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ABOUT CHINA /SOBRE CHINA/ TXINARI BURUZ Vicente A, Hulel Urmeneta (BAM- Universidad de Deusto/Seminarlo Confucio Mintegia-UNED) ‘vhulcl@amall,com HUICE, V. (2010)" lugar: una matric espacial andlog del pensamlent tradicional chino ¥ ta reflniin postmetafisia europea” in in Slerra, .~ Hemando, S., Habitar le -etora ncognte>> (Przeienies, miradas, pensanientos sobre Extremo Oxente), Linite- La Origa nim, 102104, Santander, 2010, pp. 217-222, (ISBN: 976-84-88498-56-4] (9.1) HUICE, v. (2010) "2 ess: perspoctivas desde el pansamlont chino tradiona”, en Davila Legeren, Andés (cord) La Kea de crs revstada: varlaciones Inererencis, Lpwenu, wibao, 2010. pp: 225-230 ISB: 978:84-9860-547-1] Cis. 2*) HUICL, V. (2011)"Tme and Occasion (The <>: a Temporary Matrix ‘Analogous ofthe Tradtional Chinese Thought and the Wester Pilbsophy Pre= Christian’ en 1 Internationa Journal of Curren Chinese Stuses, n 2 pp: 93-100 (2/2011) {ISSW: 2171- cag}, 9) UIC, V.(2014)" Natries morales en pensamiento mora chino: Confuio” (en prensasis) (29-4) o Imervoiona Jounal Corent Chinese Sues, 2(2011)93-100 ISS 2171.6374, TIME AND OCCASION (THE “OCCASION”: A TEMPORARY MATRIX ANALOGOUS (OF THE TRADITIONAL CHINESE THOUGHT AND THE WESTERN PHILOSOPHY PRE-CHRISTIAN) icene Hui ‘The poces of lobaration ental, among other elfets, the possibilty of visting cultures {ar removed geographically and historically. This tnowiedge may alow a better mutual, understanding of ttt, customs, art and economic ie. But aso favors the “onparzan between matics that have atulte retlecve eof the seit. inside fal these fundamexal mates excel conceptions of pace andl time ordering rit ‘of phenomena of varied nature In this sense, the comparison between sain aspects of Conception of tine om raitlonal Chinese an! essa! Greek though, eaulé be ina ‘contbtion to ths mutual andrstanding ad recogaiton ofthe baluation era Ts has been chosen a efemnce Chinese ltelletuas productions ofthe socalled Chun Qu and ‘han Guo peiod and Greek intellectuals productions af VV 1. Coatinuig te Ines of Investigation of Frangos Julien, wil offer an approximation to the sintudes. and Aiferences of the tine conceptions In tradtonal Chinese thought and Greeks pe-Chitn, teutting them Inthe notion of the “ecasion” (hairs / shi) and exposing partner: stra condtins Keywords: Time, Occasion, Gabateation Aecsved 5 October 200, Revised 11 December 2010, Accepted 19 January 2011. Maite Yuan nerealabor. Process of globalization entails, among other effects, the possibilty of visiting cultures far removed geographically and historical, This knowledge may alow @ better mutual understanding of institutions, customs, art and economic fe. But * uno uergaa/Semaano Confuco aege (sai), viulavergara.unedes Correspondenes to; Vente Iii Opto de Salolagla,UNED, Plaza dS. Martin, 4, 20870, Berar (Basque Country, spain) ‘it my thanks to Profesor ok reciad, EnumnuelL2eano and Avante Abul ‘mumber 2(2011) 93 © ntemotional Journal of Curent Chinese Studies et v aso gives facts to compare between matrices that have articulated reflective Ie of thelr societies, ‘Among all these fundamental matrices excel conceptions of space andl time ‘ordering uniquely alot of varied nature phenomena, From this point of vew, the «comparison between some aspects of conceptions of time from ancient Chinese thought and classical Greek thought is an intial contribution to this mutual Understanding and recxgnition of the globalization era For this small essay, wo have chosen as referece the Chinese intelectual productions of the so-called ‘Chu Qiu and Zhan Gu period (in entirely whole (ram the elghth century to Ib and Greek respectives (VV b.C), following the tell of working of sinologist and French philosopher Frangois alien, 4. Time in anelent chinese eure, ‘As noted by