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Wahyu Setyo Utomo

Student in Diponegoro University

Majoring in Extension Bachelor Program Taxation Accounting

Kadipiro Asri Rt 02/09 Bejen, Karanganyar Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, 57716 • • 082133942642

Im Wahyu Setyo 4th semester Student in Diponegoro University ,Majoring in Extension Bachelor
Program Taxation Accounting.

During in college years im actively participated in some organization, comittee, competition and also join
for training and license for improve my hardskills such as Brevet AB, Accurate for Accounting Training, LSP
Accounting Technician, Microsoft Excel Basic Training and Training Legislatif Senat Mahasiswa FEB Undip, im
joining organization and comitte such as PMK SV,PMK FEB, BEM SV, Sophomore, KKL Committee and etc, the
output all of my organization experience for improve my leadership skill, to learn my communication skill ex:
public speaking, and improvement my networking.

Certification Brevet AB – Tax Training Center July 2022 – September 2022

Training about KUP, Personal Income Tax, Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax and outside Income Tax in
training im learn little bit about International Tax (Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion), also exercise and practice
calculate about PPh 21/Personal Income Tax, PPN/Value Added Tax, PPh 23, PPh 25, PPh pasal 4 ayat 2 ,
Fiscal Reconciliation for Taxation Accounting and im studied theory KUP, PKP, PTKP and etc
Taxation software im studied
 E-Filling
 E-Form
Outside Taxation Software im also study about accounting Software
 Basic Software Accurate for Accounting

LSP Teknisi Akuntansi – Competency on Preparation Financial Statement Based on SAK ETAP Cluster
Certification K3 & Accounting Technician October 2018 – November 2018
Certification for Accounting Technician, also the training is stud y about accounting cycle and exercise
journaling and accounting cyle, and also we study about basic theory K3 for work, im study accounting cycle
practical and theory from the first process until the last process in accounting for make a Financial Statement
 Identification Transaction
 Clasifying and analyse Transaction (Classifying or Sort Invoice Payment and Purchasing in Trading
 Recording Transaction and bookkeeping in General Ledger
 Posting Ledger
 Preparation Adjusting Journal Entry
 Create Trial Balance after Adjustment
 Financial Statement
And also im study about Accounting Software and K3 Theory for Accounting Technician
 MYOB for accounting


Matran Mitra Persada Consulting (Bussiness Consulting & KJA )

Internship Division Tax, Audit & Finance July 2023 – August 2023

Detailing my jobdesk in work are :

 Using Atlas Application for case audit cycle PT.HABE
Completing Index A110 – C120 for audit cycle, input financial statement for review balance status on
EBIT & EBITDA, input legal&detail status company information for pre-engagement audit, input specific
materiality and calculating Cash Ratio, Current Ratio, Profitability Ratio, Gross Profit Ratio, Return On
Equity, Return Of Investment & Turnover Ratio
 Review & checking Financial Statement from Client, and review tax calculation and tax equalization
 Review General Ledger, income statement, expenses for equalization in financial statement
 Preparing Due dilligence , assist staff in division tax, audit&finance for create letter of assignment due
dilligence to PT.CBI
 Calculating&Reviewing Amortisation, Expenses, and asset list on client PT.CBI
 Input Bank Accounts PT CBI
 Visitation to PT.CBI in Klaten Central Java to Preparing Collect Data, And Equalisation every each
ledger, expenses and income before Financial Compilation

Errikaratna Architect (Building Contractor & Architecture Consultant)

Finance Administrator January 2021 – June 2022
Detailing my jobdesk in work are :
 Handle all about Administrative & Clerk, as Labourer Payroll with total 80 labourer in
contractor,Bookkeeping, Collect&Checking Operational Expenses, Journaling, Documentation
Construction Project (Field Project Daily Video&Photos) with total 7 field project, Reporting Cashflow &
Petty Cash in each Construction Project, Reporting Daily Labourer Persention in every Construction
Project, Reporting Annual AHSP, Reporting Stock and Stock Opname Checking, Assist Civil
Engineer&Drafter for Project Opname on Final Project Construction such as Building & Sub-Building
Measurement adjustment between RAB & Field Project Realization
 Used software, such as Daksasoft and Jurnal ID to track and monitor company finances.
 Ensured incoming invoices were processed accurately against required payment deadlines, eliminating
payment disruption.
 Processed inbound invoices, checking accuracy of work detailed to deliver correct payments.
 Created weekly, monthly and quarterly reports for managers displaying company finances, designing
through charts and spreadsheets.
Internship BPKAD Pemkot Semarang
Intern Staff Treasurer Division & Accounting Division
December 2018 – April 2019
 Processing, Checking and Recapitulation SP2D, SPP , SPM
 Assist Staff Treasure Division (Divisi Perbendaharaan) for adjust checking account SP2D
 Assist Staff Treasure Divison for input data and adjustment checking account statement in SIMDA
(Sistem Informasi Kasda)
 Assist Head Accounting Division (Kadiv Akuntansi) for create&reporting Rundown Official Travel BPKAD
Pemkot Semarang to BPKAD Pemkot Pontianak (Rundown Kunker BPKAD Pemkot Semarang) and also
checking the budgeting adjustment on rundown report
 Assist Accounting Division for Handle Administration and Clerk Before Audit duration on March
(Supporting the document such as last year Financial Statement, Budgeting Report in last year)


