the open sea and a small archipelago of islands. If
needle to spring out, delivering a dose of poison. questioned, the captain will explain that patrols and
whatnot (he winks at the party) will likely watch the
Poison Needle direct passage to their destination, but ships generally
When the trap is triggered, the needle extends 3 stay away from the Heynosht Archipelago, both
inches straight out from the lock. A creature because of its treacherous reefs and because various
within range takes 1 piercing damage and 11 sea monsters like to feed and mate in its warm
(2d10) poison damage, and must succeed on a tropical, food-rich climes.
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
for 1 hour. The captain cannot be swayed from his course. He is
wanted by the authorities of the kingdom or nation
A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) whose coast they are nearing and he does not wish to
check allows a character to deduce the trap’s be caught by their naval forces. So, he intends to travel
presence from alterations made to the lock to a circuitous route through the Heynosht Archipelago
accommodate the needle. A successful DC 15 and around the hostile coastline before resuming the
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check disarms the course along the coast towards the ultimate
trap, removing the needle from the lock. destination.
Unsuccessfully attempting to pick the lock
triggers the trap. The Attack
The alarm is raised early one morning as the ship
begins to make passage through the islands. Coming
The chest holds the captain's personal effects, up on deck, the boson will announce he saw "critter
including a spyglass. A false bottom in the chest can be sign" about 300 yards off of the right front.
found with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Within are two vials of poison similar to that used for The captain will angle his boat away from the contact
the poison needle trap, along with a small silver at about a 120 degree angle, thus allowing all three
pendant worth 25 gp, 198 gp, 26 pp, and various maps ballistae to bear. All will be silent for several minutes,
and charts. then the giant squid (see Appendix C) which has been
stalking the ship will attack.
A secret panel leads from this room to the mate's
quarters. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check will The squid will, at first, begin to attack the ship from
reveal the panel. The mate is unaware of this secret below the water. It will attack the cog with three
door. tentacles on the first round while underwater, and
three more on the next round, During this time, those
Finally, covered by a loose hull plank behind the on or in the ship will hear thumping against the hull
captain's cabinet is the ship's true logbook, showing its and see planks straining and popping under the
smuggling activities. If the cabinet is shoved aside, the pressure. However, during these first two rounds, the
loose plank will be obvious. Needless to say, the squid will remain entirely underwater.
captain would not be pleased to have this logbook
made public. By the end of the second round, the ship will come to a
complete stop as the squid’s tentacles grab the ship’s

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
ship. The beast intends to feed at its leisure on dead or
On the third round, after six tentacles are attached to unconscious victims in the water once it is done
the ship, the squid will emerge to attack those on the fighting.
deck with the remaining four tentacles. Since the squid
can only use three of its tentacles each round as an If the squid is reduced to fewer than 25% of its hit
action, it will do on of the following as its attack action point maximum, the squid will retreat in a cloud of ink.
(determine randomly):
In any case, no matter what the result, the ship is likely
 attack the people on the deck three times and no to have sustained severe damage from the squid
attacks against the ship attack, at the very least during the first two rounds
when it attacked the ship from underwater six times
 attack the ship twice and the people on the deck using its Siege Monster trait. On average, the squid will
once have caused 93 points of damage to the ship during
those first two rounds, plus any additional damage
 attack the ship once and the people on the deck caused in subsequent rounds. It is even possible for
twice the squid to sink the ship.

 attack the ship three times and no attacks against If the ship is destroyed, the squid will then grab up any
people on the deck unconscious or dead victims (up to 10 of them, at a
rate of three per round) and retreat to the depths to
The squid will attack in the middle of the ship, consume them.
between the two masts, on whichever side the DM
determines. The draft of the ship is roughly 10 feet Assuming the ship does not sink, it will be noted that
above the water, meaning the squid’s tentacles can the hull has suffered severe structural damage and is
reach the entire half of the main deck on its side. It taking on water in some places. The captain (or
cannot reach the opposite half of the main deck or onto whomever is left in charge) will consult his charts and
the forecastle or stern castle. announce his intent to make for a small island
inhabited by friendly tribesmen. The island is called
Starting on round three, if the squid will expose its Fermengarr Isle and the people are of the V'narto
body to attacks by the ballistae, although only two tribe. There, he can beach the boat, make repairs, and
such ballistae will be able to bear on the squid at any resume the voyage. With help from the V'narto, he
one time. estimates repairs can be made in a few days.

The squid has half cover from attacks from the ship. If the ship has sunk, assume the PCs and any surviving
are able to grab onto wood and swim to Fermengarr
As the squid has four tentacles available to attack the Isle, which will be visible on the horizon. In this case,
deck of the ship, the DM should keep track of these and the party will have to build a make-shift boat using
which ones have grappled targets and which have not. V'narto outrigger canoes as a base in order to
When it is determined that the squid will attack the eventually escape the island.
deck with a tentacles, the DM should determine
randomly which tentacle will make an attack. This After a precarious six hour journey in the damaged
could be one that has grabbed a victim (in which case Gallon's Widow (or on a raft of wood), full of more
it will make a tentacle attack on the grappled creature beams splintering, a furious bailing of water, and
in order to squeeze it and cause tentacle damage) or desperate jury-rigging, the ship will sail into V'narto
one that is free to try to grab a new victim. Bay and beach itself as described in area 15 of the
It could be, therefore, that tentacles on the deck will
have grabbed people but do not make an attack on a
given round, merely holding the target in a grapple.

If a grappled creature stops struggling, it will be V'narto Village, before its current problems, was a
dragged over the side, into the water, and the squid prosperous tribal community of 570 persons. Of this
will use the tentacle to attack another person or the total, 160 were children, 210 were women, and 200

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were men. The tribe is led by a chieftain, who is elected Within the space bounded by the plinths is a smallish
for life by a council of all adults over 30 years old. The depression about 10 feet deep ringed with terraced
society is monogamous, and bachelor males dwell in a seating like a small arena. In the bottom center is a
separate dormitory, while unmarried women live at place for a large bonfire.
home. The community mostly fishes for sustenance,
though women sometimes forage in the southern parts This is where the entire tribe meets for tribal councils,
of the Jam-Jum Forest. The V'nartans worship the sea elections, and communal activities such as storytelling
and their ancestors, their religious needs being tended and rituals.
to by a shaman.
3. Spirit Plinths
Technologically, the V'nartans are equivalent to the
A footpath leads from the Helorto River into the
ancient Polynesians on Earth. They have dark, olive
outskirts of the Jam-Jum Forest.
skin with black hair and almond-shaped eyes. They
speak the language of this archipelago, called Islander,
Where the footpath reaches the first eaves of the
which is itself a combination of ancient human tongues
forest, there are two smallish stone plinths, about 6
and bits of Elven learned from aquatic elves. Most
inches in diameter and 4 feet tall. Each plinth is carved
villagers do not speak even a word of Common.
with various strange runes and symbols, as well as
crude figures representing the sun, moon, stars,
Refer to the V’narto Village Map at the end of this
winged beings, and other less recognizable figures. The
footpath continues past these plinths into the forest.
1. Meeting Hall
Each plinth radiates magic and contains an ancestral
spirit of the tribe. These are low-level guardian spirits
This structure is made of logs with a thatched roof. It is which operate on an instinctual level and cannot be
raised 6 feet off of the ground by four logs and bargained or parleyed with. If a non-tribesmember
accessed via a small log ladder. The outside walls are passes between the plinths, or within 30 feet of them,
decorated with various totemic-looking carvings, the spirits will emerge, one from each plinth,
including various leering faces, each representing a appearing as translucent, vaguely man-shaped forms
protective ancestor. which will attempt to touch the party.

Inside: These spirits are not actually creatures. They are more
Various benches are now scattered in disarray around akin to a magical effect. They can fly at a speed of 60 ft.
the single, airy chamber. A few wooden masks still (hover) and can make a single attack as an action,
hang from the walls, but most are on the floor, broken. attempting to touch a creature with a melee weapon
A thin coating of dust covers most of the place. attack (+5 to hit, reach 5 ft.). Any creature struck must
make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be affected as if
This place was normally used for tribal councils, by a fear spell that requires no concentration. Even
after the fear effect ends, an affected creature will
2. High Meeting Place exhibit a compelling reluctance to approach within
The place is located on a small hillock, about 30 feet 300 feet of the plinth for the next 1d4 days.
high, which is relatively flattened on top like a mesa. A The spirits may not be damaged or affected by
small footpath leads up the southeast face of the hill to weapons or most spells. However, they can be warded
the meeting place. by a protection from evil and good spell, a dispel evil
Atop the hill are four stone plinths, each about 2 feet in and good spell, or a magic circle spell as if they were
diameter and about 8 feet tall. They are crudely carved undead. The spirits will not pursue beyond 300 feet
into representations of gods or goddesses as follows: from the plinths. They will also not attack anyone
escorted by the shaman.
 a male fertility totem
 a female earth mother figure 4. Shaman’s Hut
 a male ocean deity figure Outside:
 a male ancestor figure A little way beyond the plinths (area 3), the path
arrives at a small clearing, in the center of which

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stands a hut. The hut is made mostly of rune-carved
bones, filled in by mud, leaves, and wicker. The roof is Death like life comes and the night.
thatched. A strange variety of gourds, skulls, trinkets,
and other strange gewgaws hang from all portions of It is she!
the hut, which is entered by a small opening covered
with a hide. A careful search of the mess will reveal two objects
reverently wrapped in a piece of fine velvet:
Within, the hut is an absolute mess. Piles of furs, a  a stone knife covered with dried blood
vermin infested pallet, a rickety chair, a fire ring,
hundreds of gourds, countless animal body parts in  a small clay stoppered urn filled with a watery red
various stages of decomposition, and clay pots filled liquid
with mostly pungent unidentifiable powders and
liquids are present in a shamanic mish-mash. Most The first is the knife used by Hadulo to commit his
everything is covered with runes in black paint and heinous deed. The second is watered down blood from
everything is covered in ashes and soot, probably from Kelanni.
the fires built in the fire ring that were not properly
ventilated out of the chimney hole in the center of the 5. Chief’s Hut
hut's roof. This is a set of two buildings, one larger than the other,
done up in traditional islander style, with the floor
Within dwells the V’narto shaman (see Appendix C). being raised up a few feet on stilts. The roof is thatched
The shaman is closely tied to the psychic well-being of and the walls outside are decorated with palm leaves,
his tribe, and most shaman are generally eccentric and scaly hides, and the trophies of vanquished foes
half insane anyways. The calamity that has befallen the (spears, pieces of shields, et al).
V'narto tribe has driven him completely insane, and he
will leap out and attack anyone who approaches his The scaly hides on the outside are of sahuagin.
Within the larger building are several chambers, now
The shaman has used up all of his priestly magic and is dusty and cluttered with furniture of wicker and wood
too insane to reach the state of commune necessary to broken and overturned. In one place the wall has a
prepare new spells. He can only cast cantrips. His hole, as if something tore through it, and it is near this
statistics reflect his current madness. opening that dried bloodstains cover the walls, floor,
and even the ceiling.
This shaman has no magic items, but does have a spirit
companion gained after a lengthy and difficult ritual. In The other smaller building was a quarters for the
combat, this spirit will appear hovering around the chief's wives and concubines, but that, too, is empty
shaman's body and will ward off blows, giving the and dusty.
shaman +4 to AC.
6. Palisade
The shaman can be subdued. If he is slain, the two This structure is a wooden palisade of irregular shape,
tribal spirits in the plinths (area 3) will be released, these being thick logs sharpened to a point at the top,
but will first attack the shaman's slayer, in this case each log being about 8 feet tall and mounted into an
they will attack for 1d4 rounds each, each successful earthen embankment 3 feet high. Thus, the top of the
hit causing 1d6 of necrotic damage. After that time, the palisade is some 11 feet above the outside ground
spirits will depart for the nether realms. level. A single wooden gate made of logs lashed
together sits in the northeast corner
If the shaman is subdued, he will mutter curses and
emit much spittle, but will sometimes utter the
It is here that the tribespeople come when trouble
following snippets in Islander:
besets them. Usually, this is when the sahuagin raid in
force, or when pirates land nearby.
Blood from the cave!