Professor {mmanuel Lizcano (1993), traditional Chinese thought has ‘not produced anything ke the concept of time of western philosophy. Also “for Chinese rationality, space and time form an interdependent unt, Ue space ffl of heterogeneous mearings according tothe places and the tne appears linked to places and events. he reason why this option has been configured may refer to theee aspects that are proper to Chinese thought, which are not expressed in the western culture, ‘The first aspect isthe 10 tinking of temporary phenomens to movement, and therefore tothe space hienomena, “in genera, if China had not seized the nature in texms of movement it was because it had been designed from reference of correlation factors, which were established as poles and not as individal bods condemned to the movement: they are yin and yong energies, fiom which an endless interaction flows (Hence the devoted attention to the magnetic phenomena, much rather than in Wester world) (lien, 2004/2005b: 19) Ths, 35 opposed to the vincuation ofthe temporary phenomena ta the movement, in ‘china they have reflected more on the phenomend of pracess of influence snd transformation. So we can read in Confucius i, 21: "What is made is made tall bolongs to the past” (1997/2005: 53), ‘The second aspect Is the absence of an equivalent of the notion of eternity in China, “China has thought the absolute, ether the Heaven ofthe Confucian or the oad of tne Tacist, without in fact to thinking ofthe eterna (lien, 2001/2005; 23), Faced withthe notion of eternity, China developed the notion of eanstoncy. The difference is important because constant means that does not change within the variation and the eternal means that does not become.Both show a permanence but set in a different way, “while the permanence of the eternal fs Joined to the being and offered to contemplation (theory), the constant refers to os Number 2 2011) ii as @ tinye and Oecoston (he “Occasion”: a Temporary Mari Anologous the state of things o, asthe Chinese say, to thelr operation (concept of yong JI). ‘The eternal brings ws to an essential identity, the constant, on the other hand, is in the order of eapity (notion of ét! } So, “while the eternal f beyond ime, the ‘eonstant is never interupted. "ullien, 2001/2005: 23-4). About the constant we can read in Zhuang Zi (XX, 4)" Beginning and End ave being ‘developed without intertuption® (1983:369). Or, in XXII, 2, about Dao: “!Oa0), thas extension or duration and has not beginning or end, i isthe time itsel” [1083: 396) Permanence can also mean "to forget diferences between tines” as says Zhang Zin 12 (1983: 202). Finally, the third reason is the absence In Chinese language, until relatively recenty, of any expression related to being as understood in Wester. “One of the most striking aspects in old Chinese language isthe absence ofthe verb to be fas a predicate; in lc, the identity I Indicated by simple juxtaposition "(Chene, 3997/2002:32-33). Consequently, there vas no reflection on the becoming of being or any notior sia to the essence of something. In conclusion, we could say thatthe tational Chinese culture dil not ¢hink the time and we can fd confirmation inthe fat that they must translate the word time from lapaness when they encountered at the European thought inthe late hineteenth century, as reflected inthe dictionary Yinghua Bilingual dacidion Yan Huigingen (1908), “Time wae translated into Chinese as between moments Uapanese ikon, Chinese Shiie fi). Space, likewise, was vanslated as between hollow (lepanese Kukan, Chinese konjian fl) uilen, 2001/2005b: 48-49). tn this respect ts significant that Zhang Danan, in his book Key Concepts in Chinese Phitosopy does net make any reference o similar concepts on time of space. ‘As opposed to time, the Chinese thought the moment, understood primarily 25 8 