PMK Sekolah Vokasi Undip 2018

Staff Event Division
 Chairman of the Committee Event Passover & Charity PMK SV 2018 (Manage Event
Passover&Donating Sharing Social Activities duration on February until April, prepare recruitement,
create grand design event, create event divison and structural head - staff, plan our budget target and
lobbying the orphanage, prepare recruitement, create grand design event, create event divison and
structural head - staff, plan our budget target and lobbying the orphanage)
 Director of Division Design, Photography and Decoration Divison on Event Christmas PMK SV
2018Director of Division Design, Photography and Decoration Divison on Event Christmas PMK SV 2018
 Staff Recruitement Committee
 Steering Board on Event Retreat&Gathering PMK SV 2018
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi 2018/BEM SV UNDIP 2018
Staff Divisi Kajian Strategis/KASTRAT – Bidang Sosial Politik
 Do own division Research issue and make naration critic and developing issues and reviewing
regulations that are relevant to criticsm in campus and media about issue of "Kampus Diploma 3
Pleburan menggugat Transparansi Keuangan di lingkup UNDIP serta mengevaluasi sistem PTN-BH
yang dianut UNDIP dalam penggunaan anggaran untuk Fasilitas yang menunjang Kegiatan Akademik
dan Non-Akademik"
 Held an Event (Forum Disccusion) part of KASTRAT Division under SOSPOL BEM SV, Raised Critical
Issue About comparation Academic and Apatism in College with sub topic "Essensi Kuliah Untuk Apa"
 Contribute to up an issue about Financial & Facility Transparancy in Academic Field Faculty Vocational
School under the Bureacracy of Diponegoro University in event "Vocational Circle Forum"
 As Delegates from BEM SV 2018 for speak and discuss on hearings Senat SV 2018 about issue “Audit
Subsidi Silang Dana Beasiswa & Bidikmisi, dan Peninjauan Ulang advokasi umum pada birokrasi
sekolah vokasi”
 Roadshow Fungsionary BEM SV Undip to BEM SV Universitas Brawijaya for discuss About
academic&organizatioal issue in vocational school in micro sector universtiy and macro sector in every
vocational school in Indonesia and solving problem about the concern issue

Commitee Staff Ticketing Event Sound, Photography & More (SOPHOMORE) part of MIKAT BEM FEB
UNDIP 2017
 Preparing Ticket Administration, calculating target & payment from ticket
 Marketing Event in every Organization partner (internal campus) HMPS, Senat, Every UKM
 As Contact Person and do Service offline ticket payment outside in campus stand and reach minimum
target to sell 18 ticket, from all visitors estimated are 1000
 Maintain Checking and Reviewing Visitors Ticket on D-Day in Ticket Counter

Hardskills & Accomplishments

 Payment processing
 Operational Expense Reporting
 RAB & Annual AHSP Reporting
 Payroll processing
 General Ledger Journaling
 Value Added Tax Calculating
 Income Tax Calculating and Reporting
Software/Application Abilities
 Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point
 Google Spreadsheets
 ATLAS for Audit
 MYOB Accounting
 Accurate Accounting (Basic)
 Daksasoft for RAB Contractor
 Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator ( Design Software Ablities )
Language Capabillities
 Indonesia (Active)
 English (Passive)
Finalist on Competition Grand Design & Concept Biro Supporter HMPS Akuntansi
1st Place Winner Design Logo, Creating Narative Description Logo and Philosopy on Competition Grand
Design & Concept Biro Supporter HMPS Akuntansi
Issued by Divisi Mikat - HMPS Akuntansi 2018 · Jul 2018
GPA : in fourth Semester
GPA 3,64 out of 4,00

GPA : 3,24 out of 4,00

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