Virgin blood speaks strange songs!

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The gate is closed and barred by a stout log from the watches over this place, but still more and more people
inside. became missing, now whole families, sometimes without any
struggle sign, and sometimes with blood everywhere in their
The inner walls have a plank running around them huts.
part way up to allow defenders to mount the walls. We asked the spirit maker what was happening, but all he
could say was that a new evil was on the island.
Within is a hut, built in traditional islander fashion,
raised from the ground and made of wood with a Then the chieftain thought about this and decided it was the
thatched roof. Beside the building is a small well from stone dweller who was the cause of this evil, and he and a band
which fresh water may be accessed. of the best warriors, along with a priest, went to slay the stone
dweller, but he and they never returned, and the spirit maker
Beneath the raised building is a small round stone, told us that their souls were not in the bosom of their
which can be moved, exposing a large chamber in the
ground which holds foodstuffs (grains, wild rice, nuts, We picked another chief, but he was taken the next night. Then
berries, salt, and other provisions) for hard times. we stopped picking chiefs. One night twelve people were
gone...that was maybe three hands days ago. Some of us fled
Twelve villagers dwell here. They are the survivors (so into the forest, in despair, and have not come back. Others
far) of the norebo's attacks and are completely stayed in their huts and prayed...they are gone too
demoralized and in a perpetual state of terror. They
will not emerge from their fortress for ANY reason, Now there is only us. We were more before....maybe two hands,
fearing the tricks of the norebo. If entry into the but at night some say they would hear a voice and it promised
help, and then they would leave the log place and we would
fortress area is attempted, the adults might throw
hear their screams as they were dragged off into the forest.
stones and a few of the males will attack hysterically,
but they can be made to calm down if their attacks are Now we live here in fear. We do not know if any are left in the
not reacted to with hostility. village. We will not let anyone in, because the evil may be
tricking us to open the gate, which we will not do.
Four of the villagers are tribal warriors.
We ask our ancestors for help, but we have no priests, because
Four more are commoners (though they speak only they are gone.
Islander, and not Common).
We send our curses to the stone dweller...the stone master, for
that is an unholy place.
The remaining for are noncombatant children.

If calmed, the villagers can explain what they know of If asked about the stone dweller or stone master, they
the situation. The adults know of the story of Kelanni can tell the following story:
and Hadulo, up until the point that both fled into the
jungle. However, due to the shame of the incident One hand summers ago, we saw strange lights in the sky in the
north and east of this island. And we heard sounds...strange
involving Hadulo and Kelanni, they will not offer the
sounds, which were as the sounds of the wind blowing through
exact details of the story unless pressed or probed in trees, but as if made by human tongue. And the spirit maker
some manner. cast his bones and said that the ancestors were disturbed by a
dweller within stone, and many were sundered by a great force
They do not, of course, know what is causing the in the north which was preparing a place of power.
deaths in the village, but they will say the following:
And the chief and some braves went to the place where the
We were once a prosperous people who made no war except lights and sounds had been, and there was a hut, but what a
against the evil fish folk or against the bad boat men. But hut! Larger than a mountain and made of stone...its face that
before the last day change, people began to be missing. First it of a skull. And the chief came forth and knocked upon the door,
was hunters, hunting for food in the forest. And we thought it but no one came. The door was shut, and he camped nearby
was Hadulo, an outcast of the tribe, except that one of the and presented gifts to the stone dweller, but the dweller never
hunter's bodies was found mutilated in a way Hadulo would came forth.
not…could not do.
And the chief sent for a priest, Mygloini, and he came to the
Then we were worried, but it became worse when people went stone place and made ancestors come forth to destroy the
missing from their beds at night. We became afraid and kept place and its evil, but a great winged thing came from the

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highest part of the stone hut and drove off Mygloini and the flaming effect lasts for 1 minute. The tribespeople
chief and his band. left alive can say the name of the spear is
"Chouchunto", but do not know of its powers.
So, Mygloini declared the place evil, and made the entire
northern half of the land taboo and bad juju, and we do not go
 a turquoise and pearl necklace worth 50gp, and a
there. But for one hand summers the stone dweller never came
to us, and we had no evil from it, and we stayed on the south jade dagger which is as sharp and hard as a metal
side of the island. And we still prospered and traded even with dagger and is worth 150gp because of its
the evil to the north, until the takings began. beautifully carved handle which is shaped like two
leaping dolphins.
7. Bachelor’s Quarters
Outside: 9. Bridge
This is a large hut, raised off of the ground as usual for This is a small wooden bridge, wide enough for foot
islander architecture. A large space is in the thatched traffic but not enough for a cart. The bridge spans the
roof for a chimney, and within are the signs of an small river running along the southern portion of the
overturned dormitory. village. The river is about 40 feet wide here.

Inside: Impaled upon a post of the bridge is a rotting male

islander head, now crawling with worms and
Within is a dusty shambles and nothing of value is left.
This is where the bachelors lived; those men who had
undergone the ritual of manhood but had not yet been 10. Watch Towers
married. They were the warriors of the village, and it Each of these is a wooden watchtower, basically a
can be guessed that this hut could easily accommodate platform of wood with a thatched roof, set on stilts
50 persons spaciously. some 20 feet above the ground below it. A ladder
reaches up to the platform, upon which is also a
8. Champion’s House knotted rope long enough to reach the ground.
The entire interior of the hut is in shambles, and blood Each watchtower is set upon a small rise, the largest
is prevalent everywhere. rise being the southwestern one, which is some 40 feet
high. Wooden steps lead up the hill to the tower. The
other two towers are merely set on small mounds
This was the house of the bravest warrior of the tribe.
about 20 feet high.
When a warrior performed an extraordinary deed or
deeds of valour in battle, he was sometimes made a
All the towers are empty of life, although one, the
champion of the tribe and housed here. The champion
southwestern one, has a body with its head crushed,
gained many wives, and all of them lived in this
leaning against a post, such that from a distance it
spacious hut.
would appear as if a guard were present.
A careful search within will turn up the rotted bodies
of three women, with holes in their skulls, and, under 11. Racks
much rubble, the body of the champion. His skull is Here, in a muddy delta-like area, are a series of
intact, and it appears he died of strangulation, as his wooden racks, ostensibly used to tan and stretch hides,
neck is crushed. dry fish, and other such activities. Now, rotting fish
and leather emits a horrendous stench, showing long
Upon his person are: neglect.

 a rune-carved stone spear which is enchanted by

the tribal ancestors. It always serves as a +1 spear,
12. Priest’s Place
but if it is attuned and the name of "Chouchunto" is
uttered by the wielder, the spear maker's ancestor, This is a rather large hut, decorated with teak and
is uttered, the spear will burst into flame and ebony carved into elaborate motifs. Most appear to be
cause an extra 7 (2d6) fire damage. The ancestor angelic creatures, ocean beasts, and native warriors.
can be called upon only once per month, the

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The door, once a wicker screen, is ripped to shreds, but If the place is searched, another goat skin can be found
it appears that something large and wooden has been with a crude map of the Isle (see the Fermengarr Isle
dragged across the doorway. In addition, the windows Map at the end of this adventure). It lists the northern
are covered with wood. lands as taboo and specifies the location of the stone
Around the entire hut has been sprinkled salt.
13. Wall of Ancestors
The barricade across the doorway is easily moved This is a large earthen wall, rounded on top, which, at
aside. its center, is some 20 feet high and about 100 feet
Within the hut, a wooden altar is what barricades the Within are buried the ancestors of the tribe. Only the
door. important tribal shamans, priests, champions, and
chiefs are buried here, the common folk being sent into
The windows have been covered by wooden planks the sea. Around each grave, which is a body-sized hole
lashed to the sill with tough vines. sealed with hard clay, are drawings and paintings
showing the deeds of each ancestor.
A large store of nuts and drying fruits sits in a pile in
one corner of the hut, while a bladder filled with liquid About twelve of the graves have been torn open and
hangs from a cord from the ceiling. are empty, although in one case, a skeleton, broken
into pieces, can be found on the ground about 200 feet
The rest of the hut is a complete mess, with piles of to the northeast of the Wall.
junk and furniture covered with patches of dust.
The ancestors are buried with various trinkets and
One could take time to pry out the mother-of-pearl gewgaws, but no valuables.
inlays, in which case an hour's work with a dagger
would yield about 25gp worth of the stuff. 14. Bonfire
This is an area where a constant bonfire was kept by
The bladder contains water. the tribe, used as a signal fire and as protection. It
shows no sign of recent use.
Within dwells a single old male islander (treat as a
commoner). He is a bit off of his rocker, having gone 15. V’narto Bay
insane from seeing his tribe taken. The man has V'narto Bay is unique because it is very deep almost all
loosened the floorboards in one place and uses them to the way up to the beach and is free of reefs, rocks, and
occasionally sneak out by daylight from beneath the other dangers. This means even a cog-sized ship can
raised hut in order to forage for food and water. beach itself right onto the mud of the delta area
surrounding the racks at area 11.
The old man is not a priest, but has, in his insanity,
declared himself high priest of the V'nartans. He will While a sizable sahuagin community dwells about 10
claim to worship the Broken Lady, and will warn that miles to the south of the bay, they generally do not
she punishes the unfaithful. More than that he will not keep a vigil on the island.
say, but he will decry those holed-up in area 6 as
blasphemers and heretics. 16. Huts
These are the tribal huts. Each is raised off of the
The old man will often read from a scroll made of goat ground by about 2 feet and is about 15-20 feet a side.
skin (the head is, in fact, still attached) claiming it to be They have thatched roofs and wicker doors. Each is
the writ of the Broken Lady...but it is actually a spell one large room.
scroll of protection from evil and good.
All of these huts are deserted. Many show signs of
The old man will tend to rant and rave at the PCs, but damage and forced entry, and in those cases, often
will not attack unless an attempt is made to remove show water damage as well. Thatching is all over the
him from the hut. ground near these huts.

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It is about a seven mile journey to the place of the
A good number of the huts show bloodstains as stone dweller, which is called the Dead Tower by its
well...all dried. Occasionally, a corpse can be found, of a mistress. The going is rough and the heat, even in
tribal male, female, and occasionally, grimly, children. winter, oppressive enough to make wearing armour
very uncomfortable, especially as bugs and other
All of the huts have worthless personal effects and creepy-crawlies get inside the armour and start biting.
minor furnishings strewn about in disarray, and all Anyone wearing heavy armour will suffer a level of
sport a haze of dust over everything. exhaustion after an hour or travelling.