Seasonal time. Starting from this nation was developed a phenomenology of temporary being that enabled toreflet better on the Opportunity of the time and fon the Availabilty (4s oppesition to the precedence), which have remained in ‘Western in the state of the sub-theory"ullen,2005: 10). And al this linked to ‘one of the matrix Kleas in Chinese culture ike the idea of chonge: “Inthe design jhudeo-Christianty which links the existence of a God Almighty, the Chinese Understood It as an evolution or change, Book of Changes being the origin of Chinese culture "3s serves to find the law of evolution of things and affairs (Shouln, 2005: 23-4, |We cannot expan here the Kleologtal changes which supposed te introduction fof furldhism in China, particularly about the conception of time, but in the traditional Chinese thought, this ancient temporal dimension has been indicated by several researexers from early sinologst studies, Number 2 (2011) 95 International Journal of Convent Chinese Studles itv | For example, Marcel Granet, in his famous La pensée chinose empiatized the Importance of" te idea of circumstance, the lea of chance {favourable or not to an action) "(Granet, 1934/1988: 79). But aso, historians of Chinese philosophy have remarked its vaidty not long ago: “The requirement to adapt to the ‘mutation leads to the notion of opportunity (sh IM), which sees time not as 2 regular and uniform way, but as a process more or less favourable" (Chen, 2002/2006: 248-249), None of this, howeve,, can be separated from the "mentality which is more practical than speculaive" (Gernet: 1993: 100) veey typleal of Chinese world Something lke this was perceived by Hegel many years ago: "The objectivity here isnot the eice of thoveht, isnot the unversalty that Is the way of thought, but an immediate, sensitive form’, and so "the body of knowledge is therefore of empirical nature, not theoretical "Hegel, 1830/1982; 247) Something that was alo perceived by Max Weber, wio inthe excellent essay on {Confucianism and Taoism, sid: “The impersonal heavenly power aid not speak to the men, it was revealed in the way the land was governed, inthe mess ofthe ‘order of nature and the tradition, which was seen as ene part ofthe csmic order (Weber 1920/1983: 28), 2. Time in classeal Greek culture In relation to the perception of tine, classcal Greeks made distinction between ‘Gonos, Kalrés and Aidn. According to Antonio Campillo "the term Chronos designates the unlimited succession of tine oF times in its more abstract ‘universality, in short, the Time "(Campillo, 1991: 30}. To set this temporary ‘limencion that has been predominant in the Western culture twas necessary to ‘an time with relevant points of reference that is, with events. Indeed, the ‘notion of event is intrisially related tothe dea of time and we cannot conceive time without events that might happen. "The nature of time, if ithas nature, Is reqarding this possibility” (lien, 2001/2006: 78), The second form of Greek temporality, the Alén - / AEI on (which is always) passed to designate the major eras of ages ofthe life ofthe work, large eons oF ‘fees of the cosmos and even the Tne as everlasting living ie without principle ‘oF end, this isthe Eterrity, conceived as fly simultaneous ofall times *{Campillo, 1991: 40). As a whole, since Plato the Chronos has been understood as the moving mage of Ai, However, among the Greeks there was a third way of considering the time: it was the Kalrs. Kairés "means a moment, a relatively shor time interval, butt not the present moment: it # neither the objective or physial Instant, nor the 96 ‘Number 2 (2011) EE a | oO Time and Occasion iThe “Occasion”: 0 Temporary Matrix Anelogous. subjective or psyctologieal present. Its the appropriate time, the favourable ‘ceasion, the opportunity "{Campillo, 1991: 60), | The fads oof