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320 324 325 -335 -338 349 357 Environmental Studies —A Multidisciplinary Subject 1.1 WHAT IS ENVIRONMENT? “ Everything that surrounds and affects living organisms is environ- ment. ‘Environment’ is derived from the French word Environner, which means to encircle or surround. All the biological and non-biological entities surrounding us are included in environment. As per the definition given in Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, environment includes all the physical and biological surroundings of an organism along with their interactions. Environment is thus defined as “‘the sum total of water, air and land and the inter-relationships that exist among them and with the human beings, other living organisms and materials.” The concept of environment can be clearly understood from Fig. 1.1 ; 3, wat, land ving organisms Fig. 1. Concept of Envionment: ai water land and materials surrounding us and their interactions Togster consuls ou ensronment vironmental Studies 2 Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 depicts the environment ¢ and land surrounding us constitute our en directly, At the same time we too h by overuse or over of human beings if vironment, and ing,’ Water exploitation of resources orby discharges met in the air, water and land. The flora, fauna and mine alta well as the man-made structures in our surroundings po bi-directional interaction with us directly or indirectly, The ae i all these components and their interactions constitute the environmy, $ Does urban environment differ from rural environmen? Ue environment differs from rural environment as there is profoiid influence of human beings in the former. Most of the natural landscapes in cities have been changed and modified by man-made artificial structures like multi-storeyed buildings, commercial complexes, factories, transportation networks and so on. Urban air, water and soi] are loaded with various types of chemicals and wastes. Diversity of plants and animals is much less as compared to rural environment. Urban population is more dense and has greater energy demands. Consumerism is very high in urban environment. 1.2 HOW IS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES MULTI-DISCIPLINARY IN NATURE? Environment is complex and has multifarious aspects. Environmental studies deal with working of earth, its life-support systems, its interactions, influences, its problems and solutions. Keeping in view the complex nature of environment, knowledge and information from various disciplines of science, social science, law and engineering have to be included in Environmental Studies to understand it completely. Figure 1.2 depicts the multi-disciplinary nature of environ- mental studies. Life Sciences including botany, zoology, mi and biochemistry help in understanding tl and their interactions. Genetics and bio as useful tools for finding solutions to environ For understanding the physical and chem abiotic components of environment ‘nergy transfers we have to make use 0 Physics, chemistry, geology, atmosphe Sraphy and geography. * Mathematics, statistics and computer sci effective tools in environmental mod Vater : Environmental Studies—A Multidisciplinary Subject Ce us Ment Life Sciences ) Physical Sciences tant Biology Bleshemiety sg) Physics, Choisy, Earth Science, ;pheric Science, Oceanography, 1S as Biotechnology, eto. leeogtapny’sis eg Basic and Y of Applied Studies ent Mathematics, | Civil Engineering, ee ete, ~ Eom Finis ae a Seienoo” | Modeling Stucles 9 "echncioay | Nanctechnology, aad a ) * sMenagement ees Pes | Awareness cial ces, s0il : aa ' Fig. 1.2 Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies. nt. Subjects like economics, management and sociology provide ds. the inputs for dealing with the socio-economic aspects associated with various development activities. A synthesis of civil engineering, hydraulics, chemical engineering and nanotechnology provide the technical solutions to environmental pollution control and waste treatment that -are extremely important for protection of the environment. Environmental laws provide the guidelines and legal measures for effective management and protection of the environment. af Environmental education: and mass communication are two important subjects that are instrumental in disseminating 4 environmental awareness. a Environmental ethics provide the guidelines for a sustainable 1g life style. a Environmental sciences, therefore, is a multi-disciplinary subject a where we deal with different aspects using a holistic approach. Ss ts 1.3 WHAT IS THE SCOPE OF g ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES? f Due to its complex and multi-disciplinary nature em studies as a subject has a wide scope. It encompasses a lar; of areas and aspects, which may be summarized as follows: Natural Resources—their conservation and man: «Ecology and biodiversity. Environmental pollution and control. Environmental Studies ike environmental science, environmental engineering or envirg erged in this field that are broadly categorized as: «Social issues in relation to development and eny ironme, e Human population and environment ne These ae the basie aspects of environmental studies whieh direct relevance to every section of the society. Environmental sae can also be highly specialized concentrating on more technical sa aspects mena 'gement. tal In the recent years, the scope of environmental stu dies has ded dramatically the world over. Several career oj tions have (9 Research & Development (R & D) in environment: Skilled environmental scientists have an important role to play in examining various environmental problems in a scientific manner and carry out R & D activities for developing cleaner technologies and promoting sustainable development. There is a need for trained manpower at every level to deal with environmental issues. Environmental management and environmental engineering are emerging as new career opportunities for environmental protection and management. With the pollution control laws becoming more stringent, industries are finding it difficult to dispose off the wastes produced. In order to avoid expensive litigation, companies are now trying to adopt green technologies, which would reduce pollution. Investing in pollution control technologies will reduce pollution as well as cut on costs for effluent treatment. Market for pollution control