Because the huts have been abandoned, some of the The best route, and the one suggested by the map in
nearby wildlife has moved back in. Amongst small rats, area 12 of the village or by those in area 6 of the
spiders, and other such vermin, if the party searches village, is to follow the Helorto River north until it
the huts, allow a 1 in 6 chance for each group of 6 huts reaches Leedinark Mountain. Then the party should
searched that something has taken up residence skirt east around the mountain until the coast is
within. If such is indicated, roll a d6 and consult the reached. Then they turn north, cross the Fast One
following table: River, and eventually reach the promontory
whereupon sits the Dead Tower.
Roll Encounter
1 1d2 giant bats Such a journey will take about 12 hours of hard
marching and will pass through several regions of
2 1d3 giant centipedes
Fermengarr Isle.
3 2d4 giant rats
4 1 giant poisonous snake Refer to the Fermengarr Isle Map presented at the end
5 1 giant spider of this adventure.
6 1d6 stirges
This is a stone block carved with runes glorifying the
sea and the sky. Signs of burnt offerings (charred
pieces of wood, soot on the altar) tell of the seasonal
Having investigated the village, the party should now rituals normally performed by the V'nartan priests.
suspect that the Stone Dweller is the cause of the
V'nartan's problems. This deduction is, of course, Cudinarn Jungle
wrong, but also understandable and vital to the rest of This is a true jungle. It is choked with vegetation,
the plot. mostly palms, jacarandas, ferns, and undergrowth. As
with most jungles, there are dangerous places to be
No V'nartans will travel to accompany the party, being avoided. Travel through this jungle is very slow,
deathly afraid of the place, but they can provide involving much machete work. The place is lush with
enough direction that even without the map from area wildlife, except for the portion marked by the 'NC',
12, the party can find the stone dweller. which is where the norebo dwells. That area is devoid
of animal life.
The captain will not relish sending any of his crew
north, leaving the adventuring to the adventurers. He
Dead Tower
will want a guard for the ship and then a guard to
This tower is detailed in the next section of this
guard the guards. He will also need men to start to
effect repairs (or to build a new boat), which, without
help from the villagers, will take a lot longer than
originally anticipated. Needless to say, the entire crew Fast One River
of Gallon's Widow will be jumpy and superstitious. This is a dangerously fast river, entirely unnavigable
and barely swimmable in some spots. To cross it
If pressed, the captain can be persuaded to send 2 requires magic or a bridge of some sort. Fortunately,
crewman and the boson along with the PCs. like all rivers on the Isle except for the Helorto, it never
is more than 20 feet wide.

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Helorto River and the igneous rock makes it look dark, almost black
This river is about 40 feet wide at its flat portions, slow and a bit foreboding. Giant eagles are known to dwell
flowing and pure. It is faster flowing when it tumbles high up on the peak of the mountain, and the V'nartans
down the Leedinark. believe the mountain is tall enough to hold up the sky,
and they worship it accordingly.
Jam-Jum Forest
This forest is a mixture of palms and other jungle trees Little One River
and flora mixed with a few subtropical varieties of This is a swiftly flowing river that tumbles from the
cypress and jacarandas. The forest is not too thick and Leedinark into an isolated cove. The river is usually
provides ample foraging and water from various around 15 feet wide.
streams and rivulets coming down from the mountain.
The forest is home to much wildlife, including large Naytom River
snakes, spiders, giant frogs, and a few dangerous This is a small, faster flowing river winding its way
plants. All in all, though, it is a wholesome wilderness. through the Cudinarn Jungle.

Leedinark Mountain V’narto Village

This mountain is the island's dominant feature, being This village has been detailed earlier in this adventure.
some 2,800 feet tall and punctuated by many ribbon-
like water falls. The mountain itself is rather rocky,

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The Dead Tower Sound. The place is as quiet as the grave…
The journey to the tower will proceed apace.
During the journey, encounters can take place. Refer to A. Outside
the Fermengarr Isle wandering encounter charts The Dead Tower is a large structure of imposing
detailed in Appendix A. visage. It is constructed of dark grey stone and has
three major structures that make up the tower. The
When the party finally arrives in the area, which sits first is a small gatehouse roughly in the shape of a
atop a high promontory accessible by a tiring climb up diamond. This gatehouse abuts the main keep, a larger
a spur of Leedinark Mountain, they will catch a glimpse diamond-shaped structure that eventually tapers into
of the tower. a cone-like shape before ending abruptly in sharp
battlements. The top of this "crown" sprouts a slender
Tower Wandering Encounters round tower with a roof shaped like the closed jaws of
Wandering encounters can occur throughout the some horrific creature.
tower, mostly with zombies as they go about their
business cleaning and maintaining things. Allow a 1 in Behind the main keep is a secondary smaller tower,
4 chance every 10 minutes that 1d3 zombies will square-shaped and connected to the main keep by a
appear to perform some chore. They will not hinder or ground level corridor and a second story bridge.
bother the PCs but will attack if property is taken or Windows pierce the walls at various places. These
destroyed in their sight or if they are attacked or their windows are mere slits, and only the slenderest of
tasks are hindered in any material way. unarmoured halflings could squeeze through (and
then with some difficulty).
In addition, a necrophidius (see Appendix C) wanders
the entire tower, pushing through any door that is not Leering from the front of the tower is a huge stone
locked. It will attack any strangers it encounters, skull. The stone that makes up the skull is bone white
unless they have been previously blessed by the in colour, providing a sharp contrast to the dull grey
Necromancer in front of the construct’s presence. All a stone of the rest of the tower. Below the skull, two
1 in 20 chance that any location entered that is not bone-white stone skeletal hands emerge from the main
barred by a locked door with contain the patrolling keep and rest upon the roof of the gatehouse.
necrophidius. In addition, if the PCs are stationary,
allow a 1 in 20 chance per 10 minutes that the creature Just above the skull, in a ring around the conical
will cross the PCs’ path. tapering of the main tower are poles bearing deep
black and purple pennons embroidered with skulls
Aside from the Necromancer herself and the skeletal and runes of death.
wyvern contained in the top of the tower, the
necrophidius is the most fearsome guardian of the The tower structure atop the conical portion is made
tower. of a deep jet black polished stone.

If the necrophidius immobilizes all opposition, it will Atop the rear small tower is a three-pronged spire
fetch the Necromancer, who will then parley with the made of a sickly greenish stone, almost but not quite
PCs when they regain consciousness. jade-like.

The entire face of the tower walls are covered with

Ground Level ornate carvings and bas-reliefs. These decorations are
Refer to the Dead Tower Ground Level Map presented horrific in nature, with a common motif of skulls and
at the end of this adventure. skeletons, but also with scenes of death and
destruction and scenes of funerals and burials.
Ceilings. The ceiling of the gatehouse is a dome Steps lead up to the double doors that seem to provide
between 20 and 30 feet high. The southern 40 foot entry to the place. The steps rise about 4 feet and are
length of the Hallway (area K) is 20 feet tall. The rest of made of a translucent black material like quartz. The
the ground level is 30 feet tall. double doors are of a deep black metal and have bas-
reliefs in the shape of grinning skulls with sharp fangs
Light. Unless otherwise stated, all rooms are unlit. that seem to have black flames leaping from their
mouths. There is a large handle on each door.

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The doors will not open. They doors have been subject Upon the gallery stand four zombie guards (see
to an arcane lock spell cast by the necromancer Appendix C) armed with heavy crossbows. These are
mistress of the place. A knock spell can bypass the lock, under orders to attack any who enter the chamber
but otherwise, a DC 30 Strength check would be without escort from the Necromancer.
needed to burst through them.
The interior double doors are locked from the inside
Although there seems to be no way into the place, this (from area K) by a thick iron bar.
is actually not so...but the PCs must be patient.
A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) examination of the C. Storage
area will show footprints and traffic in and around the This smallish chamber contains storage for day-to-day
area marked (T). This area is downhill from the main items of use for the tower. These include rope, chains,
doorway and hidden from sight, and the traffic leads barrels (empty), lamp oil, torches, tools, candles, etc.
north by northeast to a small terrace where an orchard The place is absolutely filled with the stuff in no
grows. There is also a freshwater well here. discernible order and movement around the room is
very cramped and difficult.
The (T) signifies the location of a secret trapdoor
leading down to area G of the Dungeon Level. A DC 20 D. Storage
Wisdom (Perception) check will find the trapdoor, but This is another storage chamber, as much a cluttered
this is a one-way trap door, in that there is no mess as the other (area C). This one contains more in
mechanism by which to open it from this side. The the way of foodstuffs and dining utensils, mugs, cups,
zombies that serve the Necromancer here use this cooking gear, etc. Foodstuffs include a rack of fine
door to travel about a quarter of a mile to the orchard wines, all stoppered with wax and lead, barrels of rum
to gather fresh food and water for their mistress. They and ale, nuts, dried fruit, etc. Nothing perishable is
emerge once per day, at about noon, and then emerge contained herein.
at sundown to take out refuse and dump it into the
nearby ocean. This refuse includes the detritus from
E. Megaron
various failed experiments.
The doors to this chamber are unlocked.
A total of ten zombies will emerge to take part in
these tasks. They will ignore anyone who does not Within is a musty room, probably little used, although
hinder them in their task, but if one of the zombies it seems to be free of dust. A fireplace is against the
attacks or is attacked, all of the zombies will seek to south wall, unused and very clean. Also in here is a
defend themselves. dais along the southeast wall, upon which rests an
elaborately carved ebony throne decorated with skull
While the zombies are out, the trap door is visible and and skeleton motifs. The back of the chair looks like a
left open. Each task takes the zombies about 2-3 hours. giant rotting hand erupting from the earth.
This is, essentially, the only way into the tower
without a knock spell. Tapestries adorn the walls...these being black velvet
and displaying scenes of vivisection, mummification,
skulls, and worms.
B. Gatehouse
This is an impressive chamber, with a domed ceiling Empty torch sconces line the walls.
ranging from 20 feet to 30 feet above the floor. The
floor is of polished grey marble shot through with
The chair is very valuable but also extremely heavy.
white and black veins. The veins often congeal on the
floor to form a wispy ghost-like or skull-like visage. A
Next to the fireplace is a secret trapdoor, which
rich red carpet leads from the outer doors to another
requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to find.
set of double doors, these made of ivory or bone bound
The door is openable by removing a brick in the side of
in iron. The carpet is embroidered with scenes of
the hearth and pulling up a metal ring and chain
tendrils wrapped around eyeballs.
therein. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check of
Flanking the outer doors are two stairways leading 10
the hearth or the area around the trapdoor will reveal
feet up to a gallery which runs the length of the rest of
this mechanism.
the room.

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This trapdoor leads to area A of the Dungeon Level. The cabinets are unlocked and hold dishes, goblets,
and utensils, many of fine quality silver and worth a
F. Barracks total of 1,200 gp to an enterprising thief. The sum total
The room is decorated with tapestries made from of the silverware weighs over 50 pounds.
flayed human skin decorated with art.
J. Kitchen
This is a holding chamber for the skeletons that serve This kitchen is crowded with pots and pans, knives
this Necromancer. Six skeletons are here. and spits, a large clay oven, and a bin of salt.
Additionally, cabinets hold serving platters and other
These skeletons will attack any living creature who is mundane serving utensils.
not the Necromancer opening the door or entering the
room and will pursue anywhere in the tower. They will K. Hallway
only spare those escorted by the Necromancer. This impressive hallway is done in flagstone,
decorated with ornate sconces in the shape of skulls.
The art on the flayed skins is representative of each The sconces hold torches which light the hallway.
culture from which the person's skin came. A DC 20 Between the sconces are hung grey tabards each
Intelligence (History) check will reveal this fact. The showing a nude male standing with a portion of his
whole is a rather grotesque patchwork, especially skin peeled away showing the skeletal structure
when close examination reveals the nature of the underneath.
G. Barracks The double doors in the center of the southwest wall
The room is decorated with coloured bones woven maw about to devour those who enter.
amid strands of hair of different shades.
The double doors at the southeast end of the hallway
This is a holding chamber for the skeletons that serve are valves of bronze inlaid with lapis lazuli and other
this Necromancer. Six skeletons are here. semi-precious stones set to form a mosaic of a man's
life from birth to death represented as a successive
These skeletons will attack any living creature who is string of human images. However, whereas most such
not the Necromancer opening the door or entering the murals end with death, this one continues, showing
room and will pursue anywhere in the tower. They will burial, resurrection as a ghoul, and an eternity of
only spare those escorted by the Necromancer. unlife.