leting and ransent temporally adie to perceive | i there isnot sore aval. Infact, it was represented by a bad youth Covered with a wig that an in ont ofan alt who oniy managed to catch the wie Furthermore, iss bat state of hing, something ikea ofr to the man beings an simuftaneousy, am atte of min! that knows how to | tiverstand is offer, Fnally, Koss connected wth the opportunity of aking a tection. Totter itis what Aristotle ald "the goad in the ator of tne" Thisart of ating “sts on the aksent ofthe lie of proceses or extra vents tothe log of subjective measures, and the guessing of eonvergence of twotines or curves Kerk, 19575). ‘This type of temporality dappeared along with the acculturation generated by the spread of Jewish Christian euture in Wester work, however, this culture kop, like i other Seite religons, modes of chronological andl eternal time. Only the applleation ofthe durde by Hen Bergson (€3sa sur les données immeédiate of conscience, (1888/1991), made it possible to dlscem a type of temporality in the western eultore que alstant from the modo! of Chronos as wll from the Eternity. 23. The time (lars and shi) ‘As we have seen, there are some similarities between the ancient Chinese conception of tine focusing on the moment andthe aceasion (si shi and this, mode of Greek temporality called Keds. As in ancient Greece the concept of Kairés coexisted with Chronos and Ain, nonexistent in the Chinese thought, Some researchers nave suggested some shortcomings in the Chinese reflexive worl ‘us, these no conceptual notions of tine were considered by Durkieim as typical of no developed cultures (Mule, 2007), continuing in the wake of Hegel and Schopenhauer that qualified them as pre-rational modulation, However, as noted again Jullien, “Is not that Chinese do not know to think the time, fis rather a more comprehensive elucidation of the concept that was not necessary forthe dominant trend of his thought, according to the strategie optical they preferred; the moment time that we must know to walt for so that we may be led by tn the event has much more interest for them “Ulen, 2001/0036: 43). ut now, without ideological and ethnocentric linkers, i is noted inthis example that, for various reasons, far cultures as the ancient Chinese and classical Greek Number 2 (2011) 97 a TT Intemotional Journal of Current Chinese Studies Mail v. offer similar thoughts, in this case, for some dimension of temporality. The analogy, bordering almost on similarity, because it has been proved “occasion Fesponds to situation: “the good, when we set in motion iis occasion-time “(Lac 1i: 8). Ths isnot the Tine but the time of opportunity (the Latin sald: tempus Capera, take this opportunity). “The time you need to know how to expect and hot to lose. This Is a part of strategic loge and no longer theoretical and, therefore, we find I, in theit verbal use, with the sense (to watch) of (appropriate) moment” pullen, 2001/2005: 40). 4. Sodety and temporaity. From the viewpoint of temporal concepts, between the classical Greek culture And Chinese traditional culture there are similarities and diferences. Among the dlferences we could mention the dssimar notions of time lke Chronos or Aién {or Eternity} probably vinculating to the late appearance of the verb fo be, Gut among the siniarities we could affirm the one that links Kars and sh Francois Julien aserts thatthe basis of relational knowledge, "the question of whether a foundation fs elther sociological (or agricultural) is not my problem” Uilien, 2005: 54 although this aspect has been noted by several sinologist (aki Preclado in 1996: 22). len prefers to operate with concepts, stripping them of their original meanings an! making them move in the Western culture as mental agitation, wien could be a commendable philosophical work. but neither can we abardon the