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Capital University of Science and Technology

Department of Computer Science

CS 3713- Introduction to Information Security & Forensics
Semester: Fall 2023 Max Marks: 10
Instructor: Fahim Shahzad
Assigned Date: 27/Oct/2023 Due Date:
Name: Reg. No.
(Note: This is a group assignment. One solved assignment needs to be submitted by a
group of 3 students)
Question No. 1.

Visit the online SoundCloud repository by NumberCop that contains several different recordings
of vishing attacks ( Listen to at least 5 of these recordings.
Understand what attackers typically ask and how they craft their attacks, what messages do the
attackers commonly use? How do they trick users into entering their information? What social
engineering effectiveness reasons do they use?
Write a series of steps that would help users resist these attacks.
(Write down the serial numbers of vishing recordings that you listened to)

Question No. 2.

Use the Internet to determine how the following advanced Google search engine operators are

allintext, allintitle, allinurl, cache, filetype, inanchor, intest, intitle, link, site, +, |, and *

Then, use at least five of these operators to create potential Google dorking searches. Finally, try
out your searches to see if they are effective. How easy is it for a threat actor to use Google
dorking? How can users and organizations combat this?
List your Google dorking searches, results, and the defenses that should be used against it.

Question No. 3.

Visit the website Cipher Tools ( and explore the tools. Select any three
tools (one for each student in the group). Experiment with the three different cipher tools. Which
is easy to use? Which is more difficult? Which tool would you justify to be more secure than the
others? Why?
Write a one-page answer on your analysis of the selected tools.

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