H. Stairway Level One

This triangular room is unadorned, excepting sconces Refer to the Dead Tower Upper Levels Map presented
that are lit. Stone stairs lead up to Level One. at the end of this adventure.

I. Dining Chamber Ceilings. All ceilings here are 30 feet overhead.

This huge chamber is ornately decorated with tabards
displaying runes and sigils of death. A huge ebony Light. Unless stated otherwise, areas are unlit.
table dominates the place, with a score of chairs
assembled around it. A centerpiece is formed from two Sound. There are no ambient sounds on this level.
candelabras in the shape of skeletal fingers
outstretched. Oil lamps burn fitfully, casting a gloom A. Hands of Stone
over the large chamber, and braziers keep the place These are a pair of white stone wooden hands which
warm, in a slight haze, and smelling slightly charnel. are normally at rest atop the gatehouse roof. However,
Various cabinets of fine workmanship stand against via levers and dials in area B of Level Two, they can be
the walls. made to move as if they were alive. See area B of Level
Two for more details.
Two large hearths are here, one along the west wall
and the other long the south wall. These show signs of

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B. Hallway
This is a small hallway dimly lit by oil lamps. It is Behind one scroll rack is a loose brick in the wall. A DC
unadorned. 20 Wisdom (Perception) check will spot the brick if
the rack is moved. If the brick is pivoted in place, a
stone in the ceiling will slide open, revealing an attic of
C. Antechamber sorts in the 30 foot high ceiling. A rope ladder, coiled
This area is lit by torches in sconces. up atop the sliding stone will fall to the ground.

A zombie cleaner is here, its broom stuck in between Within this attic space, which is 10 feet by 10 feet by 4
the wall and a sconce. Since the zombie has feet tall, are the magical works of the Necromancer.
instructions not to break the cleaning tools but it also These include:
cannot damage the sconce and also must clean at the
appointed times, the undead creature is in a sort of  a spell scroll of banishment
logical loop. It has been struggling with this dilemma
for several hours, and will continue to do so until  a spell scroll of sleep
someone helps it extricate the broom or attacks it,
forcing it to drop the broom and attack.  a spell scroll of hold person

D. Bridge  a spell scroll of fog cloud

This bridge is exposed to the outside. It has a stone rail
that rises up 3 feet on each side to prevent accidents.  a spell scroll of identify
The bridge is slightly arched and is decorated with
skeletal serpents along its sides. The floor of the bridge  a spell scroll with gust of wind
is designed to look like a spinal column.
 a spell scroll with ice storm
Both doors are locked from the inside, each door being
solid oak with iron bindings. The locks on these doors  a storybook that will speak its words as each
are key locks the keys being on the Necromancer's pages is turned
person. A DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check will
open the locks.  a tome with diagrams and incantations necessary
to activate magic circles and other protective
E. Library diagrams
This chamber is accessed via the bridge (area D Level
One) and comprises the top story of the rear tower.  fine quality giant squid sepia and various quills
made from magical creatures and vellum made
Within, the walls are covered with bookshelves and from the hides of various extraordinary creatures
scroll racks. Also within this place are several unlit for use in magic scroll creation
braziers, lit lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and
several divans and chairs and a reading desk.  a book full of blank pages that, if one's hand is
pressed onto the title page and an inscription is
Also present is a single zombie holding a bucket of read (the inscription is on the spine of the book),
sand with instructions to put out fires. It will only then the entire life history of the person touching
enter combat to defend itself or if hindered from the book is transcribed onto the page; such
putting out a fire in this chamber. transcription lasts until another touches it or until
1 month passes, whereupon the words fade
The contents of this room represents a major library,
most of the works dealing with death, necromancy, F. Specimen Storage
undead, extra-planar creatures, spell research, strange This room stinks of formaldehyde.
ingredients, and other such arcane subjects.
Within are a great number of barrels, both large and
Within the desk are ink and quill and a supply of good small, and coffin-like wooden crates.
quality paper and vellum.

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All contain specimens, both human and otherwise, these furnishings are finely wrought, but with ghoulish
some sapient and some animal, including babies and or macabre motifs worked into the design.
adults, including whole bodies, fetuses, and organs and
body parts. Most are stored in pungent chemicals or To the northwest and southwest are areas screened by
strange powders. None are V'nartans, as can be seen curtains.
from the eyes and, in some cases the skin colour, if
such has been retained. This is the Necromancer's bedchamber.

Each container bears black writing (in scrupulous The wardrobe contains woman's clothes, but they are
Common) detailing the origin, date of expiration, and garish, gothic, and sinister in appearance and of the
nature of the specimen. style one would expect from an ostentatious, wealthy
G. Laboratory
This is a typical laboratory, if such a thing can be called In the northwest corner is a curtained area that
typical. Scattered around wooden tables and benches contains a toilet. Another curtained area to the
are scales, alembics, weights, beakers, clay urns, lead southwest contains a bathtub of copper, decorated
stoppers, scoops and spoons and tongs, scattered with skeletons in various sexual poses with other
papers and notes and a few open books Bits and pieces skeletons. Jars of cosmetic powders and personal care
of bone and skin and unidentifiable organs are here substances are nearby, as are several black drying
and there in various little containers. cloths.
Lamps of oil light the place, and a few oil fires burn
under vials of liquid, which are bubbling and frothing. K. Living Quarters
There are several plush divans and comfortable chairs
The jars are filled with strange multicoloured powders in this room. Also here is a common table and chairs of
of indeterminate origin and there is even a half-eaten darkened oak, a large hearth with grinning gargoyle
lunch of fruit, bread, and cheese, which the zombie figures looming above it, and an ornate chessboard
cleaners have not yet cleaned. with figures of ivory shaped like skeletons and figures
of ebony shaped like wraiths.
The books here are similar to those found in area E on
Level One. This is the Necromancer's living area, although she
spends most of her time in study in the library, in her
H. Laboratory Storage sanctum, or in her laboratory.
This room contains many shelves and racks holding a
bewildering array of experimental ingredients. L. Antechamber
This chamber is decorated with tapestries depicting a
The ingredients are organized by some system whose small manor house near a gloomy looking swamp.
basis cannot immediately be determined, and most of Within the swamp a far-off will-o’ wisp glows between
the containers have writing on them, presumably the trees.
labels, but although written in Common, they are
mostly some sort of code or scholarly notation This is the Necromancer's homeland, which she lived
indecipherable without a studious amount of research. in as a child

I. Stairway There are two skeletons here, who will attack any
This small chamber contains a spiral staircase that living creatures who are not the Necromancer or
winds up to area C of Level Two. escorted by the Necromancer.

J. Bed Chamber Level Two

Within is a gothic canopied bed all done in black, with Refer to the Dead Tower Upper Levels Map presented
bats as a motif for the ebony posts and the canopy at the end of this adventure.
itself. Also here are a wardrobe, table and chairs, a
nightstand with washbasin, a divan, a fireplace, several Ceilings. All ceilings here are 30 feet overhead.
braziers and oil lamps, and two ornate mirrors. All of

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Light. Unless stated otherwise, areas are unlit. leather sacks and some metal bins that are filled with a
soupy greenish liquid.
Sound. There are no ambient sounds on this level.
This is where the Necromancer creates her undead
A. Stone Skull servitors. The implements and tools are used to sow
This area is accessed by several steps ascending up back limbs onto zombie bodies. The sacks contain
about 5 feet. Within is the interior of the great stone plaster to mend bones, and the bins hold, submerged
skull as seen from the outside. Hanging on a chain in in the liquid, sets of replacement body parts of various
this place is a metal gong and hammer and nearby on sizes and types.
the floor is a metal cone.
A spiral staircase ascends to area A of Level Three.
The cone can be used as a megaphone, and it, along
with the gong, are used to scare away curious Level Three
islanders who would be made to think the skull is Refer to the Dead Tower Upper Levels Map presented
speaking to them…warning them to flee or perish. at the end of this adventure.

B. Manipulation Room Ceiling. The ceiling here is 30 feet overhead.

This chamber is full of chains, levers, pulleys, and dials.
Light. Continual flame torches provide light for the
These controls can be used to manipulate the stone place. There are four of these set into sconces. These
hands (see area A on Level One) to move like a giant can easily be removed.
puppet. Many of these require a decent amount of
strength, and when the Necromancers wants to use Sound. There are no ambient sounds on this level.
these, she has help from zombies.
A. Sanctum
The Necromancer designed the stone skull and stone There are several types of protective circles etched
hands as a hobby and in order to scare away anyone into the floor and inlaid with lead. Various charts and
who approaches the tower, especially superstitious arcane formulae are hanging from the walls and there
natives. are many more that appear to be rolled up into tubes.

C. Vivisection Chamber Several books and scrolls of are scattered on the floor
Several operating benches are here, each capable of or on a small table shoved against the wall. A podium
being raised or lowered and/or independently tilted holds a tome of extremely large size (at least
by a series of cranks. Currently, there are three tables, 2,000 pages) that is attached to the podium by a chain.
and one of them has a human female's corpse with its
chest cavity spread wide open. The internal organs are On a bookshelf along one of the walls are two tomes,
missing. and a cabinet stands near these.

The scattered books and scrolls are all text relating to

Various vivisection tools are here, as well as a water
arcane subject matter of various sorts.
basin, a refuse bin, several tomes, and a few jars of
powders and liquids.
The large, chained tome is the Necromancer's main
spellbook. The chain can be broken with a DC 16
This chamber is where the Necromancer experiments
Strength check or by smashing it (AC 19, 8 hit points,
on the specimens from area F on Level One.
immune to poison and psychic damage and to piercing
The tomes are books on anatomy.
Necromancer's Spellbook
A spiral staircase descends to area I of Level One.
The spellbook is guarded by a 4th level glyph of
warding spell. This is a spell glyph set to activate if
D. Creation Chamber anyone except the Necromancer or an undead creature
Several tables and benches are here, along with a touches it. When activated, the creature who triggered
variety of metal implements and tools. Near these are

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the glyph is the target of a phantasmal killer spell (DC Level Four
15). Refer to the Dead Tower Upper Levels Map presented
at the end of this adventure.
Within the thick front cover of the book is a hollowed
space where a tiny (6 inch long) skeletal serpent rests. Ceiling. The ceiling here is 30 feet overhead.
Its teeth are dipped in venom and it will bite any hand
but the Necromancer's that opens the book. Characters Light. Continual flame torches provide light for the
wearing heavy armour or who have magical gauntlets place. There are two of these set into sconces. These
on are immune to this attack. Otherwise, the snake can easily be removed.
attacks with surprise with a +6 attack bonus. Its attack
does no damage but injects a venom that causes 14 Sound. There are no ambient sounds on this level.
(4d6) poison damage. If a DC 14 Constitution saving
throw is successful, this damage is halved. The snake
can be automatically hit and destroyed after its first
A. Observatory
attack. The windows here are bigger, wide enough to admit
a man-sized creature, but they are also equipped with
The spells contained within are many: iron shutters that can be, and currently are, latched
shut from the inside.
Level 1: alarm, feather fall, fog cloud, protection from A ladder in the floor here leads down, and an open
evil and good, unseen servant trapdoor can be closed over the ladder, eliminating
any hazard of falling.
Level 2: arcane lock, enhance ability, knock, levitate,
elf’s acid arrow, see invisibility, web A telescope made of brass stands on a tripod here,
pointed up and out of an unshuttered window. Nearby
Level 3: animate dead, blink, dispel magic, feign death, are an unrolled astronomical chart and a scroll with
remove curse, slow scribbled notes on the movement of heavenly bodies
and various conjunctions of these same bodies.
Level 4: arcane eye, fire shield, polymorph
A large chain dangles from the center of the ceiling
Level 5: cloudkill, scrying, telekinesis here.

Level 6: circle of death, globe of invulnerability, magic This small chamber is the highest chamber in the
jar tower.