attempt to know the primitive conditions ofits formulation and its subsequent reformulation. In fact, applying the criteria ofthe sociology of knowledge it would be very interesting to investigate fs posible te establish corelations between the mentioned cultural features and the socal structures ina large serse - not, of course, asa rellection or condition. But apart from this perspective, we should analyze how certain conceptions of time, as in classical Chinese culture, may, in is dissemination support the development of certain forms of social relations and social structures and underpin of delgitimize Speci social structure, Vicente Verdi states tothe effect that such conceptions Suggest a background in which “the word i funded on a natural order “and so “or the Chinese mentalty it f= more dificult to subvert a natural organization, linked to immanence® (Verdi, 1998:147}. Furthermore, fram the viewpoint of discourse, "the importance that the Chinese tach tothe spect velies would depend on inertia in China "(Perelman 1958 / 2006: 139) And, also, prolongation of the afore mentioned investigations, it ‘would be intresting to detect the influence of European colonization in a word, It would be very crcal to note what changes have occurred in these classical 9 Number 2 (2011) Time end Occasion (The “Oecesion”: 0 Temporary Matrix Analogous. concepts since the Mavst revolution and after the deployment of capitalism of the era of Deng Ts Pin. Finally it might be more questionable fn a society that has been articulated in the design of Judeo-Christian (ar Budd?) time, with the Khvonos and Aién preponderance, it Is possible to live other modalities of time and if the dissemination of hese other temporary madlaltes may be effective without soda dsruption, In any case, the mast noteworthy ofall we have sad is the possibilty ofa time Without the perspective of death - which is what the chronological time signs ~ that is time seen 2s momentary or seasonal, Because with the disappearance of the perspective of death, the transcendence and ther religious or metaphysical significance disappzar as well So all these thouglts can help us answer the Jilin 's question asked onthe fst ‘pages of his book: About Time: Elements fr a philosophy of life: Wiow to provide theoretical consistency to the opportunity like the time that comes tous, as to the ‘ovaiaity, as which we get 110" ‘ne question that schoes between East and West, between China and Europe 5. bibliography Bergson H, 1991, Guves, Presses Universitaites de France: Pats nyt A. 1991. 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He (edt) Foreing Languages Press: Boing, huang Zi. 196. Zhuang Zi. Preciad fod irulo de Lectores: Madrid 100 Number 2 (2011) | EL LUGAR, UNA MATRIZ ESPACIAL ANALOGA DI MIKO RADICIONAL, CHINO ¥ LA REFLUXION POST-MICLABISICA EUROPRA, ‘Vicenre Htc Urensta Mae Ye a 1, Bl expciostiempe ey el peasamiento tacional chino literencia de I conceit elfsies occidental que estableci dese el principio ‘espacio y el tsmpo com entidaes difereneindas, ene pensamiento chino traci fo espaco-tempal aparece como una mafsteibnunivecs. Dicha manifesta ibn univocs se presenta ein de Jn, on un ime de sineronicidad (1949/1988:25) “qe en China jugar el papel que en i ordenacién de la experiencia juega en Oecidente el principio de emsalidad”(Lizeano, 1992) 'Asi mismo, la eategorztcon occidental lisica Ue espacio y el empo se pre tad como tna suesin de tans (le vsiones en el sentido etimogico griego), sca tent su remision a coneepos (desde Avistéeles), su consideracién como aprioris de ensibilidad (Kan!) o at postlacién como noeiones, como en el ago de Maurice albwachs. (Hui, 2007), En Chin, pore conto, ysgoindo na eeonoeda dspaicin elexva, fo espacio- temporal se ha eoncebid dese un perspective etatéyie sin que, en ningin momento, fe haya ahora