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Primeasia University

a mission with a vision

Department of Microbiology
Midterm Examination, Fall-2022
Course Code: MBIO 302 Full Marks: 20
Course Title: Basic Microbial Genetics I Time: 1 Hour

Answer any 4 of the following questions.

1.(a) Write down the Mendel’s Law of inheritance. 3

(b) Explain the sex determination of the offspring of human beings. 2
2. If a carrier of a color blind female gets married to a color blind male, what would be the ratio
of their offspring? 5
3. Describe the misinterpretation of Mendel’s Monohybrid cross. 5
4. Briefly describe Mendel’s second experiment. 5
5.(a) Define : (i) Chromosome (ii) Gene (iii) Locus 3
(b) Mention the length of DNA helix, how many pairs of nucleotide present in a helix and
mention the distance between the each pair of nucleotide? 2

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