On a bookshelf along a wall are two travelling The chain can be pulled with a moderate effort, and
spellbooks. this opens the jaws of the top of the tower, releasing a
skeletal wyvern (see Appendix C) from its 30 foot tall
These each contain six spells in them, which the chamber set above this one. The skeletal wyvern will
Necromancer found useful when she used to travel: then emerge to chase away any who are within sight of
the tower. It will only attack any who do not flee.
Book One: detect magic, fly, invisibility, jump, magic
missile, shield While skeletal creatures cannot normally fly, even if
they had wings in life, this creature has been imbued
Book Two: charm person, comprehend languages, with the power of flight through its creation process; it
haste, rope trick, sleep, unseen servant was one of the triumphs of the Necromancer’s studies.

The cabinet has spell components for most of her Dungeon Level
spells in the spellbooks. Refer to the Dungeon Level Map presented at the end
of this adventure.
A spiral staircase leads down to the Creation Chamber
(area D of Level Two), while an iron ladder leads up to Ceilings. Unless otherwise stated, passages are 10 feet
the Observatory (area A of Level Four). high and chambers are 15 feet high.

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Light. The area is unlit. bringing him to a horrific undead existence. The
Necromancer used to spend much of her studies trying
Sound. There are no ambient sounds on this level. to find a way to cure him, but she then became too
absorbed and fascinated in scholarly pursuits and
A. Entry Passage began to try to help him less and less. Now she has all
This passageway ends at an iron ladder bolted to the but given up hope of restoring him, but also cannot
cave wall which ascends up to the megaron (area E of still bring herself to slay him.
Level One).
Her warped lover is a ghast.
B. Wine Cellar If the chains are broken (DC 20 Strength check, AC 19,
This cave actually holds more than just wine. Many
8 hit points, immune to psychic and poison damage
wooden racks do hold wine, as well as barrels
and piercing attacks), the ghast will emerge and attack.
containing beer, ale, rum, and many barrels of water.
The lock that holds the chains can be opened with a DC
18 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.
C. Food Storage
This large chamber holds the perishable supplies of F. Graves
the tower. Included are bushels of fruit, dried jerky,
and meat held in bins of salt, grain, hops, barley, flour, In this cavern are eight closed sarcophagi. They are of
marble and decorated with complicated patterns and
heraldic crests.
A dozen small skeletal snakes (see Appendix C)
To the east, earth has been brought in and piled into a
slither around the place, looking to keep vermin away
mound about 6 ft. high and about 10 ft. by 20ft. in area.
from the food.
Atop the mound are three headstones.
They are instructed only to attack Tiny creatures that
enter this chamber. A few rat bodies ripped to shreds Within the sarcophagi are the remains of the
by the guardians can be seen here and there where the Necromancer's parents and family members who have
cleaners have not yet tidied up. passed on. Although wrapped in death shrouds and
wearing the tattered remains of clothing, there is
These miniscule undead are relatively harmless to the nothing of value within them.
PCs, but could pose a danger to familiars.
The headstones mark the graves of the Necromancer's
siblings. The youngest was a baby.
D. Captive
Held in cold iron chains is a ghoul captive of the
There is a secret door along the eastern wall of this
Necromancer. It is chained tightly to the wall by wrists,
chamber. It can be detected with a DC 15 Wisdom
feet, and chest. Its head is covered by a black hood and
(Perception) check If the door has been found and the
a metal knob has been stuffed into its mouth. Dressed
tombstones on the mound are closely examined, a DC
in torn rags, the ghoul might appear to be a human
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check will determine
captive at first, and if released it will attack.
that if the tombstone of the youngest sibling is titled
backwards, the secret door leading to area I of the
E. Dangerous Captive Dungeon Level will open.
This passageway is blocked off by a brick wall pierced
by a closed iron door that has been barred and chained G. Zombie Cavern
from the outside. Here is where the zombies dwell when not working.
There are 15 zombies here normally. However, one is
A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check will catch a foul currently stuck in area C of Level One. The other 14
scent coming from within the barricade. zombies are used by the Necromancer as servants.
Some cook, others emerge to tend the orchard, take
Inside is a horrific undead monster, once the lover of out the trash, gather water, or clean the tower. Roll a
the then young Necromancer. He died tragically and 1d12 to determine how many zombies are here at any
she tried to restore him with an experimental spell far one time. Subtract from this any zombies met
beyond her powers to cast. The spell warped her lover, wandering the tower or encountered outside.

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The Necromancer
These zombies will not attack unless they are attacked The Necromancer who dwells here is named
or prevented from doing their tasks. In this case, all Thaariyshya. She is from a far off kingdom and was the
zombies within sight will attack, pursuing anywhere in daughter of a prosperous land owner who was slain by
the tower. bandits. She was the only one who escaped, and as a
result of this childhood trauma, she became fascinated
This cavern is quite large, about 20 feet high, and the by death.
ground is covered with little gibbets of flesh that have
fallen off of the zombies. While an apprentice wizard, she took a lover who
eventually died a tragic death. Wanting to save him,
An iron ladder in the west of the cavern leads up to a she stole an experimental spell from her master's
trapdoor that emerges down slope and to the spellbook and attempted to twist it to resurrect her
northwest of the Dead Tower, as described in area A of lover. The spell backfired and warped her lover into an
the Ground Level. undead monstrosity (the ghast that is still imprisoned
in area E of the Dungeon Level).
H. Tool Storage
This chamber holds many of the tools the zombies use Her master kicked her out, and she subsequently
to maintain the tower. Included are bags of seeds, delved into self-study to find a cure for her lover.
pruning shears, hatchets, hammers, saws, clasps, and a Although this quest has thus far failed, her single-
supply of weapons and armour, including 12 mindedness gained her immense necromantic lore.
battleaxes, 10 shields, 3 warhammers, 10 maces, 4 With this lore, she became very adept and grew
scimitars, 5 longswords, 6 daggers, 2 heavy crossbows powerful in her wizardry. Over time, her desire to save
and 40 crossbow bolts. her lover became overwhelmed by her love of
scholarship, and she began to devote herself less to her
In case of trouble, the Necromancer can arm her lover and more to her arts in and of themselves.
zombie servants with these weapons and shields and
order them to attack. Eventually, her experiments drew the ire of her
neighbors, and so she mustered much of her lore and,
I. Secret Passageway through arcane means, built the Dead Tower on
This passageway is accessed via a door carved to look isolated Fermengarr Isle. It was her assumption that
like the cave wall in area F of the Dungeon Level. The she could study here in peace, importing supplies and
door opens when the proper headstone is moved as cadavers from well-paid smugglers who ply these
described in area F of the Dungeon Level. waters.

From the other side, the door is obvious and merely Except for an initial brush with the V'nartans, whom
pulls open with a twist of a handle. she scared away, she has been in complete solitude,
having not left her tower for the entire time she has
Within is a long passageway about 6 feet high that been here.
winds a long ways to the north, descending all the
while down long stairs, until it arrives at an isolated Thaariyshya (see Appendix C) is a human female in
cove with a small sandy beach. Here is a twelve-man her early fifties. She has bright silver hair cut short and
row boat with a mast. Within the boat are provisions wears a black robe embroidered with necromantic
for one person for twenty days, including fresh water, runes. She is a very stoic individual, an introvert with
and a map of the surrounding seas and islands in a very little social grace and not prone to showing
sealed tube. This is where the Necromancer can escape emotions.
in an emergency and also where supplies ordered from
afar are taken into the tower. The Necromancer has little care of the outside world.
She is pure scholar, fascinated by death and all things
Just within the secret doorway, and again just within related to it, and she is content to spend the rest of her
the cave opening at the cove, is a hooded lantern filled existence delving into such lore. She has never taken
with oil and a small bit of tinder and flint. an apprentice, being relatively young and having no
desire yet to pass on her knowledge. She is not overly
aggressive or hostile, even to intruders, as she disdains

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combat and the use of force unless necessary. Her
studies and obsession have left her very stoic and
emotionless, except in extremely meaningful (to her)
circumstances, such as those outlined later in this

Although the trappings of her tower and the area of It is to be hoped that, given the lack of evidence of
her study might lead the PCs to think she is evil and slaughter of the V’nartans within the tower (the fact
conducting vile experiments, Thaariyshya is actually that there are no islander bodies in the specimen room
neutral in alignment. She seeks to cause no harm with [area F of Level One] should be a dead
her studies, and the bodies she vivisects and the giveaway...pardon the pun), the PCs can eventually
corpses she turns into zombies are all purchased from establish peaceful contact with the Necromancer.
corpse dealers who ship their products to the secret
cove near her tower (refer to area I of the Dungeon She will be very curious as to why the party has
Level for details). intruded into her demesne, and once that is
established (assuming the PCs have told the truth), she
The fact that none of the bodies in the tower are will resign herself reluctantly to helping the PCs, for
islanders should be a clue to the PCs that the she realizes that:
Necromancer is not the cause of the deaths plaguing
the V’nartans.  the PCs are likely to fight her if she cannot prove
her innocence, and although she has confidence in
Thaariyshya wears a cloak of protection and a ring of her high level spells such as circle of death,, she
protection (the effects of which are reflected in her does not know how powerful the PCs are and does
statistics). She also carries four crushed black pearls not want to risk a confrontation when one can be
worth 500 gp each (material components for her circle avoided
of death spell).
 if there is some force on this island capable of
Thaariyshya has animated the undead in her tower murdering over 500 villagers, then it is likely to be
using rituals and magic that are beyond the a threat to her and her research, and it is probably
capabilities of the animate dead spell, As such, she only a matter of time before it comes after her
does not have to constantly recast the spell in order to
keep the skeletons and zombies of the tower in her Thus, healthy self-interest and her desire to eventually
service. However, this also means the undead do not be left alone necessitates her cooperation with the PCs.
benefit from her Undead Thralls trait.
First, Thaariyshya will ask the PCs to tell her
Thaariyshya will not be pleased to find intruders in her everything they know. Assuming they are forthright,
tower, but she will not overreact either. She will be she will then tell them that the first step would be to
intensely curious as to why a group of people would search the rest of the northern half of the Isle, in order
arrive at an isolated island and then make their way to try to locate the source of the evil.
into her tower. As long as she senses she is not in
danger, she will use her defensive spells in combat She will suggest that the next day the party accompany
instead of her more lethal, higher level spells, all the her in this search.
while trying to convince the PCs to parley with her.
Discovery of the Site
In her tower, the DM is going to have to place Armed with her map of this Isle, the party and the
Thaariyshya. It is suggested she be in her sanctum, Necromancer can head out into the Cudinarn Jungle
researching a spell. This will force the party to explore and the northern slopes of the Leedinark.
most of the tower before confronting her.
Wandering encounters may be rolled for during this
journey (refer to the Fermengarr Isle wandering
encounter charts in Appendix A).