desde un punto de vista (bri 0 meramente contemplative Clie 1992/2002}, pues en China sempre “se cio una ment mucho mas pretea que espe clativa™(Gesmet, 1993-4 100), 2. Am oxasiny el Ire ‘Conseeuentemente,y somo se a explicitado en oto lugar (Huet, 2008), frente aa ‘concepeign temporal acidenta, tical en I eternidad (a), exonos ye kit, el yesamiento ino ropugns a frpovaidd de In ocasib,propeia © no para Ia eaizacion de doterminadas accion. Simulineamente, esbozb,fente al espacio abstracted la metafsia © de a fsicn coceientn, na eoncepen refer al gr, jor a disposi dels lugares, tien on un rier eualitative vineulado a su careter propio © no propico, sa, C- Metiado, S. Hebi tetera oe Retest Roe pee eaten! iL Ong in, 12-104, Saar, 210, pp, 27-22, (SBN: S78 8498 @ ies crete se maniteton td su pei en os textos noisy pac i mene en Zhang qin e hace dese, pr ejemplo, a su ani ii neste ipen a tention, us" i, tenn Hit, no Gane init, sefiaando si que et i tne enamittv od cite espacial 50m Tsoi, arenes de reli” ye , as establece artficalmente el hombre y no tienen realidad por si mis (Chong, 199772002; 133-108), 3, Carmcterizncibn del <> como muti espacial mando conta tact hegelinns que wo vein en fa ccncia china sino “un eon junto de conoc sleza enpiticn” (ee, LS3O/1980: 247), Max Weber stad que en el ample contexto den “scionalizcign del saber y de hu habiidad emp cos", eneaminada “en le direcidn de wnt imagen mdgica del mundo” (Weber 1920/1983: 394) fue “incomparable el enorme eesarollo de la pictea de la geomdnren el jag so fg (viento agus)” estudio del ngs, ue spon wna ex sobre os mares acral, dts ta, ente fas eestione, la fornia yl hat de emplazamiznto dels consrucones, re ‘ionandosinbos aspects con “todas le fra de monaas, ana, reas, auras, debs, hierbasycances dea” (Web, 1920/1983: 39) praponielo emplaamicntos fvorables esfavorebes pa el desarolo de deterninadas actividades ly como itor de la oan. (Gh especitiaba, y momentos favorabeso desfavorables pata st ealizacin, ‘Pam Weber hubo una eine rsstncia a abaxlonar este tipo de eoncepeiones y si se legs a hacerlo en algin moment, fe por motive ccandimicos de alto interés que intr fernn en las tendencies gonna, Por, en elguier eso, a conseenci tevin de cchas tendnei fc la ausensin de unt abraccin gic en ola a a eves del espacio ‘Asse espacio, o, nj, la vst de To dicho, ls espacios, en Chia, sempre rvieron 1 seas todayin tienen (ago ce) un eardtercualitativo y no son susceptibles de una ccomprensién meramente cuantiativs, Asimismo, y came sefala Zhang, Dainian (2002/2005: 77), axa ms importane des espcios es su "send original de eco Teflja ene dengan (Bi) que se eibu come ot huge entre dos mas Fite eater eultatva del expo, siempre entrevista como lugares espetticos ht sito resid posteronnente, nis allt de intepretacioneseuroeéntias, como un die rentedispsicin ideloyico-cultra ‘Ya Marcel Gran en s0e8lebre La peusée chino, seal queen China inteesido en consider el Espacio como una extension resultate de lx yustaposieibn de ‘lementos homogéaets, eno uns extn eI ue todas ss partes fuera supesponibles™ wie set ‘ino que mis bien se ha prefrido vr en el espacio “un complejo de dominios, de climas Y dle oventes" (Gran, 1934/1988: 7) CConsecuentement, “los Chinosno tvieron ninguna disposiion para coneebir, como ‘los metios indeperlientes y neuos, un ‘Tiempo abstracto y un Espacio abstiacio™ ‘Grane, 1934/1984: 78). Y por todo ella “ang, ta idea de orientaci, de lugar (favorable ra easo pticuar)” (Grane, 1934/1988: 79) resulta anlamental 1 espacio, asi eonoebid, se fmalizab en fom de ee, y est pineipio fom ab ula wnsieraion tito do Toe grandes eepacioy como de lox ns pees Delt Formalizacfn en forma de cuadado servla pa establecer “a determincion de los fovientes y de los hngares [fag] (Grant, 1934/1988: 81). rms lien ha desoeado que ests apreciacibn