technology is increasing the world over. Cleaning up of the wastes produced is another potential market. It is estimated to be more than $ 100 billion per year for all American business. Germany and Japan having more stringent laws for many years have gained more experience in reducing effluents. Still there is a $ 200 billion market for cleaning up the former East Germany alone. In India also the Pollution Control Boards are seriously implementing pollution control laws and insisting on upgradation of effluents to meet the prescribed standards before they are discharged on land or into a water body. Many companies not complying with the orders have been closed or ordered to shift. (ii) Green advocacy: With increasing emphasis on implementing various Acts and Laws related to environment, need for 1.4 Envir What byen deeds and | inter aspe cam Glot Envi natu fore goir wel loce ime disy Environmental Studies—A. Miltidisciplinary Sibjeel 5 environmental lawyers h, a merged, who should be able to plead i fated to water and air pollution, forest, wildlife etc éreen marketing: While ensuring the quality of products with | ISO mark, now there is an increasing emphasis on marketing 8oods that are environment friendly, Such products have ecomark or ISO 14000 certification. Environmental auditors and environmental managers would be in great demand in the coming years. (i) Green media: Environmental awareness can be spread amongst masses through mass media like television, radio, newspaper, magazines, hoardings, advertisements etc, for which environmentally educated persons are required. (v) Environment consultancy: Many non-government organisations (NGOs), industries and government bodies are engaging environmental consultants for systematically. studying and tackling environment related problems. 1.4 WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENT? Via Environment belongs to all, influences all and is important to all. Whatever be the occupation or age of a person, he/she will be affected by environment and also he/she will affect the environment by his/her deeds, That is why it becomes very necessary to make everyone aware and conscious about the importance of environment. There is an internationally observed environment calendar to mark some important aspect or issue of environment, so that people think, discuss, carry out campaigns and act for the cause of those environmental issues. Global vs. Local Importance of Environment Environment is one subject that is actually global as well as nature. Issues like global warming, depletion of ozone layer, forests and energy resources, loss of global biodiversity etc. going to affect the mankind as a whole are global in nature a we have to think and plan globally. However, there are some environmental problems whi localized importance. For dealing with local environmental iss impact of mining or hydro-electric project in an area, pr disposal and management of solid waste, river or lake pollu “1, Environmental Calendar World Wetland Day February 2 World Forest Day March 21 World Day for Water March 27 World Meteorological Day March 23, Earth Day April 22 International Biodiversity Day — May 22 Anti-tobacco Day May 31 World Environment Day June 5 World Ocean Day June 8 World Population Day July 14 Ozone Week Sept. 16-23 World Car-free Day Sept. 22 Green Consumer Day Sept. 28 / World Farm Animal's Day Oct. 2 | World Habitat Day Oct. 3 World Animal Welfare Day Oct. 4 Wildlife Week Oct. 1-7 World Conservation Day Oct. 24 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction Oct. 13 International Day for Dec. 29 Biological Diversity erosion, water logging and salinization of soil, fluorosis problem in local population, arsenic pollution of groundwater etc. we haveto think and act locally. , aesthetically beautiful, safe a environment for a long time and wish to hand over a clean a earth to our children, grandchildren and Sreat grandchildren, it is essential to understand the basics of environment. Lah 1.5 There plan f optio becat Environmental Studies—A Multidisciplinary Subject 1.5 WHAT IS THE NEED FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS? Ve There is a chinese proverb “If you plan for one year plant rice, if you plan for 10 years plant trees, and if you plan for 100 years, educate people”. If we want to protect and sustain our earth, we have no other _ option but to make everyone environmentally educated. es It is absolutely essential to create awareness about environment because: e Rapidly changing technologies lead to abandoned wastes. In modern era of development there is greater inclination for adopting the latest product of technological advancement and discarding the older one as obsolete. People change their cars, mobile phones, computers, i-pads and electronic goods within a few years, thus adding to the vast e-waste stream. © Our fast and energy demanding life style pollutes the environment. To keep pace with the fast and busy life, people have become increasingly dependent on machines to get the work done fast and make life more comfortable for us. But all these machines are energy demanding. Over-dependence on machines not only increases resource-depletion and energy consumption, but also directly or indirectly affect our health. The electromagnetic radiations from mobile towers and cell- phones, the toxic gases released from industries, noise produced by various activities and polluted water can seriously affect human health along with that of other animals and plants. — People should know the impacts of all such anthr activities. © Crazy consumerism leads to environmental ‘There is a sharp increase in consumerism. Wii buying capacity people have started over-const doubt, it is good to have a good standard of Ii achieved through technological development. But, t life style of people leads to environmental degra It is important to make people aware about the hi of environmental pollution on human health. At people should know how their activities in environment. ‘The earth has a definite capacity to tolerate pollut eustain populations. Beyond that the earth cann chapter a Environmental Pol <1 WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION? por normal and healthy living a Conducive environment is required pyallliving beings including humans, livestock, plants, micro-organ- cand the wildlife. The favourable unpolluted environmest has a

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