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Eventually, after a search of close to 2 days, the group Some heads are sticking up out of the ground,
will stumble across the clearing of the norebo. suggesting that the rest of the body is buried into the
They will likely first notice the lack of animal sounds in
the area. As they continue, they will then hear the In one instance, a human tree has been created by
norebo, which sometimes howls with glee as it feeds. sticking wooden poles through bodies and then posing
They will also likely hear the moans of the current them into a trunk and branches with scalps serving as
feeding victim. The Necromancer will urge the PCs to leaves.
proceed stealthily. Following the sounds will lead
eventually to a horrific charnel stench, and finally to The entire spectacle is completely nauseating, and
within sight of the ghastly clearing. anyone viewing it for the first time must make a DC 12
Constitution saving throw or become frightened for 1
The Hellish Clearing minute. During this time, the frightened creature must
Refer to the Norebo Clearing and Hadulo’s Lair Map leave sight of the clearing and, once out of sight, will
presented at the end of this adventure. likely be doubled over, throwing up. The Necromancer
is immune to this effect. Once the first glance has been
This clearing, some 400 ft-500 ft. in diameter, is a made, even those affected can return to the clearing
ghastly spectacle of pain. In the center of the clearing without losing their self-control.
are 5 large wooden X's fashioned from two logs lashed
together. These are planted into the ground vertically, Thaariyshya will hold back the party, warning them
and lashed to them are tribespeople, including women that they do not yet know what they face, and that they
and children. All are extremely mutilated, showing must preserve the element of surprise in order to have
signs of hideous torture of a kind unimaginable to the any chance of prevailing. She will remind them that
party before now. A figure practicing a final bit of this thing took out over 500 beings.
excruciating torture using a bamboo shoot on an
almost dead tribesman who is moaning in utter pain. If the PCs insist on attacking the norebo, the
Necromancer will call them fools and urge them to flee
As the figure moves around, you can see that it is a back to her tower. She will immediately run for her
once attractive V’nartan young adult female with long tower. If the PCs insist upon trying to fight the norebo,
straight black hair. She is nude, and significant is the then they will likely be killed and consumed. However,
huge mass of scab and scar tissue between her legs. if they immediately realize their mistake and flee, the
Her eyes are wide and bloodshot, and her body is dirty DM can have an exciting chase, and maybe even have
and unkempt and covered with blood and grime. Her the norebo take a swipe or two at the PCs, but
nails are long and look razor sharp and her teeth seem eventually the PCs should be able to lose the creature
to have been broken in places, making for a jagged, and make their way safely back to the Necromancer,
wicked-looking mouth. Open sores on her body weep who will be none too pleased with the PCs and will
from infection. admonish them accordingly.

The rest of the clearing is just as bad. To the west is a Refer to the statistics for Kelanni’s norebo in
large log setup like a totem pole except that real bodies Appendix B.
and body parts have been nailed to it with wooden
spikes. The surrounding trees that make up the edge of Research
the clearing are literally draped in pieces of human Thaariyshya will request the party accompany her to
skin, looking kind of like a bunch of fleshy spider webs the V'narto village. She will need to ask why a V'nartan
draped gracefully amid the boughs of the trees. woman would be committing such horrible atrocities
and, if not in control of herself, who she was.
Human bodies and body parts are everywhere strewn
about. Every face has a look of utter wide-eyed horror The DM should roll for wandering encounters from
upon it, and few of the bodies are intact. Many of them Cudinarn south through the Jam-Jum and to the village
have their skulls crushed open and the brains are gone, (refer to the Fermengarr Isle wandering encounter
long since devoured by the Norebo. Bodies have huge charts in Appendix A). This journey will take about a
slivers of wood stuck in them and many show signs of day.
partial devouring.

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it not certain that those lowest in the eyes of the gods
Back at the village, the captain of the Gallon’s Widow are the highest in the need of aid? And they led me to the
can report that the crew has not been harmed, but also hag, who saw me and raved at me and came forth to
that no villagers have been sighted either. cause me bodily harm with her nails. And I noticed
something familiar about the hag...something from my
If the party questions the villagers in area 6 of the childhood…
village about the V'nartan woman (they will have to
describe her as best they can), the villagers will give a But she struck out at me, and I underestimated the
look of despair and tell the PCs the story of Kelanni strength and wiles of the creature within, for although I
and Hadulo (up until the point both fled into the saw an unarmed woman, her hands grasped my shield
jungle). Thaariyshya will become very interested at and wrenched it apart, and she warded my sword with
this and will at once want to head back to the Dead her bare arm. Her claws ripped through my enchanted
Tower. mail, and such was the ferocity of her assault that before
I could react I was prone, and she atop me. Sorely
The DM should check for encounters on the journey wounded was I, bleeding from many horrible wounds,
back to the Dead Tower. and ready to meet the gods and my death in combat
against evil, and the hag tore the helmet from my head,
Once back at the tower, Thaariyshya will cloister so as to strike a mortal blow.
herself in her library, seeking to research any
possibilities as to what has happened. She will ask any And the woman stopped in mid strike and howled at the
PCs who are spellcasters or who have an appropriate top of her lungs. Then she seemed wracked in an
background (e.g. sage, cloistered scholar, et al) to internal struggle and dropped to her knees. The gods
assist her research. took ahold of me, and gave me inspiration, for it was
recognition I saw in the eyes of the hag, and I held her
Eventually, after 1d6+1 days (less 1 day per PC and looked into her bloodshot eyes and said "mother".
spellcaster assisting her, minimum of 2 days), she will
arrive at the conclusion that a norebo is involved. She And she saw me then and screamed "my son! My
will be able to tell the party general information about beautiful son!". And the conflict within her increased,
a norebo and will proclaim that a plan needs to be and her body wracked in agony, but it was then that I
developed to banish the norebo back to its home plane, saw the shape expelled from her body. Like shadow it
since she does not think she and the party can best it was, full of menacing evil but it fled like the wind.
physically after it has consumed so many souls.
And I looked into the renewed eyes of my mother, she
She will state that she has the knowledge of a who had sold me into harsh servitude as a small child.
protective circle that can hold the Norebo. She also has And when she saw naught but forgiveness in my eyes she
a spell scroll with a banishment spell on it. smiled and thanked me for expelling the evil spirit, for
Unfortunately, she will explain, the spell will not work she said it had entered her body through the tears in her
on an embodied norebo, and as far as she knows, only soul and in her conscience and it fed off of the guilt she
a wish spell (to which she does not have access) will had harboured in giving me up as a child.
remove the spirit from the body.
And we both thanked the gods that justice had been
However, she will offer to do more research, since she served, for the guilt that had driven her insane was
now knows what it is she is looking for, and see if there assuaged by its very cause. Such is the justice of the
are any accounts of how to remove such a spirit from a gods.
body without using a wish spell..
If no PCs are assisting her, allow the Necromancer to
If one or more PCs are helping with research, allow locate the passage and read it to the PCs. The abilities
them to find this passage in an obscure scroll telling of the spirit in this passage are very similar to a
the exploits of a paladin of yore: norebo, and it shouldn't be too hard for the PCs to
figure out that severe psychic shock or trauma can
...and the wretched peasants didst implore me to rid the expel the possession.
hag of the spirit that didst overtake her. And I, knowing
nothing of fear, could not refuse even such as these, for is

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At some point during this time, the Necromancer will locate Hadulo. With it, enough detail can be seen to get
steal away to her laboratory to concoct a virulent a general fix on where his cave is. The spell will show
poison for her dagger. If confronted, she will merely the cave, the forest, and the mountain in the
state that she is brewing an alchemical liquid with background.
which to enhance her blade’s effectiveness against
spirits. If the PCs are skeptical, they can make a The Necromancer will leave capturing Hadulo to the
Wisdom (Insight) check against her Charisma (Bluff) PCs. She will agree to meet them at the norebo’s
check to determine that she is not telling the truth. clearing when they have Hadulo.
Alternatively, they could examine the laboratory after
she is finished and try to puzzle out what she has The party can arrive at the cave site within 16 hours
concocted. A DC 20 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) (probably a full day and part of another). The exact site
check will reveal that she brewed a powerful poison. has to be searched for, so this comprises a portion of
the 16 hours. Eventually, the party will site the cave.
If confronted further, the Necromancer will tell the
truth, which is that she intends to kill Hadulo with it Refer to the Norebo Clearing and Hadulo’s Lair Map
after the norebo is taken care of. presented at the end of this adventure.

The Last Investigation Hadulo's Lair is essentially a huge boulder, some 50

The Necromancer will ask the PCs for ideas regarding feet high and 180 feet in diameter, which has a split in
what would be sufficient shock to allow Kelanni a its front that goes deep into the heart of the rock and
chance to expel the Norebo. Allow the PCs to attempt has provided for some cave-like openings. The space
to come up with the idea of finding Hadulo and within is very cramped.
presenting him to Kelanni as a means of inducing
trauma. Note: The passageway from area E to F is hidden and
the DM should not inform the PCs of its presence until
If the players get stuck, the Necromancer can finally they locate it.
arrive at this conclusion on her own.
Ceilings. The ceilings of the passages here narrow and
The next course of action is to find Hadulo. come to a point about 10 feet overhead. This means
that there is barely enough room to walk stooped over,
The Necromancer now has a plan. If Hadulo can be except in the "chambers" where the cracks are wide
found, the plan would work as follows: enough to give a full 10 feet clearance overhead. Attack
rolls by Medium creatures in the passages are at
 prepare a protective circle near the Norebo's disadvantage.
Light. Although sometimes Hadulo will light a torch in
order to see and maneuver around his lair, when the
 lure the norebo into the circle using a PC as a
PCs arrive he is sleeping and there are no lights. If the
PCs wait until he awakens, Hadulo will carry a torch
with him wherever he is within his lair.
 activate the protective circle, imprisoning the
norebo temporarily
Sounds. If Hadulo is asleep, there will be sounds to be
heard within the lair. If the hunter is awake, the PCs
 present Hadulo and promise Kelanni revenge
could hear the sounds of his normal activity.
upon him if she will come and get him

 if Kelanni can break the hold, Thaariyshya will

A. Approach
If the path between two flanking trees is taken to enter
intone her banishment spell and hope that it works
the cave, those who do so will encounter the pit. This is
dug in typical hunter's fashion and has sharpened
The Hunt for Hadulo stakes at the bottom, although they are not poisoned.
It is known that Hadulo was an adept hunter and The pit is camouflaged with twigs, leaves, grass, and
forester, and the most likely place for him to be is in some mud, and Hadulo is very adept at doing so. A DC
the Jam-Jum. The Necromancer can use scrying spell to 20 Wisdom (Perception) check will spot the trap. If the

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cover is stepped upon, it will give way, dropping the some lashings in the center which keep the two-part
victim into the pit. The victim may make a DC 14 latticework together as a single unit. The knot untied
Dexterity saving throw to leap aside and avoid the fall. and the lashings removed, the latticework splits in half
and pulls out.
The pit is 10 feet deep and, combined with the spikes,
will cause 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and 3 (1d6) Within are Hadulo's food stores. There is a goat
piercing damage to anyone who falls in. As the pit is 15 carcass hanging by its feet from a beam running across
feet by 10 feet in area, it is possible for two persons the ceiling of this chamber. There are also berries,
walking abreast to fall in at the same time. nuts, roots, and fruit here.

If the area around the pit is investigated, a DC 13 D. Niche

Intelligence (Investigation) check will that footprints This widening contains a pig's head sitting upon a
actually enter the cave from the sides. stone like a trophy on a pedestal. Crude runes and
pictures have been carved into the rotting head, and
B. Entryway fruits and shiny stones are laid at the base of the stone.
This area is generally exposed to the air, although it is
covered somewhat overhead. Crude drawings on the This is a small ritual area where Hadulo tries to ask
walls here show drawings of female figures, all with forgiveness from his ancestors. One of these shiny
long black hair (like Kelanni's), and some with blood pebbles is actually an amethyst worth about 35 gp.
rushing from between their legs. Others show a dead
male figure lying in a pool of blood with a big knife E. Sleeping Place
sticking out of its chest.
Within this place is a fur pallet, a gourd, some arrows
A coil of vine rope lies bundled against the cave wall. A and arrowheads, a bag of eagle feathers, three flint
hollowed out tree trunk lined with bladder skin holds spears, twelve torches, a set of flint and tinder, and a
fresh water. A fire ring on the floor shows signs of wooden digging scoop.
recent use, as does a large fanlike leaf set nearby. The
fan leaf is covered with soot. This is where Hadulo sleeps.

The gourd is filled with water.