euaittiva del espacio mis alli de “afianzuaenedintamnent a la valida de ato” peat que los chinos coneiberan ‘espacio “como um perpen dispositive, el iso que pone en seein la vitaliel original tie naturale. Ades, yveiriéndose a su plasmaci6n geonsintca, "a eontiguracion tupopifiea se conttaye er un eampe nagnético (1 mismo que explors el compas del ttvomiitico eagadlo de una poteneiatidad, regulary funcional, que fo organiza en edes y por donde ecula la efieiersia” Clin, 19922000:72-73). Max recientomente, Enminwel Lizeano ha subrayado, en sus eanelsiones 3 Imaginavie eoletvo yerevctin matemitca, que una de las matrices fundamentals del imaginato chino es"suponsr un espacio simbelice marealo por oposicidn, ene que tos gars significa; esto, n espacio tensa (1993: 266-7, a diferencia de espacio exte0 ‘como extension deliitacn que seria una mare del imaginario greg. 4, La cmergencia de <> en Occidonte: Hussely Heldeguer CCuviosamente, a dimensi evalitativa do espacio a so puesta de manifest en Ia retlxién past meafisicnevopes, Asi en feo, dicta dimensin aparece como un wspecto felea dla fenomenologa ce Husserly se prolonga en la obra de Martin Heidegger ten relacin Heidegger, como nny bie bx puesto de manifesto Carlos Hugo Sie, puede incluso apuntarse cistn inspiraein orients en el tratamiento de esta cues, {rel eontexto de st aproinncin al mundo eintl en su vrtene joponesn bajo et inijo {el toismo o del budismo-zen (Sera, 2009:1) evalquier cso, li exestin de la espacialidad ve bord por Heidegger en mame- rosos esritus Aparenia yu en Ser y Tempo, en Tos eaptulos de aii del mundo (11 Il C),y tw ovintacionfenomenolbgia ines apatar cualquier consideraién sobre el teciomatemdteo o abseaeo, resllando ht nyportancia de las sitiax, Asef sitio era onsiderado como “el deteminado aguio all en que es pertinent un iil" shh alls por ls sis, El mu cicndante nose spon en wn espacio px ‘nent to, sino ques expeifics manda artcula ens significative ef plexo Ue ‘conforma de una cowresponient ftalided de sitios sets por el ver en forma * (Weider, 1927/1984: 117-9). Esai, pra Heeger, a frmulcin dl espacio abstract tenia como consecuenci rewtalzacin de lssitiasy de ln expeificidad experiencia de los misos: “El descubr thent del espacio emaneipindose del vr en forma, para no hacer mas que dig a vist, tnetaliza los parajes del mundo circmdante, convnindatos en ls paras dimensiones Tor sitios yatta de sitios orientados por el ver e Yorn, de il @ fa mana, des ‘ene a vel de una na wutileidd de gars para eualesquera cosas" (Heidewger, 02771984: 128). () 1 interés por destacar la fenomenologi espacial se mano en fos tests del deo rminsdo sogunde Heidegger y buons peas do slo son lus considenciones que apareeen cer ensayo “Const, habit, pens En dicho ensayo Heidegger afirmd que “lo expaciado es eala vee otongado, y este modo ensamblaio, es devs, coligado por medio de un Inga, de lo que 6 mai festa que “los esprcios reciban su eseneia desde lugares y no desde el espacio” (Heider, 1952/1994: 136), Confirmaba, desde luego Heidegger que el espacio, entendldo como extensin, pee se sometido aun prozsso de abstaci. Pero est espacio abstract, el espacio maton ‘qe abiualmente eibe ef nombxe de e espacio, “no contiene espacios ni peas... en él nna eneontearemes gares"(Heidegger, 1952/1994: 137, ‘As pues, qed lao que la intencin de Heidegger fe mastra los expacis frente al xpacio, fimo la posibilidadconstitiva abstract de este tim pero adviticndo ce iaciones, Coin se pregunta en su ensayo "El ate y el espacio": “Puede vaer el esptio fj Tisicoenicamente, cualquier que sea en adelante a lerir determin, ‘como el ino verdacero espacio? Comparidos eon él tos los dens espacio disponi bles el espacio arstico, cl espacio del ir y venir eoidinos- son sSla petiuraciomes y varfaciones condicionadas. subjetivamente del inieo espacio eésiica