The vine rope is 50 feet in length.
The passageway to area F is high up, about 6 feet
To the rear of this place, at the entryway to the rest of
above the ground and is very small (about 2 feet in
the caves, a thin line of cord (made from goat
diameter). Hadulo covers the way with a turtle shell
ligament) has been strung out across the passageway.
painted grey to look like a part of the rock walls. A DC
This cord is attached to a pile of coconut shells. The
16 Wisdom (Perception) check will notice the covering
cord is very hard to see, even in torchlight, as it is low
from a distance, and it will not fool close inspection.
to the ground and covered in mud. A DC 18 Wisdom
(Perception) check will notice it.
F. Place of Refuge
Anyone stepping on it will dislodge the coconut shells, The passageway leading to this chamber is very small
causing a noise. Hadulo uses this to guard him while he (about 2 feet in diameter). Medium and Small
sleeps. creatures will have to crawl to get to the chamber,
which is about 6 feet tall.
C. Small Place If Hadulo hears the pit trap open or the coconuts
This small passageway opens slightly into a little topple, he will listen for a quick second to see what is
chamber. A crude wooden latticework has been placed coming. After that quick listen, he will grab up his knife
here to block off the chamber. and quickly run into the passageway to area F, placing
the turtle shell behind him over the passageway.
The latticework is weighted down with stones and
wedged tightly in place between the passageway walls. The chamber at the end of the way has enough food
The way to open the latticework is to either smash it and water stored to keep Hadulo alive for a week.
down (a long and noisy prospect) or to simply untie

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If Hadulo is confronted, he will attack wildly, figuring norebo trying to dissipate the spell energies.
the PCs were sent by the villagers to get him. Hadulo Eventually, the spell will succeed, and the norebo will
knows nothing of the norebo and has not been back to be banished back to the Plane of Shadow.
the village since his terrible deed.
For purposes of this adventure, it is recommended that
Hadulo will never surrender, but it should be easy to the spell automatically succeed against the norebo. If it
subdue without killing him. fails, then the PCs and the Necromancer could be in
trouble. But if the DM wants a chance at failure, then if
Should the PCs slay Hadulo, they could certainly the spell does fail, the Necromancer will want to flee
continue their plans by simply presenting Hadulo's the island with the PCs if they will allow her to do so.
body to Kelanni and claiming that he is alive. The adventure could then involve the remaining
villagers, the ship’s crew, the PCs, and the
Hadulo Necromancer and her servants attempting to keep the
When the party first arrives at the cave, Hadulo will be norebo at bay while the ship is repaired.
sleeping in area E, having just come back from a hunt
the previous night. Hadulo is paranoid about justice Alternatively, the PC and Necromancer could team up
from the village and so only emerges from the cave at to try to destroy the creature.
The statistics for Kelanni’s norebo are presented in
Hadulo is a tribal warrior. Appendix B.

The norebo is canny and will retreat to utilize its fast

The Final Confrontation healing and then continually strike at the PCs and their
The PCs, having captured Hadulo, should now make
their way to the norebo clearing. Once there, a suitable
decoy should be arranged. The most obvious would be
one or more PCs emerging into the clearing and A Reckoning
provoking the norebo. The plan is not to attack the Once the norebo has been banished, Thaariyshya will
body, for fear of harming Kelanni once she is free of then suddenly walk up to Hadulo and strike him across
the evil spirit, but simply waving and gesturing at it, or the throat with her magic dagger. The move will be
shooting ranged weapons in its vicinity, should suffice. sudden and likely unexpected, and Hadulo will be slain
The norebo, unused to being challenged and having instantly from the virulent poison the Necromancer
grown unwary after his easy successes against the concocted in her laboratory during the time spent
V'nartans, will certainly follow the decoy, right into the researching the norebo and with which she coated
circle. blade of her magic dagger.

As Thaariyshya’s protective circle holds the norebo If the PCs wonder why she did this, the Necromancer
fast, Hadulo can be brought before Kelanni. will explain that Hadulo deserved nothing less for his
heinous crimes. It will be clear that the normally stoic
Kelanni will scream and writhe and eventually will Thaariyshya has been affected by Kelanni's plight.
start to attempt to expel the norebo, so that she can
reach Hadulo and kill him. This internal conflict will With Hadulo now lifeless, the party will witness
proceed much as described in the paladin's passage, Kelanni starting to go completely insane as she realizes
but after about 2 rounds of this, the norebo will what she and her body did to her tribespeople. She will
suddenly be expelled and appear as a disembodied start to claw her face, pull her hair, and scream:
shadowy form.
I did this! I did this! Oh help me please! I cannot stand what I
With this, as Kelanni drops to her knees, too exhausted have done!
to even reach Hadulo, Thaariyshya will pull out her
spell scroll and intone a banishment spell. Unless the Thaariyshya will start to shed tears as she walks over
DM has something special in mind, after a round of to Kelanni, seemingly to calm her. She will raise up
reading, the Necromancer and the norebo will engage Kelanni and embrace her, cooing to her gently:
in a final contest of wills, the Necromancer trying to
direct the energies of the spell into the norebo, and the There, there…it's all better now.

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The Necromancer will stroke her hair for a moment. How long it takes to repair the ship is up to the DM.
Per the Dungeon Master’s Guide, it takes 1 day to repair
But then, Kelanni's body will go limp, and as 1 hit point of ship damage. The ship need not be
Thaariyshya pulls back from Kelanni's lifeless body, a repaired fully to be seaworthy, so the DM should feel
bloody dagger can be seen in Thaariyshya's hand. free to proclaim the ship is repaired whenever it best
Kelanni is dead from the knife and from the poison suits the situation.
The tireless help of the zombies should save a lot of
Although the party is likely to be shocked, through her time. They also assist in unbeaching the boat and then
tears, Thaariyshya will explain that there was no way shamble back into the forest, heading back to the
Kelanni could live with what she had done to her tower.
people. Her life would be a torment worse than any
hell. The Necromancer will go on to explain: The captain will shove off and, as the remaining
villagers wave their thanks, Fermengarr Isle will fade
While you may deem death as a painful ending, I who have over the horizon.
studied it, nay plumbed its very depths, I know that death is
merely a beginning. And that is what Kelanni needed, a new
Award standard XP for defeated foes.
After killing Kelanni, Thaariyshya will depart, asking Remember to divide XP amongst all of the PCs and any
the PCs to burn the norebo clearing until nothing of its NPCs who assisted them. Most likely this will be the
unholiness remains. She will warn the PCs that their Necromancer, but it could also include some of the
welcome in her tower is now at an end, and that they ship’s crew if the PCs convinced them to accompany
should now respect her privacy, she having proved her the PCs.
If the PCs take part in successfully banishing the
The PCs can make their way back to the village. There, norebo, they should receive 700 XP to divide amongst
they can bring the bodies of Kelanni and Hadulo. The them. They should not receive full XP for the norebo,
villagers, seeing these bodies, will believe the PCs unless they ended up fighting it.
when they say that the evil has ended. They will be
grateful, but have nothing to offer the party. Instead,
they will try to help with the repairs to the ship.
Nevertheless, the going will be slow until four days
later when a troop of 24 zombies arrives, the lead one
with a scroll nailed to its forehead. The scroll reads:

It is in all of our interests to see you off of this island. I

have seen your type before, you are the kind that
attracts trouble, and I foresee much of that in your

But I came here to escape the problems of the world, and

I intend to keep it that way, so I have sent these to help
see you off. Command them as aids to help you repair
your ship, and when you leave, please do not judge me
too harshly for what I did to Kelanni...for I once tried to
cheat death, and it turned out badly for me...this time I
embraced death, and found that it would accept my
judgment willingly.

Fare you well, Thaariyshya

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Leedinark Mountain and Foothills

Roll Encounter
As this adventure involves a lot of travelling back and
forth across the island, wandering encounters should 1 2d8 giant fire beetles
be introduced so that these treks do not become 2 1d4 giant eagles
entirely uneventful. 3 1d2 lions
4 2d10 baboons
Allow a 1 in 12 chance of a significant encounter for 5 1 giant wasp
each fifth of a mile traversed. If the PCs encamp or
6 1d4 giant goats
remain stationary in the wilderness, then allow a 1 in
12 chance per hour of an encounter. 7 1d4 apes
8 1d6 jackals
If an encounter is indicated, roll a d12 on the 9 5d4 goats
appropriate chart. Statistics are not given for these 10 1d2 giant lizards
encounters. The DM will have to refer to the Monster 11 1 giant poisonous snake
Manual for statistics..
12 1d3 giant wolf spiders

Jam-Jum Forest

Roll Encounter
1 2d6 giant rats
2 1 giant poisonous snake
3 1 giant spider
4 1d12 stirges
5 1d6 giant bats
6 1d3 giant frogs
7 1 constrictor snake
8 1d3 boars
9 1d4 flying snakes
10 1d3 giant lizards
11 1d2 panthers
12 1 swarm of insects

Cudinarn Jungle

Roll Encounter
1 1 giant poisonous snake
2 1d4 giant wolf spiders
3 1d2 panthers
4 1 giant spider
5 1 constrictor snake
6 1d6 giant centipedes
7 1d6 giant fire beetles
8 2d6 giant rats
9 1 swarm of insects
10 1d6 boars
11 1 swarm of bats
12 1 swarm of poisonous snakes

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slain. It will then attempt to slay the remaining
villagers by stealth in order to regain its power.
The norebo that has possessed Kelanni’s body has Eventually, the norebo might seek to stow away on a
gained 700 FP (see Appendix D for details). From ship (including, potentially, a supply ship coming to
feeding off of the villagers, including 200 tribal supply her tower) and seek more populated lands to
warriors, 200 commoners, and 100 children. feed.

While the norebo is a voracious creature, it is also

quite intelligent, and it will use its Fast Healing trait to
retreat from combat if severely wounded in order to
regain its hit points and resume its attack.

If the PCs manage to slay its body, the norebo will

attempt to possess one of them (or the Necromancer if
she is present, since she is highly intelligent and her
past suggests she has some guilt issues of her own).
Should the Necromancer be possessed, the norebo will
flee with her body, as it knows it is weak and easily

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The necrophidius is a stealthy construct often
mistaken for an undead creature. The creature looks
like a skeletal snake with a fanged humanoid skull. It is
created to assassinate a target or guard an object or

Silent Stalker. A necrophidius normally remains in

hiding and stays absolutely still unless its orders
require it to follow a creature or patrol an area. It
slithers silently and can climb walls.

Stealthy Attacker. A necrophidius’ normal method of

attack is to hide, and then stealthily approach and
sneak attack an unwary target. If confronted by
multiple foes or by a creature aware of its presence, it
uses its dance of death ability to allow it to approach
its enemies and bite.

Blind Obedience. When its creator or possessor is on

hand to command it, a necrophidius performs
flawlessly. If the necrophidius is left without
instructions or is incapacitated, it continues to follow
its last orders to the best of its ability.

A necrophidius cannot think or act for itself. Though it

understands its command perfectly, it has no grasp of
language beyond that understanding, and can’t be
reasoned with or tricked with words.

Constructed Nature. A necrophidius doesn’t require

air, food, drink, or sleep.

The necrophidius appeared in the Fiend Folio for the 3rd edition of
Dungeons & Dragons.

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A giant squid is a larger and more aggressive relative
of the giant octopus. They are known to attack whales
as well as ships.

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This section introduces variations of monsters that are
described in the Monster Manual.

The Monster Manual provides statistics for the typical

skeleton. However, PCs meet a couple of other kinds
of skeletons in the course of this adventure.

The skeleton of a tiny viper, animated by means of The skeleton of a wyvern, animated by means of
necromantic rituals. The main use of a skeleton of this necromantic rituals and imbued with the ability to fly
size is to hunt small vermin or to keep watch and alert using its skeletal wings.
its master to the presence of intruders.

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The Monster Manual provides statistics for the typical
zombie. However, PCs meet another kind of zombie in
the course of this adventure.

A normal zombie outfitted with armour and a heavy

crossbow. While zombies are particularly inept using
many ranged weapons, sometimes it is better to give
them the capability than to deny it to them altogether.

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This section presents statistics for NPCs encountered
in this adventure that are not presented in the Monster

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Disembodied norebos dislike full daylight, and any
target of their powers and abilities have advantage
against them in full daylight.
Norebos are evil spirits from the Plane of Shadow that
sometimes make their way to the Material Plane via A disembodied norebo has a Strength of 1, Dexterity of
the spells of wizards and priests or through weak 18, a Constitution of 10, an Intelligence of 14, a
points in the barriers between the planes. Wisdom of 17, and a Charisma of 18. Disembodied
norebos have proficiency in all saving throws and a
They are hungry spirits that thrive off of pain, strong proficiency bonus of +2. Their AC is 14.
emotion, and even souls. Because their home plane is
devoid of such "food", Norebo are perpetually weak Norebos have a Deception, Intimidation, and
and in agony in the Shadow Realms and constantly Persuasion skill of +6 and an Insight skill of +5.
strive to make their way to the Material Plane. By
feeding, not only do they sate their hunger, but they Disembodied norebos communicate by telepathy (120
grow more powerful, eventually returning to lord over ft. range) to mentally communicate, seduce, and wear
their weaker, unsuccessful brethren. down the potential host. They may cast detect thoughts
at will.
In many ways, a norebo does not function as a typical
creature, but is more of a sentient template that A disembodied norebo can return to the Shadowfell as
applies itself to another creature. Furthermore, a an action. However, given that it cannot return to the
norebo in possession of a body advances in power Material Plane as easily, it is likely to do so only if it is
almost as if it had its own special norebo class. somehow threatened or if it has accumulated enough
status or power to desire to return home.
Despite its appearance, a norebo is not undead. It is a
fiend. Disembodied Norebo seek to possess the body of a
humanoid. Humanoids with an Intelligence score of 4
Norebo have two states: embodied and disembodied. or less cannot be possessed, since a norebo's
possession is spiritual and mental, not physical. In fact,
Disembodied Norebo norebos are more readily able to possess more
A disembodied norebo is almost helpless. It appears as intelligent creatures, since such minds and souls are
a shadowy column, semi-amorphous, but generally more prone to self-doubt.
man-sized, with two tiny sparks of red, like embers, for
eyes. Norebos are hard to spot when disembodied. Norebos possess a body by being invited in by the host.
They have a Stealth skill +6. In daylight or bright light, Such invitation can be conscious or sub-conscious.
they have disadvantage on this check. In shadowy Norebos cannot possess a dead body.
conditions or twilight they are extremely difficult to
spot; they have advantage on Stealth checks. A Norebo engages in sub-conscious possession by
enveloping the potential host and scanning its brain
Disembodied norebos are unable to affect the physical for sub-conscious yearnings or guilt or despair, and
world and are, conversely, immune to almost every twisting these thoughts into acceptance of the Norebo.
attack, spell, or condition. They are purely shadow and To do so, the norebo must enter the space of a creature
cannot touch or lift things. They may pass through and spend an action attempting to possess it. The
physical objects if these are not magically warded, and victim must succeed on an inverted DC 10 Intelligence
if they pass through a living being, only a momentary saving throw (see below) or be possessed. However, a
chill is felt. sleeping person is particularly vulnerable to this action
and is at disadvantage on the saving throw. If this
Disembodied norebos are subject to dispel evil and saving throw is successful, that person may never be
good, forbiddance, magic circle, and protection from evil subconsciously possessed by that norebo ever again.
and good spells, as well as spells that transfer a
creature to another plane (such as banishment, divine A Norebo can also be consciously invited into a host.
word, or plane shift). For purposes of the divine word The host must mentally invite the norebo to possess it,
spell, assume a disembodied norebo has more than 50 and in this case, chance of successful possession is
hit points.

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automatic. Norebos gain conscious invitation through Each doubling of accumulated FP allows the norebo to
bargaining, harassment, wiles, seduction, and deceit. A advance in level. In many ways, this is just like
norebo may promise anything to a potential host, but advancing a class level for a player character. Norebos
almost never keeps its word, except when sufficiently advance solely by accumulating FP. They do not gain
threatened. Norebos are adept liars and often select XP.
mentally stressed hosts, since their powers allow them
to work on insecurities and self-doubts. Refer to the chart below.

Any Intelligence saving throw made to resist a

possession attempt by a norebo is inverted. This Proficiency
means a positive Intelligence modifier turns into a FP Bonus Features
negative and a negative modifier turns into a positive. 0 +2 Base features, fast healing,
This includes any proficiency in Intelligence saving return to shadow
throws. 2 +2 Physical increase, rage
4 +2 Physical increase
For example, a 5th level wizard with n Intelligence of
8 +2 Physical increase, claws
18 has an Intelligence saving throw modifier of +7 (+3
16 +3 Physical increase
for proficiency and +4 for Intelligence score). This
means the wizard would have to make a DC 10 saving 32 +3 Physical increase, reckless
throw with a -7 modifier to the roll. attack
64 +3 Physical increase
Embodied Norebo 125 +3 Physical increase, bite
An embodied norebo dwells within the soul and mind 250 +4 Physical increase
of its victim. Once possessed, a victim is under the 500 +4 Physical increase, magic
complete control of the norebo and has no self-interest resistance
or volition. The victim is aware of its body and its 1000 +4 Physical increase
surroundings, as well as its sensations and activities, 1500 +4 Physical increase, charm
and often, even if the norebo is expelled, the norebo's 2000 +5 Physical increase
activities will have left the victim insane.
2500 +5 Physical increase, evasion
A newly embodied norebo has the base features set 3000 +5 Physical increase
forth below. It has the Strength, Constitution, 3500 +5 Physical increase, phantasmal
Dexterity, and speed of its host. It retains its own killer
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma score. It retains 4000 +6 Physical increase
none of the class features, feats, or racial abilities of its 4500 +6 Physical increase, eyebite
host body. Its type changes to fiend. The norebo has 5000 +6 Physical increase
access to the memories of the host, and can utilize its 6000 +6 Physical increase, apotheosis
knowledge (including its skills and proficiencies).

As it feeds, the norebo grows more powerful. While Refer to the chart below.
norebos feed off of pain, despair, and other strong,
hurtful emotions (by being within 5 feet of such
emotions), they actually grow by consuming souls.
Consuming a soul is a lengthy and gruesome process, Hit Points
taking 1 hour per Hit Dice of the victim and involving Hit Dice: 1d8 per level
such grisly rites as horrendous physical torture and Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + its Constitution modifier
the devouring of a live brain. Feeding generally Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + its
requires a physically helpless victim. Constitution modifier per level after 1st.

Each Hit Die consumed gives 1 Feeding Point (FP) to Proficiencies

the norebo. Armour: the proficiencies of the host
Weapons: the proficiencies of the host
Tools: the proficiencies of the host

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Saving Throws: All The norebo can rage as often as it likes, and the rage
Skills: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, lasts until it falls unconscious or until it ends it as a
Stealth, and any of the host creature. bonus action.

Other Features
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened At 4th level, the norebo’s nails have become hardened
Senses: darkvision 60 ft. and razor sharp. It may now make two claw attacks as
Languages: whichever languages the host speaks, plus an action. The claw attack uses Strength and does 1d6
telepathy 120 ft. + Str modifier slashing damage. These replace its slam
Attacks: The norebo gains a slam attack that relies on attack.
Strength and does 1d6 + Str modifier bludgeoning
damage. If the host has any other natural weapon
attacks, the norebo retains those as well.
Natural Antipathy: Beasts and things of nature At 6th level, a norebo can throw aside all concerns for
become uneasy in a norebo's presence. Dogs may bark, defense to attack with fierce desperation, When it
horses shy, and crickets will become still when a makes its first attack on its turn, the norebo can decide
norebo passes by. An area inhabited by a norebo will to attack recklessly. Doing so gives it advantage on
eventually become vacant of wildlife. melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this
Home Plane: The home plane of an embodied norebo turn, but attacks rolls against the norebo have
is the Material Plane (or whatever plane to which its advantage until its next turn.
host is native).

At 8th level, the norebo’s teeth have become jagged. It

At the start of its turn, a norebo regains a number of may now make a bite attack in addition to its two claw
hit points equal to its level. If the norebo has 0 hit attacks as action, The bite attack uses Strength and
points, it does not regain hit points and the host body does 1d4 + Str modifier piercing damage.
is killed.

At 10th level, the norebo has advantage on saving

A norebo may return to the Shadowfell at any time throws from spells and magical effects.
from wherever it may be as a bonus action. However, a
norebo that does this is expelled from its host body
just before it returns to the Shadowfell. At 12th level, the norebo can innately cast charm
person 3/day. It uses its Charisma as its spellcasting
ability and requires only verbal components.
At each level, the norebo gains +1 to Str, Dex, and Con.

Beginning at 14th level, when the norebo is subjected

At 2nd level, a norebo can enter a rage as a bonus to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving
action. While raging, it gains the following benefits: throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no
damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only
half damage if it fails.
 It has advantage on Strength checks and Strength
saving throws.
 When it makes a melee weapon attack using
Strength, it gains a bonus to the damage roll that At 16th level, the norebo can innately cast phantasmal
increases as it gains levels. This bonus starts at +2 killer 3/day. It uses its Charisma as its spellcasting
and increases to +3 at 9th level and +4 at 16th ability and requires only verbal components.
 It has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage.

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At 18th level, the norebo can innately cast eyebite If the shock is severe enough and is related to the
3/day. It uses its Charisma as its spellcasting ability initial feelings of guilt, self-doubt, or despair that
and requires only verbal components. invited the Norebo into the body in the first place, then
the victim has advantage on the saving throw.

An expelled norebo loses all of its levels. What status

At 20th level, the norebo has attained the maximum and powers it gains when it returns to the Shadowfell
power it can from feeding, having, by now, consumed is unknown.
the population of an entire large village or small town.
The power within its body is no longer easily Challenge Rating
contained, and the creature has a limited time left on The challenge rating of a norebo must be recalculated
the Material Plane. At dawn of each day, the norebo as it advances in level. Since a norebo uses its own
must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a special proficiency rating based on its level, for the
success, the norebo may remain embodied. On a failed most part challenge rating is only needed to calculate
saving throw, the norebo immediately returns to the XP value for defeating the norebo.
Shadowfell as if it had used its Return to Shadow trait.
The host body is dead. Note: This creature happens to share the name of the
God of Luck from the Greyhawk setting. If a DM is
For each full week of apotheosis, the saving throw DC using that setting or that deity, then the norebo is
to remain embodied increases by 1. known as a Spirit of Despair.
Expelling a Norebo
If the host body is killed, the norebo is expelled. A
norebo can also leave a body as a bonus action. A
norebo that voluntarily leaves a body is treated exactly
as if it has been expelled.

Once a norebo leaves a body, it may never possess that

body again.

An expelled norebo becomes disembodied, free to

wander the Material Plane in search of another
vulnerable victim. To be fully defeated, its
disembodied form must be banished back to the
Shadowfell via spells that force creatures from the
Material Plane (like banishment, dispel evil and good,
divine word, or plane shift).

In some rare cases, a victim can expel a norebo

without being killed. This is difficult and requires some
sort of severe psychic or mental shock or revelation
(for example, if a norebo kills its host's offspring).

In such a case, allow the possessed victim a DC 16

Charisma saving throw (using its normal Charisma
score) to expel the norebo after 1d4 rounds of
extensive inner turmoil. During this time, the norebo
will be restrained and may not take actions or

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . A Tragedy Unfolds

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