abjeiva?” (eidegaer, 1969/1985: 145)" 5.Conrespondencnsy diferencias: soviedod y conociniento Pra Grane, las eencepeiones espco-emporle china racionses ican pueden ents desde una farmacién social de caer etal, la soon fa dda en gu dca sociedad ha permaneclo emo Feudal, of Espacio ha pido sr imaginado como unt er cin jerarquzada de etesiones heterogénes" pus “eareterizado por una sce de diversi lad coferente nea resta sere mismo en culguiee lugar i en evalu momento” (Grant, 1934/1988: 8 Enel eas de a fenomenologl,y mis caeretavente ce Heide, eivndicacin te rea de los espcins od los sts frente al epeo abteto, odin er consierada coo for ‘mando parte de un dispsitivo conservador aly com han puso en evidenciaJfley Heri (1990) y Pere Bout (1988), Pes, en efecto, feat al modelo de espacio coin y homgéco propo dla me dad gta de a barges, el movimiento easervado ant-bgés, l madersnea ra cianario en palabas de Her, reivntid el espacio hetrogéneo y jesgizado del Antiguo Regimen sn ocular sumpologia meicvaizant¢, inchs, ope dicho esc heterogéneo al tiempo, can eater genera ‘Asie el context del pensamiento conservador, el concept de historia tenia ser nis espacial, esto es mis referido los acontecimientos reltivs 4 un émbito tential determinad, que femora, destacando,poro tanto la coexstencia y no la sucesin, Dic camacteristica ere evident, segin Karl Manni, en It obra del pensador alemin A, Miler ue “acu la conta-palava conse vados conscience ‘bette democrtio contemporaneidad” (1927-19537 1963: 126) No obstante,y mis alli de estas comrespondencias socio-ideoldgieas que, sin dul, eden reson bite eves, os tmnbign idudable qe en el contxto do In erlion te pension bungie dele una pespeciva progress, la reivindenion de un areter ‘ualtative del espacio pernite modular una allerativa al cuanttaivsmno contabl,y of ein, Ia posibiidd de un pensamiento alternative (aie, 2000). ste pensamiento aller ht sido formalizado por aora en Oceente también de mano de la literatura, a tawés de autores como, por ejemplo, Peter Handke, que ha dsaroliado slgunts de let inuicionesheideggeriana, como han eomentado Michele Comet (1996) y Vicente Huei (2000, 2001) Pam hacerse wade de dca formalizacion tsaria con una lecra sored de la obra de Handke ttulada Lento Regreso Peto, no obstane, la analoginen la dsposicin de pensumiento poa ser un camino de muta eomprensin eantaste ene el mundo oriental y occidental, en este caso entre China y Europ, yt que, come dice Anne Cheng el desi inelectt) que China tuvo ‘ut momento eo el fs, Io tiene ahora, en tanto que potencia emergent, con el pen saminto ocldenial (1997/2002; 39). oui, (198g pig de arin Hedger Ps Ls ion de Min (1975] {Comte Me 1990s ton, aps eng y econ eget Petes Hone inane mn 359 5465 ‘Ch U0: sai pension, reso Eins allt (Maa de prc hin, 197) ‘sic 19-4): "5c a ine Sine Rai th acon bee Chi aap Cnet eee, Th 38102 “roe M9: poche, Pais 4 A Mi (12 uP (1989); Le ep Mae a oa (1979) lst Gh WF (980 Ens ve lf do Matar Ue Maki: za Ei tang be poids schile,190 lergr (BOD) El te ea De Kast wl aun, 96), asin ili en IRARANANED Kt come der ev bl psn lio NX KODE, mn. eeu (196 ery mp, iB Fo de Cars nie [ew a 1927. Heo (198; “coxa air, pen” Ben, Wan, Dee 1952) Caner 9 tin, Des El St Tre) (199; mote rota, Mic: Fondo de Ca eosin, Hr @000 "er ims pes dele aaa gan VV. MA ews en tay td Pach de Cn over Caan en ane a rae at ‘hinge Hl) ao So Er de Uns Pus Vasco, p22 Th, ¥ Diy “(jer lo xls Be amare a ar doer Hie", ntl Snes Cede Oto 129.45 is (007 Fy poy cea (arco sre Den alec, Gri Foo Bo Mad A i (208 "a ci ws steno tos el penne acon lio las repel (on fs, enameled (emai: 9 de ler de 2008 Frat Conger Chine Stl an 0 Lp ed oe con, Pa oe i ta lee ine, ae ‘ame presi tec: on ed ofa en Ci Pay Sel, 192 @ el, F205): Chin el gu pe: Bel: Atop ate, 1m ipo mer ih

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